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Let me preface by saying that I am aware that my boyfriend’s dad is a bit of a complicated guy, but my bf and his family are kind of a package deal. I am very much in love with my bf, so I believe it's totally worth it.
Some background information on how the whole fight started: My boyfriend’s dad (F) made some kind of jewels and someone stole them. They were really important to F and because – like I said – he is a bit of an intense guy he made his whole family swear to him that they would do everything in their power to get the jewels back. The problem was, in the meantime the thief had crossed a whole freaking ocean and so naturally they had to follow him. My bf asked me if I wanted to come along and of course I agreed, somehow my family also got swept up in it and suddenly all of us were on our way to fight the guy who stole the shiny stones.
The plan was to go see some friends first, who live in a different city and are very good shipbuilders, so we wanted to see if they could help us somehow. Unfortunately I couldn't travel with my bf’s family so me and my family arrived a bit late to the party.
When we arrived, there was a lot of fighting going on (like serious fighting, as in people drew swords and killed each other) and I had no idea what was happening. I searched for my boyfriend and when I found him one of the friends we wanted to visit, was actually trying to fucking kill him?! Not on my watch – I killed said friend without hesitation and I don't believe I'm wrong for that.
Here is where I may be the asshole though: The whole situation was a little bit heated and my boyfriend and I didn't really have time to talk through what was happening, so I basically just tried to stay close to him and we protected each other. As I saw it in this moment though, with the very limited information I had, the friends we were fighting were the bad guys. (Hello?! One of them just tried to kill my baby?!) That´s why I did not only protect my boyfriend against attacks, but I did actively fight against our friends. It's a bit hard to say because it was all such a blur, but I'm pretty sure I injured several other friends and I might have killed one or two more.
My cousin, who was also there, is now saying that I was wrong for just blindly siding with my boyfriend without asking questions. (She is actually related to the people we were fighting and was fighting on the other side.) I do see her point, but at the same she also just chose to fight with the people she was closest to (her family) and I chose to fight with the person who I love most in the world (my boyfriend). I respect her decision to fight against us, so a part of me thinks she should also respect my decision?
She says that at least she didn’t kill innocent people (she did kill some of the people on our side though). I do feel really bad for killing people in general and I have to admit that my cousin, in hindsight, fought on the right side. After the fight my boyfriend admitted that his dad tried to steal the ships from our (now deceased) friends, which led to our friends trying to stop them and that’s how the fight started. This means technically my boyfriend and me were fighting on the wrong side. At the point of the fight, however, I didn't have this information and seeing some guy almost killing my boyfriend might have caused me to react more aggressively than I should have.
I'm torn, because I know that even knowing this information I could have never fought against my boyfriend, on the other hand maybe I should have just tried to keep him safe and not actively fight our friends without knowing what's going on? Please help me out here, what do you think: AITA for joining the fight and siding with my boyfriend without having the full picture?
EDIT: Lots of people are asking why we were carrying swords: Like I said my boyfriend's dad is a little intense and for some reason he chose swords as a weapon to use against “our sworn enemy” as he would say AKA the guy who stole the shiny stones. As for our (ex?)friends they just really are/were into sword fighting as a sport.
EDIT 2: To the people who are saying to break up with my boyfriend: THAT IS NOT AN OPTION AND THAT WAS NOT THE QUESTION! Like I said, the whole family dynamic is really more complicated than you could imagine. My boyfriend truly feels bad, but I believe it wasn't his fault, he just feels really obligated to support his dad, since he had sworn an oath and all that. I wrote this post not for you to judge my boyfriend, but to judge me, please respect that. My bf is in a tougher position than I am, since I don't have the same sense of loyalty to crazy daddy F.
UPDATE: Thank you all for your answers, I really see how I was wrong and I apologized to my cousin. I feel really bad for hurting our friends and like some of you suggested, I will try to think before acting in the future.
I actually also have an update on our relationship. It's a little sad though. He and his family took the ships to cross the sea and left us behind, which is a bit hurtful I have to admit. I'm confused on why he would leave without me. My cousin said, that she heard they actually burned the ships, so we wouldn't use them, but I don't believe my bf would do that.
Anyway, now we need to find a different way to get to them and I'm sure we will be able to talk it out then. Can't wait to see my baby again! <3