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Monday, February 28, 2011

Snoopervising a Special Project

This weekend we had a very important job of snoopervising Mommy as she made a No-No bracelet for a special blog furiend who is also the mum of a handsome Mancat from the U.K.! I took my pawsition and watched her carefully...
Isabella even helped snoopervise since the bracelet is a version of Mommy's Tortie bracelet with the addition of purple in it...
She sure sunk her teeth into the job too...
There were a lot of little bitty beads to keep track of...
And kitties, I found out would imagine that if you walk across those little bitty beads, they stick to your feets just like kitty litter so you'd have to shake your feets to get them off. Not that I know for sure or anything. Anyway, all our hard work paid off and we helped Mommy make a lovely No-No bracelet that is headed across the pond today...
Sadie approved of it too...
We're grateful to be able to make a bracelet for our blog furiend and hope she loves it! We hope you enjoyed seeing some of our creative process!

Have a wonderful Monday!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Version of the Oscar...

We're spending the day resting in case we decide to stay up and watch the Oscars tonight. Most likely we'll sleep right through them too...
We recently won an award from a very handsome presenter, our furiend Simba! Along with this award, we're supposed to tell 7 things about ourselves. We thought this would be easy but once we got to thinking about it, it's not so easy! Here's what we came up with though...
1) We won't drink out of our water dish near our bowl so we drink out of the sink, Sadie's water dish or our own glass of water in the living room. Isabella drinks from the side of the glass and flings water all over the table.

2) Angel has a squizzillion nicknames. Daddy calls her "Squirt" but Mommy calls her "Cutie", "Cuteness", "Sweetie Peetie", "Honey Bunny Baby Bunny", "Babes", and on and on and on. It's sickening.

3) Sadie can always figure out when it's time to go for a stroll. Mommy acts normal and doesn't say anything and lets Sadie outside like she does a hundred times a day and then she hurries upstairs to change clothes before letting Sadie back in. As Sadie walks by her she sniffs her pants and heads straight to the closet where her leash is. She's never fooled!

4) Isabella always cries when her daddy leaves for school and she's always at the door to greet him when he comes home again. She's a total Daddy's Girl!

5) Every time Sadie's water dish gets filled up in the sink, Angel runs to the bathtub and wants water dripped in it so she can chase it down to the drain.

6) We all make noises and twitch like we're chasing something when we sleep and Sadie will sometimes bark or howl in her sleep.

7) Angel is a very graceful jumper and seems effortless when she moves but Isabella didn't get that cat gene. She's clumsy and Grandma says it's because her legs are so short.

We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about us! We're supposed to pass this award to 15 furiends but we've seen most of our furiends with it already. If you haven't received it feel free to take it and post 7 things about yourself too!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snowy Sadieday!

I was already excited that it's Sadieday but can you imagine my excitement when I looked outside and saw that it's a snowy Sadieday!
It's too snowy for a stroll today since Mommy doesn't have 4-paw drive...
But we can go out in the backyard and enjoy it! Isn't this fabulous?
Come on Mommy, let's go play...
Look at all this glorious snow!
It's perfect for playing with snowballs...
How's this for an action shot...
I had so much fun today!
I wish we had snow on every Sadieday!

I hope you enjoyed a Snowy Sadieday with me!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Features

Welcome to Friday Features! It's the last Friday in February and only 7 more Fridays until the end of tax season! Yay! Today's features are inspired by my latest earrings I made with white pearls and, surprise, purple crystals! I hope you enjoy my picks...

Iris - Pearl with Purple Swarovski Crystal Sterling Silver Earrings by BeadedTail
Bee Kiss - 8x10 by tasteslikepurple Vintage Bride- Vintage clasp pearl silver double strand bridal wedding bracelet by hotrocksglassjewels
Purple white Maltese felted purse FREE SHIPPING by feltedfantasies Owl Pillow - Plushie - Purple Brown by MyLittleFeather

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thinking Green...

We are surrounded by beautiful nature here in Oregon so we do what we can to keep it that way and help make our planet be a greener place. One way of doing this is with reusable shopping bags...
Mommy takes these bags to the grocery store and fills them up with lots of treats! Well, okay, sometimes she puts other things besides treats in them too. Uhm, this isn't exactly what I meant about other things...
This reminds me of a very good point. It's important to make sure reusable bags are washable since you never know what might be left behind from whatever is in it...
Oh come on. A little kitty fur never hurt anyone.
Mommy thinks Angel is "so cuuuute" so she gets away with a lot around here. I can't figure why...
Because nothing's cuter than a bag full of Tortieness!
Do you have any ideas to help make our planet a greener place?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday

I'm up early but where are those early birds?

Happy WW!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tortie Tuesday

It's Tortie Tuesday and today I thought I'd tell you something very disturbing. Kitties, when our humans have a camera near, they have NO restraint! None. Zero. Zilch. Nothing is off limits. Although it may tarnish my supermodel image, I'll show you some proof of what I'm saying...
Can you believe that? Maybe it was my fault for choosing to sleep beside Mommy instead of Daddy. She does have that flashy beast permanently attached to her hand so I should have known she wouldn't think twice about taking photos like this...
The only consolation is that even in my sleep I know when to give raspberries...
And I certainly know Mommy should be very grateful photos of her sleeping do not exist - yet!

Happy Tortie Tuesday!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Always Searching for Fun...

There's never a shortage of things to get into check out around here but sometimes I have to look in unusual places to find them like above me...
I bet I can figure out something fun to do with this light fixture...
I bet it'd swing if I accidently hit it while I'm innocently yawning...
Yep, it swings! I better stop it though before I get caught...
Oops! Too late!
Oh well. Sometimes you just gotta play like no one's watching!

Hope you enjoy something today as if no one's there with a camera watching your every move!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Really Lazy Sunday - From the Archives

Happy Lazy Sunday everyone! Mommy thinks she's been too busy lately so we have a re-run today from 2009. Hope you enjoy it!

We're going to enjoy the day relaxing and watching the Daytona 500 race. Our favorite driver, Mickey, didn't make the race this year because he came up a little short (get it? short! I crack myself up!). Actually, since Mickey's not even in the race, we'll probably nap right through it. We hope you enjoy your Sunday!

Happy Birthday to our Grandpa in Kansas too! We love you!
Isabella, Angel, Sadie, Sharla and J

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stroll with Sadie!

I'm so glad it's Sadieday! We had a lot of rain earlier in the week and even a piddly amount of snow yesterday morning but it all cleared up in time for a Sadieday stroll so grab your sneakers and let's get going!
Because of all the rain we have to stay on the neighborhood trails since Mommy thinks the forest trails are too muddy. Is there any such thing as too much mud?
This trail may not have any mud but it does have puddles!
Since Mommy let me walk through the water puddle, I thought I'd humor her and let her get a photo of my cute face. How's this Mommy?
Ha roo roo! I was only kiddin'. Is this better?
Okay, I'll fess up and say that I didn't make it easy on her and wouldn't put my ears up until she said she'd give me a treat if I did to which I quickly obliged! Now, let's get going home so I can get that treat!
I hope you enjoyed our stroll today! Thanks for coming along!

Hope you get some treats this Sadieday too!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Broken In or Just Broken?

Ah, the scent of a purrfect toy...
It's hard work getting toys just right. Here are my favorite mousies in September 2008...
and today...
I think it's pretty neat how I turned two mousies into 4 pieces! The little pieces make it easier to whap...
And carry around...
And share with my sisfur...
I can't figure out how come Mommy thinks it's time to throw it away.

Do you have a favorite toy?

Hope you have a fun Thursday!