
Showing posts from October, 2016

Westworld Season 1 Episode 3 Watch it now review

Westworld Season 1 Episode 2: Released 16 oct 2016 summery. The Stray, Elsie and Stubbs head into the hills in pursuit of a missing host; Teddy gets a new backstory; Bernard investigates the origins of madness and hallucinations within the hosts; William finds an attraction he'd like to pursue. I have to say that I have completely fallen in love with this shows complex and compelling story line and concepts. The art and landscape clothing everything is heartfelt. It started off a little slow and very confusing with no real indication of what directions they planned on heading but as we enter into the third episode. they have hinted towards a much great plot and mystery then originally betrayed. This is a rather new character that we know very little about. all we know is hes friends with one of the people in charge of the whole project. brought in to see what the wholes all about. we get to watch as hes through into a world hes only ever dreamed about. Someday sound...

PlayStation 4 pro giveway Enter for your chance to win i know i will be!!!

Dragon Blogger Technology and Entertainment has partnered with Togoo Tech , Jaypee Online , Kworld and Hamswan to bring you a PlayStation 4 Pro Giveaway which includes an accessory pack including Kworld Gaming Earbuds and the Hamswan 2.4ghz Wireless Gaming Headset. One winner will receive the PlayStation 4 PRO with 1TB hard drive and this is the newer PlayStation 4 Pro that releases on November 10th 2016, not the original PS4. This PS4 PRO has a more powerful GPU as well as faster GDDR RAM and is better able to support PlayStation VR games if you add a PlayStation VR later. This giveaway is open internationally with some conditions so see the official rules on the Dragon Blogger Giveaway page for more information on International rules for the giveaway. Enter Now For Your Chance to Win a PlayStation 4 PRO PlayStation 4 Pro and Goodie Pack Giveaway

Game of Thrones Season 3 Epidode 2 Watch Now Review.

Game of Thrones: It's been awhile but I'm back everyone. I was going to do Dragons: Riders of Berk review but I noticed i never finished Game of Thrones. Lets kick it off with an Episode summery. Game of Thrones. Season 3 Episode 2 summery: Dark Wings Dark Words. Bran and company meet Jojen and Meera Reed. Arya, Gendry, and Hot Pie meet the Brotherhood. Jaime travels through the wilderness with Brienne. Sansa confesses her true feelings about Joffery to Margaery. well its proving to be difficult to find this episode online for reviewing purposes. I finally found a lower quality one please forgive the iffy screens. let the watching begin. This episode starts us off with Bran in a seemingly real dream. trying to kill the three eyed raven. well done the first time watching I didn't know it was a dream. It quickly jobs to a scene with rob talking to the mystery girl that showed up on the battle field. Then changes to a very heartbreaking conversation with his mother....


So today i started the westworld. It's pretty good so far I'm enjoying the concept and I for one would enjoying seeing more worlds not just a western one the possibilities are endless. The pilot episode is very well put together and the acting is top notch. the actors were well chosen for there rolls and play them even better. I have yet to find a single thing I don't approve of.  side not forgive my grammar it's something i have been working on improving. I'll leave off with a screen shot.