MACH 4 is a highly sensitive universal detection system. The MACH 4 system can detect either mouse or rabbit antibodies, and is a two-step universal detection method. MACH 4 is available in a universal (anti-mouse and anti-rabbit) format, labeled with either Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) or Alkaline Phosphatase (AP). MACH 4 detection consists of two reagents: the secondary, also known as the enhancing reagent, is applied between the primary antibody and micro-polymer reagent. MACH 4 is ideal for use with antibody solutions prepared from concentrates or prediluted antibody solutions. Due to its increased sensitivity, MACH 4 enables a significantly higher dilution of concentrated antibodies compared to other polymer-based detection systems.

MACH 4 micro-polymer system incorporates two key technologies:

• Enhanced probe to increase sensitivity 10- to 20- fold
• Increased density of enzymes bound to tertiaries
• 10 – 20 times more sensitive than conventional dextran polymer systems
• 20 – 40 times more sensitive for nuclear staining
• Suitable to detect mouse specific anti-biotin or antidigoxigenin antibody in in situ hybridization (ISH)
• Micro-polymer allows superior specificity/sensitivity, nuclear access and primary antibody dilution
• Compatible with automated immunostainers
• Compact structure enables 40-fold increase in primary antibody dilution.

Compare MACH 4 (L) with leading competitor (R) for ER (1D5) staining.

MACH 4, 1:1000 dilutionMACH 4, 1:1000 dilution

MACH 4, 1:1000 dilution

Leading competitor using dextran backbone polymer, 1:25 dilutionLeading competitor using dextran backbone polymer, 1:25 dilution

Leading competitor using dextran backbone polymer, 1:25 dilution

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