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How to comment

You can comment on any of the posts on this site using the IndieWeb comment method. Here’s how it’s done.

Short version

  1. Publish a post on your own site with Microformats 2 markup. Use h-entry for the content and h-card for your profile.
  2. Link back to my post with rel="in-reply-to".
  3. Send a Webmention from your post to mine.
  4. I’ll then parse your comment and display it below my post.

Longer version


Publish a post on your own site with Microformats 2 markup. You don’t need any special software, just a tool that allows you to enter raw HTML.

<div class="h-entry">
  <div class="e-content">I agree with you, Barry.</div>
  <div class="p-author h-card">John Smith</div>

Link back

Link back to my post with rel="in-reply-to". This doesn’t need to be part of the above h-entry, but should be placed somewhere on your post’s permalink page.

<a href="" rel="in-reply-to">
  A post about something important

Instead of a comment you can alternatively indicate that you have liked or reposted my post by adding a u-like-of or u-repost-of to your link:

<a href="" class="u-like-of">
  I liked this

<a href="" class="u-repost-of">
  I reposted this


Finally, send a Webmention from your post to mine to let me know you have a comment for me to retrieve.

My Webmention endpoint is: Send an HTTP POST to this URL with the following form variables (using your own URLs of course):

  • source=
  • target=

You can use one of several clients to send your Webmention, but the simplest way to do this is via curl:

$ curl -i -d "source=YOUR_POST_PERMALINK&target=MY_POST_PERMLINK" \

If your Webmention to me fails for any reason let me know and I’ll be more than happy to help you debug.


If successful, my server will parse your post, fetch your comment and add it below my original post.