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CERN Accélérateur de science

Conference title 14th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, pt.1-5
Related conference title(s) HEACC 1989
Date(s), location 22 - 26 Aug 1989, Tsukuba, Japan
Editor(s) Kimura, Yoshitaka (ed.) ; Muto, Ken Ichi (ed.) ; Nakayama, Hisayoshi (ed.) ; Ozaki, Satoshi (ed.)
Imprint 1990
In: Part. Accel. 26-33 (1990)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords LEP ; colliders ; superconductors ; kaon ; polarization ; technology ; control ; instrumentation ; linear colliders ; ion ; new concepts ; ICFA ; LHC ; SSC ; Tevatron ; beams ; beam dynamics ; UNK ; HERA ; linac ; Tristan ; AGS

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF ; Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C89-08-22
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Particle Physics Since Lawrence And Yukawa (p. 1)
by Nambu, Yoichiro
High energy accelerator perspectives (p. 7)
by Nishikawa, T
Dynamic aperture of the Photon Factory storage ring (p. 17)
by Katoh, M
The LEP collider : construction, project status and outlook(p. 19)
by Bachy, Gérard
Status of the superconductivity cavity program for HERA (p. 29)
by Dwersteg, B
SLC status and SLAC future plans (p. 33)
by Richter, Burton
Bunch lengthening : is it inevitable?(p. 47)
by Burov, A
The Beijing Electron Positron Collider (p. 51)
by Fang, Shou-Xian
CESR status and plans (p. 63)
by Rubin, D L
Electron Positron Colliders At Inp: Status And Prospects (p. 73)
by Skrinsky, A N
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven (p. 75)
by Hahn, H
TRISTAN and high energy accelerator plans at KEK (p. 87)
by Takata, K
HERA and DESY Activities (p. 97)
by Kumpfert, H
Luminosity performance of CESR with small beta*$_{V}$ (p. 107)
by Rice, D
Bnl Status And Plans (p. 111)
by Lowenstein, Derek I
The Timing and Diagnostic Systems of the Kicker Magnet Pulsers for the Stanford Linear Collider (p. 115)
by Gough, D E
Tevatron collider : status and prospects(p. 121)
by Dugan, G F
The Ihep Unk Project: Status And Development (p. 131)
by Yarba, V A
The large hadron collider (LHC) in the LEP tunnel (p. 141)
by Brianti, Giorgio
Ssc Design Status (p. 151)
by Edwards, H T
The 1988 - 1989 Tevatron Collider Run Summary (p. 167)
by Bharadwaj, V
An empirical model for the luminosity of the Fermilab Tevatron collider (p. 173)
by Dugan, G F
The Tevatron Cryogenic System: Five Years Of Operation, lessons For Future superconducting High-energy Accelerators (p. 179)
by Fowler, W B
Tune shift of coherent beam-beam oscillations (p. 181)
by Yokoya, K
Helium: Current Status And Future Outlook (p. 187)
by Fowler, W B
Protection of Superconducting Magnets against Irradiation during Fast Resonance Extraction from UNK (p. 189)
by Akimov, A N
The Fermilab main injector (p. 193)
by Holmes, S D
Recent studies on transverse beam behaviour at the CERN PS (p. 197)
by Cappi, R
Fermilab Booster Correction Elements Upgrade (p. 199)
by Merz, W
Magnetic fields and lorentz forces in an LHC dipole magnet; 3-D analysis using the fem program tosca (p. 201)
by ter Avest, D
On the impact of linear coupling on nonlinear dynamics (p. 203)
by Ripken, G
400-MeV upgrade for the Fermilab linac (p. 205)
by Young, D E
The CEBAF instrumentation and control system (p. 209)
by Rossmanith, R
An 805 MHz disk and washer accelerating structure with coaxial coupler for the Fermilab upgrade (p. 211)
by Young, D E
Status of the anti-proton production beam in the CERN PS (p. 217)
by Cappi, R
An expert system for local compensation of field defects in a circular accelerator (p. 221)
by Brandt, D
The perturbations to a small storage ring caused by an internal gas target and its associated detector (p. 223)
by Baird, S A
Itep Proton Synchrotron Reconstruction (p. 229)
by Alekseev, N N
The Development Of The Systems Of Beam Extraction From The ihep accelerator Under High Intensity Operation (p. 235)
by Ado, Yu M
The Measurement Of Betatron And Synchrotron Tune Shifts In An intense bunched Beam (p. 241)
by Gertsev, K F
Progress In The Ags Upgrade Projects (p. 247)
by Sluyters, Theodorus J
A Stretcher For The Brookhaven Ags (p. 253)
by Foelsche, Horst W J
Progress And Status Of The Ags Booster Project (p. 259)
by Weng, W T
Damping The Transverse Resistive Wall Instability In The Ags booster (p. 267)
by Raka, E
Longitudinal Higher Order Modes Of The Booster Proton Rf cavity Loaded with A Lossy Dispersive Ferrite (p. 273)
by Khiari, F Z
Vacuum Chamber Eddy Current Selfcorrection For The Ags booster accelerator (p. 279)
by Danby, G T
Status Report On Desy-iii (p. 285)
by Balewski, K
The Beam Slow Extraction From A Magnetic Ring Of Moscow Meson facility (p. 291)
by Gusev, O A
Experimental Area Of Moscow Meson Factory (p. 297)
by Grachev, M I
Luminosity tuning in TRISTAN main ring (p. 305)
by Funakoshi, Y
Study of the horizontal-vertical coupling by a vertical bump orbit (p. 311)
by Kikuchi, M
Observation of changes of the closed orbit in the TRISTAN main ring (p. 317)
by Koiso, H
Observations of synchro-betatron resonances in the TRISTAN main ring (p. 323)
by Nakajima, K
Measurement Of The Coherent Beam-beam Tune Shift In The tristan accumulation Ring (p. 329)
by Koiso, H
Observation of multibunch phenomena in TRISTAN accumulation ring (p. 335)
by Funakoshi, Y
Estimation of beam backgrounds for the TOPAZ vertex chamber (p. 341)
by Tauchi, T
ELSA: One Year Of Experience With The Bonn Electron Stretcher accelerator (p. 347)
by Althoff, K H
Operational Experience Of The First 20-mev Tank Of The Inr linac (p. 353)
by Bylinsky, Yu V
The 1.1-gev /1.4-gev Electron Positron Linac (p. 359)
by Zhou, Shu
Beam Current Enhancement In Kharkov Electron Linac (p. 365)
by Biller, E Z
Simulation Of High Intensity Electron Beam Modulated By double Shc (p. 371)
by Sato, I
Characteristics of a high-current, multi-bunched beam (p. 379)
by Ogawa, Yujiro
Positron beams for the PF storage ring (p. 385)
by Ohsawa, S
Development of an electron gun for the KEK positron generator (p. 391)
by Iwata, H
Osaka University 150-mev S Band Linac For High Gradient acceleration (p. 397)
by Tsumori, K
Synchro-betatron resonances (p. 403)
by Suzuki, Toshio
Beam-beam effects in electron and proton colliders (p. 411)
by Keil, Eberhard
Beam-beam Interaction And Pacman Effects In The Ssc With momentum oscillation (p. 421)
by Mahale, N K
Experimental evidence of transverse nonlinear phenomena in accelerators (p. 433)
by Gareyte, Jacques
A Solution To Nonlinearity Problems (p. 455)
by Neuffer, D V
The Effect Of Magnetic Field Nonlinearities On The Bunched beam Transfer function (p. 461)
by Balbekov, V I
Nonlinear dynamics provided by sextupole magnets for the chromaticity correction of the TRISTAN main ring (p. 467)
by Kamada, S
Studies On The Chromaticity Correction And Dynamic Aperture of The Ags booster (p. 473)
by Dell, G F
Dynamic Aperture Measurement On Aladdin (p. 479)
by Bridges, J
Dynamic Aperture Of The Pulse Stretcher Ring Psr-2000 For operation In The low Radiation Emittance Regime (p. 489)
by Gladkikh, P I
One New Control Model For Beam Instabilities (p. 501)
by Guo, Cong-Liang
Some Aspects Of Aberration Theory Application For Beam dynamics Study In circular Accelerators (p. 507)
by Nagaenko, M G
Robinson Instability And Phase Feedback In A Double Rf System for Landau damping (p. 513)
by Miyahara, Y
Is Feedback Able To Counteract The Transverse Mode Coupling instability? (p. 519)
by Balewski, K
Coupled Bunch Instability And Longitudinal Emittance Growth in The fermilab Booster (p. 525)
by Bharadwaj, V
Impedances And Instabilities Of The Ags Booster (p. 543)
by Ruggiero, A G
Landau Damping Due To Tune Spreads In Betatron Amplitude And momentum (p. 549)
by Lee, S Y
Microwave Instability Near Transition Energy (p. 555)
by Wei, J
Evolution Of Longitudinal Distribution Function Of An Intense bunch In A proton Synchrotron (p. 561)
by Balbekov, V I
Equilibrium Distribution Of Charged Particles In The Phase space Of A cyclic Accelerator (p. 567)
by Virchenko, Yu P
Stability of hollow beams in longitudinal phase space (p. 573)
by Baartman, R A
New Aspects Of The Theory Of Resonant Beam Extraction From synchrotrons (stretchers) (p. 579)
by Simonyan, K A
The Beam Losses After Injecting Into Synchrotron Under The Dc magnetic field (p. 585)
by Lin, Yu-Zheng
Experimental And Theoretical Studies On The Longitudinal motion Of Trapped ions In An Electron Storage Ring (p. 591)
by Miyahara, Y
Solvable Map Representation Of A Nonlinear Symplectic Map (p. 597)
by Rangarajan, G
Selfconsistent Collision Code For Beam Tracking In Ssc (p. 603)
by Tajima, T
The Tracking Study Of A Low-energy Proton Synchrotron (p. 609)
by Machida, Shinji
Treatment of radiation for multiparticle tracking in electron storage rings (p. 615)
by Hirata, K
Rf Focusing Of A Beam In Accelerating Structures With A traveling Wave (p. 621)
by Gladkikh, P I
State of the art in high-field superconducting magnets for particle accelerators (p. 625)
by Perin, Romeo
Industrial Series Fabrication Of 255 Superconducting Dipole correction magnets For The Hera Proton Storage Ring, By Holec, Ridderkerk, The netherlands (p. 647)
by Israel, H J
Study Of Superconducting Dipole Magnet For The Unk (p. 659)
by Ageev, A I
Three-dimensional Computation Of Magnetic Fields And Lorentz forces Of An lhc Dipole Magnet Using The Method Of Image Currents (p. 673)
by Daum, C
Design Features Of The Ssc Dipole Magnet (p. 685)
by Willen, E
The High Field Superferric Magnet. 2 (p. 691)
by Huson, F R
Superconducting dipole magnet with large keystone angle cable for high energy hadron accelerators (p. 697)
by Shintomi, T
Rf Superconductivity: Present Status And Future Developments (p. 703)
by Kneisel, P
rf system for the superconducting cavities in TRISTAN main ring (p. 713)
by Akai, K
rf property of the TRISTAN superconducting cavities (p. 719)
by Noguchi, S
Beam loading compensation for the TRISTAN superconducting cavity (p. 725)
by Ebihara, K
Variable Input Transformer For Hera Superconducting Cavities (p. 737)
by Dwersteg, B
The slotted cavity : a method of broadband damping(p. 743)
by Chen, Y
Superconducting cavities for LEP (p. 749)
by Arnaud, C
Latest Results From The S Band Superconducting Accelerator At darmstadt (p. 755)
by Alrutz-Ziemssen, K
Open Drift Tubes For A-1 Tank Of Istra-56 Linac (p. 761)
by Vengrov, R M
The Radiofrequency Systems And Control Of The Hera Proton beam (p. 767)
by Gamp, Alexander
52-mhz Rf Systems For Petra-ii And Hera Proton Synchrotrons (p. 773)
by Funk, L W
Status and performance of the LEP rf system (p. 779)
by Hansen, S
Higher order mode damper with self-cooled coupler (p. 787)
by Morozumi, Yuichi
Present status of high power CW klystrons developed for TRISTAN (p. 793)
by Isagawa, S
Design Improvements In High Power Klystrons For Accelerator applications (p. 801)
by Berlemann, J
Rf Deflector - Chopper For Ssc Injector (p. 807)
by Guy, F W
Possibilities Of Inductive Storage Circuits In Induction linacs (p. 813)
by Bobylev, V I
The Magnet System Of Hesyrl Ring (p. 817)
by Zhang, Wu
The Ags Booster Main Ring Power Supply System (p. 823)
by Soukas, A
Performance Of The Tristan Magnet Power Supply System (p. 829)
by Fukuma, H
Repetitive Voltage Control Of The Main Ring Magnet Power supply For The kek 12-gev Ps (p. 835)
by Sueno, T
Dual-frequency magnet-exciting system with a flat-top field for a rapid-cycling synchrotron (p. 841)
by Adachi, Toshikazu
The Vacuum System Of The Hera Electron Storage Ring (p. 847)
by Ballion, R
Theoretical behavior of X-ray stimulated desorption of aluminium vacuum chambers (p. 855)
by Marin, Pierre
Analysis Of Coaxial Wire Measurement Of Longitudinal Coupling impedance (p. 861)
by Gluckstern, R L
Mechanical construction of LEP collimators (p. 869)
by Bertinelli, F
Current trends in accelerator controls : the issue of application software(p. 875)
by Daneels, A
The LEP control system : architecture, features and performance(p. 885)
by Innocenti, Pier Giorgio
The Tevatron Control System - 1989 (p. 893)
by Lucas, P W
Bepc Computer Control System (p. 899)
by Liu, Shi-Yao
Control system for KEK proton synchrotron (p. 905)
by Katoh, T
Field display system for the forecast of beam momentum and betatron frequencies in LEP (p. 917)
by Billan, J
Operational Experience Of The Distributed Control System For synchrotron radiation Beam Lines At The Photon Factory (p. 929)
by Kanaya, N
Non-destructive profile monitor using micro channel plate (p. 935)
by Kawakubo, Tadamichi
Improvements to the monitoring system of the KEK 2.5 GeV linac and its performance tests (p. 941)
by Shidara, T
Beam-current monitoring system at the KEK electron/positron linac (p. 947)
by Furukawa, K
Precise Timing Transmission Line Between The 2.5-gev Linac and The Tristan accumulation Ring (p. 953)
by Urakawa, J
Successful observation of Schottky signals at the Tevatron collider (p. 959)
by Goldberg, D A
Improving the performance of power-limited transverse stochastic cooling systems (p. 965)
by Goldberg, D A
Experiments and practice in beam shaking (p. 971)
by Marriner, J P
Transverse magnetic damper system for TRISTAN main ring (p. 979)
by Shintake, T
Phase-space monitor system (p. 985)
by Shintake, Tsumoru
Beam dynamics in linear colliders [presented at Tsukuba] (p. 991)
by Ruth, Ronald D
Quantum Beamstrahlung And Electroproduction Of The Pairs In linear colliders (p. 1001)
by Baier, V N
Coherent pair creation from beam-beam interaction (p. 1013)
by Chen, P
Long-range wake potentials in disk-loaded accelerating structures (p. 1023)
by Yu, D U L
Effects of RF deflections on beam dynamics in linear colliders (p. 1031)
by Seeman, J T
Bunch compression for the TLC (p. 1037)
by Kheifets, S A
The high-gradient S-band linac for initial acceleration of the SLC intense positron bunch (p. 1043)
by Clendenin, J E
Experimental beam dynamics and stability in the SLC linac (p. 1049)
by Abrams, G S
Observation and control of emittance growth in the SLC linac (p. 1056)
by Seeman, J T
Energy matching of 1.2 GeV positron beam to the SLC damping ring (p. 1063)
by Clendenin, J E
Commissioning experience with the SLC arcs (p. 1079)
by Barklow, Timothy L
The CLIC approach to linear colliders (p. 1085)
by van der Meer, S
A final focus design for the CERN linear collider CLIC (p. 1095)
by Napoly, O
Japan Linear Collider (jlc) (p. 1101)
by Takeda, S
Electron Linac Of Test Accelerator Facility For Linear collider (p. 1111)
by Takeda, S
X-band accelerating structure for Japan Linear Collider, KEK-89-93 (p. 1119)
by Higo, T
X-band klystron diode test for Japan linear collider (JCL) (p. 1125)
by Mizuno, Hajime
Fast Rf Stabilization System For Test Accelerator Facility (p. 1131)
by Hayano, H
1.5-gev Damping Ring Design Of The Test Accelerator Facility for Linear collider (p. 1135)
by Urakawa, J
Control system of the test accelerator facility for linear collider (p. 1141)
by Urakawa, J
Recent progress in relativistic klystron research (p. 1147)
by Allen, M A
An immersed field cluster klystron (p. 1155)
by Palmer, R B
Recent Developments Of Gigatron Technology (p. 1169)
by McIntyre, Peter M
Development Of A 100-mw S Band Pulse Klystron (p. 1177)
by Yonezawa, H
Field emission and rf breakdown in copper linac structures (p. 1183)
by Loew, G A
Rf High Gradient Experiment Of An S Band 0.6-m Disk Loaded structure (p. 1189)
by Matsumoto, H
Proposal For A High Gradient And High Efficiency Linac (p. 1195)
by Sato, I
Development Of Lasertron And Low Emittance Electron Source using Laser triggered Photocathode (p. 1209)
by Yoshioka, M
An adiabatic focuser (p. 1215)
by Chen, P
Plasma Physics At The Final Focus (p. 1229)
by Mori, W B
On A Measurement Of Strength Of Final Focusing Quadrupole magnet For A linear Collider (p. 1235)
by Kuroda, S
Superstrong Quadrupoles Of Liquid Metal For Final Focusing At linear colliders (p. 1241)
by Silvestrov, G I
Possibility to measure very small spot sizes using gas ionization at future linear colliders (p. 1247)
by Buon, Jean
Alignment and vibration issues in TeV linear collider design (p. 1255)
by Fischer, G E
A test facility of super-accurate alignment system for a linear collider (p. 1265)
by Ishihara, N
Active Microtremor Isolation System (p. 1271)
by Naganoh, M
A study of phase control in the FEL two-beam accelerator (p. 1277)
by Sessler, Andrew M
Conceptual design of a linear collider in the TBA/FEL regime (p. 1283)
by Hiramatsu, S
The microwave free electron laser test stand at KEK (p. 1291)
by Kishiro, J
Beam guiding in the ion focused regime at the KEK FEL test stand (p. 1297)
by Kurino, H
The accelerator physics challenges of B-factories (p. 1305)
by Siemann, R H
Proposal for a high luminosity electron positron collider at PSI with an option for symmetric and asymmetric collision mode (p. 1321)
by Wille, K
Physics and design issues of asymmetric storage ring colliders as B-factories (p. 1329)
by Chattopadhyay, S
General properties of an asymmetric B-factory lattice (p. 1343)
by Autin, Bruno
An Asymmetric Collider With The Tristan Main Ring (p. 1349)
by Satoh, K
Interaction Region Design Of An Asymmetric Collider (p. 1355)
by Willeke, F
Beam-beam interaction in an asymmetric collider for B-physics (p. 1361)
by Chin, Y H
A design of double ring collider in the TRISTAN AR tunnel (p. 1367)
by Fukuma, H
Performance of the accumulation ring e+/e- collider with beam separation at north interaction region (p. 1373)
by Urakawa, J
Measurement of luminosity in TRISTAN accumulation ring (p. 1379)
by Kikutani, E
Phi Factory Project In Novosibirsk (p. 1385)
by Barkov, L M
Kaon factories (p. 1391)
by Craddock, M K
Lattices for the TRIUMF KAON factory (p. 1401)
by Servranckx, R V
ACCSIM : a program to simulate the accumulation of intense proton beams(p. 1407)
by Jones, F W
A general theory of beam loading (p. 1413)
by Koscielniak, Shane Rupert
Time domain simulations of beam-loading (p. 1419)
by Koscielniak, Shane Rupert
Progress on the KAON factory beam pipe and vacuum system (p. 1425)
by Oram, C J
Beam pipe impedances in the TRIUMF KAON factory (p. 1429)
by Baartman, R A
The Relevance Of Isis Experience To The Design Of Future High intensity synchrotrons (p. 1435)
by Gardner, I S K
Present Status Of The Japanese Hadron Project (p. 1443)
by Kihara, M
Intense Negative Ion Sources (p. 1451)
by Mori, Y
Design study of a 25.5-MHz split coaxial RFQ (p. 1457)
by Arai, S
Extensions To The Rfq Domain (p. 1463)
by Swenson, D A
A tuning method of post couplers for a low beta drift tube linac (p. 1469)
by Naito, Fujio
A new annular-coupled structure suppressing higher order modes' mixing with the pi/2 coupling mode (p. 1475)
by Kageyama, T
Stability of the standing-wave accelerating structure studied with a coupled resonator model (p. 1481)
by Yamazaki, Yoshishige
Design And Construction Of A Pulse Transformer For A Long pulse Klystron (p. 1487)
by Kubo, T
Development Of L-band High Power Rf Source For The Japanese hadron Project proton Linear Accelerator (p. 1493)
by Ono, M
Design Of The Compressor /stretcher Ring For The Japanese hadron Project (p. 1499)
by Kamiya, Yu
The Simulation Of The Bunch Compression In The Jhp 1-gev compressor Ring (p. 1505)
by Yoshii, M
The Rf Power System With Beam Loading Cancellation For The kek Ps Booster (p. 1511)
by Ninomiya, S
Status Of The SisÆsr-facility At Gsi Darmstadt (p. 1525)
by Blasche, K
The Cosy-juelich Project: A Synchrotron And Storage Ring For medium-energy physics (p. 1533)
by Maier, R
First Electron Cooling Of Heavy Ions At The New Heidelberg storage Ring tsr (p. 1539)
by Jaeschke, E
Cooler Synchrotron TARN-II (p. 1547)
by Katayama, T
Electron Cooling On The Tarn-ii At Ins (p. 1555)
by Tanabé, T
Stimulated Electron Cooling (p. 1563)
by Ando, A
Polarized Proton Beams (p. 1569)
by Courant, E D
Polarized Beams Of High-energy Electrons And Positrons (p. 1581)
by Shatunov, Yu M
Analytic calculation of depolarization due to large energy spread in high-energy electron storage rings (p. 1595)
by Buon, Jean
Commissioning Of Mimas, New Accumulator Booster Ring For saturne (p. 1603)
by Olivier, M
Chromaticity correction for an intrinsic depolarizing resonance (p. 1609)
by Toyama, T
A Polarimeter For Hera (p. 1615)
by Barber, D P
Transverse electron beam polarimetry in TRISTAN main ring (p. 1621)
by Mizumachi, Y
The Role Of Plasmas In Future Accelerators (p. 1627)
by Katsouleas, T
Argonne's Wake Field Accelerator Program (p. 1637)
by Simpson, J D
First Results Of Kek Plasma Wake Field Accelerator experiment (p. 1645)
by Nakanishi, H
Plasma wake-field accelerator driven by a train of multiple bunches (p. 1651)
by Nakajima, K
Effects Of Charge Distribution In A Driving Bunch On nonlinear Plasma Wake field Acceleration (p. 1657)
by Ohashi, H
Development Of New Methods For Charged Particle Acceleration at Yerevan physics Institute (p. 1663)
by Amatuni, A Ts
Electron Acceleration By An Electromagnetic Wave With A static Magnetic field (p. 1671)
by Kawata, S
Beam Transport In The Crystal X-ray Accelerator (p. 1677)
by Tajima, T
Stable Solitary Propagation Of Optical Beams (p. 1683)
by Kurki-Suonio, T
Generation Of Highly Brilliant Radiation (p. 1691)
by Huke, K
The challenges of third-generation synchrotron light sources (p. 1701)
by Jackson, Alan
Construction And Commissioning Of Hefei Synchrotron Radiation source (p. 1711)
by He, Duo-Hui
The Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator Delta: A New low-emittance Storage ring Of 1.5-gev (p. 1717)
by Marquardt, N
Siberia-2 Expected Behavior With Superconducting 10 Tesla wiggler insertion (p. 1723)
by Krylov, Yu V
Status Of A Compact Electron Storage Ring Jsr (p. 1729)
by Harada, S
Development Of Compact Synchrotron Light Source Luna (p. 1735)
by Mandai, S
Higher Order Sextupole Resonances In Low-emittance Light source Storage rings (p. 1747)
by Nagaoka, R
Injector Design For The 8-gev Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Japan (p. 1753)
by Harami, T
A Design Study For The Sor Facility (p. 1759)
by Nam, S K
Status Of The Tristan Accumulation Ring As A Synchrotron radiation Source (p. 1765)
by Fukuma, H
Status Of The Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 1771)
by Kobayakawa, H
Accumulation of positrons into the photon factory storage ring (p. 1777)
by Mitsuhashi, T
Measurement Of Transverse Instability Thresholds In Low And high Emittance optics At The Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 1783)
by Sakanaka, S
Influence Of The Building Distortion On The Closed Orbit At the Photon factory Storage Ring (p. 1789)
by Nakamura, N
Global Orbit Feedback System At The Photon Factory Storage ring (p. 1795)
by Haga, K
Some Characteristics Of The Higher-order-modes In The Photon factory accelerating Cavity (p. 1801)
by Izawa, M
Effects Of Insertion Devices On Beam Emittances At The Photon factory storage Ring (p. 1807)
by Katoh, M
Design And Construction Of A Superconducting Vertical wiggler (p. 1819)
by Ohmi, K
Transient Resistive-wall Effects Of A Bunched Electron Beam in A Wiggler (p. 1825)
by Rangarajan, G
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (p. 1831)
by Nakazato, T
Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator In Chiba (himac) (p. 1837)
by Sato, K
A dedicated proton accelerator for cancer therapy (p. 1843)
by Fukumoto, S
Free Electron Lasers: Development And Applications (p. 1849)
by Pellegrini, C
Possible Fel Projects At Delta (p. 1861)
by Negrazus, M
Experiments On The Efficiency Increase Of Fel Amplifier On the Base Of liu-3000 (p. 1879)
by Kaminsky, A A
Gravitational radiation produced by high energy accelerators and high power lasers (p. 1885)
by Diambrini-Palazzi, G
Icfa Activities (p. 1897)
by Yamaguchi, Y
Summary Remarks (p. 1905)
by Panofsky, W K H

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 Notice créée le 1990-06-22, modifiée le 2021-09-16