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44 occurrences in 5 translations

'Attempting' in the Bible

And the Lord said to Moses in Midian, Go back to Egypt, for all the men are dead who were attempting to take your life.

Verse ConceptsAttempting To Kill

And the wonder-workers with their secret arts, attempting to make insects, were unable to do so: and there were insects on man and on beast.

Verse ConceptsSorcery And MagicFliesBoth Men And Animals AffectedUnable To Do Other Thingsmagic

If you besiege a city for a long time while attempting to capture it, you must not chop down its trees, for you may eat fruit from them and should not cut them down. A tree in the field is not human that you should besiege it!

Verse ConceptsRespect, For EnvironmentEcological ConcernsFortsTreesFelling TreesSharp ToolsHarming Trees

And David went in flight from Naioth in Ramah and came to Jonathan and said, What have I done? What is my crime and my sin against your father that he is attempting to take my life?

Verse ConceptsAttempting To Kill MeWhat Sin?

David also attacked King Hadadezer, Rehob's son from Zobah, when he was attempting to restore his hegemony over the Euphrates River.

Verse ConceptsRestoration

I represent the peaceful and the faithful in Israel. You are attempting to destroy an important city in Israel. Why should you swallow up the Lord's inheritance?"

Verse ConceptsSpiritual MothersMotherhood

And he said, I have been burning for the honour of the Lord, the God of armies; for the children of Israel have not kept your agreement; they have made destruction of your altars, and have put your prophets to death with the sword: till I, even I, am the only one living; and now they are attempting to take away my life.

Verse ConceptsFriendlessnessFaithfulness, Examples OfForsaking GodExaggerationsdoubtersDepression, SymptomsGod, Zeal OfLonelinessMartyrdom, Examples OfOpposition, To Sin And EvilRejection Of GodSelfishnessSelf PitySoldiersEvil TimesDestruction Of The TempleKilling ProphetsForsaking God's ThingsSole SurvivorsOnly One PersonBreaking The Covenant

And he said, I have been burning for the honour of the Lord, the God of armies; for the children of Israel have not kept your agreement; they have had your altars broken down, and have put your prophets to death with the sword: till I, even I, am the only one living; and now they are attempting to take away my life.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, Examples OfeagernessProphets, Lives OfRejection Of GodDestruction Of The TempleKilling ProphetsForsaking God's ThingsSole SurvivorsOnly One PersonBreaking The Covenant

On that day, the Jews came together in their towns through all the divisions of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, for the purpose of attacking all those who were attempting evil against them: and everyone had to give way before them, for the fear of them had come on all the peoples.

Verse ConceptsFearing Other People

Because Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the hater of all the Jews, had made designs for their destruction, attempting to get a decision by Pur (that is, chance) with a view to putting an end to them and cutting them off;

Verse ConceptsKilling Israelites

Have mercy on me, O God, for man is attempting my destruction; every day he makes cruel attacks against me.

Verse ConceptsMusicThose OppressedAll Day

Giving honour to a foolish man is like attempting to keep a stone fixed in a cord.

Verse ConceptsSlingsJoining ThingsThrowing StonesSlinging StonesThe Honourable Will Be Honoured

So I reflected on all this, attempting to clear it all up. I concluded that the righteous and the wise, as well as their works, are in the hand of God; whether a person will be loved or hated -- no one knows what lies ahead.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandHateGodly ManEverything Happening For A Reasonaccomplishmentsaccomplishment

As for your unclean purpose: because I have been attempting to make you clean, but you have not been made clean from it, you will not be made clean till I have let loose my passion on you in full measure.

Verse ConceptsLewdnessPurity, Moral And SpiritualAfflictions Of The WickedPurgingPeople Being Unclean

The king replied, "I know for sure that you are attempting to gain time, because you see that my decision is firm.

Verse ConceptsRedeeming The TimePeople Who Delayed

And he will say words against the Most High, attempting to put an end to the saints of the Most High; and he will have the idea of changing times and law; and the saints will be given into his hands for a time and times and half a time.

Verse ConceptsBlasphemy, Examples OfBetrayalBetrayal, To The ChristianHistorySeasons, Of LifeThe PopeThree And A Half YearsBlasphemyUniverse ChangedTo Be Given Into One's HandsBurnoutChangeSchedulesRebellion of Satan and AngelsSeasons Changing

He prayed to the Lord and said, "Oh, Lord, this is just what I thought would happen when I was in my own country. This is what I tried to prevent by attempting to escape to Tarshish! -- because I knew that you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in mercy, and one who relents concerning threatened judgment.

Verse ConceptsGod, Patience OfGod, Repentance OfKnowing God, Nature OfReceptivenessRestraintGod Is UnchangeableGod Changing His MindHasty ActionSaying The Same ThingsSaying RepeatedlyA Forgiving GodGod Turned Back From Harming ThemKnowing God's CharacterAnger And Forgivenessjonah

Saying, Get up and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: because they who were attempting to take the young child's life are dead.

