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Photo by Misha Photography

What is the BARRE Association?


The purpose of the BARRE Association is to build community, provide support, and inspire and educate the while enhancing the student and family experience. Working closely with the CCD leadership, the BARRE Association is responsible for organizing volunteer support, serving as ambassadors of the organization, providing opportunities for student and family engagement, and developing initiatives to support continued learning. The BARRE Association is an affinity group of Colorado Conservatory of Dance, designed to support the Ballet’s mission with a focus on building a layer of relationship beyond the regular, day-to-day educational operation of CCD.


  • Connectivity & Engagement: The BARRE Association strives to create an added layer of engagement through the creation of community-wide activities and initiatives designed to further inspire and connect students and their families with each other, the staff and faculty, various aspects of the dance world and the Broomfield/Denver metro area arts community. (Ex: open houses, cultural outings, lectures, CCD community events etc.)
  • Volunteerism: The BARRE Association is the primary vehicle through which participates can offer their time and talent to enhance CCD events and activities. (Ex: backstage and lobby support for performances, costume support, staffing support for CCD events, manning booths, chaperones for off-site activities, etc.)
  • Join our Volunteer Hub at: https://timecounts.org/ccdance
  • Ambassadorship: Through the mobilization of some of CCD’s greatest advocates, the parents, alumni and students, the BARRE Association creates greater awareness of the organization within the local community and beyond. This includes but is not exclusive to key support at community performances and marketing representation at family-focused events, as well as other outreach opportunities such as parade participation and other local events to build visibility of the organization.


All parents (and/or guardians) of students automatically become members of the BARRE Association upon class registration; however, membership is open to adult students, alumni and any other person who is willing to give their time, talents and energy to supporting the organization.  Parents have the option to choose their level of engagement within the Association through various volunteer and event and/or committee support opportunities throughout the year.


The BARRE Association is designed to be supported by its own membership and led by two Co-Chairs, appointed by and working in direct partnership with CCD leadership. The Co-Chairs will appoint Committee Chairs from the membership each year as needed. The Co-Chairs and Committee Chairs will direct and support the active engagement of members through the creation of initiatives and subcommittees.


The BARRE Association holds a minimum of three General Meetings (fall, winter and spring) each academic year that are open to all members. Initiative-specific committees meet on timelines respective to their focus.

Important Note: The BARRE Association is meant to be a forum of positive engagement in enhancing the CCD experience for all students and families. It is not a forum to address questions or concerns regarding CCD policies, curriculum, casting or student placement. All such questions are always welcomed and should be directed to the appropriate staff.  The BARRE Association operates within the non-profit structure of Colorado Conservatory of Dance and is subject to CCD’s policies and regulations. The BARRE Association is responsible for supporting but not setting or influencing priorities or policies.


Email the barreassociation@ccdance.org


Ashlie Adam
Jenny Dorough
Erica Hageman

Want to get involved? Reach out to the barreassociation@ccdance.org if you are interested!

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