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1022 occurrences in 12 translations

'Asked' in the Bible

Then He asked, “Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”

Verse ConceptsNaked In ShameEating Forbidden FoodTelling Of People's SituationsGod Forbidding

So the Lord God asked the woman, “What is this you have done?”And the woman said, “It was the serpent. He deceived me, and I ate.”

Verse ConceptsEveSin, Causes OfSpiritual Warfare, Enemies InThe Ancient SerpentWhat Do You Do?Eating Forbidden FoodAdam and eveAdam and eve disobey god

When Cain became very upset and depressed, the LORD asked Cain, "Why are you so upset? Why are you depressed?

Verse ConceptsExpressions On FacesRestoring SinnersWhy Do You Do This?Angry With GodDepressionFree Moral AgencyAnger And Forgiveness

Pharaoh summoned Abram and asked, "What have you done to me! Why didn't you tell me that she was your wife?

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?Kings SummoningThose Who Did Not Tell

"Hagar, servant of Sarai," he asked, "Where are you coming from and where are you going?" She answered, "I am running away from my mistress Sarai."

Verse ConceptsWhere From?Where To?mistress

“Where is your wife Sarah?” they asked him.“There, in the tent,” he answered.

Verse ConceptsWhere Are People?sarah

But the Lord asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Can I really have a baby when I’m old?’

Verse ConceptsWhy Do Others Do This?The Promise Of A Babysarah

"Should I hide from Abraham what I'm about to do," the LORD asked,

Verse ConceptsGod, Purpose OfPredictionsGod's Things Concealed

Abraham approached and asked, "Will you actually destroy the righteous along with the wicked?

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Characteristics OfGod KillingLack Of DiscriminationGod Kills

Abraham then asked, "I hope my LORD will not be angry if I speak. What if 30 are found there?" The LORD answered, "I won't do it for the sake of those 30."

Verse ConceptsThirtyLet Not God Be AngryNumbers Of Righteous PeopleSpeaking To God

They called out to Lot and asked, "Where are the men who came to visit you tonight? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!"

Verse ConceptsSelf IndulgenceVulgarityHomosexualitySexual Union IntendedWhere Are People?sex

"Do you have anyone else here in the city?" the angels asked Lot. "A son-in-law? Sons? Daughters? Get them out of this place,

Verse ConceptsSons In LawRelatives Also InvolvedBringing People Out Of Other Places

Now Abimelech had not yet come near her, so he asked, "LORD, will you destroy an innocent nation?

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Nature OfAbsence Of SexGod KillingGod Will Kill The PeoplesPlea Of Innocence

Then Abimelech called Abraham and asked him, "What have you done to us? How have I sinned against you, that you have brought such great sin against me and my kingdom? You've done things to me that ought not to have been done."

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?Kings SummoningWe Have SinnedWhat Sin?

Abimelech also asked Abraham, "What could you have been thinking when you did this?"

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?Looking And Seeing

When God caused me to journey from my father's house, I asked her to do me this favor and say, "He's my brother.'"

Verse ConceptsLoyaltyTentsWanderers

God heard the boy's voice, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven. He asked her, "What's wrong with you, Hagar? Don't be afraid, because God has heard the voice of the youth where he is.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamAngel of the LordHeaven And AngelsAngstGod HearingWhat Is The Matter?God Speaks From HeavenDo Not Fear For God Will Help

so Abimelech asked Abraham, "What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs that you have set aside?"

Verse ConceptsSeparating AnimalsWhat Is This?

Isaac addressed his father Abraham: "My father!" "I'm here, my son," Abraham replied. Isaac asked, "The fire and the wood are here, but where's the lamb for the burnt offering?"

Verse ConceptsFireLambsBurning SacrificesFirewoodBehold Me!Sheep And GoatsWhere Are Things?

"What if the woman doesn't want to come back with me to this land?" the servant asked. "Shouldn't I have your son go to the land from which you came?"

Verse ConceptsReturning to the oldPeople Unwilling

Then Abraham's servant ran to meet her and asked her, "Please, let me have a sip of water from your jug."

Verse ConceptsWater ContainersIndividuals RunningRequesting FoodMan Providing Water

“Whose daughter are you?” he asked. “Please tell me, is there room in your father’s house for us to spend the night?”

Verse ConceptsWho Is This?Staying TemporarilyFathers And Daughters

"So I asked my master, "What if the woman won't come back with me?'

Verse ConceptsPeople Unwilling

"Before I had finished praying, along came Rebekah with her jug on her shoulder! She went to the spring and drew some water. I asked her to please let me have a drink.

