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Tue Jul 30 2024 10:26:21 PDT
  • Product: Core

This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1798074 High commit, leading to system instability Core Graphics ahale UNCO --- 2024-06-27
1675866 drawElementsInstanced and generateMipmap create errors for video frames Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-10
1819206 With Firefox 110, dropdown menus disappear when the mouse moves Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-16
1869929 Binding a buffer to a bind group without specifying its size leads to a wrong size assigned to the buffer binding property (and therefore bad arrayLength in shaders) Core Graphics: WebGPU nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-21
1892165 Firefox 124 Performance Regression on High Intensity Video Streaming Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-19
1902142 with MOTU ultralite MK3 firefox doesn't follow the driver selected output anymore and default to 1-2 Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-17
1793477 AV1 Decoding in YouTube Stutters on AMD Windows Laptop Core Audio/Video alwu UNCO --- 2024-07-08
1809182 Resource timing: cross-origin IFrame fallback timing Core DOM: Networking bdekoz UNCO --- 2023-01-23
1848824 reduced FPS panning on Leaflet.js based maps Core Panning and Zooming botond UNCO --- 2023-09-22
1821582 `worker.postMessage` with a WebAssembly.Memory followed by 2 typed arrays doesn't work. Core JavaScript: WebAssem bvisness UNCO --- 2024-06-27
1818577 YouTube TV DRM HDR content is broken, only in FireFox. Core Audio/Video: Playbac bwerth UNCO --- 2023-11-14
1896843 GPURenderPassEncoder: setBindGroup() argument 2 should be nullable Core Graphics: WebGPU bwerth UNCO --- 2024-06-05
1666851 'pointerout', 'pointerenter' and 'pointerleave' events incorrectly fired during pointer capture Core DOM: UI Events & Foc echen UNCO --- 2024-01-23
1823937 Service worker in a cross-origin iframe cannot intercept requests initiated by a web worker inside the iframe Core DOM: Service Workers echuang UNCO --- 2023-11-14
1882705 [flatpak] Gnome Inhibitors not Released by Firefox, which prevents OS from sleeping Core Widget: Gtk jhorak UNCO --- 2024-03-15
1857439 IndexedDB is overcounting the size of objects put or added to an object store (IDBObjectStore.put: The serialized value is too large) Core Storage: IndexedDB jjalkanen UNCO --- 2023-10-16
1657849 media plugin seccomp sandbox should allow __NR_sched_setscheduler Core Security: Process Sa jld UNCO --- 2024-06-08
1783163 Sandbox: attempt to open unexpected file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index2/size Core Security: Process Sa jld UNCO --- Sat 08:26
1796195 Uploading (large) files to certain sites fails intermittently from firefox version 101 with trellix DLP hooks Core Networking: HTTP kershaw UNCO --- 2024-05-21
1874511 Clicking push notification opens nothing when service worker stopped running Core DOM: Notifications krosylight UNCO --- 2024-04-03
1836472 Microsoft IME does not switch to private mode if <input type="search"> has focus in the private window Core DOM: UI Events & Foc m_kato UNCO --- 2023-06-05
215023 Tiled background on clipped layer appears incorrectely since Mozilla 1.4 Core Web Painting nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
1172691 Clipboard content encoded incorrectly when copying content in Linux Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-19
1268395 [oxygen-gtk3] open/upload/save file under kde is impossible because of filepicker Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1269786 Panel not showing at the correct position when attached to a toggleButton in FF46+ Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1278917 Execution of atomic javascript function gots interrupted by an onload callback eventhandler Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-31
1341059 middlemouse.contentLoadURL is not prevented with preventDefault() Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-28
1343331 Firefox prioritizes web socket events over location changes Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-26
1352706 [e10s-multi] Firefox 55 breaks tabs & session with high number of processes and causes critical dataloss Core General nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1352852 "dragstart" requires setting dataTransfer Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1354573 requestPresent not allowed inside a callback function from user gesture Core WebVR nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1362558 Non-starting video makes for constant CPU usage after autoplay has been disabled Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
1366600 Thunderbird Menu: right arrow indicating a sub menu is missing Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1381829 occasional judder on YouTube video with 4k 60fps VP9 hardware decoding Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-09
1389812 may freeze or crash the browser Core WebRTC: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-08
1390212 Parent element won't get focus when child with fixed position is clicked Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-30
1390234 Add telemetry for alert/confirm/prompt usage Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1392014 GLib-GObject-CRITICAL starting Firefox Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1392208 XMLHttpRequest onerror isn't called when uploading a file Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1393688 Firefox 57 video lags when some content loaded in background tab Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-25
1395158 PocketCasts audio distortion at 2.7x playback speed Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1395310 WebRTC should be behind permission dialog like microphone access Core WebRTC: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1396689 Playback video lags while audio works fine Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-09
1396753 the dialog to select audio/video device do not pop up sometimes when calling getusermedia Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1397642 Memory corruption issue - Access violation reading address Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-15
1400506 firefox does not load videos fully Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-30
1401222 Key events re-queued out of order if focus changes on keydown Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1404215 unable to read window content through javascript when opening an JSON file Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-13
1405336 Memory useage doesn't clear with browser refresh Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1406694 font rendering become too dark / bold @FF56 Core Graphics: Text nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1408258 OpenH264 Plugin does not work frequently in firefox 56 Core Audio/Video: GMP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1409601 Hardware acceleration problem and high CPU/GPU utilization during video playback Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1410390 webrtc cannot encode or decode stream with h264 Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1410846 Video decoding causing locked 100% GPU load on AMD graphics cards Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-08
