'Abundance' in the Bible
Be advised that seven years of phenomenal abundance are coming throughout all the land of Egypt,
but after them seven years of famine are ahead, during which all of the abundance will be forgotten throughout the land of Egypt. The famine will ravage the land so severely that
Also, let Pharaoh immediately proceed to appoint supervisors over the land of Egypt, who will collect one fifth of its agricultural production during the coming seven years of abundance.
Joseph stored up so much grain like sand on the seashore in so much abundance! that he stopped keeping records because it was proving to be impossible to measure how much they were gathering.
As soon as the seven years of abundance throughout the land of Egypt ended,
get your father and your households, and come back to me. I'll give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can live off the abundance of the land.'
Moreover, all these blessings will come upon you in abundance, if you obey the LORD your God:
"Because you didn't serve the LORD your God joyfully and wholeheartedly, despite the abundance of everything you have,
They will call the nations to the mountain, and there they will offer righteous sacrifices, for they'll draw from the abundance of the sea and from the hidden treasures of the sand."
Those who had an abundance of bread now hire themselves out, and those who were hungry hunger no more. While the barren woman gives birth to seven children, she who had many children languishes.
Judah and Israel became as numerous as the sand on the seashore. They enjoyed abundance, and ate, drank, and rejoiced regularly.
LORD our God, all of this abundance that we have given for building a temple for your great name was provided by you and all of it belongs to you.
He also built cities for himself and stored up flocks and herds in abundance, because God had given him great riches.
They conquered fortified cities and fertile ground, possessing houses filled with all kinds of good things, wells already dug, with vineyards, olive orchards, and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate, were satiated, and were well nourished, delighting themselves in your great goodness.
I thought, experience should speak; abundance of years teaches wisdom.
But I, because of the abundance of your gracious love, may come into your house. In awe of you, I will worship in your holy Temple.
You cause me to know the path of life; in your presence is joyful abundance, at your right hand there are pleasures forever. A Davidic Prayer.
from men, LORD, by your hand from men who belong to this world, whose reward is only in this life. But as for your treasured ones, may their stomachs be full, may their children have an abundance, and may they leave wealth to their offspring.
They are refreshed from the abundance of your house; You cause them to drink from the river of your pleasures.
Better is the little that the righteous have than the abundance of many wicked people.
You caused men to ride over us. You brought us through fire and water, but you led us to abundance.
As for me, LORD, may my prayer to you come at a favorable time. God, in the abundance of your gracious love, answer me with your sure deliverance.
Mortal men ate the food of angels; he sent provision to them in abundance.
May our granaries be filled, storing produce in abundance; may our sheep bring forth thousands, even tens of thousands in our fields.
so your barns will be filled with abundance, and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Whoever is kind to the poor is lending to the LORD the benefit of his gift will return to him in abundance.
There is an abundance of gold and precious stones, but lips of knowledge are a rare jewel.
For through wise counsel you will wage your war, and victory lies in an abundance of advisors.
Whoever loves money will never have enough money. Whoever loves luxury will not be content with abundance. This also is pointless.
and because of the abundance of milk that they give, he will have cheese to eat, since whoever remains in the land will be eating cheese and honey.
He will be a sure foundation for your times, abundance and salvation, wisdom and knowledge the fear of the LORD is Zion's treasure."
"Your rigging hangs loose; it cannot reliably hold the mast in its place, and the sail cannot spread out. Then an abundance of spoils will be divided even the lame will carry off plunder.
Then you will look and be radiant; your heart will swell with joy, because the abundance of the seas will be diverted to you, and the riches of the nations will come to you.
I will recount the gracious deeds of the LORD, the praiseworthy acts of the LORD, according to all the LORD has done for us yes, the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them according to his mercy, according to the abundance of his gracious love.
I'll provide abundance for those who are weary, and fill all who are faint."
""Look, I'll bring restoration and healing to it, and I'll heal them. I'll reveal to them an abundance of peace and faithfulness.
So all the Judeans returned from all the countries where they had been scattered. They came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah at Mizpah, and they gathered wine and summer fruit in great abundance.
Therefore my heart wails for Moab like flutes and my heart wails for the men of Kir-heres like flutes. Therefore they'll lose the abundance they produced.
Your merchandise went out over the oceans to satisfy many nations; with the abundance of your wealth you enriched the kings of the earth.
"You turned away in pursuit of abundance, but look at how little you found! What you did manage to bring home, I blew away! And why?' declares the LORD of the Heavenly Armies. "It's because of my house! It lies in ruins while each of you runs off to his own house!
Judah, too, will fight at Jerusalem. Then the wealth of the surrounding nations will be gathered up: gold, silver, and clothing in great abundance.
We have all received one gracious gift after another from his abundance,
To: The exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, the people chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through the sanctifying action of the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus, the Messiah, and to be sprinkled with his blood. May grace and peace be yours in abundance!
May grace and peace be yours in abundance through full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord!
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