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What is sage smudging?

Sage burning (aka smudging) is a 2,000-year-old indigenous American practice also common throughout Native American & Neo-Pagan traditions which include the burning of herbs to bless, protect, and cleanse negative energy.

Smudging cleanses and rejuvenates your energy and even your crystals. Sage smoke changes the ionic composition of the air and can have a direct effect on reducing your stress levels.

Common herbs in a smudge stick include; Sage, white sage, lavender, sweet grass, cedar, and Palo Santo. Palo Santo wood “holy wood” is from a mystical tree found in South America. Sweetgrass wands call forth the energy of peace & love.

How often can I smudge?

You can’t over-smudge! Anytime you’re feeling a funk coming on or need to detox from drama, bust out your smudge stick and get to cleansing!

Ideal times to do a smudging ritual:

o   Moving into a new living space

o   Starting a new job

o   Starting your own business

o   Before & after a guest enters your home

o   Before & after yoga or energy healing session

o   Before & after meditation

o   After an argument or illness

o   Upon returning home from crowded situations

o   Following an illness

o   After a breakup

o   Blessing a room

o   To create a protective shield around your home

o   After purchasing antique furniture or 2nd hand clothing

o   Feel more connected to Source

It is important to use a new bundle per cleansing when you finish either let it burn out or gently press it out. There are various ways to do a smudging ritual such as on yourself, in a room, or around an object.

Smudging can add new depths to meditation, yoga, and create sacred space. Mindfully incorporate it into your spiritual practice and daily life to feel more connected to Source.

Simple 3-Step Smudge Ritual

Step 1 – Use dried sage that’s bound by a thin string. You can find dried sage at a local herb shop, Whole Foods, or holistic market.

Step 2 – Light the bundle by holding a flame to it until it begins to smoke. If a flame appears – gently blow out the flame.

Step 3 – Once you have a nice smoke. Direct the smoke with your hand or feather over your body from feet up to head & back down. Visualize the smoke taking away with it any negative energy from your life. Repeat this mantra until you intuitively feel like you’ve finished.

Say: “I now release and send all negative energy to the light.”

3 Steps to Purifying Yourself and Your Space

Purify yourself. For increased or balanced energy or for lifting your mood, follow this procedure

Start here: Stand tall with your legs wide and your arms out to your sides. Have a friend light and blow out your smudge stick until it’s smoldering like charcoal. Using a large feather or several feathers held together to form a fan, waft the smoke from the smudge stick in circles around your body. Don’t forget to circle your head and your feet with the smoke.

Symbolically “wash” your hands in it. Either start from the head and work your way down to the ground, “stomping” out the energy with your feet, or start from the feet and work up, letting the smoke dissolve into the air above you.

Say: “Goddess, cleanse my aura of all negative energy. Let my actions and even my thoughts be for the benefit of all beings.”

Purify a room. Shift stagnant energy and “clear the air” after an argument by using this ritual

Start here: Starting with the Northern corner of the room, allow the smoke from your smudge stick to billow in it. Be sure to crack a window or door so the energy has somewhere to release out of.

Say: “North, I cleanse you. East, I cleanse you. South, I cleanse you. West, I cleanse you. I now purify these four walls so that only peace, light, and goodness reside here. This room is now cleansed.”

Purify an object. Cleanse negative energy or to restore your spiritual connection to a crystal, deck of oracle/tarot cards, or piece of clothing or jewelry

Start here: Hold the object over your smoldering smudge stick. Move the object slowly back and forth in the smoke trail, letting it hit the object, split into two trails, and then dissipate.

Say: “Goddess, I ask that you purify this object, cleansing it of all residual negativity. Let this tool become a conduit, allowing Spirit to flow through it efficiently and abundantly, giving me clear and relevant insight into my questions and pursuits.”

  1. Kasia says:

    Hello, I have Ben looking for a good source about White sage smudging online and I found your page. I wonder if you could help me with one thing. I recently bought beautifull Vintage ring which clearly choosed me 😉 beacuse I’ve been chosing between few and this one even the not the most glamours one speaked to me. It was a gify to myself for my 30th birthday later I found out that opal stone used in this ring helps with dealing with your past etc which spoke to me even more on closing 3rd decade of my life…Anyways I flet good energy from it but I didn’t know it’s past so I decide to smuge it with white sage. First I’ve cleaned it with Water and then smuge over it. When I was finished I looked at it and felt totally different energy. I even got scared of it for a white. Then I did it again, and put it on. It felt better tho, but not as good as I first saw it. Do you thing I might do something wrong. Could I bring bądź energy by cleaning it with sage and water? IS there anything I could do to reverese it???? I would appreciate your insight! Lots of love !

  2. Barb says:

    Brittney, Hello my name is Barb Yard and i cant tell you how HAPPY AN EXCITED I am for finding you. I am from Pittsburgh, Pa. I want to jpin the Shine Tribe and im hoping i did it right!! GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE!!!


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