1410881 getusermedia cause breakdown Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1411629 Using DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS does not work with sandboxing Core Security: Process Sa nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1411679 Context menu sometimes shown in the wrong place after DPI scaling factor changes Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1411864 pressing the ESC or ENTER key on window.prompt triggers keyup Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1414183 the video paused when plugout the audio device inuse. Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1417767 "Close All Windows" missing on macOS Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1418748 Playing certain types of videos crashes graphic driver after upgrading to FF 57 Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1420244 execCommand('copy') model broken due to clipboardWrite requirement for > 1MB data Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1420445 Pointerlock limited, movement rapid and unpredictable Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1421186 firefox quantum slowly closes file uri process (5 seconds) Core DOM: Content Process nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1425483 On Mac, with RTL languages, CMD+Left/Right goes in wrong direction Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1428021 Animations inside an extension have display issues Core Web Painting nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1433262 Focused element does not change if tab keydown event hides active element Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1434231 Long time interval between mousemove events Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1434555 Don't play media triggered before page is fully loaded. Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-09
1436356 tabs.printPreview() sometimes hangs on Mac OS X Core Print Preview nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1437083 javascript pausing and immediate playback of audio freezes the os Core Audio/Video: cubeb nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-30
1437829 Indexed DB Databse not shown in Developer Tools for local HTML page Core Storage: IndexedDB nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-18
1439489 Very High CPU Usage (150-200%) on Twitch macOS (profile included) Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1439527 Scaled images continue displacing original area when size is set by css-grid Core Layout: Images, Vide nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1442933 Video issues on during playback at 1440p at full screen Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1443872 Cannot get background property of an element when loaded in an iframe Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-24
1443875 Audio is missing in version 60.0b1 (64-bit) Linux 64bits Core Audio/Video: cubeb nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-10
1444078 Printing to 300x600 dpi label printer is half width Core Printing: Output nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-05
1445029 Large amount of GPU memory used per content process Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1450419 Dragged images from Firefox doesn't fully support the File Promise Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-25
1451111 navigator.credentials.get is not respecting `allowCredentials` for filtering out authenticators Core DOM: Web Authenticat nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-23
1454185 Volume of Firefox is frequently reset to 100% in the Windows Volume Mixer dialog box Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-07
1458526 high cpu usage while playing videos Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1460250 provide asynchronous versions of some PKCS#11 APIs Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1462380 My sci-fi pitch site -- Every other browser plays my multiple MP4 movies fine (see SAFARI) Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-26
1462503 Performance regression in WebGL Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-03
1462931 No audio being played by firefox in version 60 windows 7 Core Audio/Video: cubeb nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-26
1464283 WebRTC video encoding broken Core WebRTC: Signaling nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1464448 cisco teams app leads to frozen media Core WebRTC: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1466835 Hardware acceleration on Windows slows down masked SVG rendering by factor 2 to 4 Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1469209 HLS player dropped 50% of the audio frames Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1469299 IndexedDB database version set to 1 when aborting initial upgrade transaction Core Storage: IndexedDB nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1471405 Back button doesn't work with Firefox 61 with Google Container addon Core DOM: Navigation nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1471944 the browser can't read the Gzip encode data in website and return with blank value for it Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-10
1473510 audio not playing in version 61, worked perfectly in version 60 Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1477391 Fetch Does not properly handle requests for media Core DOM: Service Workers nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-25
1477844 leaks in native fuzzing interface with ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1 Core Fuzzing nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1477846 cannot use ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return=1 with native fuzzing interface Core Fuzzing nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1480664 'mouseout' event fires prematurely for <select> element Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-01
1482469 scrolling in google sheets extremly slow (1-2fps) Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1484378 Firefox window changes its position on the screen when started unmaximized Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-07
1486010 [WebPush] Firefox keeps returning an expired endpoint Core DOM: Push Subscripti nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-10
1488357 localstorage setitem errors Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1491707 Scrolling gets stuck on some pages and divs Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1492843 TCP connection reset by F5 Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1493530 Boston globe ePaper freezes on surface pro 2017 Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1496687 ICE fails over NAT Core WebRTC: Signaling nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1506496 Rewind freezes video playback on YouTube since FF63 Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-12-18
1517835 Remove maxRetransmitTime from RTCDataChannelInit Core WebRTC: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1521953 Firefox stripping CORS headers from cached requests Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-23
1524753 Audio stuttering on Twitch since 64.0.2 Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1526368 open h264 and Widevine will not install if Win 10 user name unequal user folder name Core Audio/Video: GMP nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1527566 Just detecting WebVR causes constant ~13% CPU usage even when doing nothing else... Core WebVR nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1530037 WebRTC Indicator always shown on main screen in multi-monitor Windows setups Core WebRTC nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-21
1531965 Middle-click scroll not working over elements with shadowDOM when scroll overflow is used Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1544234 MediaStreamTrack of first video track recorded by MediaRecorder using RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack() is missing seconds and up to last second of audio of last video is muted Core Audio/Video: Recordi nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-04
1549295 Tooltip does not get disappear while doing horizontal scrolling as browser does not fire mouseLeave event Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1550873 CascadingDropDown causing infinite refresh Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1556277 Google Hangouts Connected To Google Voice Delay When Answering Call Core WebRTC nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1557634 Intermittent fail on https://web-platform.test:8443/service-workers/service-worker/ready.https.html Core DOM: Service Workers nobody UNCO --- 2020-05-15
