Particle Physics Since Lawrence And Yukawa (p. 1) |
by Nambu, Yoichiro |
High energy accelerator perspectives (p. 7) |
by Nishikawa, T |
Dynamic aperture of the Photon Factory storage ring (p. 17) |
by Katoh, M |
The LEP collider : construction, project status and outlook(p. 19) |
by Bachy, Gérard |
Status of the superconductivity cavity program for HERA (p. 29) |
by Dwersteg, B |
SLC status and SLAC future plans (p. 33) |
by Richter, Burton |
Bunch lengthening : is it inevitable?(p. 47) |
by Burov, A |
The Beijing Electron Positron Collider (p. 51) |
by Fang, Shou-Xian |
CESR status and plans (p. 63) |
by Rubin, D L |
Electron Positron Colliders At Inp: Status And Prospects (p. 73) |
by Skrinsky, A N |
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven (p. 75) |
by Hahn, H |
TRISTAN and high energy accelerator plans at KEK (p. 87) |
by Takata, K |
HERA and DESY Activities (p. 97) |
by Kumpfert, H |
Luminosity performance of CESR with small beta*$_{V}$ (p. 107) |
by Rice, D |
Bnl Status And Plans (p. 111) |
by Lowenstein, Derek I |
The Timing and Diagnostic Systems of the Kicker Magnet Pulsers for the Stanford Linear Collider (p. 115) |
by Gough, D E |
Tevatron collider : status and prospects(p. 121) |
by Dugan, G F |
The Ihep Unk Project: Status And Development (p. 131) |
by Yarba, V A |
The large hadron collider (LHC) in the LEP tunnel (p. 141) |
by Brianti, Giorgio |
Ssc Design Status (p. 151) |
by Edwards, H T |
The 1988 - 1989 Tevatron Collider Run Summary (p. 167) |
by Bharadwaj, V |
An empirical model for the luminosity of the Fermilab Tevatron collider (p. 173) |
by Dugan, G F |
The Tevatron Cryogenic System: Five Years Of Operation, lessons For Future superconducting High-energy Accelerators (p. 179) |
by Fowler, W B |
Tune shift of coherent beam-beam oscillations (p. 181) |
by Yokoya, K |
Helium: Current Status And Future Outlook (p. 187) |
by Fowler, W B |
Protection of Superconducting Magnets against Irradiation during Fast Resonance Extraction from UNK (p. 189) |
by Akimov, A N |
The Fermilab main injector (p. 193) |
by Holmes, S D |
Recent studies on transverse beam behaviour at the CERN PS (p. 197) |
by Cappi, R |
Fermilab Booster Correction Elements Upgrade (p. 199) |
by Merz, W |
Magnetic fields and lorentz forces in an LHC dipole magnet; 3-D analysis using the fem program tosca (p. 201) |
by ter Avest, D |
On the impact of linear coupling on nonlinear dynamics (p. 203) |
by Ripken, G |
400-MeV upgrade for the Fermilab linac (p. 205) |
by Young, D E |
The CEBAF instrumentation and control system (p. 209) |
by Rossmanith, R |
An 805 MHz disk and washer accelerating structure with coaxial coupler for the Fermilab upgrade (p. 211) |
by Young, D E |
Status of the anti-proton production beam in the CERN PS (p. 217) |
by Cappi, R |
An expert system for local compensation of field defects in a circular accelerator (p. 221) |
by Brandt, D |
The perturbations to a small storage ring caused by an internal gas target and its associated detector (p. 223) |
by Baird, S A |
Itep Proton Synchrotron Reconstruction (p. 229) |
by Alekseev, N N |
The Development Of The Systems Of Beam Extraction From The ihep accelerator Under High Intensity Operation (p. 235) |
by Ado, Yu M |
The Measurement Of Betatron And Synchrotron Tune Shifts In An intense bunched Beam (p. 241) |
by Gertsev, K F |
Progress In The Ags Upgrade Projects (p. 247) |
by Sluyters, Theodorus J |
A Stretcher For The Brookhaven Ags (p. 253) |
by Foelsche, Horst W J |
Progress And Status Of The Ags Booster Project (p. 259) |
by Weng, W T |
Damping The Transverse Resistive Wall Instability In The Ags booster (p. 267) |
by Raka, E |
Longitudinal Higher Order Modes Of The Booster Proton Rf cavity Loaded with A Lossy Dispersive Ferrite (p. 273) |
by Khiari, F Z |
Vacuum Chamber Eddy Current Selfcorrection For The Ags booster accelerator (p. 279) |
by Danby, G T |
Status Report On Desy-iii (p. 285) |
by Balewski, K |
The Beam Slow Extraction From A Magnetic Ring Of Moscow Meson facility (p. 291) |
by Gusev, O A |
Experimental Area Of Moscow Meson Factory (p. 297) |
by Grachev, M I |
Luminosity tuning in TRISTAN main ring (p. 305) |
by Funakoshi, Y |
Study of the horizontal-vertical coupling by a vertical bump orbit (p. 311) |
by Kikuchi, M |
Observation of changes of the closed orbit in the TRISTAN main ring (p. 317) |
by Koiso, H |
Observations of synchro-betatron resonances in the TRISTAN main ring (p. 323) |
by Nakajima, K |
Measurement Of The Coherent Beam-beam Tune Shift In The tristan accumulation Ring (p. 329) |
by Koiso, H |
Observation of multibunch phenomena in TRISTAN accumulation ring (p. 335) |
by Funakoshi, Y |
Estimation of beam backgrounds for the TOPAZ vertex chamber (p. 341) |
by Tauchi, T |
ELSA: One Year Of Experience With The Bonn Electron Stretcher accelerator (p. 347) |
by Althoff, K H |
Operational Experience Of The First 20-mev Tank Of The Inr linac (p. 353) |
by Bylinsky, Yu V |
The 1.1-gev /1.4-gev Electron Positron Linac (p. 359) |
by Zhou, Shu |
Beam Current Enhancement In Kharkov Electron Linac (p. 365) |
by Biller, E Z |
Simulation Of High Intensity Electron Beam Modulated By double Shc (p. 371) |
by Sato, I |
Characteristics of a high-current, multi-bunched beam (p. 379) |
by Ogawa, Yujiro |
Positron beams for the PF storage ring (p. 385) |
by Ohsawa, S |
Development of an electron gun for the KEK positron generator (p. 391) |
by Iwata, H |
Osaka University 150-mev S Band Linac For High Gradient acceleration (p. 397) |
by Tsumori, K |
Synchro-betatron resonances (p. 403) |
by Suzuki, Toshio |
Beam-beam effects in electron and proton colliders (p. 411) |
by Keil, Eberhard |
Beam-beam Interaction And Pacman Effects In The Ssc With momentum oscillation (p. 421) |
by Mahale, N K |
Experimental evidence of transverse nonlinear phenomena in accelerators (p. 433) |
by Gareyte, Jacques |
A Solution To Nonlinearity Problems (p. 455) |
by Neuffer, D V |
The Effect Of Magnetic Field Nonlinearities On The Bunched beam Transfer function (p. 461) |
by Balbekov, V I |
Nonlinear dynamics provided by sextupole magnets for the chromaticity correction of the TRISTAN main ring (p. 467) |
by Kamada, S |
Studies On The Chromaticity Correction And Dynamic Aperture of The Ags booster (p. 473) |
by Dell, G F |
Dynamic Aperture Measurement On Aladdin (p. 479) |
by Bridges, J |
Dynamic Aperture Of The Pulse Stretcher Ring Psr-2000 For operation In The low Radiation Emittance Regime (p. 489) |
by Gladkikh, P I |
One New Control Model For Beam Instabilities (p. 501) |
by Guo, Cong-Liang |
Some Aspects Of Aberration Theory Application For Beam dynamics Study In circular Accelerators (p. 507) |
by Nagaenko, M G |
Robinson Instability And Phase Feedback In A Double Rf System for Landau damping (p. 513) |
by Miyahara, Y |
