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Clint pulled the stolen car into the front of the American Embassy, got out, ran around the front of the car and helped The Black Widow out of the car. Tugging her toward the Embassy's gate, he showed the guards his diplomatic passport and SHIELD ID and told them that he needed to see the Ambassador. The marines let Clint and Natalia in through the gats and into the building. He and Natalia were escorted into the Ambassador's office.
When Clint saw Coulson sitting b behind the Ambassador's desk, he said, "This was a test."
"I thought there was a 50% chance that you'd walk through that door alone," Coulson said. .
"That's not the Ambassador," Natalia said.
"No," Clint said. "He's my handler, my lover and the man that gave me a second chance. I think he hoped that I'd see in you what he'd seen in me all those years ago."
"If you hadn't," Natalia said, "you'd have put one of your arrows in my head."
"That had been my original order," Clint said, "but, I knew the final call was mine. That's my deal with SHIELD."
"You look like you have questions and concerns, Miss Romanova," Coulson said.
"It's not like they taught us how to defect in The Red Room," Natalia said. "I keep wondering how you plan to get me to America without my watchers taking me back for reprograming."
"What ever Coulson has planned he won't turn-up the chance to get you out on The Orient Express," Clint said.
Coulson got up from the Ambassador's desk, walked around it and put his hand on Clint's neck, kissed him on the temple and said, "You know me so well.
Natalia looked from Hawkeye to Coulson and thought these men may have given her a new start.