Headlines about government spending often highlight eye-catching, big-ticket items like transportation infrastructure projects or military equipment. However, smaller expenses also accumulate – significantly and often undetected. In fiscal year 2024, the US federal government spent $6.75 trillion on various goods, services and programs, and the UK central government spent £35.2
El lavado de dinero se continúa posicionando como una de las principales problemáticas ilegales, por su asociación con actividades ilícitas y crímenes financieros. Un reporte de Global Financial Integraty, titulado “Crímenes Financieros en América Latina y el Caribe: entendiendo los desafíos de los países y diseñando respuestas técnicas efectivas”, estimó
Making informed decisions quickly is more critical than ever. As markets shift and customer expectations evolve, companies need tools to process vast data and turn insights into actionable strategies. That’s where SAS Decision Builder comes in, now available through Microsoft Fabric's public preview announced at Microsoft Ignite. With SAS Decision
Cada vez más los datos se han convertido en el corazón de todas las operaciones empresariales. Sin embargo, gestionarlos de manera eficiente y convertirlos en información valiosa sigue siendo un desafío. Una buena gestión de datos es esencial para garantizar resultados confiables, éticos y libres de sesgos; que a su
Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) for a good reason. It’s already revolutionizing the world as we know it. And governments are well-poised to use AI to improve services and operations. But we can expect the AI conversation to shift into 2025. Attend any conference of government leaders, and
Governments and public health care services are trying to keep up with a zillion demands, needing to move at warp speed while dealing with some epic worries –like soaring customer service expectations, budgets tighter than skinny jeans, teams stretched thinner than a cartoon plotline, and workers who could really use
No cabe duda de que la inteligencia artificial se ha vuelto un motor de transformación sin precedentes, también en el sector público. Su habilidad para optimizar procesos, anticipar necesidades y personalizar servicios está transformando la gestión pública. Esto mejora tanto la eficiencia como la toma de decisiones. Gracias a estos
Con el cambio de administración en México, la seguridad pública vuelve a ocupar un lugar central en la agenda política. Sin embargo, este sexenio tiene una oportunidad única que no ha existido en el pasado: la implementación de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la estrategia de seguridad. En lugar de depender
A pandemia trouxe grandes desafios crónicos e específicos à atividade das autoridades tributárias – como os atrasos ou mesmo suspensão do pagamento de impostos, a necessidade da digitalização de processos, o repensar formas de tributar novas atividades resultantes de empresas que começaram então a operar digitalmente, etc. – que exigiram
It is unfortunate, but the procurement process is rife with the potential for loss, waste, abuse, and fraud. It requires many different steps to be performed by different departments, including ethics and compliance, audit, procurement, and fraud investigation. Procurement has also been somewhat slower to develop and adopt the kind
As part of this year's IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge, a group of SAS data scientists puit SAS Viya and related machine learning tools to the ultimate test - to identify individuals in a complex fishing network. Excitedly, the team received the Honorable Mention Award for Breadth of Investigation!