Is Feedback Able To Counteract The Transverse Mode Coupling instability? (p. 519) |
by Balewski, K |
Coupled Bunch Instability And Longitudinal Emittance Growth in The fermilab Booster (p. 525) |
by Bharadwaj, V |
Impedances And Instabilities Of The Ags Booster (p. 543) |
by Ruggiero, A G |
Landau Damping Due To Tune Spreads In Betatron Amplitude And momentum (p. 549) |
by Lee, S Y |
Microwave Instability Near Transition Energy (p. 555) |
by Wei, J |
Evolution Of Longitudinal Distribution Function Of An Intense bunch In A proton Synchrotron (p. 561) |
by Balbekov, V I |
Equilibrium Distribution Of Charged Particles In The Phase space Of A cyclic Accelerator (p. 567) |
by Virchenko, Yu P |
Stability of hollow beams in longitudinal phase space (p. 573) |
by Baartman, R A |
New Aspects Of The Theory Of Resonant Beam Extraction From synchrotrons (stretchers) (p. 579) |
by Simonyan, K A |
The Beam Losses After Injecting Into Synchrotron Under The Dc magnetic field (p. 585) |
by Lin, Yu-Zheng |
Experimental And Theoretical Studies On The Longitudinal motion Of Trapped ions In An Electron Storage Ring (p. 591) |
by Miyahara, Y |
Solvable Map Representation Of A Nonlinear Symplectic Map (p. 597) |
by Rangarajan, G |
Selfconsistent Collision Code For Beam Tracking In Ssc (p. 603) |
by Tajima, T |
The Tracking Study Of A Low-energy Proton Synchrotron (p. 609) |
by Machida, Shinji |
Treatment of radiation for multiparticle tracking in electron storage rings (p. 615) |
by Hirata, K |
Rf Focusing Of A Beam In Accelerating Structures With A traveling Wave (p. 621) |
by Gladkikh, P I |
State of the art in high-field superconducting magnets for particle accelerators (p. 625) |
by Perin, Romeo |
Industrial Series Fabrication Of 255 Superconducting Dipole correction magnets For The Hera Proton Storage Ring, By Holec, Ridderkerk, The netherlands (p. 647) |
by Israel, H J |
Study Of Superconducting Dipole Magnet For The Unk (p. 659) |
by Ageev, A I |
Three-dimensional Computation Of Magnetic Fields And Lorentz forces Of An lhc Dipole Magnet Using The Method Of Image Currents (p. 673) |
by Daum, C |
Design Features Of The Ssc Dipole Magnet (p. 685) |
by Willen, E |
The High Field Superferric Magnet. 2 (p. 691) |
by Huson, F R |
Superconducting dipole magnet with large keystone angle cable for high energy hadron accelerators (p. 697) |
by Shintomi, T |
Rf Superconductivity: Present Status And Future Developments (p. 703) |
by Kneisel, P |
rf system for the superconducting cavities in TRISTAN main ring (p. 713) |
by Akai, K |
rf property of the TRISTAN superconducting cavities (p. 719) |
by Noguchi, S |
Beam loading compensation for the TRISTAN superconducting cavity (p. 725) |
by Ebihara, K |
Variable Input Transformer For Hera Superconducting Cavities (p. 737) |
by Dwersteg, B |
The slotted cavity : a method of broadband damping(p. 743) |
by Chen, Y |
Superconducting cavities for LEP (p. 749) |
by Arnaud, C |
Latest Results From The S Band Superconducting Accelerator At darmstadt (p. 755) |
by Alrutz-Ziemssen, K |
Open Drift Tubes For A-1 Tank Of Istra-56 Linac (p. 761) |
by Vengrov, R M |
The Radiofrequency Systems And Control Of The Hera Proton beam (p. 767) |
by Gamp, Alexander |
52-mhz Rf Systems For Petra-ii And Hera Proton Synchrotrons (p. 773) |
by Funk, L W |
Status and performance of the LEP rf system (p. 779) |
by Hansen, S |
Higher order mode damper with self-cooled coupler (p. 787) |
by Morozumi, Yuichi |
Present status of high power CW klystrons developed for TRISTAN (p. 793) |
by Isagawa, S |
Design Improvements In High Power Klystrons For Accelerator applications (p. 801) |
by Berlemann, J |
Rf Deflector - Chopper For Ssc Injector (p. 807) |
by Guy, F W |
Possibilities Of Inductive Storage Circuits In Induction linacs (p. 813) |
by Bobylev, V I |
The Magnet System Of Hesyrl Ring (p. 817) |
by Zhang, Wu |
The Ags Booster Main Ring Power Supply System (p. 823) |
by Soukas, A |
Performance Of The Tristan Magnet Power Supply System (p. 829) |
by Fukuma, H |
Repetitive Voltage Control Of The Main Ring Magnet Power supply For The kek 12-gev Ps (p. 835) |
by Sueno, T |
Dual-frequency magnet-exciting system with a flat-top field for a rapid-cycling synchrotron (p. 841) |
by Adachi, Toshikazu |
The Vacuum System Of The Hera Electron Storage Ring (p. 847) |
by Ballion, R |
Theoretical behavior of X-ray stimulated desorption of aluminium vacuum chambers (p. 855) |
by Marin, Pierre |
Analysis Of Coaxial Wire Measurement Of Longitudinal Coupling impedance (p. 861) |
by Gluckstern, R L |
Mechanical construction of LEP collimators (p. 869) |
by Bertinelli, F |
Current trends in accelerator controls : the issue of application software(p. 875) |
by Daneels, A |
The LEP control system : architecture, features and performance(p. 885) |
by Innocenti, Pier Giorgio |
The Tevatron Control System - 1989 (p. 893) |
by Lucas, P W |
Bepc Computer Control System (p. 899) |
by Liu, Shi-Yao |
Control system for KEK proton synchrotron (p. 905) |
by Katoh, T |
Field display system for the forecast of beam momentum and betatron frequencies in LEP (p. 917) |
by Billan, J |
Operational Experience Of The Distributed Control System For synchrotron radiation Beam Lines At The Photon Factory (p. 929) |
by Kanaya, N |
Non-destructive profile monitor using micro channel plate (p. 935) |
by Kawakubo, Tadamichi |
Improvements to the monitoring system of the KEK 2.5 GeV linac and its performance tests (p. 941) |
by Shidara, T |
Beam-current monitoring system at the KEK electron/positron linac (p. 947) |
by Furukawa, K |
Precise Timing Transmission Line Between The 2.5-gev Linac and The Tristan accumulation Ring (p. 953) |
by Urakawa, J |
Successful observation of Schottky signals at the Tevatron collider (p. 959) |
by Goldberg, D A |
Improving the performance of power-limited transverse stochastic cooling systems (p. 965) |
by Goldberg, D A |
Experiments and practice in beam shaking (p. 971) |
by Marriner, J P |
Transverse magnetic damper system for TRISTAN main ring (p. 979) |
by Shintake, T |
Phase-space monitor system (p. 985) |
by Shintake, Tsumoru |
Beam dynamics in linear colliders [presented at Tsukuba] (p. 991) |
by Ruth, Ronald D |
Quantum Beamstrahlung And Electroproduction Of The Pairs In linear colliders (p. 1001) |
by Baier, V N |
Coherent pair creation from beam-beam interaction (p. 1013) |
by Chen, P |
Long-range wake potentials in disk-loaded accelerating structures (p. 1023) |
by Yu, D U L |
Effects of RF deflections on beam dynamics in linear colliders (p. 1031) |
by Seeman, J T |
Bunch compression for the TLC (p. 1037) |
by Kheifets, S A |
The high-gradient S-band linac for initial acceleration of the SLC intense positron bunch (p. 1043) |
by Clendenin, J E |
Experimental beam dynamics and stability in the SLC linac (p. 1049) |
by Abrams, G S |
