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15 occurrences in 10 translations

'Scarcely' in the Bible

Isaac had just finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob had scarcely left his father's presence, when his brother Esau returned from the hunt.

Verse ConceptsGoing Outside

“Out of the north comes golden splendor [and people can hardly look on it];Around God is awesome splendor and majesty [far too glorious for man’s eyes].

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfNorthGlory Of GodOut Of The Northweather

Scarcely had I passed from them, When I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, Until I had brought him into my mother's house, And into the chamber of her that conceived me.

Verse ConceptsPrivate RoomsSoulmates

and the fading flower of his glorious adornment which is on the head of the fat valley shall be like an early fig before the summer: as soon as he that seeth it perceiveth it, scarcely is it in his hand, he swalloweth it down.

Verse ConceptsFig treeHarvestNo BeautyWorse

Scarcely are they planted, scarcely are they sown, scarcely hath their stock taken root in the earth, but he also bloweth upon them and they wither, and the whirlwind taketh them away as stubble.

Verse ConceptsBreath Of GodRootsWhirlwindsPeople WitheredMetaphorical Planting

For the heart of this people has become dull,With their ears they scarcely hear,And they have closed their eyes,Otherwise they would see with their eyes,Hear with their ears,And understand with their heart and return,And I would heal them.’

Verse ConceptsDeafnessConversion, examples ofHardened HeartsEyes, Figurative UseEarsHardness Of HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedIndifferenceWilful IgnoranceInsensibilityDullnessSpiritual DeafnessNature Of The HeartTurning To GodRefusing To HearEvil EyesNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsBeing Without UnderstandingFeelingGod HealsUnhearing

He had scarcely finished speaking when Judas came--one of the Twelve--accompanied by a great crowd of men armed with swords and bludgeons, sent by the High Priests and Elders of the People.

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalChief priestsCrowdsLargenessWhile Still SpeakingTwelve DisciplesClubsThe Chief Priests Condemning Christ

and a spirit seizes him, and he suddenly screams, and it throws him into a convulsion with foaming at the mouth; and only with difficulty does it leave him, mauling him as it leaves.

Verse ConceptsBruisesevil, origins ofSpiritsConvulsionsFoamsIndividuals ShoutingThose DemonisedLeaving People Alone

"Throw the net in on the right hand side," He said, "and you will find fish." So they threw the net in, and now they could scarcely drag it along for the quantity of fish.

Verse ConceptsNetsMiracles Of ChristRight SidesCatch Of FishFish

and these things saying, scarcely did they restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them.

Verse ConceptsHard TasksWorshipping Men

Running under the shelter of a small island called Clauda, we were scarcely able to get the ship’s boat under control.

Verse ConceptsSmallnessBoats

For the heart of this people has become dull,And with their ears they scarcely hear,And they have closed their eyes;Otherwise they might see with their eyes,And hear with their ears,And understand with their heart and return,And I would heal them.”’

Verse ConceptsHardened HeartsLack Of DiscernmentHeart, Fallen And RedeemedIndifferenceInsensibilityDullnessNature Of The HeartRefusing To HearNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsBeing Without UnderstandingFeelingGod Heals

{For by speaking high-sounding but empty words}, they entice with desires of the flesh [and] with licentiousness those who are scarcely escaping from those who live in error,

Verse ConceptsFutilityFaultsemptinessEloquenceCharmdesiresTemptation, Sources OfEnticersBoastersAllurements Of SinWantonnessLiving For The MaterialEnticingUseless WordsEscaping From PeopleEvil DesiresError

Bible Theasaurus

Barely (12 instances)
Hardly (29 instances)
Scarce (8 instances)
Scarcely (15 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 1

Usage: 6

King James Version Public Domain

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit

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