Chinese PaddlefishAmerican LionBeauty And The Beast ArtRiver FishBeast ArtRiver DolphinYangtze RiverWooly MammothList Of AnimalsChinese paddlefish, freshwater giants up to 23 feet long, declared extinctOverfishing and dam construction wiped out this ancient Goliath.3
Chinese PaddlefishUnder Water CreaturesGiant FishYangtze RiverWater CreaturesFreshwater FishUnder WaterPollutionFish PetPollution and dam-building drive 7ft Chinese paddlefish to extinctionOne of the largest freshwater predators on earth has been killed off in Asia’s longest river, with overfishing and pollution blamed for its extinction. The Chinese paddlefish, native to the Yangtze river and known as the “king of freshwater fish”, has been declared extinct in the latest disaster for4
Chinese PaddlefishIllustrated AlphabetGiant FishGoing Going GoneFish SpeciesAquatic LifeAnimal ReferencesKiller WhalesFreshwater FishThe Chinese paddlefish, one of the largest freshwater fish species which had survived for millions of years, has been declared extinct.A place for major news from around the world, excluding US-internal news.2
Chinese PaddlefishFish ImagesRiver DolphinEnvironment ScienceYangtze RiverExtinct AnimalsAquatic LifeResearch InstituteBeijing ChinaChinese paddlefish in Yangtze River declared extinctBEIJING (CHINA DAILY/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - Psephurus gladius, a Chinese paddlefish living in the Yangtze River, was declared extinct, according to a paper from Chinese experts at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute. Read more at
Fish SketchFlying FishFishDiego Ortega Anatol on X#SundayFishSketch 4th page finished! The last additions are the recently extinct Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius), the convergent flying fish Potanichthys and the infamous Scalacurvichthys (the weirder pycnodonts will come soon)🐟🐠1
Tank HouseFishing FreshwaterExtinct SpeciesMass ExtinctionLake DaysCold BloodedPaleo ArtSmall TankCool AnimalsMississippi paddlefish (Polyodon spathula)paddlefish | Mississippi paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) » River Safari Gallery67
Under Water CreaturesFreshwater Fish TankIllinois RiverSalt Water FishSea SlugsSea StarsStrange CreaturesRiver BasinI've ChangedUnder Water Creatures22
Yangtze RiverArchaeology NewsRiver BasinTwo RiversNatural HeritageIron GatesFreshwater FishEndangered SpeciesScientistsChinese paddlefish pronounced officially extinctThe new decade 2020 began with the sad announcement that another species is now extinct—the Chinese Paddlefish (Psephurus gladius), a close relative of the sturgeon family. A paper by Chinese scientists concluded (based on IUCN criteria) that after 200 million years, the "Panda of the Yangtze" which reached up to 7m is now gone from the Yangtze forever. Although the paper received wide coverage in international media, unfortunately it only marked the scientific notification of a fate already…2
How To BowBow FishingAir LautMonster FishingBowfishingFishing KitFishing QuotesMarine FishCool AnimalsHow To BowPolyodon spathula - American paddlefish26