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96 occurrences

'Observe' in the Bible

Then he said, 'Observe that all the male goats mating with the flock are streaked, speckled, or spotted, for I have observed all that Laban has done to you.

Verse ConceptsGod Seeing Their AfflictionBlemished CreaturesBlack And WhiteGod Sending His Son

"When you assist the Hebrew women in childbirth, observe at the delivery: If it is a son, kill him, but if it is a daughter, she may live."

Verse ConceptsInfantsSuffering, Nature OfInfanticideKept Alive By MenDeath Of All MalesBirthKilling Israelites

You must observe this event as an ordinance for you and for your children forever.

When you enter the land that the Lord will give to you, just as he said, you must observe this ceremony.

Verse ConceptsInvasionsRegulations For Passover

The whole community of Israel must observe it.

Verse ConceptsAll People

"When a foreigner lives with you and wants to observe the Passover to the Lord, all his males must be circumcised, and then he may approach and observe it, and he will be like one who is born in the land -- but no uncircumcised person may eat of it.

Verse ConceptsForeignersExclusivenessUncircumcisionForeigners Permitted At The FeastsCircumcisionStrangers in israelAliens

You are to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread; seven days you must eat bread made without yeast, as I commanded you, at the appointed time of the month of Abib, for at that time you came out of Egypt. No one may appear before me empty-handed.

Verse ConceptsFeastingFeast Of Unleavened BreadCelebrationsMonthUnleavened BreadYeastMonth 1Seven DaysLeaving EgyptEmpty HandedRegulations For Passoverthe anniversary Feastsanniversary

"You are also to observe the Feast of Harvest, the firstfruits of your labors that you have sown in the field, and the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year when you have gathered in your harvest out of the field.

Verse ConceptsFeastingFeast Of WeeksFeast Of TabernaclesCelebrationsHarvestLand, As A Divine ResponsibilityNew Year, ThePentecostSowing And ReapingWorship, Times ForYearsFeast Of Weeks [Pentecost]AgricultureFirst fruitsCelebrationcelebrating

"You must observe the Feast of Weeks -- the firstfruits of the harvest of wheat -- and the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year.

Verse ConceptsFeastingFeast Of WeeksCelebrationsHarvestPentecostWeeksWheatWorship, Times ForYearsFeast Of Weeks [Pentecost]Time Of Year

You must observe my regulations and you must be sure to walk in my statutes. I am the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsThe Lord Is God

It is a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you must humble yourselves on the ninth day of the month in the evening, from evening until evening you must observe your Sabbath."

Verse ConceptsFasting, Nature OfCelebrationsAfflicting Your SoulMonth 7Sabbaths InstitutedHumbling OneselfRestcelebrating

"Speak to the Israelites and tell them, 'When you enter the land that I am giving you, the land must observe a Sabbath to the Lord.

In the fourteenth day of this month, at twilight, you are to observe it at its appointed time; you must keep it in accordance with all its statutes and all its customs."

Verse ConceptsTwilight

So Moses instructed the Israelites to observe the Passover.

"Tell the Israelites, 'If any of you or of your posterity become ceremonially defiled by touching a dead body, or are on a journey far away, then he may observe the Passover to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsJourneyRules About Corpses

They may observe it on the fourteenth day of the second month at twilight; they are to eat it with bread made without yeast and with bitter herbs.

Verse ConceptsMonthBitter HerbsTwilightMonth 2Bitter Food

They must not leave any of it until morning, nor break any of its bones; they must observe it in accordance with every statute of the Passover.

Verse ConceptsPassover lambLord's SupperOrdinancesRemaining OfferingsNo Bones Broken

"'If you sin unintentionally and do not observe all these commandments that the Lord has spoken to Moses --

Verse ConceptsIf You Do Not Keep Commandsignorance

Balak said to him, "Please come with me to another place from which you can observe them. You will see only a part of them, but you will not see all of them. Curse them for me from there."

Verse ConceptsSubdivisionsCursing Israel

Be careful to observe the Sabbath day just as the Lord your God has commanded you.

