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When the fever boils over


Iroh gets sick so after feeing Appa Zuko has no choice but to seek the Avatar's help
How will that change the history and how will that change our awkward turtleduck?
Find out in "I wrote it without a plan"

Chapter 1: The fever

Chapter Text

Zuko stood in front of the air bison of the Avatar in his Blue Spirit outfit lost for what to do next… What is he to do now? Uncle is always right, he should have planned this better.

“So this is where you snuck out to, Prince Zuko.” 

The teen turned around to find Iroh standing there, “Uncle! What are you doing here?” He asked angrily, on the inside filled with dread. He left uncle in bed as he was battling an illness that was now traveling through the lower ring of Ba Sing Se.

“Why are you doing this Zuko, why did you not think things through again?” Iroh said tiredly, coughing heavily, “What do you plan with the Avatar's bison? Where will you keep him? How will you get him out of here?” He asked with a desperate tone, Zuko dropping his swords to support his uncle as he swayed and coughed more.

“I… I…” He hesitated, his habit to turn to anger when questioned hiding away in the wake of his concern, “I don't know. I'm sorry uncle. It's just… this life is not for me. I need my destiny, I can't get stuck in here when there's war waging outside. I need to do my duty, I need to fulfill my destiny.” He rambled.

Iroh clung to his nephew's forearms, “Please, prince Zuko, listen to me!” He begged, “What destiny are we talking about? Is it truly your destiny or a destiny someone is trying to force on you.” 

Zuko faltered and glanced back at the bison. Seeing something change in his nephew's face Iroh let Zuko go, letting him pick up his swords as he used them to cut away the bison's chains and returned to his uncle's side, helping him walk out of the Dai Li's secret quarters. As they climbed up and stood on the edge of the lake Zuko battled with his mind until he felt his uncle's supporting hand on his arm and abandoned the mask, letting it sink into the dark waters.

The way back to their apartment was dragging on as Iroh was getting slower with each moment, his illness getting to him until the old man slumped against a wall. 

Zuko put his hand on Iroh's forehead and paled, feeling just how hot he was. Firebenders ran hotter than most, but this was much too high. He felt panicked, there were no doctors in the lower ring or in any other that he could afford with the money they had saved from work. He didn’t know what to do until he remembered…

The avatar, he was with the water tribe girl, she is a healer… and he knows where they live, he heard the rumors that traveled between people. The only issue would be getting his uncle there, but he will do it, he won't abandon the only man, the only member of his family that was still on his side.

Zuko picked up Iroh, having him on his back and slowly snuck through the dark streets, with ease avoiding the guards patrolling the streets. Still it was well into the night before he reached the house that was granted to the Avatar's group. He was surprised there were no Dai Li around but he supposed that was only for his benefit… still he could feel his sight getting blurry around the edges for some reason and decided to hurry, feeling his Uncle's fever getting worse as well.

He knocked on the door and wasn't surprised when it burst open with a bit of earthbending, the others already on guard.

Zuko just laid his unconscious uncle on the ground, thankful there was a carpet covering it and kneeled, his forehead pressed to the ground, “Please… I didn't know where else to go. Please help my uncle, he's the only family that cares for me. I won't attack you, I won't chase you anymore, just heal my uncle. I swear on my honor.” He begged, swallowing his pride. There was no place for his pride here, now is the time to be humble the way his uncle tried to drill into his skull for so long. He just hoped it would be enough.

He wasn't aware the group was watching his shaking body and his feverish uncle, battling their thoughts on what to do. He always went on about honor, so him swearing on it had to mean he was being serious.

Sokka could see Aang and Katara were ready to bend to the prince ‘shitty haircut’ wishes, even if his hair looked better now. So he sighed and glanced at Toph, whispering, “Is he even telling the truth.”

Toph nodded, “Yeah, Sparky here can't lie for shit. He's honest.”

Aang beamed and spoke, “We will help you, Zuko.”

The prince looked at them, clearly frozen in shock that they accepted his request. He then bowed his head again, “Thank you.” He said, battling the tears that wanted to gather in his eyes.

Katara didn't need more as she moved, “Get your uncle into a bed so I can check him over.” She said, already in her healer mode.

Zuko scrambled from the floor and immediately picked up his uncle frowning at his labored breath and went where the water tribe girl led him to, laying uncle on the bed.

Katara touched his forehead and gasped, “He's even more than burning up. What's going on with him?” She asked Zuko, frowning as she saw him swaying on his feet as well.

“Firebenders run hotter than others, but this is too hot. There's illness going through the lower ring, I don't know what it is though. Please just…” He couldn’t finish the sentence as he fainted on the spot, only Sokka's quick reaction saving him from cracking his skull on the stone floor.

“Damn, Katara, he's burning up as well.” Sokka called.

Katara took a steadying breath, “Get him onto a bed, grab a bowl with cold water and a towel, try to cool him down a bit. I will get to him after I see what is wrong with his uncle.” She ordered with a steel tone, Aang immediately going to fetch the water and the towel, cooling it down with his waterbending and slowly worked on cooling down Zuko, who right now without a massive scowl on his face looked so… so vulnerable. 

Like the teen he was in reality.


It was several hours later that a spent Katara left the room where now the two unconscious firebenders were sleeping.

“So, what got to Uncle and Sparky?” Toph asked with an unusual, at least for her, amount of concern. 

