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About our company

Newspapers and data leaks are a constant reminder that current security is failing. Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) and network security are failing as important layers of defense. BitSensor integrates with your application on the application layer to ensure protection of all data. Expected application response is used to define early intruder signals.

Meet The Leadership Team

We set aggressive goals. We work hard, move fast, and embrace challenge.

Ruben van Vreeland

Chief Executive Officer

Ruben is a young veteran Ethical Hacker. With BitSensor he gave security advise to the greatest web platforms.

Alex Dings

Chief Operations Officer

Alex knows how to raise and/or expand projects very well. He works with the people involved in order to create efficient processes, which he loves doing.

Meet Our Advisors

Knowledge rules. When it comes down to this, we gather the best people around to advise us.

Frank Maene

Investor advisor

Frank is a veteran investor, coming from Hummingbird Ventures.

Sandro Etalle

External advisor

Sandro is the founder of SecurityMatters, a security company with a IC solution.

Get in touch for a demo

Let us guide you through our simple extensive security solution.

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