Verse Conceptsethics, personalHoly TimesSabbath Observed

Recall that you were slaves in the land of Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there by strength and power. That is why the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfGod, As RedeemerHand Of GodHolidayRememberingCaptivity, Of IsraelAbusive ParentsArm Of GodGod's HandGroups Of SlavesKeeping The SabbathGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

Keep his commandments very carefully, as well as the stipulations and statutes he commanded you to observe.

Verse Conceptsethics, and graceDiligence, Objects OfdiligenceTestimoniesKeep The Commandments!statuescommandments

For if you carefully observe all of these commandments I am giving you and love the Lord your God, live according to his standards, and remain loyal to him,

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodClinging To GodIf You Keep The CommandmentsThe Need To Love God

You must follow the Lord your God and revere only him; and you must observe his commandments, obey him, serve him, and remain loyal to him.

Verse ConceptsAdoration, Of GodCommitment, to GodMonotheismReverence, And ObedienceFear Of The LordClinging To GodFollowing GodFear God!Keep The Commandments!

Furthermore, remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and so be careful to observe these statutes.

Verse ConceptsPentecostGroups Of SlavesKeep The Commandments!

It must be with him constantly and he must read it as long as he lives, so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and observe all the words of this law and these statutes and carry them out.

Verse ConceptsLearningStudentsKings, How They Should ActReading The ScripturesFear God!Keep The Commandments!Reading The Bible

and then you are careful to observe all these commandments I am giving you today (namely, to love the Lord your God and to always walk in his ways), then you must add three more cities to these three.

Verse ConceptsThree CitiesWalking In The Ways Of GodIf You Keep The CommandmentsThe Need To Love God

"If you indeed obey the Lord your God and are careful to observe all his commandments I am giving you today, the Lord your God will elevate you above all the nations of the earth.

Verse ConceptsBeing In DebtCommitment, to GodWarfare, Examples OfOvertakingGod Lifting PeopleObedienceObeying God

he said to them, "Keep in mind all the words I am solemnly proclaiming to you today; you must command your children to observe carefully all the words of this law.

Verse ConceptsHeart, And Holy SpiritTeaching ChildrenKeep The Commandments!

"As for this temple you are building, if you follow my rules, observe my regulations, and obey all my commandments, I will fulfill through you the promise I made to your father David.

Verse ConceptsKeep The Commandments!

This is what she wrote: "Observe a time of fasting and seat Naboth in front of the people.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Nature OfFastingFasting And Prayerjezebel

To this very day they observe their earlier practices. They do not worship the Lord; they do not obey the rules, regulations, law, and commandments that the Lord gave the descendants of Jacob, whom he renamed Israel.

Verse ConceptsOrdinancesGod Renaming PeopleFalse Religion To This DayBreaking God's LawImmigrants

But they pay no attention; instead they observe their earlier practices.

Pay attention, Lord, and hear! Open your eyes, Lord, and observe! Listen to the message Sennacherib sent and how he taunts the living God!

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, Prayer DuringGod, Living And Self sustainingPay Attention O God!

The king ordered all the people, "Observe the Passover of the Lord your God, as prescribed in this scroll of the covenant."

Verse ConceptsBook of the CovenantWritingRegulations For Passover

regularly offering burnt sacrifices to the Lord on the altar for burnt sacrifice, morning and evening, according to what is prescribed in the law of the Lord which he charged Israel to observe.

Verse ConceptsCeremoniesAnimal Sacrifices, BurntAt Morning And Evening

So now, in the sight of all Israel, the Lord's assembly, and in the hearing of our God, I say this: Carefully observe all the commands of the Lord your God, so that you may possess this good land and may leave it as a permanent inheritance for your children after you.