Observation and control of emittance growth in the SLC linac (p. 1056) |
by Seeman, J T |
Energy matching of 1.2 GeV positron beam to the SLC damping ring (p. 1063) |
by Clendenin, J E |
Commissioning experience with the SLC arcs (p. 1079) |
by Barklow, Timothy L |
The CLIC approach to linear colliders (p. 1085) |
by van der Meer, S |
A final focus design for the CERN linear collider CLIC (p. 1095) |
by Napoly, O |
Japan Linear Collider (jlc) (p. 1101) |
by Takeda, S |
Electron Linac Of Test Accelerator Facility For Linear collider (p. 1111) |
by Takeda, S |
X-band accelerating structure for Japan Linear Collider, KEK-89-93 (p. 1119) |
by Higo, T |
X-band klystron diode test for Japan linear collider (JCL) (p. 1125) |
by Mizuno, Hajime |
Fast Rf Stabilization System For Test Accelerator Facility (p. 1131) |
by Hayano, H |
1.5-gev Damping Ring Design Of The Test Accelerator Facility for Linear collider (p. 1135) |
by Urakawa, J |
Control system of the test accelerator facility for linear collider (p. 1141) |
by Urakawa, J |
Recent progress in relativistic klystron research (p. 1147) |
by Allen, M A |
An immersed field cluster klystron (p. 1155) |
by Palmer, R B |
Recent Developments Of Gigatron Technology (p. 1169) |
by McIntyre, Peter M |
Development Of A 100-mw S Band Pulse Klystron (p. 1177) |
by Yonezawa, H |
Field emission and rf breakdown in copper linac structures (p. 1183) |
by Loew, G A |
Rf High Gradient Experiment Of An S Band 0.6-m Disk Loaded structure (p. 1189) |
by Matsumoto, H |
Proposal For A High Gradient And High Efficiency Linac (p. 1195) |
by Sato, I |
Development Of Lasertron And Low Emittance Electron Source using Laser triggered Photocathode (p. 1209) |
by Yoshioka, M |
An adiabatic focuser (p. 1215) |
by Chen, P |
Plasma Physics At The Final Focus (p. 1229) |
by Mori, W B |
On A Measurement Of Strength Of Final Focusing Quadrupole magnet For A linear Collider (p. 1235) |
by Kuroda, S |
Superstrong Quadrupoles Of Liquid Metal For Final Focusing At linear colliders (p. 1241) |
by Silvestrov, G I |
Possibility to measure very small spot sizes using gas ionization at future linear colliders (p. 1247) |
by Buon, Jean |
Alignment and vibration issues in TeV linear collider design (p. 1255) |
by Fischer, G E |
A test facility of super-accurate alignment system for a linear collider (p. 1265) |
by Ishihara, N |
Active Microtremor Isolation System (p. 1271) |
by Naganoh, M |
A study of phase control in the FEL two-beam accelerator (p. 1277) |
by Sessler, Andrew M |
Conceptual design of a linear collider in the TBA/FEL regime (p. 1283) |
by Hiramatsu, S |
The microwave free electron laser test stand at KEK (p. 1291) |
by Kishiro, J |
Beam guiding in the ion focused regime at the KEK FEL test stand (p. 1297) |
by Kurino, H |
The accelerator physics challenges of B-factories (p. 1305) |
by Siemann, R H |
Proposal for a high luminosity electron positron collider at PSI with an option for symmetric and asymmetric collision mode (p. 1321) |
by Wille, K |
Physics and design issues of asymmetric storage ring colliders as B-factories (p. 1329) |
by Chattopadhyay, S |
General properties of an asymmetric B-factory lattice (p. 1343) |
by Autin, Bruno |
An Asymmetric Collider With The Tristan Main Ring (p. 1349) |
by Satoh, K |
Interaction Region Design Of An Asymmetric Collider (p. 1355) |
by Willeke, F |
Beam-beam interaction in an asymmetric collider for B-physics (p. 1361) |
