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13 Bible Verses about Sighing

Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 90:9

For all our days ebb away under Your wrath;
we end our years like a sigh.

Psalm 79:11

Let the groans of the prisoners reach You;
according to Your great power,
preserve those condemned to die.

Lamentations 3:55-56

ק QofI called on Your name, Yahweh,
from the depths of the Pit.
You hear my plea:
Do not ignore my cry for relief.

Job 3:24

I sigh when food is put before me,
and my groans pour out like water.

Psalm 31:10

Indeed, my life is consumed with grief
and my years with groaning;
my strength has failed
because of my sinfulness,
and my bones waste away.

Jeremiah 45:3

‘You have said, “Woe is me, because the Lord has added misery to my pain! I am worn out with groaning and have found no rest.”’

Lamentations 1:22

ת TavLet all their wickedness come before You,
and deal with them
as You have dealt with me
because of all my transgressions.
For my groans are many,
and I am sick at heart.

Lamentations 1:4

ד DaletThe roads to Zion mourn,
for no one comes to the appointed festivals.
All her gates are deserted;
her priests groan,
her young women grieve,
and she herself is bitter.

Mark 7:34

Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed deeply and said to him, “Ephphatha!” (that is, “Be opened!”).

Mark 8:12

But sighing deeply in His spirit, He said, “Why does this generation demand a sign? I assure you: No sign will be given to this generation!”

From Thematic Bible

Instruction » Sighing

Ezekiel 21:6-7

"But you, son of man, groan! Groan bitterly with a broken heart right before their eyes. And when they ask you: Why are you groaning? then say: Because of the news that is coming. Every heart will melt, and every hand will become weak. Every spirit will be discouraged, and every knee will turn to water. Yes, it is coming and it will happen." [This is] the declaration of the Lord God .

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