'Advance' in the Bible
"Then all of you approached me and said: "Let's send out men in advance of us so they can survey the land and bring back a report to us on how we'll go up to their cities.'
I and all of the army with me will advance upon the city. When they come out after us like they did before, we'll run away from them.
"Prepare buckler and shield, and advance into the battle!
The northern king will return and raise a greater army than before. After a few years, he'll advance with a great force and with a vast amount of armaments.'"
Therefore, I thought it necessary to urge these brothers to visit you ahead of me, to make arrangements in advance for this gift you promised, and to have it ready as something given generously and not forced.
Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has actually caused the gospel to advance.
Yes, I also ask you, my true partner, to help these women. They have worked hard with me to advance the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.