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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Reasons to Become a Podcaster on BBS Radio

Become a globally syndicated podcaster on BBS Radio and syndicate your own show files, and all your attached episode information, to a global market. Our system is extremely powerful and effective! It has the ability to make your information search engine lovable! Once your information is entered, your podcasting data becomes highly relevant and search engine preferred due to meta-tagging and coding properties, which ultimately makes your information highly visible! Our system sends your information almost everywhere, instantly and automatically. For a list of all the amazing benefits, please read below, then call us if you have any questions 888-710-8061! We do talk shows right!


Shows can be scheduled during any open time slot for live professional call-in talk shows with a board operator. We do it all for you! You just do good radio!

Shows can be scheduled during any open time slot for live professional interactive call-in talk show with a board operator "show engineer". Live, interactive, on-demand professional broadcasting services will be made available during any open time slot on Station 1 or Station 2! A professional program engineer will micro manage all aspects of your broadcast. This qualified "board op" calls you and your guests prior to your broadcast and facilitates all interactivity during your show. They are courteous and professional when communicating with you, your co-host(s), your guest(s), your callers, sponsors and/or advertisers. They screen call-ins to the show, in any manner you desire, and offer continuous support throughout the program, making sure everyone's sound levels and dynamic ranges are optimal, making sure all live streams are functioning normally, calling your scheduled guests on time, and adding call-ins to your show into the que, all the while notifying you of everything. Dropped calls are quickly handled and recovered! All program clips are inserted properly (and as requested) along with all your bumpers and liners, commercials, intro and outro files. The board operator handles half a dozen call-in lines and gets everyone, guests, callers and hosts on the right connection, based on the device they are using like a phone, analog or digital connection, codec, computer, iPod, iPad, conference system, other network studio stream, Skype, IP telephony software, etc. When the broadcast is finished, the show engineer will edit out any problems (noted during the broadcast) like loud noises, background mistakes, dial tones, false starts, overly long pauses, video glitches, etc., when required, or when desired by the host. The broadcast will then be added to your show page, with all the necessary information added to the broadcast episode details so that your broadcast is complete and already in syndication! (On Demand Live Interactive Broadcasting with Live Service!)


Live on-demand broadcasting of your chosen podcasts at times and days of your choosing! Livecast your podcast.

Live on-demand broadcasting of your chosen podcasts at times and days of your choosing! You may choose any open time slot on either Station 1 and Station 2. If there is no show scheduled during a desired time slot, you can choose to broadcast a podcast to our live audience during that hour! Your Show will appear on the Main Schedule and on the Station Schedule prior to your broadcast. Simply email us your show name, your podcast title and the time and date you wish to broadcast. (On Demand Live Broadcasting of your Podcasts! Livecast your Podcast!)


Free set-up of your universe. We spent the few hours it takes to create you a highly customized and changeable program page, bio page, and podcast universe with almost unlimited expansion capability, at no charge!

Free set-up of your universe. We spent the few hours it takes to create you a highly customized and changeable program page, bio page, and podcast universe with almost unlimited expansion capability, at no charge! Obtain a highly visibly and fully customized professional program website page(s) that you can later edit at will. All content posted to your program profile page(s) is editable via a simple user interface. This includes giving you a live instant and dynamic chat board, donation buttons, feature rich blog and article pages, personalized program banner, and much more. A complete universe built for you using cutting edge software! We create and customize this universe for you and then give you the "Keys to the Kingdom". Many broadcasters receive significant traffic to their websites via their presence on BBS Radio. You will be able to easily promote your books, courses, workshops, videos, online classes and other products and services, advertisers and sponsors! Write blogs and columns in your area of expertise. Attract new clients to your business and donations to your cause! Exciting new and interactive features are added regularly to the website! (Personal and Highly Customized Pages!)


Obtain a vast array of statistical variables to give you all the performance statistics you'll need, and more!

Obtain a vast array of statistical variables to give you the performance statistics you need, and more, for your live broadcasts and "on demand" podcasts, that are being globally syndicated. This dynamically driven data is available anytime your are logged-in from your own statistical Dashboard. A powerful tool to help you gauge your audience and see what works. We capture the meaningful data, not the fluff. Exactly what you need! (Statistical Dashboard of Meaningful Data!)