He ordered Judah to seek the Lord God of their ancestors and to observe his law and commands.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OT

Jehoshaphat was afraid, so he decided to seek the Lord's advice. He decreed that all Judah should observe a fast.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Nature OfAskingFastingDirectionFasting And Prayer

Hezekiah sent messages throughout Israel and Judah; he even wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, summoning them to come to the Lord's temple in Jerusalem and observe a Passover celebration for the Lord God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsLettersPilgrimageRevival, CorporateSamaritans

The king, his officials, and the entire assembly in Jerusalem decided to observe the Passover in the second month.

Verse ConceptsMonth 2

They were unable to observe it at the regular time because not enough priests had consecrated themselves and the people had not assembled in Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsFew Priests

So they sent an edict throughout Israel from Beer Sheba to Dan, summoning the people to come and observe a Passover for the Lord God of Israel in Jerusalem, for they had not observed it on a nationwide scale as prescribed in the law.

Verse ConceptsLargeness

A huge crowd assembled in Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month.

Verse ConceptsMonth 2

Everyone who does not observe both the law of your God and the law of the king will be completely liable to the appropriate penalty, whether it is death or banishment or confiscation of property or detainment in prison."

Verse ConceptsCriminalsCivil authoritiesBanishmentGovernmentCivic DutiesImprisonmentsLoyaltyPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfMagistratesCitizenshipConfiscationAnarchyJudicial PunishmentBreaking God's Law

Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus, "There is a particular people that is dispersed and spread among the inhabitants throughout all the provinces of your kingdom whose laws differ from those of all other peoples. Furthermore, they do not observe the king's laws. It is not appropriate for the king to provide a haven for them.

Verse ConceptsBribery, Examples OfDifferent TeachingsBreaking Man's LawThe Law Given To Israel

to have them observe the fourteenth and the fifteenth day of the month of Adar each year

Verse ConceptsEstablishingMonth 12Celebration

Therefore, because of the account found in this letter and what they had faced in this regard and what had happened to them, the Jews established as binding on themselves, their descendants, and all who joined their company that they should observe these two days without fail, just as written and at the appropriate time on an annual basis.

Verse ConceptsPurim

These days were to be remembered and to be celebrated in every generation and in every family, every province, and every city. The Jews were not to fail to observe these days of Purim; the remembrance of them was not to cease among their descendants.

Verse ConceptsMemorial

Take note of the one who has integrity! Observe the godly! For the one who promotes peace has a future.

Verse ConceptsFutureDestinyUprightnessChildren Are A BlessingMen Of PeaceOptimismThe FutureA Good Man

How blessed are those who observe his rules, and seek him with all their heart,

Verse ConceptsHeart, And Holy SpiritSeeking GodSpiritualityEarnestnessKeep The Commandments!

Spare me shame and humiliation, for I observe your rules.

Verse ConceptsI Keep The Commandments

(He) Teach me, O Lord, the lifestyle prescribed by your statutes, so that I might observe it continually.

Verse ConceptsScripture TeachingTo The EndI Keep The Commandmentsstatues

This has been my practice, for I observe your precepts.

Verse ConceptsHabitsI Keep The Commandments

(Pe) Your rules are marvelous. Therefore I observe them.

Verse ConceptsI Keep The Commandments

You carefully observe me when I travel or when I lie down to rest; you are aware of everything I do.

Verse ConceptsMan's WaysGod's OmnipresencePaths Of BelieversLying Down To Rest

When I tried to gain wisdom and to observe the activity on earth -- even though it prevents anyone from sleeping day or night --

Verse ConceptsAcquiring Wisdom

Do not bring any more meaningless offerings; I consider your incense detestable! You observe new moon festivals, Sabbaths, and convocations, but I cannot tolerate sin-stained celebrations!

Verse ConceptsAbominationsFutilityHolidayOfferingsSabbath, In OtWorship, Hindrances ToAbominations, To GodFormalityConvocationsIncense Offered AmissSabbath Violated

Pay attention, Lord, and hear! Open your eyes, Lord, and observe! Listen to this entire message Sennacherib sent and how he taunts the living God!

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingPay Attention O God!

