'Nor' in the Bible
Then Judah said to his father Israel, “Send the boy with me. We will be on our way so that we may live and not die—neither we, nor you, nor our children.
Neither you nor a foreigner are to present food to your God from any of these animals. They will not be accepted for you because they are deformed and have a defect.”
“If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, ‘Let us go and worship other gods’—which neither you nor your fathers have known,
“The Lord will bring you and your king that you have appointed to a nation neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you will worship other gods, of wood and stone.
Then the Lord will scatter you among all peoples from one end of the earth to the other, and there you will worship other gods, of wood and stone, which neither you nor your fathers have known.
For the Lord saw that the affliction of Israel was very bitter. There was no one to help Israel, neither bond nor free.
wisdom and knowledge are given to you. I will also give you riches, wealth, and glory, unlike what was given to the kings who were before you, or will be given to those after you.”
The sword that reaches him will have no effect,nor will a spear, dart, or arrow.
It is not the dead who praise the Lord,nor any of those descending into the silence of death.
Keep falsehood and deceitful words far from me.Give me neither poverty nor wealth;feed me with the food I need.
A fool will no longer be called a noble,nor a scoundrel said to be important.
Look at Zion, the city of our festival times.Your eyes will see Jerusalem,a peaceful pasture, a tent that does not wander;its tent pegs will not be pulled upnor will any of its cords be loosened.
But the Lord said to me, “These prophets are prophesying a lie in My name. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a false vision, worthless divination, the deceit of their own minds.
Both great and small will die in this land without burial. No lament will be made for them, nor will anyone cut himself or shave his head for them.
I will raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them. They will no longer be afraid or dismayed, nor will any be missing.” This is the Lord’s declaration.
this is what the Lord says: I am about to punish Shemaiah the Nehelamite and his descendants. There will not be even one of his descendants living among these people, nor will any ever see the good that I will bring to My people”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“for he has preached rebellion against the Lord.”
The cedars in God’s garden could not rival it;the pine trees couldn’t compare with its branches,nor could the plane trees match its boughs.No tree in the garden of Godcould compare with it in beauty.
For prior to those days neither man nor beast had wages. There was no safety from the enemy for anyone who came or went, for I turned everyone against his neighbor.
But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal.
For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven.
“Now concerning that day and hour no one knows—neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son —except the Father only.
For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven.
“Now concerning that day or hour no one knows—neither the angels in heaven nor the Son—except the Father.
But those who are counted worthy to take part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.
Jesus told her, “Believe Me, woman, an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor His disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum looking for Jesus.
Then they asked Him, “Where is Your Father?”“You know neither Me nor My Father,” Jesus answered. “If you knew Me, you would also know My Father.”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” Jesus answered. “This came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him.
But Peter said, “I don’t have silver or gold, but what I have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!”
Now then, why are you testing God by putting a yoke on the disciples’ necks that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear?
When it was day, the Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves under a curse: neither to eat nor to drink until they had killed Paul.
while Paul made the defense that, “Neither against the Jewish law, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I sinned at all.”
For many days neither sun nor stars appeared, and the severe storm kept raging. Finally all hope that we would be saved was disappearing.
For I am persuaded that not even death or life,angels or rulers,things present or things to come, hostile powers,
height or depth, or any other created thingwill have the power to separate usfrom the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
Nor should we complain as some of them did, and were killed by the destroyer.
But if anyone wants to argue about this, we have no other custom, nor do the churches of God.
So the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” Or again, the head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision accomplishes anything; what matters is faith working through love.
without father, mother, or genealogy,having neither beginning of days nor end of life,but resembling the Son of God—remains a priest forever.
I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot.
So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth.
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