Verse ConceptsShouldersHeart, And Holy SpiritWater ContainersRequesting FoodDrawing WaterMan Providing WaterWhile Still SpeakingUnder One's BreathCarrying Other LoadsHeartfelt Prayer To God

And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bare unto him: and I put the earring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands.

Verse ConceptsJewelleryWho Is This?This Is Me

So they called Rebekah and asked her, "Do you want to go with this man?" "I will go," she replied.

Verse ConceptsPeople Willing

and asked the servant, “Who is that man in the field coming to meet us?”The servant answered, “It is my master.” So she took her veil and covered herself.

Verse ConceptsCoveringVeilsMeeting PeopleWho Is This?The Brides Wedding Dress

But when the infants kept on wrestling each other inside her womb, she asked herself, "Why is this happening?" So she asked the LORD for an explanation.

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombGrinding PeopleWhy Does This Happen?Fighting One AnotherstruggleLife StrugglesFamily ConflictStrugglesHaving A Baby

And the men of the place asked him of his wife; and he said, She is my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah; because she was fair to look upon.

Verse ConceptsExamples Of DeceitdoubtersAsking Particular QuestionsMisrepresentationOther WivesBeautiful Women

"What have you done to us?" Abimelech asked. "Any minute now, one of the people could have had sex with your wife and you would have caused all of us to be guilty."

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?

"Why have you come to see me," Isaac asked them, "since you hate me so much that you sent me away from you?"

Verse ConceptsWhy Do You Do This?Hating Individuals

"I'm Esau, your firstborn!" Jacob told his father. "I've done what you asked, so please sit up and eat what I caught, so you can bless me."

Verse ConceptsExamples Of DeceitFirstbornInheritance, MaterialFirstborn SonsThis Is MePeople Blessing

"How did you get it so quickly, my son?" Isaac asked. Jacob responded, ""because the LORD your God made me successful."

Verse ConceptsPeople OvercomingWork Soon Done

Again he asked, “Are you really my son Esau?”And he replied, “I am.”

Verse ConceptsIs It Really?This Is Me

But his father Isaac asked him, "Who are you?" "I'm Esau, your firstborn son," he answered.

Verse ConceptsFirstborn SonsWho Is This?This Is Me

At this, Isaac began to tremble violently. "Who then," he asked, "hunted some game and brought it to me to eat before you arrived, so that I've blessed him? Indeed, he is blessed."

Verse ConceptsTremblingIndividuals TremblingWho Is This?People Blessing

So he said, “Isn’t he rightly named Jacob? For he has cheated me twice now. He took my birthright, and look, now he has taken my blessing.” Then he asked, “Haven’t you saved a blessing for me?”

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character OfDoing Things TwicePeople Naming PeopleGraspingPeople BlessingStoring Other Things

Jacob asked the men at the well, “My brothers! Where are you from?”“We’re from Haran,” they answered.

Verse ConceptsWhere From?

“Do you know Laban grandson of Nahor?” Jacob asked them.They answered, “We know him.”

Verse ConceptsGrandchildrenKnowing PeopleImmigrants

“Is he well?” Jacob asked.“Yes,” they said, “and here is his daughter Rachel, coming with his sheep.”

Verse ConceptsThose Who Kept Stock

Later, Laban asked Jacob, "Should you serve me for free, just because you're my nephew? Let's talk about what your wages should be."

Verse ConceptsBeing FairNegotiationServants, Working Conditions OfWagesFree Of Charge

That made Jacob angry with Rachel, so he asked her, "Can I take God's place, who has not allowed you to conceive?"

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenReasons For BarrennessMen As GodsNamed People Angry With Others

Reuben went out during the wheat harvest and found some mandrakes in the field. When he brought them to his mother Leah, Rachel asked, “Please give me some of your son’s mandrakes.”

Verse ConceptsWheat

In response, Leah asked her, "Wasn't it enough that you've taken away my husband? Now you also want to take my son's mandrakes!" But Rachel replied, "Okay, let's let Jacob sleep with you tonight in exchange for your son's mandrakes."

Verse ConceptsMarital SexMarital Sex BetweenTaking Other PeopleUnimportant Things

Laban asked, “What should I give you?”And Jacob said, “You don’t need to give me anything. If you do this one thing for me, I will continue to shepherd and keep your flock.

Verse ConceptsFeeding AnimalsWhat Is This?Not ReceivingThose Who Kept Stock

"Okay," Laban replied. "We'll do it the way you've asked."

Verse ConceptsAgreeing For Good

Then Rachel and Leah asked him, "Do we have anything left of inheritance remaining in our father's house?