Verse ConceptsAttempts To Kill ChristDeath Of Office HoldersTaking ChristDeath Of A ChildDeath Of A Mother

And every day he was teaching in the Temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the rulers of the people were attempting to put him to death;

Verse ConceptsScribesTeachers Of The LawAmazement, Of Jesus ChristPlottingUnceasingAlways Being ActiveChrist TeachingChrist Would Be KilledOpposition To Christ From Scribes

They answered and said to him, "You were born completely in sin, and are you attempting to teach us?" And they threw him out.

Verse ConceptsBirth, PhysicalPride, Examples OfRegretting BirthExcommunicationBabies Sinful From Birth

The disciples said to him, Master, the Jews were attempting only the other day to have you stoned, and are you going back there again?

Verse ConceptsRabbiChrist Would Be KilledFear Of Stoning

We gave you very clear orders not to give teaching in this name: and now Jerusalem is full of your teaching, and you are attempting to make us responsible for this man's death.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersBlood, as symbol of guiltBlood, of Jesus ChristCommands, in NTFilling PlacesSpeaking In Christ's NameTeaching The Way Of God

And on the following day, he made an appearance to them [while they] were fighting and was attempting to reconcile them in peace, saying, 'Men [and] brothers, why are you doing wrong to one another?'

Verse ConceptsLove Between RelativesWronging Other PeopleFighting One Another

But Saul was attempting to destroy the church. Entering {house after house}, he dragged off both men and women [and] delivered [them] to prison.

Verse ConceptsArrestingIntimidationenemies, of believersChurchPrisonersPulling PeopleDestruction Of The ChurchThe Church UniversalPersecutionjail

And [when he] arrived in Jerusalem, he was attempting to associate with the disciples, and they were all afraid of him, [because they] did not believe that he was a disciple.

Verse ConceptsJoined To The ChurchFear Of IndividualsAcceptanceDiscipleshipdamascustrying

But Elymas the magician (for his name is translated in this way) opposed them, attempting to turn the proconsul away from the faith.

Verse ConceptsConfrontationFaith, As A Body Of BeliefsGospel, Responses ToCausing People To TurnMeaningSorcery

And while they were attempting to put him to death, news came to the chief captain of the band that all Jerusalem was out of control.

Verse ConceptsConfusion, Examples OfArmies, RomanAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleChiliarchs

Who, in addition, was attempting to make the Temple unclean: whom we took,

Verse ConceptsTaking The Law To HeartLack Of Holiness

On account of these [things] the Jews seized me in the temple [courts] [and] were attempting to kill [me].

Verse ConceptsAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleDisciples In The Temple

And [when they] had set a day with him, many more came to him at his lodging place, to whom he was explaining from early in the morning until evening, testifying about the kingdom of God and attempting to convince them about Jesus from both the law of Moses and the prophets.

Verse ConceptsExplanationsKingdom Of God, Coming OfMorningDealing With Many PeopleFrom Morning Till EveningChrist And The ScripturesStudying The LawWritten In The Prophets

Or are we attempting to provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are not stronger than he [is, are we]?

Verse ConceptsProvokingGod Is Strong

Do we seem to be again attempting to put ourselves in the right? or have we need, as some have, of letters of approval to you or from you?

Verse ConceptsCommendationLettersCommending OneselfPraising Specific Peoplea new beginningEclipse

Therefore, [because we] know the fear of the Lord, we are attempting to persuade people, but we are revealed to God, and I hope to be revealed in your consciences.

Verse ConceptsConvincingevangelists, ministry ofHope, Nature OfPersuasionReverence, And ObedienceAmbassadors For ChristResponsibilityKnowing Godconsciencemotives

It may seem to you that all this time we have been attempting to put ourselves in the right; but we are saying these things before God in Christ. For all things, dear brothers, are for your profit.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingEdification, Means OfBuilding Up The ChurchGod Seeing All PeopleMan Defendingcommunionreality

and they were only hearing, "The one formerly persecuting us is now proclaiming the faith that formerly he was attempting to destroy,"

Verse ConceptsFaith, As A Body Of Beliefsenemies, of Jesus ChristGospel, Transmission OfPersecution, Forms Of

As many as are wanting to make a good showing in the flesh, these are attempting to compel you to be circumcised, only so that they will not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.

Verse ConceptsExclusivenessOutward AppearanceLiving For The MaterialNecessity Of CircumcisionOutward CompulsionSignificance Of Christ's CrucifixionPersecutionThe Crosstrying

Attempting to see what sort of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them was pointing to, when it gave witness to the pains which Christ would undergo and the glories which would come after them.

Verse ConceptsAtonement, ForeordainedNames And Titles For The Holy SpiritForeordained PlansSpirit Of ChristThe Spirit Of ChristThe Holy Spirit, And ScripturePredicting ChristWho Is Jesus?When?SufferingHurt And Betrayal

Dear friends, this [is] already the second letter I am writing to you, in [both of] which I am attempting to stir up your sincere mind by a reminder,

Verse ConceptsLettersRemindersWritingReminders Of The GospelSecond Thingremembrance

Bible Theasaurus

Assay (3 instances)
Attempt (41 instances)
Attempting (44 instances)
Undertake (20 instances)

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible