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RRB NTPC Result 2021- Railway RRB NTPC Result is announced by the Railway Recruitment Board on their official website. NTPC 2021 notification is not yet announced by the Railway Board. RRB NTPC Result 2021 will be announced after the successful completion of the exam. 

RRB NTPC Result 2020 – the Railway board will announce the NTPC result 2020 as soon as the exam is conducted in march 2021.

Check RRB NTPC Exam page details on Railway NTPC examination.

Do you wish to make it to the final RRB NTPC Result? Give a finishing touch to your RRB NTPC Exam preparation with:

The Railway Recruitment Board has scheduled the RRB NTPC exam 2020 from 28th December 2020 onwards. Candidates appearing for the exam in December can take up Free RRB NTPC Live Course Online to gain an edge in the final face-off.

The applications for the RRB NTPC exam began on March 1st, 2019. For more detailed information on the RRB NTPC Notification, you can visit the linked article.

Candidates who applied for other RRB Exams can check the RRB Result at the linked article. Candidates are also advised to refer to this article for any updates on RRB Railway NTPC Result.

RRB NTPC Result Related Links
RRB NTPC Eligibility Daily News

Aspirants of Government exams can check the list of upcoming exams in the link provided.

How to check RRB NTPC Result 2021?

RRB NTPC Result 2021 will be announced by the Railway Recruitment Board at their official website. The result will be available in PDF format in the form of a merit list. Candidates can also download the RRB NTPC Scorecard from the official website by entering their registered user ID and password. 

Given below are the steps to check the RRB NTPC Result 2020-21:

  • Visit the official websites of Indian Railways.
  • Click on the “Results” tab.
  • Click on the results link for “RRB NTPC Result 2020-21” flashing on the homepage. The result will be available in PDF format. 
  • The PDF will contain the roll number of all shortlisted candidates. Candidates can search their roll numbers through Ctrl+F. 


  • Candidates can download the scorecard by entering their respective user ID and password provided during the RRB NTPC application process. 
  • Take a printout of the RRB ALP Result for future reference. 

Related links:

RRB Eligibility RRB NTPC Syllabus RRB Preparation
RRB NTPC Recruitment RRB Vacancy RRB NTPC Salary

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Details in RRB NTPC Scorecard

Railway Recruitment Board releases the RRB NTPC Scorecard along with RRB NTPC Result at their official website. RRB NTPC Scorecard contains the following details:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Roll number
  • Registration number
  • Raw score
  • Pro-rated score
  • Normalised marks
  • Qualifying status

How to calculate RRB NTPC Result?

The Railway Recruitment Board announces the RRB NTPC Result via official notification and candidates who appear for the exams can check RRB NTPC result on the Official Website of RRB.

Before announcing the final result, the Railway board releases the RRB NTPC Answer Key after 15 – 20 days of the NTPC examination on the official website. Candidates can calculate their marks before the release of RRB NTPC FInal result.

Candidates can calculate the RRB NTPC Result by referring to the answer keys. To calculate the RRB NTPC marks secured before the final result, candidates have to follow the given below steps:

  • Follow the RRB NTPC Exam pattern.
  • As per the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern, the candidates will be awarded 1 mark for each correct answer. so, sum up the total marks of correct answers.
  • There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong attempted answer. Now, deduct 1/4 marks of each wrong answers from the total marks obtained.
  • The total RRB NTPC score will be calculated based on the number of correct answers after deducting penalty for the wrong response. 


The RRB NTPC Cut Off is published along with the final result of the NTPC exam. Candidates while checking the result can also check for the Final RRB NTPC Cut Off list.

The cut off marks for RRB NTPC 2020-21 will be released after the commencement and successful completion of the NTPC 2020 examination.

RRB NTPC cut off 2021 is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to score to qualify the exam and become eligible for the next round of selection process.

The cut off is released separately for different railway zones and categories. RRB NTPC cut off is released along with the scorecard. Candidates need to log in with the required credentials to check the cut off marks. Candidates are required to secure RRB NTPC 2020-21 cut off marks to qualify each stage of the exam.

As already said, the Railway Recruitment Board Releases the zone wise and category wise cut off marks separately. Candidates can know the expected and previous year RRB NTPC Cut Off zone wise and category wise in the page link given.

Keep checking the RRB NTPC Result page for regular updates on the same.

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Frequently Asked Question – RRB NTPC Result 2020-21


Q.1. How can candidates check Railway NTPC results?

Ans. The Railway Recruitment Board releases the result of NTPC on its official website. Candidates have to check the NTPC result by login on to the official website.

Q.2. What are the details required to check RRB NTPC Result?

Ans. Candidates must keep the User ID and password handy to check the result of the NTPC exam.

Q.3. What is the minimum qualifying marks for Railway NTPC?

Ans. The Railways Board has prescribed minimum qualifying marks for candidates. The qualifying marks are 40% for Gen and EWS candidates while it is 30% for OBC and SC. The qualifying marks for ST is 25%.

Q.4. When does RRB release the NTPC cut-off?

Ans. The Railway board releases the cut off marks along with the RRB NTPC result.

Q 5. Does RRB calculate total marks based on the normalization scheme?

Ans. Yes, the RRB NTPC result is calculated based on the normalized marks.

Q 6. Is RRB NTPC result released separately for all the stages?

Ans. Yes, the Railway Recruitment Board releases the NTPC result separately for all the stages.


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