30 Bible Verses about friendliness
Most Relevant Verses
You adulterers! Don't you know that friendship with the world means hostility with God? So whoever wants to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God.
Or do you think the Scripture means nothing when it says that the Spirit that God caused to live in us jealously yearns for us?
Now the way may be distant from you, so that you are unable to transport your tithe because you have been blessed by the LORD your God and the place where the LORD your God chooses to establish his name may be distant from you.
Many curry favor of an official; everyone is a friend of the gift giver.
You are to treat the resident alien the same way you treat the native born among you love him like yourself, since you were foreigners in the land of Egypt.
Finally, all of you must live in harmony, be sympathetic, love as brothers, and be compassionate and humble.
The governor of the island, whose name was Publius, owned estates in that part of the island. He welcomed us and entertained us with great hospitality for three days.
A vegetarian meal served with love is better than a big, thick steak with a plateful of animosity.
"If you come across your enemy's ox or donkey wandering off, you are to certainly return it to him.
"But you must not forget the descendant of Levi in your town because there is no tribal allotment for him as there is for you.
The one who receives a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and the one who receives a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward.
You may spend the money to your heart's content to buy livestock, flocks, wine, strong drink, and whatever you desire. You and your household may eat there and rejoice in the presence of the LORD your God."
Dear friends, let us continuously love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God.
When Joseph's brothers realized that their father loved him more than all of his brothers, they hated him so much that they were unable to speak politely to him.
Every third year, bring all the tithes of your produce of that year and store it in your cities
"And now you're all just like them, aren't you? You see my terror and are terrified.
"Be sure to tithe annually from everything you plant that yields a harvest in the field.
Now when Boaz arrived from Bethlehem, he told the harvesters, "The LORD be with you." "May the LORD bless you!" they replied.
In that case, convert it into cash, secure the money, and then bring it to the place where the LORD will choose.
Then in the presence of the LORD your God, in the place where he'll choose to establish his name, you may consume the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the firstborn of your livestock and flock, so that you'll learn to revere the LORD your God all your life.
So the king told the man of God, "Come back to my palace and rest a while. I'd like to give you a reward."
The first catastrophe is over. After these things, there are still two more catastrophes to come.
so the descendants of Levi who have no tribal allotment as you do foreigners, orphans, and widows who live in your cities may come, eat, and be satisfied. That way, the LORD your God shall bless you in everything you do."
"On the king's festival day the princes got drunk from wine, so the king joined the mockers.
I will be like the dew to Israel; Israel will blossom like a lily, growing roots like the cedars of Lebanon.
He also told them, "Go eat the best food, drink the best wine, and give something to those who have nothing, since this day is holy to our Lord. Don't be sorrowful, because the joy of the LORD is your strength."
"Why do that?" Jacob asked. "I've already found favor in your sight, sir." So Esau set out that very day back on his way to Seir,
Then he told the man who had invited him, "When you give a luncheon or a dinner, stop inviting only your friends, brothers, relatives, or rich neighbors. Otherwise, they may invite you in return and you would be repaid.
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