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Para el maga lecciones de Chavacano para na maga Español hablantes, pulsa aqui.


[revisa codigo]

¿Dónde tú andá?

(‘Where are you going?’)

Ya mirá yo con José.

(‘I saw José.’)

Ele ya empezá buscá que buscá con el sal.

(‘He/She began to search everywhere for the salt.’)

Ele ya andá na escuela.

(‘He/She went to school.’)

Si Mario ya dormí na casa.

(‘Mario slept in the house.’)

El hombre, quien ya man encuentro tú, es mi hermano.

(The man [whom] you met is my brother.)

El persona con quien tú ta conversá, bien bueno gayot.

(The person you are talking to is very nice indeed.)




(Hello!; Hi!)

¡Buenos Días!

(Good day!; Good Morning!)

¡Buenas Tardes!

(Good Afternoon!)

¡Buenas Noches!

(Good Evening!; Good Night!)



¿Qué tal?


¿Como esta usted?

(How do you do?)

¿Qué tal man usted?

(How are you?)


¡Muy bien, gracias!

(Very well, thank you!)

or: ¡enbuenamente man, gracias!

¡Bueno man, a Dios gracias!

(Quite well, thank God!)

¿Y usted, qué tal man?

(And how are you?; And you, how goes it?)

¡Igualmente bien, gracias!; ¡Tambien!

(Equally well, thanks!; Same!)

¡Bueno bueno, man!

(Oh, so-so!)

¡Okey man yo!; Okey lang!

(I am okay!)


(familiar, no regard to formality- singular) ¿Qué tal (man) evo(s)/vo(s)?

(How are you?)

(familiar, no regard to formality- plural) ¿Qué tal (man) kamo?

(How are you, guys?)

(familiar and courteous - singular) ¿Qué tal (man) tu?

(How are you?)

(familiar and courteous - plural) ¿Qué tal (man) vosotros?

(How are you, folks?)

(formal, and with respect, as with elders- singular) ¿Qué tal (man)usted?

(How are you?)

(formal, and with respect, as with elders- plural) ¿Que tal (man) ustedes?

How are you, (all, ladies, gentlemen, etc.)?

False Friends: Spanish words that changed in meaning

'Ya' denotes past tense, also ya-already. (Spanish: ya-already)--this is not totally consider a false friend.


> ya andá ya yo allí. - I've already went there. (the particle "ya" before the verb denotes the past tense. while the particle "ya" after the verb denotes for "already".

> para allí ya yo. - I'm (already) on my way.

> ¿ya acabá ya ele? ¡ya acabá ya gaja le! -is he already done? maybe he is already done!

Siguro means 'Maybe'. (Spanish: seguro-sure, secure, stable)

Asegura means 'to make sure'.

Siempre means 'Of course/still/always'. (Spanish: siempre-always)


> ¿dónde ya tú? taquí pa yo siempre afuera del casa. -where are you? I'm still here outside the house.

> ¿hay atendé tú misa? ¡siempre! -will you attend mass? of course!

firmi means 'Always'. (Spanish: firme-firm, steady)

Basta - 'as long as/enough' (Spanish: basta - enough)

ejemplo: basta/bastante ya se! - 'that's enough'

masquén/masquin/mas que - 'even/even though' (Spanish: más que - more than)