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Desk Layout IdeasPush Pin ArtDaniel RichterAndy GoldsworthyDesk LayoutLimited PaletteDesain QuillingWood CeilingBeads PicturesHow to Make a Push Pin PortraitHow to Make a Push Pin Portrait: We are going to make photorealistic push pin portraits. We will be guided in our pin placement by a low resolution indexed color gif image we will create in Photoshop. The .gif will use a limited palette restricted only to those colors in which the…58
Aperture LaboratoriesThe Cake Is A LieGame PortalPortal ArtAperture SciencePortal 2Talk Nerdy To MeHalf LifeNerd AlertPortal prank: covering up crosswalk button signSomeone's replaced crosswalk button with this funny reference to Portal, an addictive puzzle-game that uses a gun that generates "portals" that allow you to teleport through space. Portal Crosswalk Sign…118
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