1558680 UI interaction behaves unexpectedly when system is under load. Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1559763 texture-size-limit.html crashes firefox and kwin Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1559996 Link rel=prefetch may fire onload without sending network request. Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1569433 Firefox shows warning about local storage usage when using WebTorrent Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1571629 Cannot drag specific address to desktop Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2020-05-19
1573880 Windows Mixed Controller not listed on navigator.getGamepad in WebVR Core WebVR nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-11
1575164 memory leak while Web worker continuously post data through ajax Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2020-05-18
1576926 24 Hz Video output has judder/jerkiness as compared to Safari. Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1579348 [meta] Firefox for Librem 5, PinePhone & other Linux phones support tracker Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-05
1584715 Canvas and WebGl Fingerprinting Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-19
1587358 Error when issuing "browser:purge-session-history" when browser.privatebrowsing.autostart = true Core DOM: Navigation nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1592042 No text on first page when printing from eOS/ubuntu instead of windows Core Printing: Output nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1592530 GLXVsyncThread occupied high CPU (GLXtest process failed (exited with status 1): Unable to load Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-03
1593004 Track-pad click fails to initiate selectstart Core DOM: Selection nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1593275 Sometimes font rendering breaks Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1595746 Firefox, when pressing Space or Enter and creating a new button and focusing it, issues a click event on it Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1601871 REGRESSION: Websocket connection behind HTTP proxy does not work Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-11
1608035 very slow loading of larger html files with lot of color tags, since version 70 - chrome works as expected Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-07
1608938 pointerout/pointerleave events are not fired for pens Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1609691 Geolocation doesn't remember denial of access to location. Core DOM: Geolocation nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1614057 Selection’s isCollapsed is set to false for a selection with multiple collapsed ranges Core DOM: Selection nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1619061 I cannot open webpage, no error, blank page, inactive refresh button Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-02
1621745 Missing app menu and status menu bar when playing video with full screen mode on second monitor Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1622455 Firefox tab freezes when a huge log is displayed on Github Actions Core Performance nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1623408 Restoring Previous Session is sluggish Core Performance nobody UNCO --- 2022-04-07
1625057 Firefox includes trailing space when selecting text via click and drag Core DOM: Copy & Paste an nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-25
1625204 Browser hang in NtWaitForAlertByThreadId called from mozilla::widget::CompositorWidgetChild::Initialize Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1626595 FileReader silently stops inside a ServiceWorker Core DOM: Service Workers nobody UNCO --- 2020-05-15
1633217 Object iteration is slower than the competition (3-4 times) Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-03
1633280 WebGL context list algorithm causes infinite loop Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-12
1642010 isDistrustedCertificateChain should check that certRoot->distrust->serverDistrustAfter is of the expected length Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-21
1643358 xbox gamepad mapped differently in firefox on Linux and Windows Core DOM: Device Interfac nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-08
1645800 WEBGL GL_EXT_draw_buffers broken Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-05
1650152 Logitech Gamepad F310 does not follow standard gamepad layout Core DOM: Device Interfac nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-28
1656113 Font weight rendering wrong Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-02
1657591 remember client auth decisions on a per-session basis Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-11
1657738 calls create windows with read-only location/address bar in recent Firefox Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2021-07-27
1662335 Enhanced Tracking Protection not compatible with cookie allowlist Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-08
1667365 Wrong colors rendered in Using VP9 video as WebGL Texture Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2021-03-09
1667635 AbortError Starting video failed returned from getUserMedia until Firefox restarted Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-15
1669376 Extremely elevated memory usage by Facebook Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-20
1672374 Printing to Bixolon SRP-350/SRP-310 receipt printers fail in Firefox 82 Core Printing: Setup nobody UNCO --- 2022-06-01
1673188 GTK theme parser in content processes violates seccomp sandbox Core Security: Process Sa nobody UNCO --- 2021-01-14
1673612 Firefox Font Configuration doesn't seem work for non latin fonts Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-16
1678557 Twitter opened from Bookmarks results in and an error Core DOM: Service Workers nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-15
1679719 High memory use for JS classes on TechRadar Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-13
1679729 Computer reboots when opening web site in firefox 83 (Gen9p5 Kaby Lake) Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-26
1683978 Leaks a ton of memory on after using for a while Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2021-01-15
1688662 Client has been destroyed Error after Service Worker Installation Core DOM: Service Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-01-21
1691189 Firefox not responding to mDNS request for WebRTC candidates Core WebRTC: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-26
1692037 Incorrect Window placement while switching monitors on Windows with multiple monitors with different scaling settings. Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-02-17
1692788 [archlinux][gtk3] thick scrollbars with gtk3 3.24.25 Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-29
1694035 HTTPS request freezes when visiting google related services (Google, YouTube, ...) Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1694610 Firefox <=> Chrome transport-cc issue after session renegotiation Core WebRTC: Signaling nobody UNCO --- 2021-03-29
1698289 Intermittent website authentication failure - requires clearing site cache to repair - hugely annoying to users. Core Networking: Cookies nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-13
1698975 "A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations." started to show up in Europe and Asia regions Core Storage: IndexedDB nobody UNCO --- 2021-04-06
1699330 view-source doesn't show the source code of the page I'm viewing Core Networking: Cookies nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-05
1699632 Sometimes, Firefox' Downloads panel shows on top of other Ubuntu 20.04 windows Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2021-03-19
1705389 View source requires new HTTP authentication Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2021-08-23
1706412 Some pages load completely broken style scrambled Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-07-05
1707415 incorrect handling of WorkspaceID Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2021-05-26
1708491 WebGL performance issue when rendering from an html video tag as RGB. Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-14
1711127 multipart POST header becomes malformed when aborted and reattempted Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-31
1711284 gigabytes of JS classes on Twitter Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2021-06-03
1713671 Google Chat Screen Share Bug Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-05
1715427 Response.blob() promise is rejected when the request URL is revoked after fetch Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2021-06-11
1717016 High CPU usage on youtube Core Performance nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-25
1717597 Twitter feeds paint very slowly Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-28
1718287 Windows Narrator gets stuck in an infinite loop on some elements Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-10
1719066 Browser window restores down when touch keyboard is open Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1719348 Firefox crashes after a video call, or usage of the webcam for an extended period of time.. Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-14
1720059 Different heights when snapping browser windows Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-04
1720236 Certain articles on slow down Firefox a lot, or cause it to become unresponsive if read on (RSS reader) Core Performance nobody UNCO --- 2022-04-07
1722197 [GNOME] dragging a tab into the gnome menu keep Firefox in D&D mode Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2021-08-17
1722802 Add JSAPI functions to create JS modules w/ custom exports Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-23
1724065 REMB bandwidth estimating appears to broken with libwebrtc update Core WebRTC: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-06
1724078 Webcam Blocked Despite Settings to Allow Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2021-08-30
1725876 Can't click, page down, or inspect anywhere on Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2021-12-14
1729718 Context menu not working on wayland Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-11
1730360 InvalidStateError A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations. Core Storage: IndexedDB nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-26
1731418 Implement URLPattern Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-20
1731558 [UX] Playing/PiP tab is hard to spot Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-19
1731568 Sound playing while logged into other user account on MacOS Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1735017 WebGL 'Could not find uniform in shader', while it's clearly used Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-02-14
1735370 Firefox window border overlaps top taskbar Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-06
1737493 Can no longer log in to websites using hCaptcha with WebGL disabled (93.0) Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-11
1738881 Firefox 94 - Firefox is already running, but is not responding Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-27
1739025 QUIC Initial packet does not have DF set on MacOS Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-18
1739436 Extension window too small Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-10
1739511 upload speed is throttled going thru Caddy reverse proxy Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
1739659 Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: ATI RV530 Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-12
1740056 High CPU and laggy browser on Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-12-22
1741140 Sync using company Internet doesn't work Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-30
1741845 Status code is 0, all response headers are empty for an XHR (or JQuery ajax) that has HTTP status code 408 Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-03
1742715 Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: AMD CEDAR Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-02-14
1745050 is very slow when scrolling, much jank Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-30
1745274 Zoneminder camera streaming makes firefox unresponsive (multipart image) (MJPEG stream) Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-31
1746158 In a video call, when presenting my secondary screen, the presented video is not updated instantly Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-04
1747535 Captive portal redirect not working due to forced https in detection site url Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-08
1749202 WebGL transparent pixels conversion issue with toDataURL Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-11
1750247 Looping videos flicker black when uploading with WebGL Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-24
1750492 Bookmarks inside bookmark toolbar folders inconsistently jump to other monitor with middle click instead of opening in a new tab. Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-09-30
1752138 MouseEvent movementX and movementY wrong after requestPointerLock() when display scale is different from 100% Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-15
1753486 H3 upload speed on the same computer (zero-ping) too slow Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-06
1758515 Authorized H2 proxies break with websockets Core Networking: WebSocke nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-21
1758932 When customizing icons on the new tab page, the transparent channel is converted to either white or black Core Layout: Images, Vide nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-07
1759091 'save as/file select' window render broken on firefox Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-25
1759996 fetch issue with open connection Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-19
1760057 Firefox ESR version stops loading new tabs periodically Core DOM: Content Process nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-23
1762478 Firefox is off screen when display size increase in Windows 11 Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-23
1763436 Firefox will not start as snap when home is not default one Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-04-27
1763740 Cannot utilize hardware decoding in watching video like YouTube Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-04-11
1765884 Fire <link rel=preload> error events if and only if network errors Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-21
1769362 spidermonkey-91 branch fails compile with gcc-12.1 Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-23
1773533 Firefox does not respond to TLS alerts and leaves the user uninformed Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-06-15
1773888 After a long session, cannot connect to any websites Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-14
1774211 "Start now" button in Gmail Workspace pop-up doesn't work Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-09
1774424 Wrong page displayed, Design is broken Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-12
1776558 Firefox won't load videos from my site Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-06
1783513 DeviceFamily::QualcommAll does not include SC7180 Adreno 618 GPUs Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-15
1784043 Firefox seems to lose network connectivity after computer is inactive for some time or resumes from suspend Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-08-29
1791039 Poor spell-check behavior while typing Core Spelling checker nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-12
1792353 Hardware acceleration is making Firefox tab bar glitch in Windows 10 Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-02
1792434 Add duplex property to Request Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-14
1792704 Firefox freezes on nvidia driver installation Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-08
1795569 bookmarks bar empty when opening new window immediately after opening firefox on windows Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-02