Katara let out a heavy breath as she accepted some tea from Sokka, “Iroh seems to have a pulmonary illness, affecting his lungs and his body just heated up too much in an effort for him to fight the infection. It probably paired with a lot of stress and poor diet and thus his weakened body just took a rest. He will get better with some sleep and food, I healed as much as I could for now.” She sipped the tea, grimacing at the bitter flavor as Sokka was no artist when it came to tea, “As for Zuko, I have no idea, it seems like his body is not battling an illness but itself. His chi is in turmoil. I suspect it's something firebender specific. We need to keep him cooled down until Iroh wakes up and we can ask him about it.”

Toph nodded gravely as Sokka took over, “Okay, you go rest Katara, me and Aang will be keeping watch over Zuko. You Toph go with Katara, guy already misses one eye, no reason for you to poke out his other one by accident.” He said, Aang looking at him with a pout as Toph blinked slowly.

“What do you mean misses an eye?” She asked.

Sokka let out a soft sound, “Ah, right, you can't feel that with your magic feet. He got a scar over his one eye… half his face almost, I guessed he can't see out of that eye too well.” He explained.

Toph nodded and left it at that as she headed with Katara to sleep in the room with her.

Sokka turned to Aang, “Okay, I will take the first watch and will wake you up in about 4 hours, freeze me some water and go to sleep.” He said tiredly and Aang after doing so left as well.

That left Sokka watching the unconscious firebenders, Zuko breathing heavily as Iroh snored in his sleep, sometimes coughing heavily to then settle down again.


When Iroh woke up next, looking up at an unfamiliar ceiling he was immediately on guard. He remembers walking home with Zuko, but not reaching it, his fever making his memories blurry. Were they ambushed and taken somewhere?

“Katara! He woke up!” A young, familiar voice called from the door and soon the watertribe lady came through the door.

“Mister Iroh, you woke up. How do you feel?” She asked, sitting at his bedside, her hands covered in glowing water and already moving over his chest.

Iroh smiled cordially, “Oh, please, miss Katara, call me uncle, everyone does. Especially with the ears around, me and my dear nephew don't go by our real names.” He said quietly, coughing a bit, “And I definitely feel much better, I assume I have you to thank for that.”

Katara nodded, “Yes, I did my best, but you will still need to rest for a few days, up to a week. Your breathing is not how I would want it to be.”

Iroh nodded, “Thank you, but I have to ask… where is my nephew? What happened?” He asked with a worried expression, his unease not lessening at Miss Katara's frown.

“Zuko… he brought you here asking for our help and fainted shortly after. I have no idea what ails him. It's not a normal illness, his chi is in turmoil.” She said softly, glancing behind herself where he saw his nephew laying on the bed, breathing labored and sweat covering his brow.

Iroh struggled to sit up, Katara helped him and offered him a seat by Zuko's bed. Iroh laid a shaking hand on Zuko's forehead and let out a sigh, “Oh, my nephew…” he whispered and looked at Katara, “His spirit is battling itself. His preconceived notions about himself fight with how he really is and him coming here to ask for your help… it must have taken quite a tool on his inner flame. We just need to keep his fever down and wait.” He spoke calmly, even if his eyes revealed the fear in his soul.

Katara nodded and was about to speak when a hoarse voice sounded, “Uncle.”

Iroh quickly offered his nephew a few sips of water, “I'm here, my dear nephew. Don't worry, you are going through a metamorphosis and once you get through this you will be the beautiful prince you were always meant to be.” He said calmly, cooling Zuko's forehead with the cool wet towel he saw nearby.

Katara stood there stunned as she saw Zuko whimper and lean into his uncle's touch, “I'm sorry uncle. I can't chase the Avatar anymore, we won't be able to go home because of me.” Zuko said with tears gathering in his unscarred eye.

Iroh's face wobbled, “Oh, my dear nephew. I don't need to go back to Fire nation to be home. Home is with the people that care for you, but we will talk about it once you recover. For now just know rest and know I still love you, Zuko.” He said softly, the teen slipping into uneasy rest again.

Iroh coughed heavily and Katara helped him back into the bed again, “Please rest, I will bring you some soup in a moment.” She said before leaving, glaring at Sokka who was standing near and clearly eavesdropping with a thoughtful frown on his face.

“What, heard what you needed?” She asked scathingly, going to the kitchen.

Sokka hummed and spoke to no one, “More like got even more questions.”

Chapter 2: Time to cool down

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Zuko would briefly wake up every so often only to drink water and mumble apologies to his uncle only for the old man to patiently reassure his nephew every time, smoothing his hair.

Iroh on the other hand finally fully recovered and took over caring for Zuko as well as making tea for the youth in the house as Katara, Aang and surprisingly Toph refused to let the two return to the illness plagued lower ring. 

As king Kuei talked with the Avatar's group more they planned their actions going forward. Aang left to talk to the guru while Katara and Sokka worked with the king. Sokka wanted so much to go and see their father, but he couldn't leave Katara alone in the house with the two fire-jerks. Toph left to see her mother that apparently had a change of mind about her traveling with the Avatar and just missed her now.

But still, both Sokka and Katara wrote a letter to their father and sent it with Aang to deliver. 

They were working for a few good days, and even got the news that the Kyoshi warriors were coming to town. 

And then Zuko woke up. He was quiet, which was weird when you compare him to the always screaming jerk. Sokka used the opportunity that Iroh was away, setting up his tea shop to talk with the firejerk, Katara at his side in case he faints again.

“Okay, asshole…” Sokka started, getting Zuko's attention away from the window he was looking through, “I heard a bit too much about you and yet still have questions that need answered, so how about you spill. Why were you chasing us for all this time, huh?” He asked, Katara was too curious to even chide him for the language.

Zuko blinked slowly, “Wait… you are serious? You really don't know?” He asked with a choked up voice.

