12 Bible Verses about Dissipation
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Stop getting drunk with wine, which leads to wild living, but keep on being filled with the Spirit.
"Constantly be on your guard so that your hearts will not be loaded down with self-indulgence, drunkenness, and the worries of this life, or that day will take you by surprise
It's not fitting for a fool to live in luxury; neither is it for a servant to rule over princes.
"Constantly be on your guard so that your hearts will not be loaded down with self-indulgence, drunkenness, and the worries of this life, or that day will take you by surprise like a trap, because it will come on everyone who lives on the face of the earth.
As soon as Jehu arrived at Jezreel, Jezebel adorned her eyes, arranged her hair, and peered out a window. When Jehu had entered through the gate, she asked, "Was Zimri, who murdered his master, received well?" Jehu looked up toward the window and called out, "Who is on my side? Who?" When two or three eunuchs looked out at him, read more.
he ordered, "Throw her down!" So they did, and her blood splashed against the wall and on the horses, while Jehu trampled her underfoot. Later on, after he had come in to eat and drink, he ordered, "Go and see to this cursed woman, and bury her, because she was a king's daughter." But when they went out to bury her, they found nothing left of her except her skull, her feet, and the palms of her hands. So they returned and reported to Jehu, and he responded, "This fulfills this message from the LORD that he spoke through his servant Elijah the foreigner, who said: "Dogs will eat Jezebel's flesh on the property of Jezreel, and her corpse will lie like dung on the surface of the field on the property in Jezreel, but no one will say, "This is Jezebel."'"
The wicked go astray from the womb; they go astray, telling lies even from birth.
They have the lyre and harp, the tambourine and flute, as well as wine at their festivals, but they don't respect what the LORD is doing, nor do they consider his actions.
They use their tongues like a bow. Lies rather than truth fly throughout the land. They progress from one evil to another, and they don't know me," declares the LORD.
Since they have lost all sense of shame, they have abandoned themselves to sensuality and practice every kind of sexual perversion without restraint.
For you spent enough time in the past doing what the gentiles like to do, living in sensuality, sinful desires, drunkenness, wild celebrations, drinking parties, and detestable idolatry.
Keep far away from her, and don't go near the entrance to her house, so that you don't give your honor to others, and waste your best years; so that strangers don't enrich themselves at your expense, and your work won't end up the possession of foreigners.
An elder must be blameless. He must be the husband of one wife and have children who are believers and who are not accused of having wild lifestyles or of being rebellious.
From Thematic Bible
Dissipation » Dangers of
When their time of feasting had concluded, Job would rise early in the morning to send for them and consecrate them to God. He would offer a burnt offering for each one, because Job thought, "Perhaps my children sinned by cursing God in their hearts." Job did this time and again.
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