Mass coverage at the click of a button! Complete Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest integration for all major posts!

We are fully integrated within the World's largest five social networks. Whether featuring your next guest, highlighting an upcoming show, writing an article or posting a blog, that information gets instantly posted to all three of your social networks and BBS Radio's own Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Mass coverage at the click of a button! True social network syndication! This is an extremely powerful feature! If you have a strong social network presence or not, you'll benefit. (Complete Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram & Pinterest Integration!)


Feeds that properly submit your data automatically to Google Play and Apple / iTunes with your own podcast feed. We also podcast your productions to iHeart Radio, Google Play, TuneIn, Spreaker,, ListenNotes, Blubrry, Podbean, YouTube, Spotify, CastBox, iVoox, Pocket Casts, PodBay, OverCast, Chartable, Whooshkaa, Radio Public, etc. There are over 50 podcast portals you can be in, quickly, easily and dynamically.

Global syndication of your podcasts to major portals. We automatically syndicate your talk show programs to iTunes / Apple and Google Play, and we provide you with a dynamic feed link that can syndicate your podcasts to as many other podcast affiliates as you wish. We also podcast your productions so that they will be picked up by iHeart Radio, Google Play, TuneIn, Spreaker,, ListenNotes, Blubrry, Podbean, YouTube, Spotify, CastBox, iVoox, Pocket Casts, PodBay, OverCast, Chartable, Whooshkaa, and Radio Public. In less than a minute you can be visible somewhere else, where everything, from then on, is done for you automatically. We syndicate your programs to other networks and the world via wonderfully customized XML feeds. You will have your own RSS feed! We set this up for you. All of our many feeds are correctly coded and formatted for syndication. Once you start broadcasting with us, you'll have the opportunity to be heard by millions, whether live or non-live. These feeds then properly submit your data automatically to iTunes and other broadcasting networks like Stitcher, PodGallery,, PodTail, and dozens more, quickly, easily and dynamically. At the push of a button! (Easy Global Syndication to all Major Radio Portals!) 


When content is created, episodes uploaded, guests featured, shows headlined, blogs posted, and articles written, this information is posted to our Newsroom!

Feature and syndicate all your original content in our Newsroom, where all content is syndicated via RSS feeds for each category of news. Whenever something new happens on the network, when content is created, episode information is uploaded, guests featured, shows headlined, blogs posted, articles written, or music added to the network, this information is posted to our Newsroom! (Newsroom Syndication of Your Content!)


Have your promos and/or commercials aired throughout the network on both live station streams for maximum network commercial exposure.

Have your promos and/or commercials aired throughout the network on both live station streams when you sign up for the premium plan. These can be used to help promote advertisers, sponsors or oneself. You receive one 60-second commercial or two 30-second commercials, your choice, that will air throughout the network; on both station one and station two live streams. This is a fantastic way to advertise your show, your products, your services, your favorite sponsors, or whatever else you desire. Each commercial airs approximately 1-3 times per day per station. (Network Commercial Exposure!)


Our system accepts the podcasting of all audio files from 8 bit to 320 bit stereo sound, in most common audio formats! Our system also accepts mp4 video formats.

Our system accepts the podcasting of all audio files from 8 bit to 320 bit stereo sound, in most common audio formats! We also accept mp4 formats when syndicating / podcasting video productions. You can literally add podcasts whenever you want and podcast your shows 24/7. Simply upload your production files into the system and fill out a few questions regarding the show and the rest is done automatically for you. (Podcast in Almost Any Quality and Format!)


Easy, friendly, and reliable customer service 7 days a week, 14 hours a day, no exceptions.

We make finding answers and obtaining customer service easy, friendly, and reliable 7 days a week, 14 hours a day, no exceptions, so that you can do what you do best! We have a toll free customer service line and two direct lines available for almost instant service! (Always Live Customer Service!)


The ability to privatize, or take out of syndication, almost everything at the push of a button.