Sokka shrugged, “I mean, you always screamed about honor and stuff, but that doesn't explain much.” He said with Katara nodding.

Zuko shifted to sit more comfortably and dragged a hand through his hair, “This… this is not a nice topic for me… long story short I was banished by my father and given the task. Capture the Avatar, only then can I return home.” He said with a quiet tone.

Katara covered her mouth in shock as Sokka gulped, “How… How long ago was that?” He asked.

“I was looking for three years before I met you.” He whispered hoarsely.

Sokka closed his eyes, rubbing his face, “But that means… you had no idea if you were going to succeed.” 

Zuko bolted from the bed, standing with his back to them, “What do you want to hear from me? That my father banished me with a pointless mission? That he was just waiting for an excuse to get rid of me and took the first one he got?!” He yelled with a choked up tone, his shoulders shaking. 

Katara tried to get close to him to comfort him but Sokka stopped her with a hand on her shoulder and a shake of his head. Zuko wasn't used to this and he will be more likely to lash out at any attempts at comfort than accept it. Sokka is pretty sure only Iroh could get unscathed from this.

The two then left the room to give Zuko space. Even though there was still one pressing question… What could one do to get banished by the Fire Lord?


Iroh came back to find his nephew meditating without a flame on the roof, basking in the sun, but he could feel his nephew was troubled so he joined him on the roof and waited, knowing pushing will just make Zuko clam up. 

“Uncle…” Iroh let out a hum to show Zuko he was listening, “I… what should I do? What is my destiny? My inner fire feels so weak right now….”

Iroh smiled softly, “I can't decide your destiny for you, my dear nephew. But I will tell you a story in the hopes of the past being a teacher for you.” He said, Zuko looking at him pleadingly.

“Do you know why your mother became your father's wife despite having no noble bloodline?” Zuko shook his head, “Remember Zuko, there are always two sides of the family tree. On one side you have your great grandfather Sozin, but from your mother's side of the family your great grandfather is… Avatar Roku. You connected those two bloodlines and have great conflict inside of you, but your destiny is yours to decide.”

Zuko gaped feeling again more conflicted than ever in his life. How many times will life turn on its axis and leave him confused?

Iroh rubbed Zuko's back, “As to your inner fire… my nephew, fire doesn't rise from anger, it is maybe Sozin's way, but not your way and in my opinion not at all the right way. Fire rises from your drive, you need to understand what you want to do in your life. You and just you, not me or your father. And if you can't awaken your fire, remember, history is a good teacher.” He finished, closing his eyes and angling his face towards the sun.

Zuko hummed, doing the same, as he analyzed the words. He would usually get angry at his uncle speaking in riddles, but this time… he was too tired and instead decided to calmly interpret his words.

History, probably further down than even Sozin's teachings, since his uncle said they were wrong. But how much further? Maybe… to the very beginning?” 

The purest form of firebending.


Sokka let Katara go ahead to the meeting with generals as he watched Zuko sit on the roof and soak up the sun like he took to doing so often lately, “Are firebenders sun powered or something?” He asked, making Zuko huff through his nose.

“Just as waterbenders are the strongest under the full moon, firebenders are the strongest when the sun is high in the sky. I can't meditate with the flame so I do the next best thing.” He said calmly.

Sokka hummed, “I guess, so… hypothetically… what would one need to do to get banished in the fire nation?” 

Zuko growled, first sign of his old self since he woke up, “I'm not talking about that.” He said with a harsh tone, only to tense and suddenly get on guard, his one eye narrowed at the horizon, “Get down, grab your stuff, we are going to uncle.” He said in a whisper and when Sokka didn't move he grabbed him and started dragging him down to get their stuff.

“Zuko, what's wrong?” Sokka asked as he got his and Katara's bags just in case.

“I saw Tai Lee… in a Kyoshi warrior outfit.” Zuko said as he opened the window, planning to sneak away from the back.

Sokka cursed, “You sure?” 

“I grew up with her, I know how she moves. And if we don't get a move on she's going to catch us.” He hissed as he jumped through the window, helping Sokka through with his bags, his dao tied to his back. He may have abandoned the mask but he won't abandon one thing he's better at than his sister.

They ran the streets, Zuko looking over his shoulder every so often to make sure no one was tailing them. What they didn't expect was the air bison that dropped from the sky with a frantic airbender, “Sokka, Zuko! Katara is in trouble!” He called as he jumped down. 

Zuko waved at Appa to fly off and grabbed Aang tugging him down the street towards the Jasmine dragon. 

They burst into the teashop, Zuko yelling, “Uncle, Azula is here, in the city!”

Iroh was immediately on guard and Aang added, “And they got Katara too! Holding her somewhere underground.” 

The old man nodded gravely, “I see, me and the young Avatar will try to find miss Katara. You, my dear nephew will go with young Sokka to find the king and help him escape. Azula is sure to be away trying to let in the Fire Nation into Ba Sing Se. We need to evacuate before that happens.”

“I hope you won't forget about me in that.” Suddenly Toph's voice came from the entrance.

Sokka let out a relieved breath, “Damn, thank the spirits you are here. This will be easier.” 

Iroh hummed, “We will change plans. Sokka and Toph together. Zuko, my nephew, you need to gather information, try to see what Azula plans next.”

Zuko nodded and went upstairs where Iroh moved most of their belongings. There he packed a bag and changed into his black outfit, putting on just a face covering without a mask. He then came down where Aang squealed, “You are going to sneak there like to Zhao's fortress?” Zuko nodded and without a word left through the window and headed for the castle where things are likely to be stored. 

The others moved on as well, trying to do their best to reach their goals.

Chapter 3: Torn apart and certain awakenings

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Zuko snuck into the castle and overheard two Dai Li talking, cringing at how open they were… and those were Earth kingdom's secret forces? But the news were disturbing, Azula now knew about the day of the Black Sun, that means the Fire Nation will be ready for any attempts at rebellion. He needs to tell the others…

Zuko paused. Why does he need to help them? He promised to not attack them himself but he never planned on joining them. Or did he? He was still so unsure but… after spending some time with the Avatar, Aang and his friends. And his travels across the Earth Kingdom taught and showed him a lot.

This war… it's wrong but… his father and sister will never agree to cease the war. 

But if he helps get his uncle back his place on the throne, then the war will end for sure.

With a nod Zuko decided to continue listening and heard about the meeting in the catacombs under the castle. It didn’t take him long to find the throne room where Tai Li and Mai were already tied up. He didn’t like leaving them like that, but if he frees them they will join Azula and make the fight impossibly harder.

So he just went down into the tunnels and tried to reach somewhere, to meet any friendly face. And he managed to find his uncle with the Avatar and Katara, the two reuniting in a hug.

“Uncle…” Zuko said softly, all three looking at him, “We need to go, Azula is not on the outskirts. Toph and Sokka are leading the king outside as we speak.” 

His uncle looked at Aang and Katara and nodded at them, the two leaving them to talk, “My nephew, we need to talk…” he paused and was suddenly encased in crystals.

“Well, well, well, I expected my senile uncle to go traitor, but you Zuzu? I expected better, what would father think?” Azula's smooth voice reached them, “Come on brother, think. Ba Sing Se is as good as taken, just help me defeat the Avatar and father will forgive you and accept you back home. We can only win together, brother.” She spoke smoothly and smirked, “But I see you need to think it over, I will be waiting.” She said and moved down the tunnel the Avatar and Katara took. 

Zuko looked at his uncle, Iroh smiling proudly seeing his decision in his eyes, “Can you get out yourself?” 

“Yes, my nephew. Go and help them.” 

Zuko nodded and ran towards the squirmish. He jumped into the middle of the fight with a burst of fire and stood glancing at Azula and then at the Avatar. Aang and Katara looked at him with hope and fear, not sure if they could trust him. His mouth twitched and he let out a fist of fire at Azula with a yell. 

“You are a fool, Zuko! I will kill you and then the Avatar and bring both of your heads to father!” She yelled as they fought, the other two fighting against the Dai Li. 

“I don't know Lala, you shouldn't make promises that may end in failure.” He called back, Azula responding with an angry attack, but he didn't know if the old nickname or the allusion to her failing was one to anger her. 

Soon Iroh joined the fight and then Aang went into the Avatar state.

Zuko noticed Azula and jumped at her but was too late as she send the lighting at Aang, hitting him. Katara in a burst of waterbending caught him but the fight was now harder. 

“Zuko, run, help them, keep them safe!” Iroh called as he engaged Azula.

“No, uncle, I can't leave you!” Zuko called desperately.

“Go, I will manage, we will see each other again. I'm proud of you Zuko, but you can't get caught here. Your destiny is still not done with.” 

Zuko nodded with tears and ran to Katara, fighting off the Dai Li that tried to attack her, “Get us out of here!” He yelled, sending off more fire. She nodded and got them to the surface. 

There they met with Toph, Sokka and the Earth King, Appa at their side. Sokka clearly had questions but Zuko rushed them onto the bison, “Go, go, we need to leave.” He called and Sokka took the reins, leading them away, his mind buzzing with so much he didn’t hear anyone.

His gaze went to Aang as Katara used some special water to heal him, his breath wavering as he saw him take a breath again.

Once he was sure they were fine he went ahead to speak to Sokka, “Where are we going?” He asked weakly.

Sokka looked at him suspiciously and then sighed, “To a safe place where our allies are and we can regroup… speaking of, are you an ally?” 

Zuko dragged a hand through his hair, clearly a nervous tell, “Yeah, and I did get some information that you guys will be interested in. It may alter all of your plans and… I may have an idea how to end this war?” He said less sure, “I didn't get the chance to talk it over with uncle and I'm not sure if it's not dumb, but… I don't want the Fire Nation to dissappear after this war is over, I may be banished but they are still my people. I want this war to end too and my father… won't be satisfied until he crushes everyone and that won't do.” He rambled.

Sokka smiled weakly, “Okay buddy, so for now we stick together. Can you hold the reins for a bit, I want to talk to others.” 

Zuko nodded and hesitantly took seat on the head of the beast and took the reins, keeping the direction steady. 

Sokka glanced at the anxious firebender and turned to Katara and Toph, king Kuei too focused on admiring the sights, “Okay, Katara. What went down in the catacombs?” He asked and listened to the retelling of the fight, how Zuko went against his own sister, helping them and how they were forced to leave Iroh behind. Then he and Toph spoke of their fight. Katara healed Aang some more and then looked the others over, finding them unharmed but when she looked at Zuko… there were some burns peeking through the holes in his singed black outfit.

“Zuko…” the firebender looked at her, still holding the reins stiffly, “Sokka will take back over so come here and let me heal you up.” She saw he was about to argue so she continued, “Do you want to see your uncle with new scars?” That shut him up and made him go to her, giving himself up to her healing, “Zuko…” he hummed to show he was listening, “Thank you. What you did out there was really brave.” She said softly.

Zuko scoffed, “Don't thank me, it took me so damn long to wake up and do the right thing. Freeing Appa was the first step and then it just became easier.” 

The words were met with silence, everyone looking at him in shock until Sokka couldn't hold it in anymore, “You were the one to free Appa? Damn, and here we thought he just ran away on his own.” 

Zuko shrugged, “A lot happened, it wasn’t important to mention it at the time.” 

Sokka snorted, “Damn, you really are an awkward turtleduck.” He said, making Zuko blush.


In the morning they reached the bay where the Watertribe fleet was. Zuko got off from the bison nervously and accpeted the body of an unconscious Avatar from Sokka who then got off the bison and helped Toph and Katara. 

“Okay, Zuko. Keep close to us, we will tell father about the situation, but before that is explained folks will be wary of you.” Sokka said with a hand on his shoulder, “Just… try not to burn anyone to cinders.” 

Zuko glanced at him, “Can I still protect myself though, without fire?” He asked and Sokka nodded.

“Yeah, wouldn't do to lose our new ally.” He said with a wink, Zuko nodding nervously.

Soon they stopped as the crowd parted letting a middle-aged man through, his similarities to the watertribe siblings leading Zuko to believe it was their father.

“Dad!!” Both called amd ran to hug him. Zuko tensed, he couldn't even imagine running to his father like that, hugging him… let alone have the hug be so readily returned. His only loving parent was his mother and she left far too soon. Then there was uncle Iroh and he will be damned if he leaves him to rot in the royal prison.

The three were conversing quietly until Zuko was adressed, “And who is your friend? About him you didn't mention in your letters.” 

Sokka chuckled nervously, “Well, Zuko here is… a new ally. He saved Katara from a big fight.” 

Hakoda hummed, “Zuko, as in fire prince Zuko?”

“Banished, sir.” Zuko bit back with a rigid spine.

Hakoda nodded, “I see, for now, let's put the Avatar down in one of the tents and have a talk.”

Zuko nodded and followed the lead, leaving Aang with Katara and headed with Sokka and Toph to the bigger tent where if judging by the maps spread around strategies were being discussed.

Sokka nervously stammered something about the day of the black sun and Zuko felt a bit bad about intruding him, “Sokka…” he gulped when everyone glared at him, many with hostility, still he continued, “When snooping through the castle I overheard… Azula knows about the day of the Black Sun. The Fire Nation will be ready for the attack.”

Sokka deflated defeated so Zuko scrambled for something and started looking over the maps, “So, we won't be able to take down the Fire Lord, but… we can take down smaller points, make resistance easier.” He spoke, pointing at several islands, “Here, here and here are minor prisons where those against the Fire Lord's agenda are being kept prisoner, no matter the nation. If we can free them and have them join the cause when, or hopefully before the comet comes it will be easier to get to the Fire Lord and have Aang take care of him.” He spoke and Sokka hummed thoughtfully.

“Can you give us any more information about the guard system and all about those prisons?” Hakoda asked and Zuko nodded.

“I can even write it all down, the military movements, but… we need to move from here and fast. My sister certainly send for backup and soon the whole coast will be full of the Fire Nation's ships.

Hakoda grimaced, “Indeed, but how will we be able to even move freely?” 

Sokka grinned, “We can, if we just take over one of the Fire Nation's ships!” He called and Zuko was about to say how idiotic it was as Hakoda patted Sokka on the back.

“Brilliant son, amazing idea.” He praised.

Sokka grinned, “And with Zuko's knowledge of Fire Nation's navy and how to keep the ship running we will be set.” 

With that the father-son duo and the second in command, Bato started planning, Zuko and the others giving their opinion. 

That was certainly less disastrous than his first strategy meeting.


A few days later they took over one of the ships and Zuko drilled the military rangs, etiquette and everything else into the water tribesmen to make sure they don't give themselves away.

And yet still all went to shit and on the day Aang woke up no less. He expected the arguing, after all Aang was a few weeks back on the news, but when he tried to run off Zuko put his foot down, grabbed the weakened kid and threw him over his shoulder, carrying him back down to his room where he sat him on the bed.

“Let me go, Zuko!” Aang yelled.

Zuko wasn't phased, he had worse than this from his father and tutors, “Aang, I know it's a lot to take in, but listen. This is for the best. You will make yourself known on the day of the Black Sun, but not on Caldera.” 

Sokka cleared his throat, “Actually, the five of us are going to Caldera.” Zuko gaped at him, “Not to fight the Fire Lord. But you need to free your uncle and we need to show that Avatar is alive and thriving. And if we storm the castle for a bit in secret no one will know.” 

Zuko rubbed his forehead, “So you still want to try to kill the Fire Lord, just without risking everyone else?” At Sokka's nod he tugged on his hair, “Agni, save us all.” He whispered.

Aang then added in a meek whisper, “I… I want to travel through the fire nation. I want to get to know the people of the Fire Nation now, not rely on memories from a hundreds years back.” 

That made Zuko groan, “Agni above, please.” He whispered and then sighed, forcibly relaxing his body, “Only if we start you on firebending training. If anyone figures out who you are they won't hold back so you need to know at least how to redirect the flame.” he said and Aang nodded sheepishly.

He then glared at Sokka, “Does your father and the others know what to do?” He asked.

Sokka nodded, “Yep, knows who to pick up where and who should attack which place. We can leave with a peace of mind.” 

Zuko nodded, “We leave after the storm blows over.” He said.

Sokka scoffed, “What storm?” As he said it started pouring, wind howling, “Oh, this storm… how did you?”

Zuko scoffed, “I spend over 3 years on the sea. You can't expect me not to have learned a thing or two.”

Sokka hummed, “Sooo, while we wait, and now that Aang is awake, you can share your plan on what to do with the Fire Nation after the war.”

Zuko sighed and sat on one of the chairs, the others waiting, “I… I know my father and sister would rather keep the war, but… the throne was supposed to go to my uncle, so if we get him onto it you can be sure the war won't continue.” He said calmly.

Aang smiled, “Your uncle is really kind, but I think you should take over.” 

Zuko froze, “What?” He looked at the others, “I… No… We will talk to uncle when we find him, end of this topic for now.” He said sternly.

Toph hit her fist into her open hand, “Then let's let's talk about our worst scars.” She offered and Zuko was already regretting cutting off the previous topic, “I will start. I got this nasty one on my knee from my first Earth Rumble, my only lost fight, been a champion ever since, until Twinkle toes over here came and blew me off my pedestal.”

Aang chuckled sheepishly, “To be fair, I didn't use any earthbending then so you are still the champion.”

Toph laughed, “Damn right I am. So who's next.”

Aang waved his arm, “Oh, oh, me next. I got a scar here.” He showed the scar running along his upper right arm, “I still didn’t earn my arrows and was only learning to use the glider, and I snuck out without supervision and crashed spectacularly. Monk Gyatso was so worried about me, he chewed me out for almost two hours.” He said with a bittersweet chuckle.

Katara rubbed his back and hummed, “Well, I don't really have any scars, but Sokka over here…” She smirked teasingy, “Got this scar on his thumb that's pretty funny in shape as he got a fishhook stuck in his thumb and tried to get it out with another fishhook, getting both stuck there. Dad was so angry.” 

Sokka pouted, “Don't laugh, Katara!” He yelled, but any argument was broken by Zuko's question.

“And what next?” The firebender was on the edge of his seat nervously, ready to go and kill Hakoda if he ever hurt those two.

The siblings exchanged glances, “Well, he yelled a bit, bandaged him and grounded for a week.” Katara said, Sokka nodding.

Zuko frowned confused. He knew his family was different, but so different? 

Toph hit his arm, “Come on sparky, I'm sure you got some pretty exciting tales tied to your scars.” 

Zuko gulped, he got enough scars that he could skip on his face scar, but… where else would he have the chance to talk about it without forcefully bringing it up, “I… I was 13, with uncle's help I got into a war meeting, my first one. I wanted to learn how to be a good ruler. But uncle warned me to not talk…” everyone got quiet, listening to his grave tone, “But then one of the old generals proposed a tactic to sacrifice a unit of completely fresh recruits so others could ambush the earthbenders from the back. I… I spoke up, that it was wrong to sacrifice soldiers that love their country like that.” Sokka nodded, agreeing with the words, “My father didn't like that, said I showed lack of respect that only an Agni Kai, a fire duel could erase. I said I wasn't scared of the old general but when the duel came and I turned around… it wasn’t the general there…” Zuko paused to take a shaky breath, clutching his hands together so harshly his knuckles were turning white, “It was my father. I refused to fight him, begged for mercy and he… he said ‘you need to learn respect and suffering will be your teacher’ and cupped my face, burning me. He then banished me and gave me the mission to find the Avatar. I spent the next 3 years looking before you came out of the iceberg.” Zuko finished, dragging a shaking hand through his hair, happy it was now long enough to do it comfortably.

Katara was covering her mouth, tears in her eyes, Aang was crying openly and clearly fighting the urge to hug Zuko. Toph was itching to smash some boulders after shaping them like the Fire Lord and Sokka was just angry, but for once Zuko realized it was anger for him not at him. 

“Zuko, can we hug you?” Aang asked weakly and Zuko nodded slightly, deciding he needed it. He was then crushed into a hug by the four of them, relaxing into their hold. It was nice, not as nice as his uncle's hugs, but still nice.

Chapter 4: First steps in the Fire Nation, spiritual business, old and new masters

Chapter Text

Once the storm finished they said their goodbyes and flew towards the closest of Fire Nation's islands, Zuko breathing out shakenly as he stepped for the first time in what felt like forever on his country's land. And to think he would do it with Avatar but not to deliver him to his father but to help the monk defeat the Fire Lord.

Zuko sighed as Sokka tried to paint the innocent birds as enemies and put up his hood from one of his red coats. He decided to wear his longingly missed red clothes while others just had coats of soldiers over their regular clothes, “Okay guys, first we need to get some clothes.” He said, holding close to him his sack of money. It's what he still got from before he had to run from Azula on that day before he cut his Phoenix tail. The others had their own budget but he was sure they would nab some clothes and leave nothing in return.

And he was right, so he left a silver coin to the poor worker that will have to pay back for the missing clothes. He watched what everyone chose and grabbed Aang before he could grab his first choice, “This one is a school uniform, see it got their insignia, choose something else. A student out of class will catch attention for sure.” He ordered, Aang following his direction with a pout.

After that they headed to the city for some food. Zuko bought some fire flakes and a skewer, groaning happily as the spices of the Fire Nation covered his tongue. The others though were subtly coughing and trying not to cry. Zuko rolled his eyes and bought them all some cream that they drank greedily as he munched on the fire flakes.

Aang of course didn't know the word subtle and was chatting up to everyone as they observed him warily. Zuko rubbed his face and dragged Aang away, “I get that you want to know my people and I appreciate it, but this is the market, here people come to do errands and get back home. If you want to talk and play there's other places.” He whispered, leading Aang to the center plaza of the town where a water fountain was, folks lounging around, playing Pai Sho or cards, drinking tea from a nearby trolley, some kids running around with sparklers. 

Aang grinned and immediately went to chat up some folks as Zuko sat in the shadow and watched him like a hawk, ready to intervene, the others sitting with him.

“So, how is it being back home after so long?” Sokka asked.

Zuko shrugged, “I don't know, it's all I ever wanted. I missed this all, the warmth, the food, the people, but…” he made sure no one is listening, “for them I'm a traitor. The moment they know who I am they will turn against us.” 

Sokka patted his shoulder, “Hey, I'm sure not all support your crazy father and sister.” 

Zuko nodded, “Yes, but most people are still scared of them and won't let their loyalties be questioned.” 

Soon Aang bounded back to them with a shocked face, “You guys don't dance in the Fire Nation?” He asked with a wobbly lip.

Zuko rubbed his neck, “Well, there are some traditional dances, but for fun? Not really.” He said with a shrug, “That's not important now. Let's get some provisions and move on. This is one of the most outer islands and therefore there's a lot of soldier patrols around the waters, so we move as the sun sets.” He said calmly, tugging sputtering Aang where they could shop for cheap. Or where he could shop for cheap as the others were enthralled watching some glass blowing, but… this was art, something good from his nation, a good way to use firebending. They needed to see his nation was not all evil and burning forests to the ground, so he let them be. He knew best what to get either way to travel comfortably in the Fire Nation.


They visited a few other islands on the way and now were floating downstream a river, running low on supplies. Sokka was trying to fish, but nothing was coming up and one look in the water explained why.

Zuko frowned, this looked like debris that was left after getting iron ore from the ground, but why was it in the river? They shouldn't dump it here. There was a city up there on the lake that relies on these waters to be clean and rich in fish. Their main trade was fishing. What was the factory director thinking?

It seemed Katara was similarly angered but she didn't bother holding it inside and raged outwardly.

When Appa couldn't swim through the muck anymore they moved to the shore and decided to look for the city on foot, but it was such a sad sight that Zuko's heart ached. He would rather starve than buy anything from them, but it was such a closed circle. They needed the money but they also needed the limited supplies they had to sell for the money they needed. He knew that while that factory is still working nothing will get better.

And he knew someone who can help take care of that, even if the mask was lost, grabbing another one wasn't hard. 

The Blue Spirit had a few visits to make.


Appa getting sick was a blessing in disguise, especially since it wasn't so much an illness and instead Appa gorged himself on berries too much, but what Katara and the others didn't know, didn't hurt them.

So once everyone was asleep he donned his Blue Spirit outfit and headed to the factory, subtly sabotaging the right machines that the repairs will take a few good days before they find everything and it's still such things that it won't put the village in suspicion of sabotage.

After that he swiftly got back to camp and frowned as Katara's bedroll was empty. He started looking around and paused as he saw the village's deity, the Painted Lady descending onto the shore. Only it was Katara, not the spirit… he couldn't let this go on.

“You know, dressing up as a deity may bring on the spirit's anger.” He said, making Katara jolt, half her makeup off, “Or at least that's what uncle used to say.”

Katara scoffed, “Says you.” She said, pointing to the mask in his hold.

Zuko sighed, “This is a theater mask. The others gave me the name Blue Spirit, I'm not dressing up as an existing one.” He countered her.

Katara flushed angrily, “So what, was I supposed to just leave them like that? To let them suffer?” 

Zuko sighed, rubbing his face, “I know what you feel, what do you think I was doing? But the best way to help them would be to end the war and have the new Fire Lord close the factory or change the regulations on filtering waste.” 

Katara just pouted and didn't speak more so he left her to finish changing and went to sleep. The situation repeated the next day and the day after but then he heard the commotion and both Katara and Aang were gone and the factory was on fire and… oh, they will get it from him.

When Katara and Aang returned Zuko was standing there with his arms crossed across his chest, Aang chuckling sheepishly and Katara glaring at him. He took a deep breath and in his best yell started, “What were you thinking!? Destroying the factory?! What if you got caught or hurt?! And did you even think of consequences?! Now that the factory is completely destroyed with clear signs of sabotage all the blame will go to the village on the lake! And do you know how many nearby villages as well will be affected as they will be taxed to cover the repairs of the factory?!” He ranted, the two wilting under his lecture.

“Well said, Zuko.” Sokka said, suddenly standing behind him with Toph, “But what's done is done, so let's deal with it.”

Zuko sighed, “Agni save me.” He muttered and went back to camp to change into his Blue Spirit outfit.

Sokka saw the mask for the first time and gasped, “Wait, you are the Blue Spirit? Dude, how many bounties are for your head?” He asked.

Zuko shrugged, “At least two, but some places just don't bother putting up a bounty.” He muttered, Sokka rubbing his face.

“Tui and La, save me from impulsive little sisters, overpowered airbenders and firebenders.” 

Toph coughed, “So, what next?”

What followed next was a crazy plan from Sokka that surprisingly worked and a tiring day spent on cleaning up the lake.

Zuko just hopes the next island will be a bit calmer.


Whatever Zuko expected it was not for a meteorite to hit near the town. He helped by putting out the flames and by absorbing and redirecting the heat from the scorching meteorite as the others did their thing. But he also saw Sokka sitting there dejected. He may have understood him a bit, having a prodigy sister and having been a late bloomer. If only he knew what to do.

Later they were eating a meal and Zuko, stunned, listened to Sokka speak, “It's just, each of you is so amazing and so special, and I'm not. I'm just the guy in the group who is regular.”

Katara got up and sat next to him, “I hope you know we don't think of you this way. You are so much more than that.”

Aang nodded, “Yeah, you can tell jokes and read maps and fight with weapons.”

“Zuko can do that too.” Sokka said dejectedly, “Except for the joke part.”

Zuko ignored the jab at him and exclaimed, “That's it! Sokka, pass me the map.” The teen gave it and Zuko looked at where they were, “What you need right now is a master to hone your craft. So, how do you feel about swords?”

Sokka brightened up only to deflate, “But, it's the fire nation, who will accept someone so blatantly watertribe?”

Zuko stood and dragged Sokka up from the steps, the others following as Zuko led the way, “I was a ridiculously late bloomer for firebending and my uncle sent me to his friend, Master Piandao to learn the way of sword, even if my father thought that was useless. He forbade me from coming at some point but I would sneak here until I got my mastery of the Dao blades. Piandao was always neutral and against the war, which was another reason my father didn't like me seeing him. But, if I am right, we have nothing to fear.” He said as they stopped in front of Master Piandao's mansion. He saw there was the lotus symbol on the door and smiled slightly. He used the knocker and waited.

“Master doesn't accept new students!” A shouted voice came and then a servant opened the gate, glaring at the oncomers until he saw Zuko.

“Would a visit from an old student be more welcome, Fat?” He asked with a small bow in the Fire Nation way.

Fat opened the gate further and rushed them inside, about to speak when a dignified voice came, “It's been a long time since you last visited me, my best student. Did you continue honing your craft?” The voice came and suddenly Zuko brandished his swords and parred an attack that came out of nowhere. The others wanted to intervene but Zuko shook his head. The two engaged in a duel, Zuko grinning as Piandao smiled faintly. Aang grinned as he watched while the others stood there stunned. Zuko was an amazing firebender but as a swordsman was even better. Sokka was amazed and hoped to learn sword fighting as well. 

When Zuko and Piandao came to a standstill they jumped back from each other and sheathed their swords, Zuko bowing deeply, “Master Piandao.”

Piandao smiled, “Not that I don't appreciate the visit from my favorite student, but this is a risky visit, Prince Zuko.”

Zuko nodded, “I know, master, but I have a favor to ask. And I knew this is safe, after all…” he gulped, trying to remember the words, “Those who favor the gambit of the white lotus will always find a friend.” 

Piandao blinked stunned and hummed, “Did your uncle introduce you to it?” 

Zuko shook his head, “He didn't say much, there was never time and then we got separated.” 

Piandao nodded, “Of course, what favor is it, Zuko?” 

The prince went to the others and dragged Sokka forward, “This is Sokka. He wants to learn the way of the sword. He's…” 

Piandao stopped him, “I know you probably have a way to advertise your friend but I will talk to him and decide if I will accept him as my student. The rest of you follow Fat. You can stay a bit as guests. I will wait for you later, Prince Zuko, for a nice round of Pai Sho. I will teach you the white lotus gambit.” He said and walked off, Zuko pushing Sokka to follow him.

The others were shown a big guest room with a closet full of futons. Katara fretted a bit, “What if he turns Sokka down?” She asked Zuko who shrugged.

“Then we will stay here, recuperate and I will try to teach Sokka on the way to Caldera. But… if Sokka is honest with him I think he will be accepted. Sokka has the makings of a great swordsman in him.” He said calmly, “I will go make some tea, ask Fat to show you to the garden.” He said, leaving the room.

This place was full of good memories for him, master Piandao was just what his battered self-confidence needed at the time and he's sure Sokka will feel better after this as well.


When the time came for them to move on Sokka didn't earn the title of the master yet but Zuko was tasked with continuing his training and he knew Sokka would soon earn the title from him. The prince was also gifted a better pair of swords than the ones he had now, that weren't his original pair, but some that he nabbed from a burglar as they traversed Earth Kingdom with Iroh. 

Piandao's creation was perfect and Zuko deeply appreciated the gift, even if Sokka bragged it wasn't better than his meteorite sword.

They moved to the next destination and as they camped in the middle of the forest Aang asked a question that made Zuko's blood go cold, “How did war even start?” 

At once all the eyes went to Zuko, “Why me?”

Sokka shrugged, “Well, you are a prince, so your royal education had to have covered it.”

Zuko rubbed his neck, “You need to remember, history is written by victors, a lot has changed over the time but… I was told that Sozin decided to expand the Fire Nation and fought with Avatar Roku. The avatar… he was friends with my great grandfather but apparently when Roku's island was consumed by lava Sozin… he was there and fought Roku, killing him. Uncle says that Sozin didn't do it, that Roku died as he failed to win against the volcanoes, but Sozin didn't help him either. I… I really don't know much, there's a lot of assumptions, but Roku's island is near here. We can go there if you want to see it.”

Sokka hummed, “The volcanoes?” 

“Not active anymore.” Zuko assured.

And so they went there, Aang meditating to talk with Roku about this pressing question of his. Zuko left him under care of the others, deciding to look around the island where his other great grandfather lost his life, to pay his respects.

When Aang returned from his spiritual journey he shared the tale of friendship and betrayal and then Aang looked at him, “And he also wanted me to tell you Zuko, that he's proud of you.” He said with a smile.

Zuko blushed and to his utmost humiliation felt tears gather in his unscarred eye, “Oh… at least one of my ancestors is not ashamed of me.” He whispered and at the other's gazes explained, “Both Sozin and Roku are my great grandfathers.” 

Aang beamed, “Does it mean I am your great grandfather too?” 

Zuko blushed, “It doesn't work like that!” He yelled.

Sokka tutted with a grin, “This is no way to talk to your great grandfather.” He said, everyone laughing, even Zuko smiling a bit.