We're spending the day resting in case we decide to stay up and watch the Oscars tonight. Most likely we'll sleep right through them too...
We recently won an award from a very handsome presenter, our furiend
Simba! Along with this award, we're supposed to tell 7 things about ourselves. We thought this would be easy but once we got to thinking about it, it's not so easy! Here's what we came up with though...
1) We won't drink out of our water dish near our bowl so we drink out of the sink, Sadie's water dish or our own glass of water in the living room. Isabella drinks from the side of the glass and flings water all over the table.
2) Angel has a squizzillion nicknames. Daddy calls her "Squirt" but Mommy calls her "Cutie", "Cuteness", "Sweetie Peetie", "Honey Bunny Baby Bunny", "Babes", and on and on and on. It's sickening.
3) Sadie can always figure out when it's time to go for a stroll. Mommy acts normal and doesn't say anything and lets Sadie outside like she does a hundred times a day and then she hurries upstairs to change clothes before letting Sadie back in. As Sadie walks by her she sniffs her pants and heads straight to the closet where her leash is. She's never fooled!
4) Isabella always cries when her daddy leaves for school and she's always at the door to greet him when he comes home again. She's a total Daddy's Girl!
5) Every time Sadie's water dish gets filled up in the sink, Angel runs to the bathtub and wants water dripped in it so she can chase it down to the drain.
6) We all make noises and twitch like we're chasing something when we sleep and Sadie will sometimes bark or howl in her sleep.
7) Angel is a very graceful jumper and seems effortless when she moves but Isabella didn't get that cat gene. She's clumsy and Grandma says it's because her legs are so short.
We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about us! We're supposed to pass this award to 15 furiends but we've seen most of our furiends with it already. If you haven't received it feel free to take it and post 7 things about yourself too!
Enjoy your Sunday!