The ability to privatize every field (every piece of content) related to you, the user, and every individual show podcast, which you can checkmark to syndicate or take out of syndication! (Extreme Control at a Push of a Button!)


Full HTML code allowed, and source code visibility options for content input and display, and copy and past functions!

Full HTML code allowed, and source code visibility options for content input and display, and copy and past functions! Easily eliminate all unwanted code behind the content you paste into a field, so the information comes in correctly and displays itself correctly! (HTML and Source Code Edit and Visibility Options!)


Every link has information that will show up by hovering over it and every field has instructions below it! You can find, access, edit, publish, remove, modify, or make invisible almost everything at will!

Simple to use system with complete instructions. We have a quick read manual! We label everything! Almost every link has information that will show up by hovering over it. Every field has instructions below it, so in case you are wondering, you won't be left guessing. All aspects of your data can be easily found, accessed, manipulated, and changed, by you, at will, easily, at anytime, using a simple Internet connection device! (Find, Access, Edit and Publish everything easily!)


Quickly feature a guest on all BBS Radio's main pages, on your show page, in the Newsroom, on BBS Radio's top social sites and your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest feeds instantly.

Quickly feature a guest on BBS Radio's home page and on your show profile page just be selecting your show name, guest name and providing a broadcast date. This takes seconds, but will appear everywhere instantaneously. This information will also show up in the NEWSROOM and the largest and most visible Information SCROLLS at the bottom of BBS Radio's home page and Station 1 and Station 2 main pages. Even more impressively, this information is automatically posted to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn profile pages, as well as all BBS Radio's major social network pages (which include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & LinkedIn). This occurs automatically once you've connected your social accounts with BBS Radio, which only takes a second. Therefore, even if your social networks are small you'll have the advantage of promoting/syndicating/pre-marketing your upcoming information to our vast social networks. Ultimately when you press SAVE, your information becomes highly visible! (Feature Your Guests!)


Quickly headline a show on all BBS Radio's main pages, on your show page, in the Newsroom, on BBS Radio's top social sites and your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn feeds instantly.

Quickly headline a show on BBS Radio's home page and on your show profile page just be selecting your show name, a bit of text (the headline) and providing a broadcast date. This takes seconds, but will appear everywhere instantaneously. This information will also show up in the NEWSROOM and the largest and most visible Information SCROLLS at the bottom of BBS Radio's home page and Station 1 and Station 2 main pages. Even more impressively, this information is automatically posted to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn profile pages, as well as all BBS Radio's major social network pages (which include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn). This occurs automatically once you've connected your social accounts with BBS Radio, which only takes a second. Therefore, even if your social networks are small you'll have the advantage of promoting/syndicating/pre-marketing your upcoming information to our vast social networks. Ultimately when you press SAVE, your information becomes highly visible! (Headline A Show!)


Write short blogs and special interest articles that show up everywhere automatically!

Write short blogs and special interest articles which post to BBS Radio's home page and on your show profile page. This information will also show up in the NEWSROOM and the largest and most visible Information SCROLLS at the bottom of BBS Radio's home page and Station 1 and Station 2 main pages. Even more impressively, this information is automatically posted to your  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn profile pages, as well as all BBS Radio's major social network pages (which include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest & LinkedIn). This occurs automatically once you've connected your social accounts with BBS Radio, which only takes a second. Therefore, even if your social networks are small you'll have the advantage of promoting/syndicating/pre-marketing your upcoming information to our vast social networks. Then use our robust, feature-rich system to globally syndicate your content with dedicated RSS Feeds providing XML data of your content for easy and automatic syndication to other sites accepting your posts via xml and for easy subscription by users wishing to subscribe to your materials and be sent your materials automatically (straight to their own devices) at the push of a button! Ultimately, all your blogs and articles will have statistics. You can add headlines, images, attach your show program link, add summaries, long or short body descriptions, using a feature rich WYSIWYG editor, add sponsor links, add key tags and phrases, and even add an unlimited number of additional supporting images. Articles and blogs can be published and unpublished at will. (Write Blogs and Articles!)


