Organismal Diversity Courses

Number Title Codes Notes
BIOLOGY 205 Marine Megafauna STS, NS
BIOLOGY 207 Organismal Evolution NS
BIOLOGY 212L General Microbiology NS Offered every Fall & Spring; Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 273L Marine Ecology R, W, NS Duke Marine Lab; Can be used for Div req OR ecology, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 288A Biogeography in an Australian Context STS, NS summer away course
BIOLOGY 329D Principles of Animal Physiology NS Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH! CANNOT use both BIO 329D and CELL BIO 451 towards the BIO major
BIOLOGY 329L Principles of Animal Physiology R, W, NS Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 341L Plant Communities of North Carolina NS
BIOLOGY 344S Plant Diversity: A Field Approach NS
BIOLOGY 346 Symbiosis: From Organelles to Microbiomes R, STS, NS
BIOLOGY 347L Plants and People STS, NS
BIOLOGY 348LS Herpetology NS
BIOLOGY 349 Entomology: An Introduction to Insect Biology NS
BIOLOGY 349L Entomology: An Introduction to Insect Biology NS
BIOLOGY 377L Biodiversity of Marine Invertebrates R, NS
BIOLOGY 377LA Biodiversity of Marine Invertebrates R, NS
BIOLOGY 540L Mycology NS
BIOLOGY 546LS Biology of Mammals NS
BIOLOGY 546S Biology of Mammals NS
BIOLOGY 557L Microbial Ecology and Evolution R, NS