La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y la analítica se han convertido en herramientas esenciales para las organizaciones que buscan mantenerse competitivas y relevantes en el mercado. La capacidad de analizar grandes volúmenes de datos y obtener información valiosa en tiempo real es ahora más importante que nunca. Acompáñenos en este blog
En el contexto de la responsabilidad fiscal de los ciudadanos, como lo estipula el artículo 31, fracción IV, de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, es evidente que la evasión y las deducciones no justificadas siguen siendo un obstáculo importante para la recaudación de impuestos. Sin embargo, la
People have high expectations not only from their favorite brands but also from public services. How do you ensure the smooth handling of citizen requests? How do you set the right priorities? Fortunately, data analytics and AI are game changers for these government requests. In a previous blog, we discussed
Social benefits are crucial government services, especially during downturns, helping families navigate uncertainty and survive. Today, citizens interact with government services online, from applying for benefits to making appointments. This was particularly beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing services to remain accessible while maintaining social distance. However, going digital also
공공 고객 세미나 통해 공중보건과 공공사회서비스 개선을 위한 해법 제시 SAS코리아는 지난 5월 23일과 24일 양일간 공공 부문 고객들을 대상으로 ‘공중보건 전문가를 위한 SAS Public Health 세미나’와 ‘공공사회서비스 전문가를 위한 SAS Social Services 세미나’를 JW메리어트 호텔에서 개최했습니다. [사진1] 공중보건 전문가를 위한 SAS Public Health 세미나 장면 소외 계층 없이 전
Presentation skills are an often-overlooked tool in the data scientist's box, and there's nothing like a room full of police to drive home the message that not everyone is a data geek. Police officers have a more visceral job than data scientists. Formulae, algorithms and methodologies aren't relevant to their
Los depredadores utilizan plataformas y técnicas cada vez más sofisticadas para ocultar su actividad y evadir la detección. México posicionado como el primer lugar a nivel mundial en producción y distribución de pornografía infantil. En 2022, México registró más de 815 mil casos de posibles abusos en línea, según el
Government employees charged with monitoring environmental compliance face a downpour of information, wading through countless reports and stacks of paperwork to accomplish their mission. To help these dedicated public servants increase productivity, agencies should consider a broader set of tools to control pollution, enforce regulations and improve compliance. Although foundational
Across the world, investigators and law enforcement officers are tackling a rapidly evolving and expanding workload fueled by an increase in complex modern-day crimes. As technology alters the type and methodology of the crime itself – the evasion of tax payments, theft of public funds, erroneous disbursement of benefits, gaming
The ancients’ practice of publicizing set-in-stone personal records would run anathema to modern data privacy laws. These days, in lieu of using contemporary personally identifiable records, I anonymized a 4,000-year-old tax record from ancient Babylon to describe three principles for effective data anonymization at scale: Embracing rare attributes: values and
Quando analisamos a adoção e evolução tecnológica no setor público nos últimos anos, é seguro dizer que os avanços foram exponenciais. Neste sentido, é inegável que existe um mundo antes e depois da pandemia de Covid-19. A necessidade de atendimento das demandas dos cidadãos em um contexto de distanciamento físico
En los últimos años, la ciencia de datos ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial y se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para las estrategias de las organizaciones en todas las industrias. Sin embargo, para los data scientist experimentados, el panorama del dato se encuentra en un proceso de cambio constante.
When we think of something “new”, we tend to picture something clean, shiny, or efficient. The new normal of fraud only checks one of those boxes, and unfortunately, that’s “efficient.” Today, scams and cyber attacks are persistent, and part of a larger ecosystem of phishing and hacking attacks by both
Thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and laptops, people are used to getting what they need at the press of a button – whether they’re looking for information, seeking action or trying to solve a problem. Citizens want that same ease of access from their city’s government. As more citizens
Imagine for a moment: You’re a single parent working to make ends meet as you balance rent, bills and the cost of living. Add on losing your job. Then, food assistance and health care access become incredibly important to your family. Millions of households receive social safety benefits. In the
Imagine if your job was to sort a massive pile of 40,000 stones into about 200 buckets based on their unique properties. Each stone needs to be carefully examined, categorized and placed in the correct bucket, which takes about five minutes per stone. Fortunately, you’re not alone but part of
Adopting analytics and AI in the public sector is changing how governments make decisions. Technology improves the efficiency and transparency of work processes, positively impacting service delivery to increasingly demanding citizens. However, many government organizations still need help fully embracing a data-driven culture. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the
Estamos quase na Semana Santa o que, por ser uma das épocas em que mais viagens se realizam por todo o país, pode apresentar vários desafios à rede rodoviária e aos sistemas de transporte. A variabilidade nos padrões de movimento durante estas datas acrescenta uma camada adicional de complexidade, o
Mudança cultural interna precisa ser conduzida pela alta gestão e orientada pela criação de um governo mais ágil A adoção de IA e analytics pelo setor público tem evoluído significativamente a forma como o governo opera e toma decisões. Esta transição não apenas melhora a eficiência das operações nos bastidores,