Verse ConceptsNot Sharing

Then Laban asked Jacob, "What did you do? You deceived me, carried off my daughters like you would war captives,

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?Those Who Deceived

And he commandeth the first, saying, 'When Esau my brother meeteth thee, and hath asked thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither goest thou? and whose are these before thee?

Verse ConceptsAskingWho Is This?Where To?

“What is your name?” the man asked.“Jacob,” he replied.

Verse ConceptsTrinity

And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.

Verse ConceptsWhy Do You Do This?What Is God's Name?Blessed By God

When Esau looked up and saw the women and children, he asked, “Who are these with you?”He answered, “The children God has graciously given your servant.”

Verse ConceptsBad ParentsChildren, attitudes towardsSanctity Of LifeChildren, A Gift From GodWho Is This?Gifts Of GodOther Gifts Of GodSeeing People

Then Esau asked, "What are all these livestock for?" "To solicit favor from you, sir," Jacob answered.

Verse ConceptsMeaning

"Why do that?" Jacob asked. "I've already found favor in your sight, sir." So Esau set out that very day back on his way to Seir,

Verse ConceptsIndividuals going homefriendliness

The young man did not delay in doing what they asked because he wanted Jacob's daughter Dinah badly. (Now he was more important than anyone in his father's household.)

Verse ConceptsHappiness

"Should he have treated our sister like a whore?" they asked in response.

Verse ConceptsNamed Sisters

“Are you really going to reign over us?” his brothers asked him. “Are you really going to rule us?” So they hated him even more because of his dream and what he had said.

Verse ConceptsHating Individualsdominion

When Joseph told his father about this, his father rebuked him and asked him, "What kind of dream is that? Will I, your mother, and your brothers really come to you and bow down to the ground in front of you?"

Verse ConceptsSalutationsBowing Before JosephWhat Is This?Immigrants

And a certain man found him, and, behold, he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou?

Verse ConceptsWandererswandering

So on the way, he turned aside, approached her, and said, "Come on! Let's have some sex!" But he didn't realize that he was talking to his own daughter-in-law. "What will you give me," she asked, "in order to have sex with me?"

Verse ConceptsDaughters In LawNot Recognising PeopleWages Of A Prostitute

He replied, "I'll send you a young goat from the flock." She asked, "Will you give me a pledge until you send it?"

Verse ConceptsWages Of A ProstitutePossessing Sheep

“What should I give you?” he asked.She answered, “Your signet ring, your cord, and the staff in your hand.” So he gave them to her and slept with her, and she got pregnant by him.

Verse ConceptsSealsStaffConceptionCords

Then he asked the men of that place, saying, Where is the harlot, that was openly by the way side? And they said, There was no harlot in this place.

Verse ConceptsWhere Are People?whores

And he asked Pharaoh's officers that were with him in the ward of his lord's house, saying, Wherefore look ye so sadly to day?

Verse ConceptsAsking Particular QuestionsOther Sad People

so Pharaoh asked his servants, "Can we find anyone else like this someone in whom the Spirit of God lives?

Verse ConceptsFindingThe Spirit Of GodUnique IndividualsExcellence

Eventually, Jacob observed that there was grain in Egypt, so he asked his sons, "Why do you keep on staring at one another?

Verse ConceptsLooking Intently At PeopleSeeing Situations

When Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them, but he treated them like strangers and spoke harshly to them.“Where do you come from?” he asked.“From the land of Canaan to buy food,” they replied.

Verse ConceptsPretenceAwarenessBuying FoodRecognising PeopledisguisesWhere From?

He reported to his brothers, "My money has been returned! It's right here in my sack!" Trembling with mounting consternation, each of them asked one another, "What is God doing to us?"

Verse ConceptsHeart, HumanHuman EmotionIndividuals TremblingWhat Does God Do?Indeterminate Sums Of MoneyOther Sad People

“Why did you cause me so much trouble?” Israel asked. “Why did you tell the man that you had another brother?”

Verse ConceptsPeople Actually Doing Evil

And they said, The man asked us straitly of our state, and of our kindred, saying, Is your father yet alive? have ye another brother? and we told him according to the tenor of these words: could we certainly know that he would say, Bring your brother down?

Verse ConceptsAsking Particular QuestionsAnswering PeopleNot Knowing The FutureLiving On

And he asked them of their welfare, and said, Is your father well, the old man of whom ye spake? Is he yet alive?

Verse ConceptsLiving On

When he looked up and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother’s son, he asked, “Is this your youngest brother that you told me about?” Then he said, “May God be gracious to you, my son.”

Verse ConceptsCourteousnessDivine FavourSalutationsThe Youngest ChildSeeing PeopleMothers And Sons

and Joseph asked them, "Why did you do this? Don't you know that I'm an expert at divination?"

