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Hermit Baths on Hermitcraft (Another Podcast Hosted By A "Straight" White Male): Episode 69: Mogswamp


On today's episode, Joel brings in a very special long distance guest, all the way from her superflat world!


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

“I hope today’s guest isn’t afraid of heights, ha ha.”

“Oh uh, superflat, right. Joel, are you actually recording, or are we just… sitting one block apart in a hot tub?”

Mog was prepared for Joel to be upset at the implication, but instead he grinned and slid down the bench.

“This close enough for you?”

Mog spluttered, they were practically touching. She’d always thought Joel was just joking…

“Umm, no, I um…” 

Mog reached out and gingerly touched Joel’s upper arm. 

Joel swung his body over Mog’s and confidently started kissing her.

This was far better than a podcast.


the truth

(he was recording, mog's discovers she's into it)

Series this work belongs to: