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1034 occurrences

'Hand' in the Bible

Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—

Verse ConceptsGarden Of Eden, TheKnowledge, Of SinKnowledge Of Good And EvilUniquenessGod, TrinityImmortality, In OtSeeking LifeMetaphorical TreesArrogantly Like GodGraspingKnowing Right And WrongMen As GodsNot For EverPeople With Knowledgepotentialautonomy

Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.

Verse ConceptsAbel and CainHuman Blood ShedOther References To Mouths

but the dove found no resting place for the sole of her foot, so she returned to him into the ark, for the water was on the surface of all the earth. Then he put out his hand and took her, and brought her into the ark to himself.

Verse ConceptsFeetStretching OutNot Being StillFeet In ActionNot StillNoah's Flood

The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given.

Verse ConceptsAnimalsAnimal LifeFearResponsibility, For God's WorldBirds, Features OfMan's DominionMan's FunctionFear And AnimalsGifts Of GodOther Gifts Of GodRelation Of Animals To ManThe RainbowRainbow

“He will be a wild donkey of a man,His hand will be against everyone,And everyone’s hand will be against him;And he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

Verse ConceptsIndependenceOpposite SidesWild DonkeysConflictFamily Conflictislam

But he hesitated. So the men seized his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters, for the compassion of the Lord was upon him; and they brought him out, and put him outside the city.

Verse Conceptsdelay, humanHandsHesitationSafetyUnbelief, As Response To GodGod's Mercy, Example OfOutside The CityPulling PeopleTaking By The HandPeople Who DelayedBringing People Out Of Other PlacesGod Showed Mercy

Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him by the hand, for I will make a great nation of him.”

Verse ConceptsTaking By The Hand

He said, “You shall take these seven ewe lambs from my hand so that it may be a witness to me, that I dug this well.”

Verse ConceptsAnimals, Types OfExcavationThings As Witnesses

Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on together.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamKnifesGoing TogetherBurning SacrificesFirewoodCarrying Other Loads

Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamKnivesStretching OutKilling Sons And Daughters

He said, “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”

Verse ConceptsAbrahamGodly Fear, Examples OfThe Only ChildOnly Child Of PeopleIndividuals Fearing GodNot SparingGod ForbiddingLeaving People Alone

Abraham said to his servant, the oldest of his household, who had charge of all that he owned, “Please place your hand under my thigh,

Verse ConceptsThighsinvesting

So the servant placed his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and swore to him concerning this matter.

Verse ConceptsServants, GoodThighsSwearing Oaths

Then the servant took ten camels from the camels of his master, and set out with a variety of good things of his master’s in his hand; and he arose and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor.

Verse ConceptsDeparturesTen AnimalsGiving Good Things

She said, “Drink, my lord”; and she quickly lowered her jar to her hand, and gave him a drink.

Verse ConceptsWater ContainersHasty ActionPutting Things Down

So now if you are going to deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me; and if not, let me know, that I may turn to the right hand or the left.”

Verse ConceptsChanging DirectionGiving InformationTurning To Right And Left

Afterward his brother came forth with his hand holding on to Esau’s heel, so his name was called Jacob; and Isaac was sixty years old when she gave birth to them.

Verse ConceptsHeelsGraspingPeople With Apt NamesTwin Brothers

That which was torn of beasts I did not bring to you; I bore the loss of it myself. You required it of my hand whether stolen by day or stolen by night.

Verse ConceptsCompensationLossOppression, Nature OfShepherds, As OccupationsAnimals Torn To PiecesDay Or Night

Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, that he will come and attack me and the mothers with the children.

Verse ConceptsRest, PhysicalKilling Whole FamiliesFear Of IndividualsPeople Attacking Their OwnMotherhood

He delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by itself, and said to his servants, “Pass on before me, and put a space between droves.”

Verse ConceptsGathering CreaturesGapsIn Front

Jacob said, “No, please, if now I have found favor in your sight, then take my present from my hand, for I see your face as one sees the face of God, and you have received me favorably.

Verse ConceptsHeavenly FacesSmiling

He bought the piece of land where he had pitched his tent from the hand of the sons of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for one hundred pieces of money.

Verse ConceptsProperty, LandSilverTentsReal EstateLarge Denominations

He said, “What pledge shall I give you?” And she said, “Your seal and your cord, and your staff that is in your hand.” So he gave them to her and went in to her, and she conceived by him.

Verse ConceptsSealsStaffConceptionCords

When Judah sent the young goat by his friend the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman’s hand, he did not find her.

Verse ConceptsNot FindingNowhere To Be FoundWages Of A ProstitutePossessing Sheep

Moreover, it took place while she was giving birth, one put out a hand, and the midwife took and tied a scarlet thread on his hand, saying, “This one came out first.”

Verse ConceptsCrimsonBeing FirstMidwifeStretching OutFirstborn SonsCordsRed Cordsstories

But it came about as he drew back his hand, that behold, his brother came out. Then she said, “What a breach you have made for yourself!” So he was named Perez.

Verse ConceptsThe Act Of OpeningOpening The WombPeople With Apt Names

Afterward his brother came out who had the scarlet thread on his hand; and he was named Zerah.

Verse ConceptsCordsRed Cords

Now his master saw that the Lord was with him and how the Lord caused all that he did to prosper in his hand.

Verse ConceptsServants, GoodGod With Specific PeopleSeeing SituationsThe Righteous Prosperprospering

She caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me!” And he left his garment in her hand and fled, and went outside.

Verse ConceptsCloaksInvitationsGoing OutsideAbandoning ThingsGraspingSexual Union IntendedOutside The HousesexResisting Temptation

When she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and had fled outside,

Verse ConceptsGoing OutsideAbandoning ThingsOutside The House

Now Pharaoh’s cup was in my hand; so I took the grapes and squeezed them into Pharaoh’s cup, and I put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand.”

Verse ConceptsPressingProviding Wine

within three more days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office; and you will put Pharaoh’s cup into his hand according to your former custom when you were his cupbearer.

Verse ConceptsReinstatementRestorationLifting HeadsReinstating People

He restored the chief cupbearer to his office, and he put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand;

Verse ConceptsCupbearerReinstating People

Then Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand, and clothed him in garments of fine linen and put the gold necklace around his neck.

Verse ConceptsFingersNecksequipping, physicalClothingChainsGoldLinenOrnamentsRingsRobesSeals

Moreover, Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Though I am Pharaoh, yet without your permission no one shall raise his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.”

Verse ConceptsThis Is MeAuthority Delegated To People

Take double the money in your hand, and take back in your hand the money that was returned in the mouth of your sacks; perhaps it was a mistake.

Verse ConceptsHonestyMistakesDouble MoneyIndeterminate Sums Of Money

So the men took this present, and they took double the money in their hand, and Benjamin; then they arose and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph.

Verse ConceptsDouble MoneyIndeterminate Sums Of Money

and it came about when we came to the lodging place, that we opened our sacks, and behold, each man’s money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full. So we have brought it back in our hand.

Verse ConceptsInnsThe Act Of OpeningOpening ContainersStaying Temporarily

We have also brought down other money in our hand to buy food; we do not know who put our money in our sacks.”

Verse ConceptsBuying FoodIndeterminate Sums Of Money

When Joseph came home, they brought into the house to him the present which was in their hand and bowed to the ground before him.

Verse ConceptsSalutationsBowing Before Joseph

When the time for Israel to die drew near, he called his son Joseph and said to him, “Please, if I have found favor in your sight, place now your hand under my thigh and deal with me in kindness and faithfulness. Please do not bury me in Egypt,

Verse ConceptsKindnessLoyaltyA Time To DieThighsNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenImmigrants

Joseph took them both, Ephraim with his right hand toward Israel’s left, and Manasseh with his left hand toward Israel’s right, and brought them close to him.

But Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it on the head of Ephraim, who was the younger, and his left hand on Manasseh’s head, crossing his hands, although Manasseh was the firstborn.

Verse ConceptsFirstbornHandsLaying On Of HandsFirstborn SonsHands On HeadsLeft HandsLaying On Hands To HealBlessings For The Right Hand

When Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on Ephraim’s head, it displeased him; and he grasped his father’s hand to remove it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head.

Verse ConceptsHands On HeadsBlessings For The Right HandTroubling Individuals

Joseph said to his father, “Not so, my father, for this one is the firstborn. Place your right hand on his head.”

Verse ConceptsFirstborn SonsHands On HeadsLaying On Hands To HealDissentBlessings For The Right Hand

I give you one portion more than your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow.”

Verse ConceptsFighting Enemies

“Judah, your brothers shall praise you;Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies;Your father’s sons shall bow down to you.

Verse ConceptsBowingCommendationSalutationsOvercoming EnemiesShowing Forth His Praiseserenity

So they said, “An Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds, and what is more, he even drew the water for us and watered the flock.”

Verse ConceptsIndividuals Saving OthersStock Keeping

So I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My miracles which I shall do in the midst of it; and after that he will let you go.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandStrength Of GodGod's Hands Stretched Out

The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” And he said, “A staff.”

Verse ConceptsSmall Things God UsesWhat Is This?

But the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail”—so he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand

Verse ConceptsMiracles Of Moses And AaronTailsGraspingThings Changed

The Lord furthermore said to him, “Now put your hand into your bosom.” So he put his hand into his bosom, and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous like snow.