I will do this so people will observe and recognize, so they will pay attention and understand that the Lord's power has accomplished this, and that the Holy One of Israel has brought it into being."

Verse ConceptsUnderstandingisrael

The people who do this will be blessed, the people who commit themselves to obedience, who observe the Sabbath and do not defile it, who refrain from doing anything that is wrong.

Verse ConceptsCommendationethics, personalLaw, Ten CommandmentsSabbath, In OtSabbath Observed

For this is what the Lord says: "For the eunuchs who observe my Sabbaths and choose what pleases me and are faithful to my covenant,

As for foreigners who become followers of the Lord and serve him, who love the name of the Lord and want to be his servants -- all who observe the Sabbath and do not defile it, and who are faithful to my covenant --

Verse ConceptsForeignersUnited With GodForeigners Included Among The PeopleStrangers in israelImmigrantsAliens

You must observe the Sabbath rather than doing anything you please on my holy day. You must look forward to the Sabbath and treat the Lord's holy day with respect. You must treat it with respect by refraining from your normal activities, and by refraining from your selfish pursuits and from making business deals.

Verse ConceptsSabbath, In OtDesecrationSabbath Observed

You assist those who delight in doing what is right, who observe your commandments. Look, you were angry because we violated them continually. How then can we be saved?

Verse ConceptsAfter A Long TimeThose Not Saved

"They will go out and observe the corpses of those who rebelled against me, for the maggots that eat them will not die, and the fire that consumes them will not die out. All people will find the sight abhorrent."

Verse ConceptsCarcass, Figurative UseGod, Justice OfHell, As An ExperienceRebellion, Against GodRegretSin, God's Judgment OnSinnersPeople Eaten By WormMaggotsFire Of HellKingdom Of Godworms

The Lord said to me, "I have made you like a metal assayer to test my people like ore. You are to observe them and evaluate how they behave."

Verse ConceptsLifestyles

Do not carry any loads out of your houses or do any work on the Sabbath day. But observe the Sabbath day as a day set apart to the Lord, as I commanded your ancestors.

Verse ConceptsSabbath Observed

All the people living in Jerusalem and all the people who came into Jerusalem from the towns of Judah came to observe a fast before the Lord. The fast took place in the ninth month of the fifth year that Jehoiakim son of Josiah was ruling over Judah.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Nature OfRepentance, Examples OfMonth 9Fasting

so that they may follow my statutes and observe my regulations and carry them out. Then they will be my people, and I will be their God.

Verse ConceptsRevival, Nature OfI Will Be Their GodKeep The Commandments!

"'Observe -- everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb about you: "Like mother, like daughter."

Verse ConceptsBeing A MotherLike People In CharacterOld SayingsmomsMothers And SonsMotivationFathers And Daughters

"'But I said to their children in the wilderness, "Do not follow the practices of your fathers; do not observe their regulations, nor defile yourselves with their idols.

Verse ConceptsBad ParentsFalse ReligionExamples, Badevil, warnings againstChildren, attitudes towardsNot Imitating EvilPollution ForbiddenAvoiding IdolatryParents Being Wrongstatues

I am the Lord your God; follow my statutes, observe my regulations, and carry them out.

Verse ConceptsClaimsI Will Be Their GodKeep The Commandments!statues

"'But the children rebelled against me, did not follow my statutes, did not observe my regulations by carrying them out (the one who obeys them will live by them), and desecrated my Sabbaths. I decided to pour out my rage on them and fully vent my anger against them in the wilderness.

Verse ConceptsJudgement In The WildernessIf You Keep The CommandmentsLife Through Keeping The LawSabbath ViolatedThey Do Not Keep CommandsWorks Of The Law

I did this because they did not observe my regulations, they rejected my statutes, they desecrated my Sabbaths, and their eyes were fixed on their fathers' idols.

Verse ConceptsIdol WorshipSabbath ViolatedThey Do Not Keep Commands

I will put my Spirit within you; I will take the initiative and you will obey my statutes and carefully observe my regulations.

Verse Conceptsethics, and graceLast DaysIndwelling Of The Holy SpiritThe Spirit Of GodFulfilling The LawKeep The Commandments!empowerment

"'My servant David will be king over them; there will be one shepherd for all of them. They will follow my regulations and carefully observe my statutes.

Verse ConceptsGod, As ShepherdChrist, The ShepherdTypes Of Christ

When they are ashamed of all that they have done, make known to them the design of the temple, its pattern, its exits and entrances, and its whole design -- all its statutes, its entire design, and all its laws; write it all down in their sight, so that they may observe its entire design and all its statutes and do them.

Verse ConceptsDesignPlans For A New TempleShame Of Bad ConductThe Law Given To Israelstructure

"'In a controversy they will act as judges; they will judge according to my ordinances. They will keep my laws and my statutes regarding all my appointed festivals and will observe my Sabbaths.

Verse ConceptsJudgesOrdinancesPriests, Function In Ot TimesHoly TimesSabbath ObservedFestivals ObservedKeep The Commandments!Resolving Conflict

This is what the sovereign Lord says: "Here are the borders you will observe as you allot the land to the twelve tribes of Israel. (Joseph will have two portions.)

Verse ConceptsDouble PortionsTwelve Tribesborders

This is what the Lord says: "Because Tyre has committed three crimes -- make that four! -- I will not revoke my decree of judgment. They sold a whole community to Edom; they failed to observe a treaty of brotherhood.

Verse ConceptsCovenant ObligationsProphets, Role OfAbominations, Judgments OfCovenant RelationshipsHatred Between RelativesThree Or FourHanding Over PeopleForgetting Things

Make this announcement in the fortresses of Ashdod and in the fortresses in the land of Egypt. Say this: "Gather on the hills around Samaria! Observe the many acts of violence taking place within the city, the oppressive deeds occurring in it."

Verse ConceptsSuffering, HardshipGathering Other NationsOppressorsDisorder Among The NationsThe Mountains Of Israel

Then all who survive from all the nations that came to attack Jerusalem will go up annually to worship the King, the Lord who rules over all, and to observe the Feast of Tabernacles.

Verse ConceptsFeastingMission, Of IsraelParticipation, In ChristUnity, God's Goal OfZion, As A SymbolCelebrationsSurvivors Of The NationsEvery YearCelebrationjerusalemcelebrating

He said, "Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, 'The Teacher says, "My time is near. I will observe the Passover with my disciples at your house."'"

Verse ConceptsForeknowledgeGod, Purpose OfGuestsEntering CitiesNear The Time PersonallyOther References To The DisciplesTimes Of The ChristGuest Rooms

Then some of the Pharisees began to say, "This man is not from God, because he does not observe the Sabbath." But others said, "How can a man who is a sinner perform such miraculous signs?" Thus there was a division among them.

Verse ConceptsFaultsHumiliationLegalismPublic OpinionSigns Of The TimesDissensionSchismsDivisions Of OpinionSigns Performed By ChristChrist's OriginPharisees Concerned About ChristThe Sabbath And ChristThey Do Not Keep CommandsFinding Fault With JesusJesus Healing On Sabbathdivisionpharisees

But some from the religious party of the Pharisees who had believed stood up and said, "It is necessary to circumcise the Gentiles and to order them to observe the law of Moses."

Verse ConceptsExclusivenessCircumcision, physicalBelieversHeresiesJudaismSectsNecessity Of CircumcisionThose Who Believed In ChristKeep The Commandments!pharisees

Bible Theasaurus

Acknowledge (102 instances)
Celebrate (93 instances)
Detect (3 instances)
Discharge (34 instances)
Discover (49 instances)
Execute (153 instances)
Mention (54 instances)
Notice (121 instances)
Observe (357 instances)
Remark (6 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 11

Usage: 63

Usage: 11

Usage: 17

Usage: 468

Usage: 2

Usage: 6

Usage: 2

Usage: 49

keep , observe , beware , keep self , save , be ... ware
Usage: 25

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