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Derek gets a puppy. Stiles can't handle it. They kiss.


Hello, I'm back from the Empty! Much like everyone who disappears for ages, it's a combination of much life and little inspiration. As my writing urge has started to come back, I decided to take a look at the WIP's and ideas in my folder, and found this already finished story. I remember not being certain of it, but as I read it now, it gives me warm and fuzzy Sterek-feels, so I'm posting! Sometimes, a lovey quick-fix is all you need.

I'm not sure Stiles would've been in college when The Mandalorian came out, but I'm taking a leap that some overlap is possible. I mean really, it's only nerds like me that worry about that kind of pedantic detail anyway. :)

Hope you like! Feedback is lovingly drooled on.

Work Text:

Receiving a text from Derek makes Stiles smile every time, giddy with anticipation from the moment he sees the blurb on his phone. Most other notifications he can ignore for indefinite amounts of time, but Derek always has his instant attention. Whenever Stiles has to wait longer than ten seconds to read a message from him, he ends up sullen and distracted. At times he’s attempted to knowingly wait to read, thinking it can’t possibly be healthy to give so much attention to one person, especially since they’re not in a relationship. But it’s never stuck and he’s decided to embrace his quirks instead of judging himself for them.

It’s taken a few years for Derek to come around to the idea of readily using his phone for other things than calling to relay news of immediate danger, but now he’s as comfortable with sending text messages as photos and memes. Stiles likes to think part of that is down to him making sure to stay in touch with Derek as he went to college while Derek stayed in Beacon Hills. He knew he’d wear Derek down eventually, and he’s particularly happy that he’s made Derek understand the power of the gif.

All of the messages Derek has ever sent him does not, however, prepare Stiles for the death by cuteness that is an awkwardly angled selfie of Derek with a tiny puppy under his chin. The puppy is white and grey and has striking blue eyes and a long snout. It almost looks like a wolf cub.

Meet Mando the follow-up text says.

OMG SO CUTE!!! Stiles knows his face is split in two and that people must be looking at him like he’s crazy. He got so excited by the photo he had to stop walking in the middle of the street, so people probably think he’s a complete idiot too.

The bubbles indicating that Derek is composing a message appear and disappear, only to reappear. Stiles starts walking again, already writing again to ask who Mando is and if they’re someone permanent in Derek’s life and how the hell can a dog be so cute, when Derek’s message finally comes through and Stiles’ stomach swoops so fiercely he thinks it’ll fall out.

The dog or me? Derek asks, all innocent.

Stiles blinks. What the hell. How can this be? Him and Derek have been lowkey dancing around each other for ages, neither of them really acknowledging it. He knows it started for him sometime around senior year of high school, but he’s not sure when it happened for Derek. It’s been well over a year of them exchanging texts way more frequently than with their other friends, and jabs from those friends about being an old married couple because they like to sit next to each other whenever they’re together. It’s been knowing smiles and lingering looks, and fuck, Stiles never thought Derek would be the one to make the first move. Is he making a move? What if Derek’s making a move and is nervous as hell and Stiles is making him wait for a reply because he’s freaking out?

Stiles fumbles his fingers all over the screen as he taps out a response.

The dog.



Stiles sends in quick order. He remembers breathing, but barely. Derek sends another photo of Mando, conked out on Derek’s lap. He’s really adorable. Stiles’ insides turn into a gooey mess. He’s thankful he’s finally made it to his dorm, so he can call Derek and squee without any shame at all. He presses dial as he enters the building.

“Hey.” Derek says in a soft, warm voice as if he doesn’t want to disturb someone on his end.

“Did you get a puppy?” Stiles asks.

“I did, yeah.”

“Oh my god, who told you that was allowed? You can’t have a puppy that cute, that’s really not fair.”

Derek laughs quietly, a low rumble that makes Stiles feel all sorts of things. He can usually keep his crush under wraps but today that has gone out the window thanks to two innocuous pictures.

“I was at Deaton’s when the mom gave birth. Her owners couldn’t take all the puppies. I wasn’t planning to, but they were so small and helpless and I…” Derek explains.

“How old is he? Is it a he?”

“Yeah, he’s a boy. He’s nine weeks. I would’ve told you but I kept second-guessing it. He’s been at Deaton’s, first with the mom for a few days and then when she left, with three of his brothers, getting them used to eating and what not. Brought him home a couple of hours ago.”

“You’re gonna be an amazing dad.” Stiles said, sure of it. He’s hiked up the stairs the two floors to his room and fishes out his keys. “Have you, you know, flashed your eyes?”

“Yeah. He sneezed.”

Stiles falls through his door with laughter, kicking it closed behind him and falling down on his bed. He loves having a single room exactly for moments like this.

“He’s so tiny still, I’ll take him out the preserve in a few months, we can work on it there.” Derek says, ignoring Stiles. “Wait – he…”

“What?” Stiles prompts when Derek doesn’t end the sentence.

“He yawned.”

“Again, oh my god.” Stiles raises a hand to clutch at his heart. “I need so many pictures. So many! I can’t make it down for a few weekends.”

“That’s okay. Gives me some time to teach him who he really should be listening to.”

It’s comments like that, as if it’s a given that Stiles is gonna be a part of Mando’s life, that he’s gonna be around so much Mando might start taking cues from him, that makes Stiles think Derek and he might have a future together, if they ever give it a shot.

“Why Mando?” Stiles asks, trying to distract himself.

“You always said you wanted a dog called Lando, so I couldn’t take that. But I figured, Mando is Star Wars too, right?”

Stiles’ heart explodes at that. If he was in the same room as Derek, he’d pull him in and kiss him. At least he convinces himself that’s what he’d do. But he’s five hours away and Derek is an asshole for doing this to him.

“You don’t even like Star Wars.” Stiles points out, managing to sound completely normal.

Derek hums, before saying softly, “I like other things.”

“Derek.” Stiles is going to profess his undying love right here and now.


Stiles chickens out. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

“I can’t wait for him to meet you.”


The pictures don’t stop coming. Stiles creates a new chat for them on WhatsApp, specifically for pictures and messages about Mando. For the first weeks it’s mostly of Mando napping, or trying to stand, of his snout soaked with water and his eyes alight with happiness. Stiles finds himself scrolling through the pictures at any quiet moment between lectures, assignments and his shifts at the campus library. He also looks at them during lectures, assignments and shifts at the campus library.

After a little while there are short videos of Derek trying to train Mando, getting him to sit, calling him a good boy, making weird rumbling noises that Stiles figures is werewolf-connected somehow. Mando’s head tilts funny when Derek makes those noises. It’s too fucking adorable for words, so Stiles usually keysmashes a response, or sends exclamation points.

Every so often Derek pops up in the pictures and videos too, and they always freeze weirdly if he happens to look into the camera. Stiles’ dad makes a couple of cameos, as do Scott and Parrish. It makes Stiles both happy and lonely. He’s at college to get a criminology degree that will help the pack deal with legal stuff when they fight bad guys, and the plan has always been to return home. But graduation is still a year away, and right now that feels like lightyears away.


Usually, the first thing Stiles does when he visits Beacon Hills, is go to his dad’s place to drop off his things, have a shower and feed himself. This time he stops at Derek’s place first, and it’s only partly because it’s closer to the highway. After parking the Jeep next to Derek’s newly restored Camaro, Stiles hurries up the stairs to the loft, because he’s that excited to see Mando for real. He slows down when he makes it to the landing of Derek’s floor, remembering that Derek has been teaching Mando manners, such as not rushing to the door. But he’s still only three months old, and if Stiles still has a hard time not rushing to a door when someone knocks, Mando really can’t be expected to have gotten the hang of it yet.

Instead of using his keys, Stiles taps on the door and speaks in the general direction of it, “Derek? I’m here, but I don’t know how wide I can open the door without Mando running out.”

Since he doesn’t have werewolf hearing, Stiles doesn’t hear a response but a moment later the door opens narrowly.

“Hey, come inside quickly, okay?” Derek motions with his hand and when Stiles slides in underneath his outstretched arm, Derek closes the door instantly.

Stiles comes up short, staring down at the cutest little puppy he’s ever seen, sitting back on its haunches, watching Stiles with a tilted head. Mando meets Stiles’ eyes, seeming so excited to meet a new human. Mando forgets about sitting and trots over, freezing when he spots Derek crouching down.

“It’s okay Mando, come here. Meet Stiles.” Derek motions with his hands at the little dog.

Stiles crouches down too, and Mando takes it for the invitation it is, yelping as he flings himself at Stiles. He sniffs and licks and uses his big blue eyes, and Stiles falls irrevocably in love and also flat on his ass, Mando happily taking up residence on his lap.

“Oh my… Mando, my sweet little puppy, I’m so happy to see you, so happy! Aren’t you just the best little boy there ever was. Yes, you are!” Stiles definitely adopts a stupid voice for his love serenade.

“I thought he was gonna bumrush the door. We’ve been working on that.” Derek says, leaning into Stiles to pet Mando under his jaw.

Stiles spends the next couple of minutes on the floor with Mando, not bothering to take off his hoodie or shoes, just letting himself feel the love he already has for the little fellow. Derek leaves them for a short moment. When he returns, he starts taking pictures with his phone. When Stiles realizes, he smiles at the camera so wide his whole head hurts.

“You have the cutest little boy ever. I thought he looked a little like a wolf, and now that I see him for real…” Stiles gives Derek a pointed look.

“Yeah, that played a part.” Derek laughs awkwardly, cheeks reddening.

“You look good. I mean, all settled and shit. You’re usually stressed or worried or something. Relaxed is a rare look on you.”

Derek shrugs, “Your dad said something similar. I guess dogs are pretty awesome.”

“They are.” Stiles agrees. “Has dad been over?”

Derek offers Stiles a hand to help him up off the floor. Stiles takes it, but keeps his other hand around Mando so that the puppy stays resting against his chest. “We’ve met him at the station, and on our walk once. We’re taking really short walks still, but I can tell he’s gonna be a good tracker.”

Stiles snorts, “You have lessons planned already, right?”

“I’m prepared.” Derek counters, moving towards the kitchen area. He’s no doubt about to make sure Stiles is fed. Derek’s become more and more obsessed with feeding Stiles. Stiles doesn’t know if it’s because he’s looking more and more scrawny, or because he likes to complain about the shitty food on campus.

“Oh Mando,” Stiles sighs, looking down at the adorable puppy in his arms, “don’t worry, when he has you all tuckered out from sniffing scents in the woods, I’ll be right here with dog candy and pets, yes I will.”

“Sounds dreamy.” Derek says from where he’s taking things out of the fridge.

“Speaking of dreamy, I think this one is already in the land of a thousand dreams. He didn’t last long, did he?” Stiles says. “Does he like napping anywhere in particular?”

“See that blanket by the window?” Derek nods towards the far end of the loft. “He takes naps all the time. He’ll be back with us in a few minutes.”

Stiles walks over with Mando, depositing him on the red blanket Derek indicated. As he stands up he sees some low wooden planks on the staircase leading up to the second floor.

“You doing some DIY?” Stiles asks, pointing at the staircase.

“Oh.” Derek shakes his head after looking over, and goes back to putting tomato slices on some dark bread. “He’s not tried the stairs on his own yet, but I can’t have him falling through the cracks when he does, right?”

“Aww, are you puppy-proofing the loft?” Stiles feels his heart suddenly clench, like he’s gotten used to lately. “Told you you’d be a good dad.”

“Yeah.” Derek hums.

Stiles rests his arms on the kitchen island that Derek had put in last year, once he’d decided to keep the loft but make it more livable. He watches as Derek puts the finishing touches to two disappointingly healthy sandwiches. All week long he’s been thinking of finally talking to Derek about the thing between them, how maybe they’re ready for that conversation. He’s been trying to psych himself up, but he’s also been very aware of the fact that he’ll probably chicken out, or something will undoubtedly happen with their friends or the preserve that will stop them from having that conversation.

Derek pushes a plate towards Stiles. Stiles looks at it, pursing his lips.

“What? Not enough tomatoes for you?”

“Your texts have been weird.” Stiles answers.

“My texts what?” Derek asks, clearly confused.

“Sorry.” Stiles shakes his head, trying to find the right words. “Lately, ever since you got Mando, your texts have been… different.”

“Oh.” Derek looks sad all of a sudden. “Too much of him? I can tone it down.”

“You will do no such thing! I love my Mando content, don’t you dare take it away from me.” Stiles exclaims. “No, I mean the flirting.”

Derek blinks at him.

“You have been… flirting. Right?” Stiles asks very nervously.

“You have been too.” Derek says, almost accusingly.

“You started it!” Stiles flails his arms around, nearly toppling off the stool he’s sitting on, because of course his clumsiness is coming back with full force now that he’s finally opened up the can of worms he’s been keeping very tightly shut for years.

“No, I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did!”

“No–” Derek cuts himself off. “Doesn’t matter.”

Stiles takes a moment to breathe. He glances over at Mando, the sleeping puppy stretching a leg into the air. From the corner of his eye, he can see Derek focusing on Mando too. They’re both such suckers for the little dog, it’s unbelievable.

“Are we really doing this?” Stiles asks. “We’ve been ignoring it for so long.”

“I guess.” Derek says, not moving.

Stiles slides off his chair, and takes the few steps needed to stand next to Derek. Derek’s doing that thing where he folds in on himself to seem smaller than he really is. Stiles has never liked that move. He puts his hand on Derek’s lower arm. “You and me, I mean. Together. You know, intimately.”

Derek snorts, “I know what you mean.” His eyes come up to meet Stiles’. They’re so deep and full of hope and Stiles can’t look at them too long or he’ll never be able to look away. Derek gently places his hand on top of Stiles’. “Yeah. If you want to.”

“If I want to! Of course I want to! I’ve wanted to for ages.”

“I know. Me too.” Derek says quietly.

Stiles looks at their hands, how they’re now holding onto each other. “But it hasn’t been the right time before.”

“No, it hasn’t.” Derek agrees.

“Any particular reason that’s changed?”

“Not really.” Derek tilts his head and looks over at Mando for a second before Mando lets out a tiny bark at the empty air. “Just… Couldn’t stop thinking about you with Mando, how much you’d love him, how you’re gonna let him sleep on the bed. So.”

“Derek. Did you buy him for me?” Stiles asks.

“No, not – no. I got him because I wanted to, for me. But I wanted you too. I guess getting one thing, made me realize I could have the other thing too. Or at least try to have it. So here we are.”

“Indeed.” Stiles steps even closer, pressing their sides together. “You know, I’m gonna have to be here all the time now. For Mando, of course.”

“Sure.” Derek’s eyebrow twitches.

“And maybe for something else.” Stiles zeroes in on Derek’s lips, that look so tempting even though they’re chapped and pale.

“Hm.” Derek tilts his head. All Stiles has to do is lean up an inch and they’ll be kissing. His stomach is in an uproar, butterflies slapping their wings so hard there’s a hurricane inside of him.

“Please kiss me.” Stiles whispers.

Derek does. A second later Mando barks and sits up, adorably confused about where he is.

“You have to teach him to not bark so much.” Stiles says, an idiotic grin on his face.

“We’re working on it. How about you help me with that? He is your dog too.”

Stiles sighs dreamily. Then he straightens, gives Derek an indignant look. “Oh no, don’t think I don’t see where this is going. You are in charge of picking up his poo after him, don’t even try.”

“We’ll talk more later.” Derek decides, kissing Stiles in a blatant effort to distract him.