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?

My lord asked his servants, saying, Have ye a father, or a brother?

Verse ConceptsAsking Particular Questions

So Israel's sons did what they were asked to do, and Joseph provided wagons for them, as Pharaoh had commanded. He also gave them provisions for the journey.

Verse ConceptsJourneyPeople Providing Food

Then Pharaoh asked his brothers, “What is your occupation?”And they said to Pharaoh, “Your servants, both we and our fathers, are shepherds.”

Verse ConceptsOccupationsThose Who Kept Stock

"How old are you?" Pharaoh asked Jacob.

As the time approached for Israel to die, he called for his son Joseph and addressed him. "Please," he asked, "if you're happy with me, make a solemn promise that you'll treat me fairly and kindly by not burying me in Egypt.

Verse ConceptsKindnessLoyaltyA Time To DieThighsNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenImmigrants

When I rest with my fathers, carry me away from Egypt and bury me in their burial place.”Joseph answered, “I will do what you have asked.”

Verse ConceptsChildren, Good KidsCarrying Dead BodiesThe Cave Of MachpelahGathered To One's People

Just then, Israel saw Joseph's sons and asked, "Who are these?"

Verse ConceptsWho Is This?

"Please go," Pharaoh replied. "Bury your father, as he asked you to do."

Later, after Joseph's brothers faced the reality of their father's death, they asked themselves, "What happens if Joseph decides to hold a grudge against us? What if he pays us back in full for all the wrong things we did to him?"

Verse ConceptsGrudgesResentment, Against PeopleResponseRepaying Evil For EvilNamed People Angry With Others

So the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this and let the boys live?”

Verse ConceptsKept Alive By MenKings SummoningWhy Do You Do This?

Then his sister asked Pharaoh's daughter, "Shall I go and call one of the nursing Hebrew women so she can nurse the child for you?"

Verse ConceptsNursesNamed Sisters

The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, “Why are you attacking your neighbor?”

Verse ConceptsFighting One AnotherTwo Other Men

When they returned to their father Reuel he asked, “Why have you come back so quickly today?”

Verse ConceptsWork Soon DoneFathers And Daughters

“So where is he?” he asked his daughters. “Why then did you leave the man behind? Invite him to eat dinner.”

Verse ConceptsHospitality, Examples OfInvitationsHospitalityTravellersWhere Are People?

Then Moses asked God, “If I go to the Israelites and say to them: The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ what should I tell them?”

Verse ConceptsMoses, Life OfI Am The LordGod Sending ProphetsWhat Is God's Name?

and every woman hath asked from her neighbour, and from her who is sojourning in her house, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and garments, and ye have put them on your sons and on your daughters, and have spoiled the Egyptians.'

Verse ConceptsAskingGoldOrnamentsPeople Giving Clothesjewelry

The Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?”“A staff,” he replied.

Verse ConceptsSmall Things God UsesWhat Is This?

Then God asked him, "Who gives a person a mouth? Who makes him unable to speak, or deaf, or able to see, or blind, or lame? Is it not I, the LORD?

Verse ConceptsDeafnessdisabilitiesMutenessNatureVisionGod BlindingDumbnessWho Is God?DumbSpeaking With The MouthThe Faculty Of SightBlindness

Then the Israelite foremen, whom Pharaoh’s slave drivers had set over the people, were beaten and asked, “Why haven’t you finished making your prescribed number of bricks yesterday or today, as you did before?”

Verse ConceptsAaron, PrivilegesFloggingIncomplete Works

So Moses went back to the Lord and asked, “Lord, why have You caused trouble for this people? And why did You ever send me?

Verse ConceptsGod Sending ProphetsGod TroublingWhy Does God Do This?

The LORD did just as Moses asked, and the frogs died in the houses, in the courtyards, and in the fields.

Verse ConceptsMiracles Of Moses And AaronDeath Of CreaturesHouses Under AttackSpeaking As From God

The LORD did what Moses asked, and the swarms of insects departed from Pharaoh, his officials, and his people. Not one remained.

Verse ConceptsMiracles Of Moses And AaronFliesResidueTaking AnimalsGod Answered Prayerbugs

Bible Theasaurus

Demand (66 instances)
Enquire (7 instances)
Expect (43 instances)
Inquire (138 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 55

Usage: 12

בּעה בּעא 
B@`a' (Aramaic) 
Usage: 12

Usage: 225

שׁאל שׁאל 
Usage: 172

Sh@'el (Aramaic) 
Usage: 6

Usage: 43

Usage: 16

Usage: 0

Usage: 2

Usage: 42

Usage: 11

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible