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Pharisees: Reject: Christ
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The Pharisees were a prominent religious group within Judaism during the Second Temple period, known for their strict adherence to the Law of Moses and the oral traditions. They are frequently mentioned in the New Testament, often in opposition to Jesus Christ and His teachings. The Pharisees' rejection of Christ is a significant theme in the Gospels, highlighting their resistance to His message and authority.

Background and Beliefs

The Pharisees emerged as a distinct group during the intertestamental period, emphasizing purity, tithing, and Sabbath observance. They believed in the resurrection of the dead, the existence of angels and spirits, and the coming of the Messiah. Their influence extended beyond religious practices to social and political spheres, making them a powerful force in Jewish society.

Encounters with Jesus

The Gospels record numerous encounters between Jesus and the Pharisees, often marked by conflict and tension. The Pharisees frequently challenged Jesus, questioning His authority and seeking to trap Him in His words. In Matthew 12:14 , it is noted, "But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus." This verse underscores their growing hostility and ultimate rejection of Him.

Criticism of Hypocrisy

Jesus criticized the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and legalism, accusing them of valuing outward appearances over inner righteousness. In Matthew 23:27-28 , He declared, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of impurity. In the same way, on the outside you appear to be righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." This rebuke highlights their failure to recognize the true spirit of the Law and their rejection of the transformative message of Christ.

Rejection of Jesus' Authority

The Pharisees' rejection of Jesus was rooted in their refusal to accept His authority and identity as the Messiah. In John 9:16 , some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not from God, for He does not keep the Sabbath." Their strict interpretation of the Law blinded them to the signs and miracles that testified to Jesus' divine mission. Their insistence on legalistic traditions prevented them from embracing the new covenant that Jesus offered.

Role in the Crucifixion

The Pharisees played a crucial role in the events leading to Jesus' crucifixion. They conspired with other religious leaders to arrest and condemn Him. In John 11:47-48 , the chief priests and Pharisees convened a council, saying, "What are we to do? This man is performing many signs. If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." Their fear of losing power and influence drove them to reject Jesus and seek His death.

Legacy and Impact

The Pharisees' rejection of Christ serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of legalism and spiritual blindness. Their inability to recognize Jesus as the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets highlights the importance of faith and humility in understanding God's revelation. Despite their opposition, the message of Christ continued to spread, challenging individuals to look beyond religious formalism to a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Nave's Topical Index
Matthew 12:38,39
Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from you.
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Matthew 15:12
Then came his disciples, and said to him, Know you that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
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John 7:48
Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him?
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Christ's Refutations of the Pharisees Rendering Dues to C??sar and ...
... what would have happened if the Pharisees had replied to ... Now, He did not reject the
attestation of those ... If, however, the Scribes thought Christ was David's Son ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xxxviii christs refutations of the.htm

Christ and Nicodemus.
... Nicodemus confesses, not only his belief, but that of his fellow Pharisees and rulers. ...
This implies that those who reject the uplifted Christ win perish. ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/christ and nicodemus.htm

The Opinion of Justin with Regard to the Reign of a Thousand Years ...
... of a thousand years Several Catholics reject it ... who joined them before your Christ
came ... Merist??, [2262] Galil??ans, Hellenists, [2263] Pharisees, Baptists, are ...
/.../chapter lxxx the opinion of justin.htm

John ix. 29
... how nearly this comes to the language of the Pharisees, "This man ... this most just
language led those who used it to reject one of Christ's greatest miracles ...
/...// christian life/lecture xxxiii john ix 29.htm

A Letter on the Sin against the Holy Ghost to John Uytenbogard ...
... this truth, they either immediately reject Christ, never tendering ... a season embraced
and professed Christ, they decline ... two classes were the Pharisees, if, at ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 2/a letter on the sin.htm

Christ Before Pilate.
... The Pharisees held that contact with a Gentile, or to enter his house was a ... He had
not named Barabbas, but they, in their anxiety to reject Christ, at once ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/christ before pilate.htm

Christ Crucified
... he says, "Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites." "That ... you are one of
those who reject the gospel. ... want to hear that any more." Christ crucified, is ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 1 1855/christ crucified.htm

The Last Journey from Galilee
... To reject the Lord's servants is to reject Christ Himself. ... The people gave credence
to what the priests and Pharisees taught, in place of seeking to understand ...
/.../ desire of ages/chapter 53 the last journey.htm

The Sadducees.
... of a future life by the Pharisees, or in ... See below for the way in which Christ
illustrated this ... in their opposition to Pharisaism, as to reject all doctrines ...
/.../section 25 the sadducees.htm

Jesus Attends the First Passover of his Ministry.
... d 1 Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of ... [The name
"Jesus" means Saviour; to disbelieve this name is to reject Christ as Saviour. ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xxiv jesus attends the first 2.htm

If Jesus condemned the Pharisees for praying out loud, should we pray aloud? |

What was Jesus writing in the dirt/sand when the Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery? |

Who were the Herodians? |

Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus

Irony: The Pharisees and the Herodians to Jesus


Pharisees: A Sect of the Jews

Pharisees: Association With Publicans and Sinners

Pharisees: Become Disciples of Jesus

Pharisees: Come to Jesus With Questions

Pharisees: Concerning the Resurrection

Pharisees: Doctrines of

Pharisees: Hypocrisy of, Reproved by Jesus

Pharisees: Hypocrisy of, Reproved by John

Pharisees: Paul, a Pharisee

Pharisees: Reject: Christ

Pharisees: Reject: John

Pharisees: They Minister to Jesus

Pharisees: Traditions of, in Regard to Fasting

Pharisees: Traditions of, in Regard to The Duties of Children to Parents

Pharisees: Traditions of, in Regard to The Sabbath

Pharisees: Traditions of, in Regard to The Washing of Hands

The Pharisees by Descent, Especially Esteemed

The Pharisees: A Sect of the Jews

The Pharisees: As a Body, Rejected John's Baptism

The Pharisees: Believed in the Resurrection

The Pharisees: Character of Active in Proselytising

The Pharisees: Character of Ambitious of Precedence

The Pharisees: Character of Avaricious

The Pharisees: Character of Cruel in Persecuting

The Pharisees: Character of Fond of Distinguished Titles

The Pharisees: Character of Fond of Public Salutations

The Pharisees: Character of Oppressive

The Pharisees: Character of Outwardly Moral

The Pharisees: Character of Particular in Paying all Dues

The Pharisees: Character of Rigid in Fasting

The Pharisees: Character of Self-Righteous

The Pharisees: Character of Zealous of the Law

The Pharisees: Character of Zealous of Tradition

The Pharisees: Christ: Asked for Signs By

The Pharisees: Christ: Called Fools and Blind Guides

The Pharisees: Christ: Called, and Evil and Adulterous Generation

The Pharisees: Christ: Called, Serpents and Generation of Vipers

The Pharisees: Christ: Compared, to Graves That Appear Not

The Pharisees: Christ: Compared, to Whited Sepulchres

The Pharisees: Christ: Condemned By, for Associating With Sinners

The Pharisees: Christ: Declared the Doctrines of, to be Hypocrisy

The Pharisees: Christ: Declared the Imaginary Righteousness of, to be Insufficient

The Pharisees: Christ: Denounced Woes Against

The Pharisees: Christ: Left Judea for a Time on Account of

The Pharisees: Christ: Offended, by his Doctrine

The Pharisees: Christ: Often Invited By

The Pharisees: Christ: Tempted By, With Questions About the Law

The Pharisees: Christ: Watched By, for Evil

The Pharisees: had Disciples

The Pharisees: Imputed Christ's Miracles to Satan's Power

The Pharisees: Made Broad Their Phylacteries

The Pharisees: Many Priest and Levites Were of

The Pharisees: Many Rulers, Lawyers, and Scribes Were of

The Pharisees: Often Sought to Destroy Christ

The Pharisees: Sent officers to Apprehend Christ

The Pharisees: some Came to John for Baptism

The Pharisees: The Strictest Observers of the Mosaic Ritual

The Pharisees: Their Opinions, a Standard for Others

Related Terms

Meat (387 Occurrences)

Sat (222 Occurrences)

Vial (12 Occurrences)

Notorious (16 Occurrences)

Ointment (29 Occurrences)

Jar (45 Occurrences)

Learnt (12 Occurrences)

Learned (70 Occurrences)

Guest (24 Occurrences)

Invited (49 Occurrences)

Flask (15 Occurrences)

Reclining (25 Occurrences)

Requesting (49 Occurrences)

Extortion (14 Occurrences)

Dine (10 Occurrences)

Dinner (23 Occurrences)

Dropsy (1 Occurrence)

Desired (144 Occurrences)

Pharnach (1 Occurrence)

Pharisee (14 Occurrences)

Box (13 Occurrences)

Cruse (11 Occurrences)

Alabaster-box (2 Occurrences)

Alabaster (6 Occurrences)

Sinner (88 Occurrences)

Perfume (202 Occurrences)

Seat (256 Occurrences)

Bottle (28 Occurrences)

Request (248 Occurrences)

Table (125 Occurrences)

Entered (291 Occurrences)

Sitting (201 Occurrences)

News (453 Occurrences)

Eat (690 Occurrences)

Town (861 Occurrences)

Pharisees (86 Occurrences)

Pharisees: Paul, a Pharisee
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