by Chin, Y H |
A design of double ring collider in the TRISTAN AR tunnel (p. 1367) |
by Fukuma, H |
Performance of the accumulation ring e+/e- collider with beam separation at north interaction region (p. 1373) |
by Urakawa, J |
Measurement of luminosity in TRISTAN accumulation ring (p. 1379) |
by Kikutani, E |
Phi Factory Project In Novosibirsk (p. 1385) |
by Barkov, L M |
Kaon factories (p. 1391) |
by Craddock, M K |
Lattices for the TRIUMF KAON factory (p. 1401) |
by Servranckx, R V |
ACCSIM : a program to simulate the accumulation of intense proton beams(p. 1407) |
by Jones, F W |
A general theory of beam loading (p. 1413) |
by Koscielniak, Shane Rupert |
Time domain simulations of beam-loading (p. 1419) |
by Koscielniak, Shane Rupert |
Progress on the KAON factory beam pipe and vacuum system (p. 1425) |
by Oram, C J |
Beam pipe impedances in the TRIUMF KAON factory (p. 1429) |
by Baartman, R A |
The Relevance Of Isis Experience To The Design Of Future High intensity synchrotrons (p. 1435) |
by Gardner, I S K |
Present Status Of The Japanese Hadron Project (p. 1443) |
by Kihara, M |
Intense Negative Ion Sources (p. 1451) |
by Mori, Y |
Design study of a 25.5-MHz split coaxial RFQ (p. 1457) |
by Arai, S |
Extensions To The Rfq Domain (p. 1463) |
by Swenson, D A |
A tuning method of post couplers for a low beta drift tube linac (p. 1469) |
by Naito, Fujio |
A new annular-coupled structure suppressing higher order modes' mixing with the pi/2 coupling mode (p. 1475) |
by Kageyama, T |
Stability of the standing-wave accelerating structure studied with a coupled resonator model (p. 1481) |
by Yamazaki, Yoshishige |
Design And Construction Of A Pulse Transformer For A Long pulse Klystron (p. 1487) |
by Kubo, T |
Development Of L-band High Power Rf Source For The Japanese hadron Project proton Linear Accelerator (p. 1493) |
by Ono, M |
Design Of The Compressor /stretcher Ring For The Japanese hadron Project (p. 1499) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
The Simulation Of The Bunch Compression In The Jhp 1-gev compressor Ring (p. 1505) |
by Yoshii, M |
The Rf Power System With Beam Loading Cancellation For The kek Ps Booster (p. 1511) |
by Ninomiya, S |
Status Of The SisÆsr-facility At Gsi Darmstadt (p. 1525) |
by Blasche, K |
The Cosy-juelich Project: A Synchrotron And Storage Ring For medium-energy physics (p. 1533) |
by Maier, R |
First Electron Cooling Of Heavy Ions At The New Heidelberg storage Ring tsr (p. 1539) |
by Jaeschke, E |
Cooler Synchrotron TARN-II (p. 1547) |
by Katayama, T |
Electron Cooling On The Tarn-ii At Ins (p. 1555) |
by Tanabé, T |
Stimulated Electron Cooling (p. 1563) |
by Ando, A |
Polarized Proton Beams (p. 1569) |
by Courant, E D |
Polarized Beams Of High-energy Electrons And Positrons (p. 1581) |
by Shatunov, Yu M |
Analytic calculation of depolarization due to large energy spread in high-energy electron storage rings (p. 1595) |
by Buon, Jean |
Commissioning Of Mimas, New Accumulator Booster Ring For saturne (p. 1603) |
by Olivier, M |
Chromaticity correction for an intrinsic depolarizing resonance (p. 1609) |
by Toyama, T |
A Polarimeter For Hera (p. 1615) |
by Barber, D P |
Transverse electron beam polarimetry in TRISTAN main ring (p. 1621) |
by Mizumachi, Y |
The Role Of Plasmas In Future Accelerators (p. 1627) |
by Katsouleas, T |
Argonne's Wake Field Accelerator Program (p. 1637) |
by Simpson, J D |
