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33 occurrences

'Rejoicing' in the Bible

At the beginning of the month, during your time of rejoicing at the appointed place, sound the trumpet over your burnt offering, then sacrifice your peace offering, since they are to be your memorial before the LORD your God. I am the LORD your God."

Verse ConceptsJoy, Of IsraelMemorialNew Moon FestivalTrumpetAnimal Sacrifices, BurntAnimal Sacrifices, Peace OfferingTrumpets For CelebrationThe Lord Is GodFestivals ObservedRegulating Sacrifices

Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet have anointed him in Gihon, and they just left from there rejoicing, and that's why the city is all in an uproar. That's the noise that you've been hearing!

Verse ConceptsExcitementAnointing Kings

The following day, Solomon sent the people away as they blessed the king. Then they went back to their tents, rejoicing and glad for all the good things that the LORD had done for his servant David and to his people Israel.

Verse ConceptsHappinessDay 8Rejoicing In God's Works

Then David, the elders of Israel, and the leaders of groups of thousands proceeded to bring the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD from Obed-edom's house, rejoicing as they went.

Verse ConceptsCommanderThe Ark In Jerusalem

On the twenty-third day of the seventh month, King Solomon sent the people back home, and they returned rejoicing and in good spirits because of the goodness that the LORD had shown to David, to Solomon, and to his people Israel.

Verse ConceptsGod, Goodness OfMonth 7

She looked around, and there was the king, standing by his pillar at the gate, accompanied by officers and trumpeters who stood beside the king, along with all the people of the land rejoicing and sounding trumpets while singers lead the celebration with their musical instruments. Athaliah tore her robes and yelled "Treason! Treason!"

Verse ConceptsSingersTreacheryTrumpetExcitementTreasonPillars For Solomon's Temple

Then I was with him, his master craftsman I was his delight daily, continuously rejoicing in his presence,

Verse ConceptsGod, The CreatorUnceasingAlways Being ActiveGod Has Been With YouBeing ContentThe Presence Of Godcraftsmanship

rejoicing in his inhabitable world and taking delight in mankind."

Verse ConceptsMan's Relation To GodRace

"Because this people have rejected the gently-flowing waters of Shiloah, and because they keep rejoicing in Rezin and Remaliah's son,

Verse ConceptsRejection Of GodTrust, Lack Of

In the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem I'll bring an end to the sound of gladness and rejoicing, to the sounds of the bridegroom and bride, for the land will become a wasteland."

Verse ConceptsBridegroomBridesMarriage, Customs ConcerningVoicesWeddingsCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicing

For this is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, the God of Israel, says: "In this place I'm about to bring an end to the sounds of happiness and rejoicing, the sounds of the bridegroom and the bride. I'll do it in front of your eyes and in your time.

Verse ConceptsBridegroomBridesVoicesCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicing

I'll destroy the sounds of gladness and rejoicing from them, the sounds of the bridegroom and the bride, the sound of the hand mill and also the light of the lamp.

Verse ConceptsBridegroomBridesBanishmentMillstonesVoicesCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicing

the sounds of rejoicing and gladness, the sounds of the bridegroom and the bride, and the sounds of those saying, "Give thanks to the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, for the LORD is good, and his gracious love lasts forever," as they bring thanksgiving offerings to the LORD's Temple. For I'll restore the fortunes of the land as they were at first,' declares the LORD.

Verse ConceptsBridegroomMarriage, Customs ConcerningRestoring NationsThank OfferingVoicesPraise, Should Be Offered ByGladnessThank God!joyfulnessThanksgiving Offered To God

Gladness and rejoicing will be taken away from the fruitful land. From the land of Moab I'll cause the wine in the wine presses to stop flowing. The workers won't tread the grapes with a loud shout. There will be no shout!

Verse ConceptsWineWinepressDestroying VineyardsDepression, SymptomsCessationNo FoodLack Of Rejoicing

It's being sharpened for slaughter, and being polished to gleam like lightning.' "We shouldn't be rejoicing, should we, while my Son's scepter, the sword, is despising every tree?

Verse ConceptsLightningSceptreSharpeningSparkling

The adversary captures them with a hook, gathering them up in a fishing net. He collects them with a dragnet, rejoicing and gloating over his catch.

Verse ConceptsRejoicing In Success

Even as he was saying this, all of his opponents were blushing with shame. But the rest of the crowd was rejoicing at all the wonderful things he was doing.

Verse ConceptsCrowds AmazedRejoicing In God's Works

As a result, there was great rejoicing in that city.

Verse ConceptsJoyjoyfulness

When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away. The eunuch went on his way rejoicing and did not see Philip again.

Verse ConceptsRejoicingExcitementAstral Projection

When the gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord. Meanwhile, all who had been destined to eternal life believed,

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtHappinessHonouring GodPredestined PeopleThe Call Of GodPredestination, Of PersonsReligious AwakeningsThe Gentiles ConversionThose Who Believed In ChristElect

and those who mourn as though they did not mourn, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they did not own a thing,

Verse ConceptsDo Not MournLack Of Rejoicing

Then your rejoicing in the Messiah Jesus will increase along with mine when I visit with you again.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, SpiritualBoasting In GodBoasting

So then, my brothers, keep on rejoicing in the Lord. It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you; indeed, it is for your safety.

Verse ConceptsJoy, And Human ExperienceRejoicingLast WordsSaying RepeatedlyNo Troubletiredjoyful

Bible Theasaurus

Congratulation (1 instance)
Exult (56 instances)
Exultant (11 instances)
Exultation (17 instances)
Exulting (16 instances)
Jubilant (16 instances)
Jubilation (16 instances)
Merrymaking (1 instance)
Prideful (1 instance)
Rejoice (282 instances)
Triumph (72 instances)
Triumphal (4 instances)
Triumphant (12 instances)
Wallow (5 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 8

rejoice with , rejoice in
Usage: 5

גּוּל גּיל 
Usage: 45

Usage: 9

גּילת גּילה 
Usage: 2

Usage: 3

Usage: 17

Usage: 16

Usage: 1

Usage: 7

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 8

Usage: 9

Usage: 33

Usage: 54

שׂישׂ שׂוּשׂ 
Usage: 27

Usage: 36

Usage: 155

Usage: 20

Usage: 93

שׂשׂן שׂשׂון 
Usage: 23

Usage: 8

Usage: 4

Usage: 37

Usage: 11

Usage: 12

Usage: 60

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.