Steve & Creeper BrickHeadz revealed!

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Steve & Creeper

Steve & Creeper

©2018 LEGO Group

LEGO has just revealed two upcoming BrickHeadz, based upon the highly successful game Minecraft, on social media: Steve, and a Creeper enemy mob, will come packaged together in two-pack 41612.

They should be available sometime later this year, and are likely to be priced at $19.99.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

55 comments on this article

By in United States,

Steve's face seems squished. Otherwise, they look great.

By in United Kingdom,

OOOOOOOOHHHH that's rough...I've been liking a lot of the recent Brickheadz, but these look straight up bad...Maybe its the mouth...or the inclusion of ears on this one for...whatever reason (Since I last checked Steve doesn't have proper ears in the game). bad.

By in United Kingdom,

I'm not sure how translating a square character into a square form has gone so badly wrong! Maybe it's because it's a bit too close to the source material so it looks weird rather than stylised?

By in United Kingdom,

In my opinion, there are FAR too many Brickheadz being revealed/released. I DO like some of the new ones (Ghostbusters pair being a real highlight for me) - and I have a few in my collection already - but I'd rather have small City sets, for example, at a similar price, coming out with this frequency!

By in United States,

LEGO, Staaahp. You're doing too many Brickheadz.

By in United Kingdom,

@FreewheelBricks I've long thought the ears are, for the most part, a weird decision. Especially for characters that definitely wouldn't have had ears before, like Wu or any of the LEGO Batman Movie figures. If the source material doesn't give them ears, the Brickheadz shouldn't have em.

By in Australia,

Ok, this is jumping the shark a bit now- stylised cube figures of pop figures I get, but when that becomes simply upscaling existing stylised cube figures I think we're being taken for a ride.

Unless someone at TLG has a very meta sense of humour.

By in United Kingdom,

Proving once and for all that they oversaturated Brickheadz...

By in Belgium,

Woah, they're unstoppable... :O I'm glad I never got on the BH train, my inner completionist would be selling the car right now to afford all of them...

By in Venezuela,

Creeper looks fantastic

By in United Kingdom,

When will it end? Haha XD

By in United Kingdom,

I'm thinking... How many BrickHeadz do we need...

By in United Kingdom,

I dont own any Minecraft lego but these look abit meh.. And i think they'd be good just for the parts rather than the builds in my opinion..
The Bobba fett brickhead revealed yesterday is miles better than these two, so are Doc Brown & Marty Mcfly!

By in Germany,

Although these were a logical consequence, they have managed to prove that two themes, for which I have zero interest, when combined can result in negative interest.

By in United States,

I’m totally loving those square eyes. Does anyone know the numbers for these?

By in Denmark,

"I'm thinking... How many BrickHeadz do we need..." - and many comments like that.

Who are "we"?

To me: The more the better.

And a tip to the dominant fraction on this site - the naysayer: You do N-O-T have to by them (all).

By in United Kingdom,

Couldn’t agree more with iriz, the comments section
To pretty much every brickheadz release article is the same old rubbish, if you don’t have an interest why even bother clicking the article???

By in United States,

^^ Same thoughts... only issue is, I can’t afford all of them. :(

By in United States,

The creeper looks perfect! It might just be my new favorite brickhead.

By in United States,

I absolutely love the Creeper in this, especially given they managed to work in the walking animation, but I'm not as keen on Steve (or rather "Steve?" even official merch never spells it right.) He looks adorable but something is off about him, it's probably the beard (that everyone mistakes for a mouth and is absent on the modern Steve? skin anyway.)

By in United States,

All of them Huw, all of them. I’m just waiting for Gandalf and Frodo.

By in United States,

Woah. That creeper looks great. Steve, though...

By in United States,

The moment I saw them I started laughing. They are Starlord terrible, they are just hilariously ugly. Even though Steve and the Creeper are literally brickheadz in their game, they do not translate into the brickhead format verry well.

By in United States,

You have to remember that Brickheadz are the Lego equivalent of Funko pop. Because there are hundreds upon hundreds of Pops, it only makes sense that Lego release a larger number of different themed brickheadz in order to compete.

By in United States,

Also, if this is what the video game brickheadz are going to look like I dread the overwatch ones...

Just sayin.

By in United Kingdom,

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Brickheadz but I do think LEGO is rather oversaturating the market with them this year.

I know I don't have to buy them all, and I don't.

By in United States,

There do seem to be quite a lot of these coming out lately. I generally enjoy looking at them, but Lego might end up competing with itself. Funko Pop does well with this type of format (singular figures with odd proportions), but they don't have other product out there to try and sell to the same people. I'm betting a lot of people are looking at these and thinking that they're neat, but don't want to buy them if it means missing out on an actual Lego set.
Of course we don't have to buy them. But people are going to start getting tired of seeing new Brickheadz reveals instead of new sets. I also don't want to start seeing Lego catalogue's with a bunch of pages of just Brickheaz.

By in United Kingdom,

What’s up with Steve’s face ??? :-/

By in Germany,

I'm so glad that they choose to do some other Brickheadz too. I didn't buy any of the previous ones and started this year with the seasonals. And now several are on my list because they are finally characters I like. I have to stop (due to space reasons) buying regular sets a lot so those tiny figures are perfect and they look really cool in my book shelve.

By in United States,

I like these. Steve should have square eyes, in my opinion but I still like them!

By in Serbia,

LEGO is only able to produce a finite number of parts each year. These abominations with specialized printed parts are eating into the parts budget. Screw them.

By in United States,

I like Minecraft a lot, but these are pretty freaky. Maybe if they went with an armored Steve instead?

By in United States,

Sometimes you'll get extra 'eye' tiles so maybe with the Creeper, if there's extra, swap out Steve's round tile eyes for the square extra's.
@Huw Yeah, me too. I have a few Brickheadz. I don't like all so I only get my true favs. But Lego is definitely hitting hard on these. I'm guessing they sell very well? And/or they have licenses for all these characters and gotta' use them or lose them.

By in Hungary,

Build something out of LEGO that already looks that is made out of LEGO and build it blockish altough it is already blockish enough.
This is way too meta.

By in Canada,

I don't know why they insist on adding ears, especially on characters that have exclusively square heads like Steve here, but I wouldn't mind picking this up. Y'know, if I care enough to divert my precious Ninjago-buying funds to it.

By in United States,

It's not just about oversaturating the market, it's about taking resources away from real sets. Look NO further than the Pirates of the Caribbean sets: a $200 Silent Mary, and two $10 Brickheadz that nobody bought. Trust me, I worked at Lego when they were out. There are almost no $9.99 sets in Star Wars except BH. You have to go up to battle packs as the next rung and not everyone wants a bunch of Jawas (though they nailed it on the Bounty Hunter Pack). Don't get me started on the lack of $9.99 sets throughout the store - most of the ones we had were Brickheadz. Now, if TLG decides to send those nifty City-builder accessory set polybags over to our side of the Atlantic, perhaps my stance on that will soften.

By in Canada,

A. Steve needs square eyes
B. Steve's face is squashed
C. Steve has ears (why, Lego, why?)
D. Steve has a mouth which looks very much like an upside down moustache
E. Steve looks like a porg

A + B + C + D + E = Complete failure . . . I'll pass on this one Lego

By in United States,

There's still like 4 packs they have to reveal guys!!

By in United Kingdom,

I quite like the BrickHeadz on the whole but find their announcement and release schedule to be off-putting. It feels like at least one BrickHeadz figure is revealed almost every week which can seem overwhelming.

By in Australia,

I personally think that the Creeper works really well with the Brickheadz style, as the head to body size ratio is actually close to normal. However, I think the whole "mouths on Brickheadz" thing really lets Steve down.

By in United Kingdom,

Steve looks weird with ears. and with round eyes, though I'm not entirely sure if thats all thats bothering me about those. something just seems off...

By in Canada,

Steve's head is supposed to be a smooth block. What's up with the ears? Also his mouth is hideous. Love the creeper though!

By in Serbia,

Steve looks like an absolute SOYBOY with underdeveloped goatee lol

By in United States,

I'm not sure what would be more overwhelming, releasing them gradually, or revealing all 50+ Brickheadz at once. I think they're releasing them in waves to keep us from being overwhelmed.

By in Germany,

this comment section really sickens me.....and i got a comment deleted some years ago because there was the word “hate “ in it.

the only theme of which lego really produces way to much is : star wars ( just count the number of sets)

iriz said it all but i got one other tip for all the “ear haters” : its a block building just can pull em of....

and for me:i love these ones and im a minecraft fan since day one! I reallllly hope there will be a tnt block inside the creeper :)

By in United States,

Steve is unusual, to say the least. I've never had a problem with the ears, but for a character that doesn't have any it just comes off as odd. The round eyes aren't perfect, either, nor is the hair (it's close enough, though), but the Creeper is really good, just wish they could cover up the studs on top of his head and the look would be complete.

Edit: What people seem to be mistaking for a mouth is actually Steve's goatee from the old player model, which was actually removed quite a while ago for looking like a smile. This is actually just creating a whole new question, though; why include an outdated feature? Dunno, still buying this as a big fan of Minecraft and someone who doesn't mind Steve's Brickhead otherwise.

By in Belgium,

This is getting bloody ridiculous now. Enough already, Lego.

By in United Kingdom,

This is the first time I've looked at a brickhead and thought it just doesn't work. The eyes just look wrong here next to the face details.

By in United Kingdom,

Its becoming pretty clear that they're trying to compete with Funko, and they're doing it too hard.

Funko is massively oversaturated as is, you just have to go to any store that sells them to see if they're not a limited edition/variation/chase figure, they'll sit around for months unsold, even if discounted. I'll not that the Solo movie Pops are already discounted in a lot of places for instance.

By in United Kingdom,

@Huw I'd look at Brickheadz less than a normal Lego range, and more as a series of collectables. Like a buildable version of Funko Pops. They release literally HUNDREDS every single year.

If you try to collect them all, you'd be up the creek. Most people just focus on a specific sub-range (Like Batman Pop's, or Buffy ones, for example).

By in Russian Federation,

How could BRICKhead be more round than the actual model it's based on?

By in United States,

I think the problem people are having with the volume is that it creates the notion that they're spending time and resources on these instead of actual leg sets, even if that's not the case. So instead of seeing smaller $9.99 builds, we're seeing Brickheadz. As another poster mentioned then, if you don't want a Brickheadz, your next choice up is often a $15 or higher set. It's the old saying "Rob Peter to pay Paul". They're taking away energy from their regular Lego lines to make these. People don't really complain about the Funko stuff because that IS the line. People can safely ignore those without feeling like something else was sacrificed. When Brickheadz first came out, people that weren't interested in them just ignored them and everything was fine. But when they keep revealing more and more, it starts to feel like we're not getting regular sets instead.
Even if that's not actually the case, that's what it feels like.

By in United States,

Why did they make these look more like the Minecraft minifigures than the actual characters? These could have actually worked better than the rest of the line because the source material is already very square... as it is Steve looks terrible and the decision to make the eyes pop out a plate further than the rest of the facial features on both characters looks VERY strange.

By in Philippines,

Steve is a chipmunk.

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