Bleach Cross ShirtCross Bleach ShirtCross TshirtsGrunge Tshirt DesignY2k Cross ShirtBleach Tshirt DesignsPunk GuysGrunge CrossGrunge TshirtBleach Cross ShirtGrunge Punk Guys Cross & Wings Print Tee | SHEIN USA97
Bleach Shirts DesignDesigns To Draw On ShirtsCool Bleach Designs On ShirtsDye Tshirt IdeasBleached Dyed ShirtsCute Bleached Shirts IdeasBleaching Ideas ClothesBleached Shirt ArtBleached Shirt AestheticBleached Skull Grunge Shirt Skeleton Cross AfflictionSecond bleached shirt I've made!!5.1k
Bleached Ribcage ShirtBleached Black Shirt IdeasAlt Bleach ShirtBleach Clothing ArtBleached Shirt DesignsBleached Tshirt IdeasBleach Painting ShirtBleach Tshirt DesignsBleach Clothes DesignBleached Ribcage Shirt2.1k
Bleach Designs On Tank TopBleach Tshirt Designs Y2kBleach Cross ShirtGrunge Bleached Festival TopsBleach Painted ClothesBleached Tank Top GrungeBleached ClothingSpray Paint ShirtBleach Shirt DiyI cannot believe I got it to be kinda symmetrical omgI just finished painting this im so happy its not lopsided bc my dumbass desided to go free hand with a permanent marker instead of using chalk to sketch it out. . #crossshirt #y2kig #paintedshirt1.5k
Grunge Cross DrawingCross Designs DrawingsTattoo Cross DesignsY2k Cross DesignGoth Cross TattooGothic Cross TattooTattoo Ideas CrossCross StencilCool Cross Tattoos𝚐𝚛𝚞𝟿𝚐𝚎4.6k
Bleach Shirt DiyBleach ShirtSigil TattooPainted Clothes DiyCross WallpaperDoodle TattooCross ArtGraffiti Style ArtBleach ArtBleach Shirt Diy4.7k
Bleach Cross ShirtDiy Bleach Shirt With VinylBleach Spray ShirtBleached ClothesChristian WardrobeSweater And ShirtDiy BleachMustang ArtBleach T ShirtBleached Black T-shirt with cross in center243
Bleaching ShirtsBleach Shirt DiyCamping Crafts For KidsDiy Tie Dye ShirtsBleach ShirtMake CleanCross ShirtTie Dye CraftsBible School CraftsBleaching ShirtsTo make the cross shirt use a black tee shirt and tear masking tape to make the crosses. I used 1 piece for the crosses on the sides and 2 pieces for the middle one. I liked the torn look on the ends but you could cut them with scissors to make clean lines. Put the masking tape on the shirt to suit you then spray with bleach. Don't spray the bleach too heavy. Be ready to rinse it out when it starts to change colors or it will continue to fade and spread. Just rinse in water and dry.768
Tatto LettersSilhouettes ArtGothic DrawingsCross SilhouetteEasy GraffitiCross DrawingDragon Tattoos For MenGraffiti DrawingsEasy Graffiti DrawingsFAITH-028Gothic cross tatoo1.4k