Rant of the day…
It’s no secret what I think of Trump…
I truly believe a cat would be a better President….well duhhh, right?
Today, the asswipe decided to open his mouth again on Twitter and talk some shit, again about a woman and her appearance.
Here’s what the President of the United States had to say…
I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came…to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!
Please…just shut up. You’re an embarrassment to the office, an embarrassment to our country and your behavior is once again, totally inappropriate.
I find it amusing that Melania, who says that as first lady she will bring awareness to cyber bullying and support an end to it had this to say through her mouthpiece:
“As the first lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder,”
Kinda funny…in the past she also said:
“it is never okay when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied, or attacked,”
I guess it’s OK when a grown woman is attacked by the President of the United States of America.
Are ya seriously kidding me? THIS is what represents our country?
Again, please…just shut up…you are your own worst enemy.
I know why you were elected; a lot of people were pissed off, but it’s your job to knock it the hell off and start UNITING our country.
You’re not doing what a President is supposed to do.
You’re not behaving as a President is supposed to.
I could list all the lies and shit things you’ve done while abusing your office, but the New York Times did it so much better than I ever could.
Please, just shut up. You won asshole, you’re the President. I accept it. I don’t like it, but you won. I don’t know if it was fair and square and at this point I just don’t give 2 shits. Just do your fucking 4 years and get the hell out of the White House.
Ya know…I really think its ignorant and lazy that whenever I (or anyone else) criticizes Trump they’re labeled “Liberal”.
First off. nothing wrong with being Liberal…or a Republican…or Democrat…or me, an Independent. We are all allowed to have our own opinions and calling out a party because you disagree runs counter to one of the most important tenets of our country, freedom of speech.
I miss President Bush…both of em…I miss President Clinton…I miss President Obama, President Carter and any President other than that reality show nutbag in the White House.
I need a drink…coupla of em…
“Https://www.nytimes.com:443/interactive/2017/06/23/opinion/trumps-lies.html (from New York Times).” Newsversus.com. New York Times, n.d. Web. 29 June 2017.
It’s simple – it’s the same rule I teach my own son. Guys don’t hit girls who don’t hot guys. It’s easy to be a loudmouth bitch shooting off all kinds of comments at the Prez, but when he fires back, he’s wrong? No, I don’t think so! She got exactly what she was begging for.
I don’t know what happened to the days of respecting the office of President. I hated Hillary with the passion of a thousand burning suns (that’s a lot) but had her cankles lumbered into that office, I’d have shown her the respect she deserved as President. Now I’ll never have to, whew …
You’re damned right I’m a loudmouthed bitch, I’m allowed to be, it’s called freedom of speech Donna D. I respect the office of the President, I don’t respect that racist, homophobic, xenophobic sexist shitbag. You can have him. He has turned the office of the President into a joke, a punchline for every talk show host on the air and every civilized country. I don’t believe for a second you would have shown any respect to Hillary if she would have been elected, it’s clear from your comments that you’re not a fan, and that’s OK, because we are all allowed to have our own opinions, however, remember this: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one but they all stink!
I agree with you a thousand percent
Sounds like you and Donna D could be great friends!
Awe really .. honestly you’re doing the exact same thing bullying and disrespecting our President of the United States. And this is exactly what is wrong with our Country as well as completely embarrassing, for talk show host to be so disrespectful they all feel entitled to make a mockery of our Country and flat out disrespect our President then for anybody to say he doesn’t have the right to clap back oh no, no, no if someone feels they have the right to abuse their freedom of speech then our President does as well and I’m proud that he stands back up n throws it right back at them. Fair is Fair..
Well Kimberly, we are all entitled to our own opinions…I don’t have to publish shitty ones that are sent to me, but in fairness, I do, not just cuz they sometimes make me laugh, but because I truly try to understand that we all can think and feel what we want. That being said, I will always respect the office of the President, but I will NEVER respect Trump who is a racist, misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic piece of divisive garbage. I am astounded that there is an actual website devoted to publishing all the lies that have come out of his mouth and still, people say they support him. For 8 years we had a black president who was abused with hatred and racism on a regular basis-it’s bizarre that it was tolerated and shared by many but dare criticize Trump and it’s disrespectful? He has fooled some into believing he is “just like us”-NO, he is not anything like the majority of us. He yells that he will drain the swamp and then hires his friends that paid money into his election for jobs they have no business being in. He has completely trashed our transgender soldiers that have served our country and stood up for white supremacists. Stolen and jailed children when their families tried to come to our country for ASYLUM from rape and murder. Is making MILLIONS off of this presidency-dignitaries staying at his place in Florida while we foot the bill. Do you not see how dishonest that is? Paid off porn stars and Playboy bunnies that he screwed around with while married to Melania, who is complicit in her support of him and just as crooked as he is (remember the speech she stole from Michelle Obama?) Yes, fair is fair-that snake oil salesman?- I will NEVER CALL HIM MY PRESIDENT. I wish you well, regards, BOCL
I’m a bitter old cat lady too. You will never make sense to anyone that doesn’t see what you see as they follow dRumpf because they refuse to be educated when all the enormity of facts are laid at their feet. THEY don’t respect the office of the president because they dont know history and could care less about how we as a country should look and be to the world, as long as they *think* (and I use that word broadly) he is fulfilling his promises to them. They will continue to support him even when he does actually walk down 5th Ave and shoot someone. Remember, dRumpf “loves the poorly educated.” There’s a reason for that… but of course they won’t educate themselves to understand why! Oh the irony…
Hey Crazy Cat Lady! Thanks for the response! Apology for the delay in responding, I’ve had some issues with my website that are being worked on. It stinks to not be completely up & runnin! He is a nutjob. His cult of weirdos deserve each other. I try to be respectful of other opinions, but when Trumpers act like assholes I’m not gonna stand by and be nice. Thanks for bein here! BOCL