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Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday inspirations

Baking inspiration for the week:
Words cannot explain how thankful I am that I found this website. If you are a cookie fanatic just click on the link and see for yourself. I lost two days of my life on this site - and they were worth it.  Go get schooled!

These are just randoms that I quickly linked. My favourite part of the site is that they have instructional videos teaching you cookie decorating techniques. 
Just think about it - tons of talented cookie decoraters and they are giving you instructions FOR FREE!! WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!

Sewing inspiration for the week:
Today's inspiration is a website called madestuff. In particular - sock creatures and monsters - just because most of their facial expressions mirror my mood today (2nd pic). My work schedule changed a little (stuff just happens 30min earlier now) but I feel like a zombie today - I - can - hardly - keep - my - eyes - o...p.......e............n. 
(click on the pictures for the links)


Happy Monday! (hope you are more awake than I am)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gift box packaging tutorial

For the past few weeks I've been constantly reminded of how I need to throw out the mindset of "I just need this/that before I can do my project", and rather just use what I have. One of my big problems is that I make something as a gift and then usually can't find appropriate packaging. So I've decided to start making my own. It works out WAY cheaper and if I keep it simple it only takes 10min. Here is a basic tutorial so that you can make your own too.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Inspirations

Today's baking inspiration is another one about cookie decorating, it's something that lies quite close to my heart and my stomach. The website is called Bake Greek and here are some of the great tutorials that they have so kindly shared with us all. 

Today's sewing inspiration is not actually about sewing at all...but it does fall under the classification of crafts. Last week a friend was teaching some students and challenged them on how much time they waste, and what distracts them from the actual task on hand. I listened but OF COURSE this doesn't apply to me. So on Friday,  while working on some projects, I lost my way a bit on the world wide web (this never happens ;) and I found a website called Cubee Craft - Take a look at this:
Go and have a look you can make almost any character from paper - I might have spent a few hours on Friday afternoon making Darth Vader, Dwight Shrute, Om Nom (from 'cut the rope') and Wolverine. I still have to do the Ninja Turtles... Distracted? Who me? I have no idea what you are talking about.
Oh and here is a free online version of Angry Birds that Cherie from DragonfliezCreationz so kindly shared with me:)
Happy Monday!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bias tape tutorial (without a bias tape maker)

Maybe you find yourself in the same position as I am - having to make do with the tools that you have (which in my case are VERY minimal.) I have been postponing some of the projects that I want to do because I need bias tape and therefore need a bias tape maker. I finally had the opportunity to go look for one in Seoul, last week. I bought one and being my distracted self, I bought one that was WAY too narrow. After kicking myself I decided that it was not actually the end of the world, and that I might be able to borrow one somewhere. Shortly after this a friend of mine told me that her professor had taught her how to make bias tape without the maker thingymajig. REVELATION!!
Many of you may know how to do this already - but here it is for those of you that are also in desperate need of bias tape :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Inspirations

For today's sewing inspiration I thought I'd share something that I didn't know much about until yesterday. Sorry I'm still quite unexposed when it comes to the amazing blogs and websites on the world wide web. Maybe you are too and then you will appreciate this - CRAFT SWAPS!! The name says it all - people from all over the world trade things related to crafts. Lindsay from craftbuds did a great post on it - Click here for the link.
Photos: Flickr

I'm cheating a bit (OK a lot) for the cooking/baking post, but this is something that has really inspired me a lot. A friend recently sent me this video link about reversing diabetes with raw foods. I thought it was SUPER interesting. This is the first (15min) video of a 7 part documentary.
If you have time watch it - I promise its worth it.
 Happy Monday!!  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Use it or lose it...

This weekend weekend I learned a few things with regards to my crafts. 

1. Stop comparing yourself to others, most of the time it makes you feel worthless.
2. Use what you've got. So many times I keep thinking if only I had.... (insert time/things/talents/skills) I could do this or that. This makes me miss out on what I can do.

In Matthew 25:14-28 The bible contains a parable about talents. Three servants get talents and the last one (who received the least) hides his. I don't know what he was thinking when he buried it - but I'm sure that if I was placed in his position I probably would have been so busy thinking about how the other servants could do more because they had been given more, and that I had practically been given nothing - so what could I do anyway, that I would have also done nothing, like he did.
The Master came back and took away even that 1 talent that he hadn't considered important - I know there are many different sermons on this parable and people could spend hours on it - but for me, for now, what I need to see is that comparison and not using what you've got leads to truly having nothing. (and in hindsight seeing that you actually did have something.) 
So here is to the talents/skills we have been given - From now on I'm planning on using what I have even if it seems like its very little.

Below is a photo of a craft group that a very dear friend of mine started in her apartment. We all just get together once a month and do whatever we are busy with, together. 
(that's my little pile of felt on the far right)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday Inspirations

Sorry that this is a day late - I was away - BUT I'm back!
My students have pictures of macarons on their notebooks, and they make me hungry EVERYTIME I see them, so I actually wanted to name today's post Macaron Monday (if it was actually Monday) - because I have finally received some almond flour in the mail (I have no food processor so mail order is my only option) and now I am one step closer to having those notebook pictures become a reality. I am on the hunt for a good macaron recipe. Here are a few I have found so far. Feel free to link me if you know of some good ones.
Vanilla Bean Raspberry Macarons


I think this one is the best option: Macaron 101

I did a tutorial sometime last year about fabric flowers - and it made me happy to find this a few days ago. The tutorial is pretty similar but way easier - seeing as you can use ribbon. I find myself asking, "why didn't I think of this?"
Luckily some one did. Click here for the link.
The blog is called ribbon flowers - go have a look to see what other flowers you can make with ribbons. And this is their main site - Make bows & more.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Inspirations

I found this website today and I LOVE what Jennie and Clara are doing on Clover and Violet
I am having a 'must have'  moment because I want ALL the fabric that they are using.
They have some tutorials but I was already inspired just by looking at their header.
Here is a quilt tutorial - sorry I'm still in quilt mode...
They also have an embroidery 101 coming up soon so bookmark their page, I already have :)

I am baker is my hero.
Everything she does makes me smile.
If you want some more crazy cake decorating techniques - click here.

Happy Monday!