Batman Visits Austin! Spied Batmobile in Koenig at Burnet Road
Taken from HEB parking lot. I did not imagine this! Hope he got the bad guys!
Taken from HEB parking lot. I did not imagine this! Hope he got the bad guys!
Admit it, you’ve been tempted to do this to a car of yours, haven’t you? That’ll solve the problem for good!
I found this almost car at Eli’s Body Shop on E. 7th St. Eli said it was in the parking garage of an ad agency downtown, and it was giving to him recently.
On the east coast of Sicily, Catania is an old seaport that is occasionally ruined by an exploding Mt. Etna visible from the city. In the mean time, I was taking a few pics of
… Money, Chevy SUV somewhere in Austin. Would you buy a used truck from this fellow?