RSS Syndication feeds have been created around all content types, for easy and automatic syndication to other sites.

RSS Syndication feeds have been created around all content types, for easy and automatic syndication to other sites accepting the information via xml, and for easy subscription by users wishing to subscribe to the materials and be sent the information automatically (straight to their own devices) at the push of a button. This includes written blogs, articles, podcasts, featured guests, headlined shows, new music artists, and other content worthy of syndication and subscription! (Content has Syndication Ability and RSS Feeds!)


Add Program Handouts, PDF files, fliers, media kits, press kits, documents, etc. to your program page as downloadable document files.

Add Program Handouts, PDF files, fliers, media kits, press kits, documents, etc. to your program page as downloadable document files, to help further educate and enlighten your audience!  (Add Documents to Your Pages!)


Upload audio clips, commercials, show promos, audio advertisements or any type of audio expression, even music, to your program page and episode pages!

Upload audio clips, commercials, show promos, audio advertisements or any type of audio expression, even music, to your program page and episode pages! (Add Audio Tracks to Your Pages!)


You can upload video files to your program page or embed video clips (via a simple embed code) into almost all your content creations!

You can upload video files to your program page or embed video clips (via a simple embed code) into almost all your other content creations that provide a WYSIWYG editor (including your newly created podcast episode pages, blogs, articles, headlined shows, profile page, show page, etc). This is a great way to promote YouTube videos, video endorsements, TV commercials, sponsor or advertiser presentations, and more! (Add Videos to Your Pages!)


Add small and large graphic banners (advertisements) to your show program page and to almost everything else, easily, with hyperlinks to your websites.

Add small and large graphics (banner advertisements) to your show program page and to almost everything else, easily, with hyperlinks to other locations. Sponsors and advertisers will love you for this. You can easily upload images that link to your website, of almost any size, and have them appear on your program page, podcast episode pages, and other locations, as easy as 1, 2, 3! (Upload Graphic Banners and Ads with Hyperlinks!)


Interact instantly with your listeners and visitors by having a dynamic interactive live chat board added to your profile page.

Have a dynamic interactive live chat board added to your profile page. Just ask! Interact instantly with your listeners and visitors. Share information and communicate during live broadcasts or at any other time! Use it as a message board update system for your audience or use it as a way to get listener questions during your live broadcasts. Sometimes people would rather type their questions vs calling in live during a radio broadcast! (Your Own Live Interactive Chat Board!)


Make and receive comments to columns, blog posts, featured guests, show episode descriptions, headlined shows, indie music artists, etc.

Almost all content created by a user of our system can be commented upon by members of BBS Radio. Membership is free and only requires a valid email address. Once a person signs up as a member they can make comments to columns, blog posts, featured guests, show episode descriptions, headlined shows, indie music artists, etc. Comments can also be turned off by the author of the content. Comments can be easily edited or deleted by the author! (Leave and Accept Comments!)


Add feedback to your show page and feature it throughout BBS Radio!

Feedback can be added, which will show up near the bottom of your show page. It will also be featured in the information SCROLLS on BBS Radio's home page and Station 1 and Station 2 main pages! (Add and Feature Your Feedback!)


Email notifications of content created in your name, with important links!

The system will automatically keep you informed by sending email notifications of content created for you or by you. The email notification will provide links and information to content in your name, whenever someone comments on your content, emails us to send you their contact information, desires to be a guest on a talk show, or when content is authored in your name like blogs, articles, featured guests, headlined shows, and show episodes! (Get Instant Notifications with Important links!)


Content meta-tagging ability allows you to use key words and key phrases, and highlight key information, for search engine optimization

Content meta-tagging ability allows you to use key words and phrases, and highlight key information, for search engine optimization; to search engines like Google. Meta-tagging options show up at the bottom of the content! It is automatically done by using snippets of code for your field inputs. The system does this all for you automatically, by picking out key phrases in titles and tag words from fields, etc., however, you can do this for yourself, and gain full control! By focusing on proper keywords, titles and phrases that repeat in your content and then adding this information to our meta-tagging fields, you can almost ensure that search engines will show only what you want, making the content more relevant and personal. It's an art and our system is the artisan, but you can use your own paint and our brushes at will! (Metatag Control for Search Engine Maximization!)


Your main Program Banner (568 px width) will be created free of charge.

Your main Program Banner (568 px width) will be created free of charge by our graphics department if you want one and don't have one for you show. Just send us any images or ideas you wish us to incorporate into the design and we'll take it from there. We're extremely good at this, and therefore need only one attempt. If you wish to hire our services for further image enhancement or development it's $69 per image/banner! (Free Program Banner Creation!)


Your main RSS Syndication image for RSS feed readers and syndication locations like iTunes, will be created free of charge.

Your main RSS Syndication image (1,400 x 1,400 image that must be less than 500 KB in size with RGB colors) for RSS feed readers and syndication locations like iTunes, will be created free of charge by our graphics department if you want one and don't have one for you show. Just send us any images or ideas you wish us to incorporate into the design and we'll take it from there. We're extremely good at this, and therefore need only one attempt. If you wish to hire our services for further image enhancement or development it's $69 per image/banner! (Free Syndication Banner Creation!)


Choose from over a thousand audio tracks for use as background music in your productions.

Choose from over a thousand audio tracks for use as background music in commercials, audio promotions, broadcasts, livecasts, videocasts, podcasts, during audio breaks, as bumpers, liners, intros, outros, etc.! Simply select a track and email us your choice! (Get Fee Background Music for Program Developments)


Receive a continuous supply of guests that wish to be interviewed from all over the world.

Receive a continuous supply of guests that wish to be interviewed from all over the world (almost daily) on a talk show. Once a potential guest enters their information into our system, it is automatically emailed to all our hosts. Hosts can even review our database of interview candidates (potential guests for your show) at any time by clicking on the Interview Candidates link or the Candidate Overview link on their User Menu! (Receive Regular Guest Submissions!)


Easily become a guest and appear on other talk shows on the network!

If you would like to appear as a guest on one or more of our BBS Radio Network talk shows, simply answer a couple of questions, and your information will be automatically sent to all of our BBS Radio Hosts and other hosts from other networks that desire this information (within seconds after review). Podcasters and Broadcasters will then contact you directly if they have an interest! It's easy, free, and can be very rewarding, as it leads to more contacts, and the spread of your information! (Easily Become a Guest on Other Talk Shows!)


We can help you create your own professional bumpers, liners, commercials, show audio advertisements, and other audio expressions, inexpensively.

We can help you create professional bumpers, liners, commercials, show audio advertisements, and other audio expressions, inexpensively, especially liners/bumpers/scores between 30-60 seconds. All we really need is the ad copy (text for the adverts/audio track). We will then tape a voice, usually one of us, or you, or someone else you have in mind, via phone or Skype, then embed selected music in the audio track, music you send us (that you have derivative rights to use) or music you select from our large database. We will then send you the finished product! This process usually takes about 24 hours! (Inexpensive Audio Commercial, Promo and Liner Productions!)


We are professional audio editors and can edit your audio productions for a reasonable price quickly.

Use free software solutions or feel free to ask us what we use, or what works best. We'll point you in the right direction, or use our services for a nominal fee. We are professional audio editors and can edit your audio productions for as low hourly price. Most audio files are less than one hour in length. Turn-around time is usually very fast, within hours! (Inexpensive Audio Editing Services Available)


Our site is considered one of the most friendly, intuitive, powerful systems ever created for broadcasters and podcasters. And an online manual that can explain everything!

Extremely easy interface and navigation, it's almost intuitive, and an online manual that can explain everything although it's probably not necessary! Everything is self-explanatory! All links have hover-over information and all fields have instructional data! Our site is considered one of the most friendly, intuitive, powerful systems ever created for broadcasters and podcasters. We get raving reviews from even the blind, people that may require highly intuitive, simple and explicit access and display to all website functions! (Easy and Intuitive Interface, with a Manual and Free Customer Service!)


We do not hassle you! We will not give out your information to third parties! Your information is sacred! If your information has not been made readily available to others, we will do our best to keep it that way!

We do not hassle you! We won't ever call you to convince you into anything (even hosting a show on the network)! If you want to be a host, we'll wait for you to call us (we won't call you)! But when you become a podcaster and/or broadcaster, you privacy will be very important to us. We will not give out your contact information to third parties (even if you are dying). We will not give out your phone number or email address to relatives (even if they cry). We will not give out your contact information to others, even if you've made it available online! We will not give out your show statistics to inquiring parties! We won't even give out your name if it is not listed on your program page! Your information is sacred! If your information has not been made readily available to others, we will do our best to keep it that way! (Hassle-Free Contact with 100% Privacy!)


We won't limit what you say! We won't edit or change your words, unless asked! We have no desire to censor you!

We won't limit what you say! We won't edit or change your words, unless asked! We have no desire to censor you in any way! If your content becomes an issue to others, even regulatory bodies, you will be notified ASAP!  (No Censorship!)


No contracts! Quit at anytime! No questions Asked! We don't hold you hostage!

There are no short-term or long-term contracts! Stay or go at no cost, easily, with no questions asked! If you can find a better system, or a better platform, or a higher level of service, or anything for a lower cost or at a higher level of performance, we won't hold you hostage! (No Contracts! No Cost to Leave)


There are no set-up fees. There never has been, nor will there ever be. We make service first! That's how we think!

There are no setup fees. There never has been, nor will there ever be. We make service first! That's how we think! That's how we keep your business! We will perform at such a high level, that no other company can compete! We are so confident of this, we are prepared to give you our time for free. We will do what others do at no cost, just to get your business (and at no obligation to you)! You will get service here! You will get answers here, knowledge, time and love from our staff! And if this is not the case, call us, PLEASE 888-710-8061! (No Setup Fees!)


We don't limit the number of people that can access your content or listen to your show!

We place no limits on the number of simultaneous listeners that can access your live listening streams, broadcasts, podcasts or feeds!  We don't limit the number of people that can access your content or listen to your show! (No limits on Streaming Bandwidth!)


Audio archives podcasts ownership rights are shared, but exclusive rights can be obtained!

Audio archive podcast ownership rights are shared by BBS Radio and the podcaster unless otherwise stated prior to podcasting. In other words, both the host and the network have a 100% right to do with the audio files and information as they so choose, without the involvement or remuneration of the other. Exclusive rights can be obtained for $10/per audio episode and/or live broadcast! (Shared or Exclusive Rights!)


All advertising and sponsorship revenues are yours to keep!

All advertising and sponsorship revenues are yours to keep! Over time, we may recommend sponsors looking for a home. Hosts may advertise on their profile page(s), within their episodes, during their live broadcasts or syndicated podcasts, on their profile pages, and within any content they create. Show hosts are encouraged to advertise themselves, their advertisers and sponsors, and keep all the money! (Keep 100% of Your Earnings!)


All of your information on BBS Radio will only contain what you intend, and what you are aware of, and nothing else!

Unmolested content with no advertisement or content attachments to your shows page, content pages, feeds, or other content materials. No auto-tagging of your information! No automatic insertion of materials via code, text, or tagging system! All of your information on BBS Radio will only contain what you intend, and what you are aware of, and nothing else! (Unmolested Content!)


We do not advertise during your live program or in your on-demand podcasts. No advertisements or commercials are added to any of your productions.

We do not advertise during your live program or in your on-demand podcasts! No advertisements or commercials are added to any of your productions. We don't tag your audio files with code! We don't add sound files to the beginning or end of your broadcasts or podcasts. We don't physically add audio sounds or video aspects to your broadcasts or podcasts! All other networks we know of, want to promote themselves so badly, they will literally add sound files (commercials and advertisements) to your audio podcasts and broadcasts, add video bytes to your tv / video production, which later requires editing services to remove! They will also run commercials and network liners to your live broadcast streams. We don't! They will also use code to insert commercials and network liners! They will even tag your show with hidden code to reflect their ownership of your materials! We won't! You will love the way we do business! (Unmolested Live Broadcasts and Podcasts!)