First Results Of Kek Plasma Wake Field Accelerator experiment (p. 1645) |
by Nakanishi, H |
Plasma wake-field accelerator driven by a train of multiple bunches (p. 1651) |
by Nakajima, K |
Effects Of Charge Distribution In A Driving Bunch On nonlinear Plasma Wake field Acceleration (p. 1657) |
by Ohashi, H |
Development Of New Methods For Charged Particle Acceleration at Yerevan physics Institute (p. 1663) |
by Amatuni, A Ts |
Electron Acceleration By An Electromagnetic Wave With A static Magnetic field (p. 1671) |
by Kawata, S |
Beam Transport In The Crystal X-ray Accelerator (p. 1677) |
by Tajima, T |
Stable Solitary Propagation Of Optical Beams (p. 1683) |
by Kurki-Suonio, T |
Generation Of Highly Brilliant Radiation (p. 1691) |
by Huke, K |
The challenges of third-generation synchrotron light sources (p. 1701) |
by Jackson, Alan |
Construction And Commissioning Of Hefei Synchrotron Radiation source (p. 1711) |
by He, Duo-Hui |
The Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator Delta: A New low-emittance Storage ring Of 1.5-gev (p. 1717) |
by Marquardt, N |
Siberia-2 Expected Behavior With Superconducting 10 Tesla wiggler insertion (p. 1723) |
by Krylov, Yu V |
Status Of A Compact Electron Storage Ring Jsr (p. 1729) |
by Harada, S |
Development Of Compact Synchrotron Light Source Luna (p. 1735) |
by Mandai, S |
Higher Order Sextupole Resonances In Low-emittance Light source Storage rings (p. 1747) |
by Nagaoka, R |
Injector Design For The 8-gev Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Japan (p. 1753) |
by Harami, T |
A Design Study For The Sor Facility (p. 1759) |
by Nam, S K |
Status Of The Tristan Accumulation Ring As A Synchrotron radiation Source (p. 1765) |
by Fukuma, H |
Status Of The Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 1771) |
by Kobayakawa, H |
Accumulation of positrons into the photon factory storage ring (p. 1777) |
by Mitsuhashi, T |
Measurement Of Transverse Instability Thresholds In Low And high Emittance optics At The Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 1783) |
by Sakanaka, S |
Influence Of The Building Distortion On The Closed Orbit At the Photon factory Storage Ring (p. 1789) |
by Nakamura, N |
Global Orbit Feedback System At The Photon Factory Storage ring (p. 1795) |
by Haga, K |
Some Characteristics Of The Higher-order-modes In The Photon factory accelerating Cavity (p. 1801) |
by Izawa, M |
Effects Of Insertion Devices On Beam Emittances At The Photon factory storage Ring (p. 1807) |
by Katoh, M |
Design And Construction Of A Superconducting Vertical wiggler (p. 1819) |
by Ohmi, K |
Transient Resistive-wall Effects Of A Bunched Electron Beam in A Wiggler (p. 1825) |
by Rangarajan, G |
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (p. 1831) |
by Nakazato, T |
Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator In Chiba (himac) (p. 1837) |
by Sato, K |
A dedicated proton accelerator for cancer therapy (p. 1843) |
by Fukumoto, S |
Free Electron Lasers: Development And Applications (p. 1849) |
by Pellegrini, C |
Possible Fel Projects At Delta (p. 1861) |
by Negrazus, M |
Experiments On The Efficiency Increase Of Fel Amplifier On the Base Of liu-3000 (p. 1879) |
by Kaminsky, A A |
Gravitational radiation produced by high energy accelerators and high power lasers (p. 1885) |
by Diambrini-Palazzi, G |
Icfa Activities (p. 1897) |
by Yamaguchi, Y |
Summary Remarks (p. 1905) |
by Panofsky, W K H |