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14 occurrences

'Purge' in the Bible

That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he has urged rebellion against the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the place of slavery, to turn you from the way the Lord your God has commanded you to walk. You must purge the evil from you.

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerBad InfluenceGod's WaysPurity, Moral And SpiritualRebellion, Against GodSatan, Agents OfSatan, As DeceiverMisleading DreamsFalse Prophets DenouncedGroups Of SlavesWalking In God's WayDeath Penalty For HeresyGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptDreams And False Prophets

The witnesses’ hands are to be the first in putting him to death, and after that, the hands of all the people. You must purge the evil from you.

Verse ConceptsBeing Firstevil, warnings againstBanishmentPurity, Moral And SpiritualWitnesses, LegalFirst To Act

The person who acts arrogantly, refusing to listen either to the priest who stands there serving the Lord your God or to the judge, must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.

Verse Conceptsethics, socialDeath penaltyHigh Priest, In OtIrreverenceJudgesMinistry, Nature OfSin, Nature OfStubbornnessAnarchyDeath Penalty For Violence

You must not look on him with pity but purge from Israel the guilt of shedding innocent blood, and you will prosper.

Verse ConceptsShow No Mercypity

you must do to him as he intended to do to his brother. You must purge the evil from you.

Verse ConceptsBanishmentSin, God's Judgment OnEquality Of Punishment

You must purge from yourselves the guilt of shedding innocent blood, for you will be doing what is right in the Lord’s sight.

Then all the men of his city will stone him to death. You must purge the evil from you, and all Israel will hear and be afraid.

Verse Conceptsevil, warnings againstBanishmentPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSelf WillChildren, UngratefulFear Is DueInstructions About Stoning

they will bring the woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city will stone her to death. For she has committed an outrage in Israel by being promiscuous in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from you.

Verse ConceptsdisgraceBanishmentPunishment, Legal Aspects OfDeath Penalty For Sexual SinInstructions About StoningsexDeath Of A MotherDeath Of A FatherSex Before MarriageFamily DeathFather And Daughter RelationshipsFathers And Daughtersmistresspremaritalwhoresvirginity

you must take the two of them out to the gate of that city and stone them to death—the young woman because she did not cry out in the city and the man because he has violated his neighbor’s fiancée. You must purge the evil from you.

Verse ConceptsComing To GatesInstructions About Stoning

“If a man is discovered kidnapping one of his Israelite brothers, whether he treats him as a slave or sells him, the kidnapper must die. You must purge the evil from you.

Verse ConceptsBanishmentKidnappingCommerceDeath Penalty For Violencerelaxation

Lashes and wounds purge away evil,and beatings cleanse the innermost parts. >

Verse ConceptsPurgingThe Inward BeingWoundsspankingscars

And I will also purge you of those who rebel and transgress against Me. I will bring them out of the land where they live as foreign residents, but they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of GodPurgingEntering The KingdomBeing Cleansed From Sin

I will disperse you among the nations and scatter you among the countries; I will purge your uncleanness.

Verse ConceptsFilthinessdispersion, theGod Scattering IsraelBeing Cleansed From Sin

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Usage: 17

Usage: 2

wash , purge , cast me out
Usage: 4

Usage: 7

Usage: 238

Usage: 94

Usage: 33

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 18

Usage: 5

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