1796198 PAC: Firefox fails to detect system PAC proxy change Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1796904 Google search only functions intermittently after update to version 106 Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1796998 AbortSignal in ServiceWorker fetch results in network error Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-24
1797902 - colors missing from map layers Core Graphics: Color Mana nobody UNCO --- 2022-12-01
1798442 upload of file should continue after wifi reconnection Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-02
1799334 backdrop-filter doesn't blur remote <browser> element Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-18
1800701 On shared file systems browser.cache.disk.capacity reports hardware size, not user quota Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-04
1800806 Maps and Sets are slower than native Objects or Arrays Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-29
1808692 SOCKS implementation does not support UDP Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-25
1808777 DOH Fallback mode not working: DNS Over HTTPS failing to resolve certain hostnames which resolve using DoH Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-24
1810571 Windows SSO does not work on Windows Server 2016, but does work on Windows Server 2019+ Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-21
1811377 "Blocked Page" with no explanation in F12 console, probably related to 'COEP: require-corp' Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-31
1812018 This reddit page with multiple playing videos causes slow compositing (worse than in Chrome) Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-22
1813355 The cached alternative service entries expire overly soon Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-13
1813357 Why does thrid-party HTTP POST method bypass internal DNS cache? Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-13
1815120 TLS is 4-5 times slower than Opera or Edge Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-17
1818546 Firefox 110 generating popup to authenticate to security token Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-10
1818665 Sticky positioning w/ transform between it and reference box glitches with perspective values other than none Core Web Painting nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-18
1820324 Make the Unable to connect dialog more verbose (show the IP address for a remote server) Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-14
1822411 MajorGC pauses in WebWorker possibly due to lack of incremental GC Core JavaScript: GC nobody UNCO --- Fri 14:10
1822940 Firefox uses a lot of memory Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-17
1825137 Collaboration problem between FF and KDE/Plasma window manager : resize of window not possible any more Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-29
1825474 Firefox window shown with border when using multiple displays with different DPIs Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-02
1827575 Nvidia/Linux: The Firefox window becomes unresponsive when loading a webpage with a bad connection Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-18
1828045 Copying image from RTF Editor eg. (macOS Notes app) pastes the Object Replacement character instead in Firefox Core DOM: Copy & Paste an nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-22
1828125 firefox extended release + google maps, shows a black screen, why and how to fix? Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1828277 Web apps that make use of 3D rendering show a black screen in rendering window. Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-01
1835223 Update search (happens multiple times a day) leads to freeze of the browser Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-14
1835518 YouTube PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR error after Firefox downloads an update Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-19
1835636 writeBuffer() does not follow WebGPU specification with TypedArray Core Graphics: WebGPU nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-21
1835776 Continuous request to captive portal Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-13
1836790 AV1 8K 60fps decoding low performance with intel 11gen xe graphics card Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-10
1837621 OCSP domain request go to system resolver even when network.trr.mode=3 Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1838387 The space key won't insert a space character in a summary element inside an editable host element Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-28
1838429 OCSP requests use System Principal Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1839095 preventDefault on touchmove event fails if listener is registered within passive listener Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-28
1840051 cache issue on Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-12
1840188 jittery video on youtube in nightly 116 Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-25
1840384 Firefox 114.0.2 (64-bit) is broken (supposedly Javascript engine) Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-26
1840397 GPU-Memory Leak Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-22
1842135 MartyPC Player slower in Firefox Core JavaScript: WebAssem nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-14
1842321 Hardware acceleration not working on W11 + Alder Lake i7 Evo Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-22
1842755 Colour management not working in Youtube videos with version 115 Core Graphics: Color Mana nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-01
1843449 Intel iGPU Periodically Stutter the firefox Text Box Input & Page Scroll Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-22
1843898 Text is wrong on Nasdaq BoardVantage Core Internationalization nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-27
1845947 memory leak Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-14
1849143 Firefox prefers IPv4 when website uses HTTPS DNS records with ipv4hints Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1849829 tooltips aren't removed when cursor leaves window Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-11
1852899 Skip IPv6 IP addresses from TRR response when the client does not support IPv6. Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-15
1853167 Can't view website certificate if using a web proxy with authentication Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-03
1853171 Wrong error message for OCSP error when using proxy with authentication Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-27
1854289 fetch() with "omit" credentials matches Link preload with "same-origin" credentials Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-06
1854407 Memory leak Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-05
1855707 Firefox occasionally starts with a completely empty window Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-13
1857941 Firefox freeze and video is not smooth if playing video in more tabs Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-10
1858022 Scrolling jumps back and forth in the Facebook feed. Core Panning and Zooming nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-22
1858122 ETP Fingerprinters Blocking blocks and causing captcha in couldn't load Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-22
1858536 Graphical glitch Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-20
1863250 Services.clearData.deleteDataFromBaseDomain evicts unrelated cache entry Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-20
1863885 High heap-unclassified memory when looking at Cacti real-time graphs Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-04
1864170 render-stencil-large-viewport WebGL Conformance test triggers lockup and reset on Android Pixel 7 Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1865779 [wayland] input method window position lags behind Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-21
1866770 [KDE] KWin/Wayland: It's not possible to drag&drop bookmarks into subfolders Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-12
1867356 [KDE] Copy broken Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-07
1867468 My firefox takes a long time to boot with hardware acceleration on Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-09
1868987 HTTP/2 upload to nginx breaks down with low bandwidth even though data is still being sent Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-16
1869107 I keep getting the captive portal message Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-25
1869176 Disable login to captive portal not work Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-25
1869403 incredibly slow page load with "use system proxy" enabled without a system proxy Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-25
1873981 [Wayland] Firefox doesn't raise to the top when a link is clicked in other app or document Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-19
1874585 scaling interpolation doesn't handle single lines well Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-09
1874840 xhr with range header gets unreliable Content-Length (and different from other browsers) for 'text/plain' files Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1876749 Problem with Active cursor mode and closing the site Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-18
1877657 After updating Firefox 121=>122 extreme cpu load and crash on startup with many tabs Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-14
1880467 [Scale change] Firefox continues rendering windows on non-visible workspaces Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-21
1880534 Network limiter doesn't throttle websocket connections Core Networking: WebSocke nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-05
1880756 [X11/KDE] Navigation tab freezes Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
1880767 Support Webtransport draft-08 Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1881667 Screen turns black when scrolling a specific PDF Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-11
1881801 Twitter iframes slow to appear Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-26
1881986 Limited bandwidth on Firefox with Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-20
1882866 Server Sent Events fails to reconnect (reports CORS error) Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1882955 Direct Wasm-to-IDL calls are slow (using Core JavaScript: WebAssem nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-14
1883145 crossOriginIsolated false in service worker when it should be true Core DOM: Service Workers nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-06
1885413 Unable to resume download of a file behind basic http auth Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1885497 If Hardware acceleration is disabled with multiple monitors, going fullscreen for the first time is offset by a few pixels Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-11
1886823 :screenshot --fullpage captures an incomplete image Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-11
1888630 Items written to session storage by page B are inaccessible from previous page A after navigating back there Core Storage: localStorag nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-15
1889303 Firefox uses s-maxage instead of max-age Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-12
1889891 Network monitor offline mode doesn't block messages over active websocket connection Core Networking: WebSocke nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1890743 [tablet_pad_handle_removed] Crash when laptop is suspended Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-12
1890936 Massive delay in keyboard input Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-13
1891715 Incorrect behavior for multiple headers (CORP, COOP, AC-*, COEP) Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1891719 Lone LF (\n) in fetch response header triggers a timeout Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1892374 `generateVMWrapper` doesn't ensure alignment of Value allocated on stack for the out parameter. Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-21
1892596 various error messages from firefox Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-11
1895277 Windows Firefox Kerberos authentication broken with Extended protection set to allow on ADFS server with a SHA384 SSL certificate Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-27
1896061 overall gfx performance issues with firefox drawing content and media playback Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-17
1897669 White Border with 150% scaled monitor Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-18
1898145 Credential Management API shouldn't allow method calls on non-fully active docs Core DOM: Credential Mana nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-06
1899015 Firefox slow startup after reboot (high disk IO) Core Storage: IndexedDB nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-01
1899207 shift click opens links twice on duckduckgo Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-06
1899225 "Server not found" when using Apple Private relay Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-11
1899226 When offline, cached web pages often not displaying while present in cache. Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-01
1900272 [WebGPU] white screen on certain scenes Core Graphics: WebGPU nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-10
1900481 DoH resolution is 100ms slower with uBlock Origin installed Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-28
1901292 [meta] Fast UDP for Firefox Core Networking nobody UNCO --- Mon 04:36
1902088 DoH won't work if DNS is proxied over SOCKS5 Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-23
1902436 Microphone list shows monitor devices of each microphone Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-20
1903351 Save As popup missing in Firefox Nightly 129. 0a1 (2024-06-18) Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-08
1903371 X and Y buttons are inverted on game pads in Firefox Core DOM: Device Interfac nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-09
1904057 error event doesn't fire for link elements with rel="preload" Core DOM: Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-25
1904140 [Wayland] Dragging a tab to a smaller monitor to create a new window results in a window that's too large for that monitor Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-03
1907048 Please enable the VP9 codec by default in GeckoView Core Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-18
1907284 WebSockets are not functioning reliably Core Networking: WebSocke nobody UNCO --- Mon 08:23
1907347 [Arch] Since GTK3 3.24.42 firefox doesn't remember its size Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-15
1907828 PDFs show wrong page on Wayland Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 08:45:39
1908061 When I load multiple tabs from the same website at the same time, the requests don't finish. Core Networking nobody UNCO --- Mon 10:59
1908827 Proxy authentication working in cURL and Chrome, but not in Firefox (http 407) Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 01:49:31
1909143 Firefox Version: 128.0 crash when using NTLM proxy Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- Mon 11:50
1910395 PDF viewer flickering and "smearing" text around Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- Mon 14:28
1586644 [KDE] The title bar is present even when disabled in Customise (Linux) Core Widget: Gtk stransky UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1788247 [KDE] Firefox deadlocks on right click in BitWarden popover - waiting for free wl_buffer Core Widget: Gtk stransky UNCO --- 2022-12-02
1580781 Firefox starts up slow when the local hostname cant be resolved Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu UNCO --- 2022-11-30
1756471 Intermittent error loading js chunk seemingly related to caching Core Networking: HTTP valentin.gosu UNCO --- 2023-12-30
1329486 Poor HTTPs performance. Firefox 50.1.0 windows vs Chrome. Speedtest Core Networking acreskey UNCO --- 2023-04-12
1732986 High GPU power usage when scrolling with SWGL Core Graphics: WebRender ahale UNCO --- 2024-04-02
1594463 In-built English Speller Not Working Properly When Sentence not Terminated with a Space Character Core Spelling checker aiunusov UNCO --- 2024-06-04
1687119 Subtitle (WEBVTT) with a style is not correctly loaded (new issue from the last update?) Core Audio/Video: Playbac alwu UNCO --- 2021-01-16
1798084 Firefox causes intel driver to stop working (Windows 8.1) Core Graphics bwerth UNCO --- 2022-11-16
1844739 Bottom bar of YouTube cut off when entering full screen from native full screen on macOS Core Widget: Cocoa bwerth UNCO --- 2023-07-24
1893997 Pressing the Esc key on macOS does not work correctly in all scenarios when viewing a video in full screen mode Core Widget: Cocoa bwerth UNCO --- 2024-05-15
1887512 4:2:2 VP9 videos do not display correctly on arm64 macOS Core Audio/Video: Playbac cchang UNCO --- 2024-06-12
1661942 Gamepad API doesn't recognize Thrustmaster MFD gamepad Core DOM: Device Interfac cmartin UNCO --- 2024-02-12
1909441 Incorrect make credential request marshalling in MacOSWebAuthnService Core DOM: Web Authenticat dkeeler UNCO --- Thu 13:33
1740610 VoiceOver skips over text in paragraphs which contain <strong> or <em> tags Core Disability Access AP eitan UNCO --- 2021-11-17
1850446 navigator.requestMIDIAccess fails to work on file:// schema Core DOM: Device Interfac gsvelto UNCO --- 2024-06-10
1663386 Back / Forward gesture broken on macOS Catalina if Firefox started with gesture disabled Core Widget: Cocoa haftandilian UNCO --- 2021-12-09
1751467 Firefox can't open files in flatpak programs on linux Core Widget: Gtk jhorak UNCO --- 2024-03-20
1841530 Firefox default handler not working until "nudged" - flatpak/debian 12/114.0.2 (64-bit) Core Widget: Gtk jhorak UNCO --- 2023-10-06
1882641 Flatpak does not inhibit idle Core Widget: Gtk jhorak UNCO --- 2024-06-07
1843683 requires even if Firefox does not Core Audio/Video: Playbac jld UNCO --- 2023-07-18
1712162 Videos with PCM and FP audio tracks won't play (properly) Core Audio/Video: Playbac jolin UNCO --- 2024-01-24
1732199 Infinite reload of 201, 203, 204 responses Core Audio/Video jolin UNCO --- 2024-05-29
178721 [Customized xmodmap] Assignning keysymbols with numerics is not respected Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-08
186664 the different font size for monospace characters (the read window and beyond the edit window) Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-16
224970 "onresize" inline HTML event doesn't function on FRAME Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
225863 Disk cache size set in preferences is ignored Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
257870 Keypress not recognised as user event for popup blocker Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-31
315290 30% of time in raytracing testcase taken by canvas code Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
324037 refresh reloads *everything* even items which have an expiry date in the future Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
328057 Canvas disappears after hiding if size style not set. Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
339681 Proxy authentication is required on Squid + NTLM on Linux/Mac, but not on Windows Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
339860 Request an Option to Make the Default Response to the 'Unresponsive Script' Dialog 'Continue' Instead of 'Stop Script' Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-16
354370 Viewing Blank Page Resets Encoding to UTF-8 Despite Default Settings in Prefs Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
408372 <canvas> canvas animation is jerky on Firefox 3 beta 1, Linux x86_64 Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
411517 XMLHttprequest loses authentication credentials on calls to different urls Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
429043 [Mac] Ctrl+y will not paste/yank text killed by ctrl+k (cocoa emacs keybinding) Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-06
433364 DNS suffixes not parsed when Firefox used on company LAN Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
435837 proxy connection to NXDOMAIN using https gives Data Transfer Interrupted Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
447794 Certificate backups use RC2/40 encryption Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
463686 network.http.phishy-userpass-length feature claims password-protected site does not require password Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
473795 Deleting a server certificate exception should confirm the server name, not the certificate name Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
477803 redirect to location w/ utf-8 characters breaks URL/correct loading of the page Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
477982 Prompt for SSL client certificates appears at erratic times Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
487943 port 443 without url scheme should default to https, not http Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
511839 DNS prefetch peppers DNS server with queries for the same FQDN Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
512437 provide better error message when client cert authentication fails Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
512709 firefox sends wrong http basic auth credentials Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
519697 PDF Form POST from within Object tag sends two REFERER headers Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
542405 prefetched content with cache-control/gzip causes browser encoding error Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
542769 Bad DNS resolving using NTLM auth Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
567070 Using network.proxy.socks_remote_dns=true breaks browser.fixup.alternate Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
567822 would be good if negotiate-auth worked out of the box Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
569570 HTTP doesn't remember IPv6 scope for further redirections Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-30
577035 Double request on button click (inside a tag) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-31
598243 Content-encoding error when temp drive is full Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
616830 wrong size every time if I set width = 380 height = 200 Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
623067 convert url encoded punycode / IDN links before DNS requests for URLs to open Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
629864 selections in unfocused text fields are not visible Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
634822 Authentication window pop up using XMLHttpRequest Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
639279 duplicated request on special char appearance with charset detector set to universal Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
646378 GWT X-GWT-Permutation HTTP header not always included in POST to server Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
670824 [GTK][Zawgyi2009 Burmese keyboard] Burmese characters are not composed correctly Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
671561 Elements "input", "textarea": control-dragging a text to copy it can't copy it just before itself nor just after itself. Core DOM: Copy & Paste an nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-25
673379 event.keyCode returns wrong code on United Kingdom keyboard Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
681488 No image/* mime data when dragging an image on Linux (X11) Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
682237 Backing doesn't handle Vary header correctly Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
691038 Websocket: message not processed on close Core Networking: WebSocke nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
700123 Keyboard Lock Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-31
701823 DNS cache needs to be cleared after captive portal is detected Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
703163 Firefox may show blank for video and requires extra refresh with clearing cache Core General nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
707156 HTTP basic auth: wrong credentials sent when navigating between sibling URLs using different realms Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
712890 Ctrl+F5 "Force Reload" doesn't reload plugin Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
718422 Firefox can't find register protocol handler apps on mac os x Core Widget: Cocoa nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
739178 Caching persistence of expiry time Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
741327 Certificate selection modal dialog appears on wrong window Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
741832 Yet another proxy authentication popup issue (NTLM) Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
742719 Firefox is breaking NTLM auth in Mcafee Web Gateway Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
748929 Window state not restored on browser exit and restart Core Networking: Cookies nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-02
760395 Firefox runs slow when executes multiple ajax requests in https mode Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
764741 Table cell borders missing: should reprocess borders collapsed by "border-collapse: collapse" if some rows are hidden with "display:none" Core Layout: Tables nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-30
769920 When downloading the proxy.pac file, firefox does not send the Cookie: HTTP header to the server Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
770463 Firefox first page load adds proxy Redirect to Navigation Timing Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
770701 Right ALT key mapped through .Xmodmap does not work in Firefox Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
783178 socks_remote_dns=true leaks DNS (in some conditions) Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
791545 Image loading errors Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
794930 transform-origin-x, transform-origin-y Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
819360 Icons should be full sized or clear around the small icon Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
819760 <audio> plays short sound scratchy in new versions Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
820293 Percent in URI not encoded Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-06
824870 Provide preference to set deltaMode value of DOM WheelEvent Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-13
832157 Browser considerable slowdown after reaching cache limit. Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-15
834049 SOCKS requests not retried with available ipv4 addresses if SOCKS gateway returns "address family not supported" Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
835158 HTTPS proxy setting change doesn't take effect until restart Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
836270 Auto refresh from payment gateway not working Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
839078 RFC 2616 8.2.2 being ignored during 413 Request Entity Too Large Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
841489 Proxy Auto Config issue calling ip (myipaddress) of VPN Network Adapter Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
847079 Ghost images when dragging should always be at full opacity Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
850244 22.0a1 (2013-03-12) Page loads fail for existing open tabs after restart. (proxy?) Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
856277 /16 mask in no proxy setting not working Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
857537 Request password of proxy when entering Private Mode Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
868522 Native controls can become unusable when using a dark theme. Core Widget nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
870138 Mac OS X, vpn proxy setting does not affect firefox use system settings Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
873773 WebSocket client does not close TCP connection after incorrect handshake response from server Core Networking: WebSocke nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
882625 Blocked SmartCard Pop-up Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
890395 Circumventing caching of platform instantiations of webfonts doesn't work for fonts used in frames Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
890717 Kerberos SPNEGO doesn't work on Windows with 2 levels of CNAME Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
893448 Fallback from automatic NTLM auth fails Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
910773 IPv6 retry socket connection on protocol error Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
914056 Strange comportement with Kerberos Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
914088 Faulty Behaviour when sending POST Requests with Kerberos Authentication Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
924432 Unplug ethernet then plug it back in makes me have to restart firefox to get connectivity Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
941981 onDataAvailable for UDP in Components.interfaces.nsISocketTransportService concatenates Datagrams Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
942090 CSS property text-decoration set on parent breaks hover effect on descendant Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
942484 SPNEGO / MS KRB5 no longer working on OS X [still works on Windows] Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
967221 Firefox onDrag Event is missing correct position values Core DOM: Events nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
968176 requests abort on 304 when using SSL Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
968332 HTTP 302 Redirects not working with SPDY and push enabled if Basic Auth was triggered Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
985792 Image Cache Problems Core Networking: Cache nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
987785 MacOS X: Can not connect to IPv4-only sites from IPv6-only node via SOCKS proxy Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
995205 Screen is frozen although engine is still loading pages. Core Layout nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
999700 gl.texImage2D and gl.texSubImage2D not taking fast upload path when dstStride != srcStride. Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1002453 StartSSL certificate has weird name le-8bbf0da1-ccce-44d9-....... Core Security: PSM nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1003816 Upload faild with FireFox ESR 24.5 Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1004386 throw an error Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-04
1012818 Consider moving focus to <input type=number> when a user clicks on one of its spin buttons Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1013319 [@font-face] Font files *sometimes* improperly loaded Core Networking: HTTP nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-16
1031892 No prompt username and password dialog box proxy startup Core Networking: Proxy nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-20
1042650 Can't watch youtube video without a connected sound output device Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1050244 Cannot enable D3D11 in Firefox 31.0 on Windows 7 Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1054170 HTML video element consumes memory too aggressively, and may cause OOM or freeze system Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1056599 Firefox randomly using IPv6 via 6to4 relay on IPv4 connected client & servers Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-16
1061834 Can't set network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-15
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.

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