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Issue copyright claim

We require users to be logged into an account in order to submit a DMCA claim. Please login or create an account here.
This form allows you to issue a takedown notice (also known as a copyright claim) under the DMCA framework. You should only be using this form where you are the copyright holder or are acting on their behalf, and you are confident the described content infringes on the copyright holder's rights.

If you are not acting as an agent of the copyright holder, but are aware of copyright infringing material, you may wish to contact the copyright holder and inform them of its existence so that they may act on their own behalf. You may also wish to report copyright infringement as a third party via a support ticket, but be aware that we will only act where the infringement is clear and obvious to us.

For more detailed information about our copyright claims system, please visit our wiki page.

Please complete all three sections of this form below:



    • Our platform uses BBCode for text formatting. Use the above buttons to fill the textbox with the infringing resource's BBCode description and preview what the text you entered would look like when rendered.

    • Attachment URLs come in two forms, the original attachment, and a CDN thumbnail. Examples: Original: CDN: A CDN thumbnail URL will be converted into its original attachment URL once submitted.

This is the way in which the involved party should correct/resolve the existence of the copyrighted content to be compliant. You may wish to use options lesser than deletion when the copyrighted content has been distributed under an open-source license or to maintain a good relationship with the involved party.

You may wish to add additional subjects where more than one resource is allegedly infringing or where more than one element of a resource is allegedly infringing, such as content within the download and the description. Any sections left fully blank will be ignored during the submission process.


This has been pre-filled with your account's email address.
Private & Optional

