| It has recently been suggested that collisions of transversely polarized protons and antiprotons at the GSI could be used to determine the nucleon's transversity densities from measurements of the double-spin asymmetry for the Drell-Yan process. We analyze the role of higher-order perturbative QCD corrections in this kinematic regime, in terms of the available fixed-order contributions as well as of all-order soft-gluon resummations. We find that the combined perturbative corrections to the individual unpolarized and transversely polarized cross sections are large. We trace these large enhancements to soft gluon emission near partonic threshold, and we suggest that with a physically-motivated cut-off enhancements beyond lowest order are moderated relative to resummed perturbation theory, but still significant. The unpolarized dilepton cross section for the GSI kinematics may therefore provide information on the relation of perturbative and nonperturbative dynamics in hadronic scattering. The spin asymmetry turns out to be rather robust, relatively insensitive to higher orders, resummation, and the cut-offs. |