Verse ConceptsSnowMiracles Of Moses And AaronWhite Spots

Then He said, “Put your hand into your bosom again.” So he put his hand into his bosom again, and when he took it out of his bosom, behold, it was restored like the rest of his flesh.

Verse ConceptsBodyMiracles Of Moses And Aaron

You shall take in your hand this staff, with which you shall perform the signs.”

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalSigns From God

So Moses took his wife and his sons and mounted them on a donkey, and returned to the land of Egypt. Moses also took the staff of God in his hand.

They said to them, “May the Lord look upon you and judge you, for you have made us odious in Pharaoh’s sight and in the sight of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us.”

Verse ConceptsNosesSmellsApproval To Kill

When Pharaoh does not listen to you, then I will lay My hand on Egypt and bring out My hosts, My people the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt by great judgments.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandGod's Hands In OppositionEarthly ArmiesGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

Go to Pharaoh in the morning as he is going out to the water, and station yourself to meet him on the bank of the Nile; and you shall take in your hand the staff that was turned into a serpent.

Verse ConceptsMorningWaitingRodsMeeting PeopleThings Changed

Thus says the Lord, “By this you shall know that I am the Lord: behold, I will strike the water that is in the Nile with the staff that is in my hand, and it will be turned to blood.

Verse ConceptsYou Will Know I Am The Lord

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, over their streams, and over their pools, and over all their reservoirs of water, that they may become blood; and there will be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.’”

Verse ConceptsAaron, PrivilegesRivers And StreamsStonesWoodPoolsRodsBucketsStretching OutWater ContainersWood And Stone

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to Aaron, ‘Stretch out your hand with your staff over the rivers, over the streams and over the pools, and make frogs come up on the land of Egypt.’”

Verse ConceptsStretching Out

So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsCovering The EarthAnger Of God, Examples OfMiracles Of Moses And AaronStretching Out

They did so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff, and struck the dust of the earth, and there were gnats on man and beast. All the dust of the earth became gnats through all the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsMiracles Of Moses And AaronStretching OutFliesBoth Men And Animals AffectedThings Changed

behold, the hand of the Lord will come with a very severe pestilence on your livestock which are in the field, on the horses, on the donkeys, on the camels, on the herds, and on the flocks.

Verse ConceptsSheepAnger Of God, Examples OfPower Of God, Expressed

For if by now I had put forth My hand and struck you and your people with pestilence, you would then have been cut off from the earth.

Verse ConceptsGod KillingGod Will Kill The Peoples

Now the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that hail may fall on all the land of Egypt, on man and on beast and on every plant of the field, throughout the land of Egypt.”

Verse ConceptsStretching OutBoth Men And Animals Affected

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up on the land of Egypt and eat every plant of the land, even all that the hail has left.”

Verse ConceptsSymbolsStretching OutRemaining FoodAnimals Eating

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even a darkness which may be felt.”

Verse ConceptsStretching Out

So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days.

Verse ConceptsMonotonyMiracles Of Moses And AaronSupernatural DarknessStretching OutThree Days

Now you shall eat it in this manner: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste—it is the Lord’s Passover.

Verse ConceptsPassover lambAtonement, Types OfNew Year, TheAdventureSandalsStaffHasteShoesClothing OneselfHasty ActionPreparing To TravelWalking With A Staff

Moses said to the people, “Remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the Lord brought you out from this place. And nothing leavened shall be eaten.

Verse ConceptsCelebrationsHand Of GodHistoryYeastStrength Of GodLeaving EgyptGroups Of Slavesslavery

And it shall serve as a sign to you on your hand, and as a reminder on your forehead, that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth; for with a powerful hand the Lord brought you out of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsForeheadsCeremoniesGod, Power OfHand Of GodLipsStrength Of GodMarks On PeopleSpeaking As From GodThe Law ProclaimedGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

And it shall be when your son asks you in time to come, saying, ‘What is this?’ then you shall say to him, ‘With a powerful hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

Verse ConceptsStrength Of GodAskingWhat Is This?Groups Of SlavesTeaching ChildrenGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

So it shall serve as a sign on your hand and as phylacteries on your forehead, for with a powerful hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt.”

Verse ConceptsForeheadsStrength Of GodMarks On PeopleGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

As for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land.

Verse ConceptsMiracles, Responses ToStretching OutDivision Of WatersDry LandWaters DividedComing To The Red Sea

Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided.

Verse ConceptsRestraintWeather, God's Sovereignty OverStretching OutDivision Of WatersOut Of The EastGod Dispensing WindWaters DividedWaters DividingA Way Through The Red SeaThe Sea DividedThings ChangedThe OceanThe SeaThe East Wind

The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

Verse ConceptsGod's ProvisionFigurative Walls

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots and their horsemen.”

Verse ConceptsStretching OutComing To The Red Sea

So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it; then the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea.

Verse ConceptsFugitivesAnger Of God, Examples OfStretching OutDaybreakPeoples Who FledAt Daybreak

But the sons of Israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

Verse ConceptsMoses, Life OfFigurative WallsWalking Through WaterDry Land

Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore.

Verse ConceptsGod, The LordCivil LibertySeashoresDeath Of Other Groups

“The enemy said, ‘I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil;My desire shall be gratified against them;I will draw out my sword, my hand will destroy them.’

Verse ConceptsPursuingSelf ConfidencePursuing PeopleArrogance, Characterizes The WickedOvertakingDividing The Spoil

The sons of Israel said to them, “Would that we had died by the Lord’s hand in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat, when we ate bread to the full; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.”

Verse ConceptsIngratitudeMeatSelf PityCynicismDying In The WildernessDesire For DeathPlenty In EgyptNo FoodGod Might Kill His PeoplePots For Cooking And EatingDying In The Desert WeedComplaininghungerpot

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Pass before the people and take with you some of the elders of Israel; and take in your hand your staff with which you struck the Nile, and go.

Verse ConceptsThe Elders Gathered

So Moses said to Joshua, “Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.”

So it came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed.

Verse ConceptsCalling upon GodMoses, Significance OfLifting HandsPutting Things DownWinningBattleisrael

Jethro rejoiced over all the goodness which the Lord had done to Israel, in delivering them from the hand of the Egyptians.

Verse ConceptsJoy, And Human ExperienceExcitementGod Doing GoodRejoicing In God's Works

So Jethro said, “Blessed be the Lord who delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hand of Pharaoh, and who delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians.

Verse ConceptsPraise, Reasons ForRescueBless The Lord!

No hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether beast or man, he shall not live.’ When the ram’s horn sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain.”

Verse ConceptsHornsMusical Instruments, types ofRamsThrowing StonesDeath As PunishmentNot TouchingTrumpets For SignallingBoth Men And Animals KilledInstructions About Stoning

But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint you a place to which he may flee.

Verse ConceptsAltars, UsesDeath penaltyKillingMurderManslaughterAsylumAmbushUnintentional

“If a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand, he shall be punished.

Verse ConceptsFloggingBeating PeopleManslaughterJudicial PunishmentStriking People With A StaffPropertyslaveryAbuseNervousness

I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you will drive them out before you.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesLand, As A Divine GiftLandmarksMediterranean SeaGod Sets BoundariesOther References To The Red SeaAs Far As The EuphratesThose God Gave Into Their Handsborders

Yet He did not stretch out His hand against the nobles of the sons of Israel; and they saw God, and they ate and drank.

Verse ConceptsFeasting On Special OccasionsFeastingMessianic BanquetGod's HandEating Before GodThose Who Saw GodGod's Hands In Opposition

Bible Theasaurus

Beacon (3 instances)
Deliver (542 instances)
Finger (39 instances)
Forefinger (4 instances)
Handwriting (6 instances)
Instrumentality (7 instances)
Script (4 instances)
Signature (4 instances)
Transfer (17 instances)
Workman (25 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
strike with the palm of hand Trans , strike with the palm of hand , smite with hand
Usage: 3

Usage: 6

מלו מלוא מלא 
Usage: 37

Usage: 4

made without hands , not made with hands
Usage: 3

nigh , at hand , nigh at hand , near , from , nigh unto , ready
Usage: 23

made with hands , made by hands
Usage: 6

Usage: 1

Usage: 56

Usage: 166

Usage: 6

Usage: 3

hand , by , consecrate , him , power , them , places , tenons , thee , coast , side ,
Usage: 1612

Yad (Aramaic) 
Usage: 17

Usage: 139

Usage: 4

Usage: 32

Usage: 192

Usage: 3

מקּלה מקּל 
Usage: 18

Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 280

קרב קרוב 
Usage: 77

שׂמאל שׂמאול 
Usage: 54

Usage: 9

Usage: 3

Usage: 63

Usage: 65

left hand , left , on the left
Usage: 2

with own hands
Usage: 1

Usage: 36

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

draw nigh , be at hand , come nigh , come near , draw near ,
Usage: 28

Usage: 7

take in hand , go about , take upon
Usage: 3

Usage: 9

left , on the left hand , left foot
Usage: 6

Usage: 3

hold , take , lay hold on , hold fast , take by , lay hold upon , lay hand on ,
Usage: 33

Usage: 11

smite , smite with the palm of hand
Usage: 1

Usage: 3

hand , not tr
Usage: 149

lead by the hand
Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit