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And from my collected knowledge from dramas, I can tell you, this will be the best drama in history slash future.


i wrote this after watching deadpool and i thought i wanted to write a story where the fourth wall was broken. i hope so anyway. this is written so that it seems like the narrator is talking to you, or telling a story. also, keeper of time !yoongi… wow. i thought it really matches him especially with his current gray hair. also time is a concept that always intrigued me

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Time. Time is the only reason why the world runs. Without time, humans can’t move, animals can’t breathe, plants don’t grow, the earth doesn’t rotate, the sun doesn’t radiate heat. Without time, there is no world. There is no reality.

With something as important as time, you’d think there’d be someone who keeps it orderly or something. Heck, you’d think they’d made sure no one fooled with time with a time machine or something, changing an important past.

And you’re right. There is a keeper of time. Problem is, this keeper of time is lazy as fuck. He sleeps and sleep and sleeps. You would think the gods overwork him or something. He hates moving, he procrastinates. And really, the reason you experience all the horrible events in history is probably because someone screwed up with the time machine and Suga is just sleeping. And yes the future invented the time machine. No, it’s not a DeLorean.

The time keeper name is Suga. Short for shooting guard or something. It was a name he gave himself that one time he got obsessed with basketball. Honestly, I don’t think he’s that great of a guard considering World War one and two. But a person can call themselves whatever they want right?

So now, this keeper of time, or Suga who was tasked with keeping time in order has eyes over the whole world. He sees everything. Just to make sure nothing screws up time. He’s like god, just that he only cares about time. Though, whether or not he processes everything he sees in his brain 24/7 is unclear to me.

Although there was that one time that made me believe he actually paid attention to what he say. It was in the year 2100? 2114? I’m not sure but it was during the time where time machines were not invented yet but close to invention. It was the time where humans understood the surface of time’s mechanics.

During that time, there was a girl, this genius, who contributed to the understanding of time. She had what the humans would call, god-like intelligence. Though I doubt the gods would grant a human intellect to understand time. They wouldn’t want humans messing with time, humans were already messing with the planet they were given and see what they’ve done to it.

Back to the story, this girl, y/n, the genius. She graduated college at 10 and finished university at 15, complete with a PhD. She devoted her time to researching the fundamentals of time. I’d say she has no life to be devoting her time to research something as unsubstantial as time but hey, you can’t stop a dream you once had when you were 5, watching Back to the Future. A bit old school if you’d ask me.

So, when this girl came close to uncovering the truth of time, Suga had to do something. He had to stop her, for this would cause many catastrophic events to occur. And also many headaches for Suga. Plus work.

Thus Suga confronted y/n. But you see, y/n is pretty. Or pretty to Suga’s taste I guess. Hence Suga, the keeper of time, was smitten. Blown off his feet by a mere human. Can you imagine it? A god-like being, in a trance because of a mortal! Love truly makes one blind! Even if you are a superior being.

Okay, it wasn’t love at first sight. Nope. This is not Disney everyone. This is reality. Or is it? But no, Suga didn’t fall in love with y/n from just seeing her all pretty and doll-like. As a god-like being, Suga had seen y/n from birth to death. The gods had warned Suga of human who would one day be able to uncover time, who would lead the breakthrough of understanding time. And Suga found the person right away. It didn’t require his time power to know it was y/n. his gut feeling told him enough. Thus Suga watched y/n for years. And by the time y/n reached 25, she was already one step awayfrom the whole truth, ready to reveal to the world what time is.

Problem is, as Suga watched this girl every day, he probably came to like y/n way too much for his own comfort. Everything y/n does was entertainment to Suga. When y/n laughs, Suga laughs. When y/n cries, Suga cries. I’m pretty sure it’s probably because Suga is too stubborn to watch those human drama shows with me that’s why he’s so easily entertained. I mean, you have a whole collect of dramas you can watch from so many eras, how can you not make use of them. But anyway, since Suga watches this girl all the time, I am one hundred percent sure he fell in love with her. From my collected knowledge from watching drama, I can totally diagnose Suga with a love syndrome.

And from my collected knowledge from dramas, I can tell you, this will be the best drama in history slash future.

“Stop it, Jin hyung. You’re embarrassing me.” Yoongi hollered from the kitchen. Yes, Yoongi. You were not going to call him by the name he selected when he was into basketball, his real name sounded way better.

“You need to let me talk about my favourite story. It’s even better since it’s a real story.” Jin replies as Yoongi entered the living room carrying mugs of hot chocolate.

You pluck a mug from Yoongi and waited for him to get seated next to you before you curl up against his body.

It really was a great story.