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Use me 'till my use is nothing


Heat rises onto Max's cheeks at the thought of what they've planned. It's forbidden and unholy and frankly, extremely hot. Lewis had approached Max with the idea not too long ago and he was not averse to it in the slightest. Except for the obvious risk they were taking this was something that Max knew Lewis needed on some level and for that exact reason they had chosen this chapel anyway.
Small, secluded and private.


Or, Lewis and Max visit a small mountain chapel in Italy in between race weekends, trying to spend some quality time with each other.


Was feeling a little silly yesterday night and decided to finish this month old wip in a sleep-deprived haze.

I do not own either Lewis Hamilton nor Max Verstappen (just imagine 😩).

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

It's a beautiful chapel in a little village in the mountains.

Lewis had suggested they go to Italy a week early to have some time for themselves before the race weekend. Max, of course, had loved the idea of having Lewis completely to himself, without the adoring fans demanding his full attention.

The chapel had been Lewis' idea as well. He told Max about the time he had visited once as a child between the busy days of karting and Max just couldn't deny him the wish of a revisit.

That's how he finds himself walking up the steep path up to the imposing stone building, looking at the broad shoulders of his lover from behind. There is a huge wooden cross atop the chapel's entrance, looming over everyone entering.
Lewis had explained to him once that it is meant as a reassurance that God is with you and looking out for your every step.

Max himself was not raised in faith and never felt the need to believe in anything higher than himself, but he knows that Lewis' faith is an integral part of him and Max also knows that he loves every aspect of his boyfriend, including his religion. So he pushes through the burn in his calves and wipes away the sweat that's dripping from his forehead to finally reach Lewis, who is already standing next to the chapel's entrance.

His smile is bright, almost blinding and Max briefly forgets about his aching muscles and the sun relentlessly beating down on them as Lewis lifts one hand to Max's face to wipe some more sweat from his brows.
He pulls the younger man down a little to press a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you so much. Thank you for doing this with me." Max presses a kiss to the older's forehead. "I love you too and you know I'd do anything for you."

Lewis presses himself to his chest despite the suffocating heat and Max is once again a little scared by the realisation of how much he believes what he said. Lewis and him may not be the picture perfect couple you see on TV or read fairy tales about, but Max knows that the smaller man is the one for him and that he would give him the world if he could. Which is part of why they're standing here right now.

When Lewis loosens his grip around Max’s waist he squints up at his face against the sun, framing Max’s face like a halo. "Let's go inside." He says before pulling on Max's hand, past the wooden door.

It's dark inside and the air is cool, dust dancing in the slivers of sunlight filtering in through the entrance. Huge windows cast spots of light in all colors of the rainbow onto the sandstone floor.

Max has to catch his breath for a second and feels Lewis lacing their fingers together. They make their way up the aisle together, turning right when they reach the altar. At the end of the side aisle stands a small marble statue of the holy Mary, next to it a brass holder with a few burning candles.

Lewis fishes some coins out of his pocket and puts them into the little box for donations. He takes a new candle and presses it softly into Max's hand, his own coming to rest on top of it, steadying the unsure fingers of his lover. Deft fingers guide Max's hands to a large candle used to light the others, they put the candle down in the left corner of the holder and Lewis takes a more secure hold of Max's hand.

"Dear God" he starts to whisper into the stale air, his words sounding reverent. "Please hold your protective hand over my Max in the upcoming race. He is the one I love and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if something happened to him. So I ask you, most benevolent god, grant him your love and protection. Amen."

At his last words Lewis looks up to find Max already looking at him. "You're incredible." The younger mumbles before leaning down to him to kiss the love of his life properly. They part after a few seconds and Lewis touches their foreheads together.

"I have some other things to discuss with the big man. How about you go on ahead and I'll be with you in a minute?" The older can feel his partner nodding against him and then he's gone.

Max sees Lewis sitting down in the front row while he scans the rest of the chapel. There are two other people besides them: a middle-aged man towards the back on the left side and an elderly woman with a scarf covering her hair in the middle on the right. Both seem to be concentrated on their own prayer and don't spare Max a second glance. He hadn't noticed when they came in, but there's actually a small group of teens practicing a choir piece on the gallery.

It definitely sounds like a hymn of some sort blending into the numinous atmosphere perfectly; probably for next Sunday's service.

The priest is away with sickness this week, just as planned the confessional sits empty on the far wall of the other side aisle. Heat rises onto Max's cheeks at the thought of what they've planned. It's forbidden and unholy and frankly, extremely hot.

Lewis had approached Max with the idea not too long ago and he was not averse to it in the slightest. Except for the obvious risk they were taking this was something that Max knew Lewis needed on some level and for that exact reason they had chosen this chapel anyway. Small, secluded and private.

The dark wooden door creaks when Max opens it and he has to take a minute to marvel at the intricate wood carvings in the dark wood. Inside the air is warmer and he can see dust dancing around in front of his eyes. He steps in and stuffs his backpack under the bench, they're gonna need all the space they can get.

Suddenly he becomes hyper aware again of the lace sticking to his sweaty skin under his clothes. It's a little surprise Max planned exactly for this occasion.

It's not like he's never worn lingerie before, but usually it's something strictly reserved for their bedroom and only for when Max is especially at ease with himself and his body. But this time Max decided he could make an exception for Lewis.

This still seems like something incredibly important to Lewis and his faith and while Max can't really understand what sex in a church will do for his boyfriend, he's willing to give it to him without asking.

Slowly he pulls his shirt over his head, revealing the delicate white silk bra he's wearing. The cooling sweat on his skin makes him shudder despite the warmth and he feels his nipples stiffening from the cold feeling. He briefly runs his hands over them and the small lace flowers stitched onto the bra and shudders again, this time for a whole different reason.

He's wearing white because he read online that it symbolises purity and holiness, in case Lewis knows that and maybe appreciates it.

His pants and shoes are the next thing to go, uncovering the white lace panty with the same flower pattern. He reaches under the small bench for his backpack pulling out his garters, belt and stockings. It has the flowers too and Max holds the fabric in his hands for a few seconds. It's see-through and soft.

It is very pretty and Max feels a little like a present as he wraps the belt around his admittedly wide hips and waist. It was an absolute hassle to order a size that would fit him even remotely and then discreetly get it tailored to his measurements, so he lets out a sigh of relief when it clips shut in the back easily, fitting snugly against his frame.

He steps into the stockings and swiftly attaches them to the garters. Checking quickly if everything is in place, Max gets a chance to look down at himself. He'd worn the set before at home to see if it fit, but now in the dark confessional in a chapel on top of a mountain doubts start to creep in.

What if Lewis doesn’t like it? What if he changes his mind and Max dressed up for nothing? That would be so incredibly humiliating and Max breaks out in a cold sweat at the thought. Should he change again? Does Lewis even like it when Max puts on lingerie? The sets are made for women for fucks sake, why is Max even wearing them?

Before his thoughts can spiral ever more the door opens a tiny crack wide and he flinches harshly, his hands coming up to cover his body. Lewis peeks inside and his eyes go wide, mouth hanging open in an ‘o’ shape. Max looks at him with pleading eyes.

"Close the door please Lew." He asks in a whisper. Lewis seems to snap out of his trance at that and steps inside quickly. Max can't tear his eyes away from his boyfriend's face, who's still raking his eyes over his body.

"Say something?" He pleads, slowly getting desperate for any kind of readable reaction. There's absolutely no space between them. It's cramped to begin with, but with two people you reach the absolute limit.

"Max…" a hand comes to rest on his cheek, careful and reverent as if Max could break under the slightest pressure. He leans into the touch and presses a kiss to Lewis' wrist. That seems to spur Lewis into action once again, surging forward as much as he can to cradle Max’s face in his hands and kiss him with a feverish urgency.

"You are so beautiful darling. Magnificent and unbelievable. I love you so much." Lewis mumbles and Max can only whine against his demanding lips in lieu of an answer.

He reaches for the hem of Lewis' shirt to finally get to the heavenly skin he knows better than his own by now, but his boyfriend's hands stop him before he can even start to pull it off him. Max only gets to look confused for a second before Lewis hoists him onto his hips, Max's legs wrapping around him, and starts to turn them around in the cramped space.

He sits down on the bench himself so that Max can comfortably sit on his lap. Lewis's hands are everywhere, his back, his thighs, his nipples. Max arches into every single touch and revels in the attention his lover is giving him.

"Max, I'm so proud of you that you felt comfortable enough to do this for me, to show yourself off in such a way."

"You really like it?" Max can't help but ask.

"Like it? I love it Max. You're so perfect for me." He starts pressing kisses into his skin again, alternating with sucking marks into the delicate skin of his neck. Max moans softly, trying not to make too much noise while snaking one hand into Lewis' braids to hold him where he is.

He feels himself getting hard in his panties and starts to move around in Lewis' lap until he finds his lover's erection pressing into the underside of his thigh. Slowly he starts grinding down to tease his boyfriend and get him to hurry up.

Lewis groans into his neck and starts to lean backwards until his back hits the wall, which gives Max an excellent opportunity to sneak his hands under Lewis's shirt and tease him further by stroking and twisting his nipples. This pulls a gasp out of him and he looks up at Max with narrowed eyes.

"You temptress. So perfect." He mumbles and Max leans forwards to kiss him again. Lewis' hands come up to frame his face and press their lips together with more force. Max uses the opportunity to reach in between them and open Lewis' pants freeing his erection from the restraints of the fabric. Lewis moans into his mouth as Max squeezes the base of his cock and briefly spits in his hand to start sliding his hand up and down.

His own dick is still pressing against the soft fabric of his panties and he aches with the desire to be touched, but he can put his own pleasure aside for the moment to fully focus on his lover.

Lewis has stopped kissing him and is now simply panting against Max’s cheek while running his hands up and down the younger's body. "Take off your bra. Let me touch your tits, baby."

Max chokes a little at the thought of having real tits for Lewis to touch, but that thought leaves him as quickly as it came as he fumbles with the little clasp in the back, trying to maneuver his arms in the limited space. A frustrated whine leaves his mouth when it doesn't open on the first try, but he feels his boyfriend's fingers on his back immediately, coming to aid him in his task.

Their noses brush together and as the bra is unlocked Lewis softly pecks him on the lips. His hands splay out on Max back to steady him and he lowers his head to take one of the younger's nipples in his mouth. Max is gasping again in no time and he holds one hand against his mouth to quieten himself down.

Lewis meanwhile is continuing his ministrations, alternating between licking, biting and twisting the two buds. His cock still standing proudly between their bodies and Max just has to touch it again.

"I want you inside me. Oh my god, Lewis-" He whisper-moans into Lewis' braids, which are shoved into his face due to their position. "Your wish is my command." His boyfriend replies cheekily and Max just has to kiss the grin off his face.

As they part again Max can twist around to reach for the backpack where he stored a small bottle of lube in one of the compartments. When he turns around Lewis is looking at him, adoration clear in his eyes.

"Can I?" He asks tentatively and Max simply stares at him. "Are you sure you want to? There's so little space and I can do it myself of course."

"Please." The younger man hands his boyfriend the bottle. If he's being honest with himself, he hoped for Lewis to intervene and claim the part of preparing Max for himself. The position's a little awkward as Lewis has to reach between them and under Max to nudge the lace of his panties aside in order to reach the younger's hole. But they manage, they always do.

Lewis' finger carefully prods at Max's rim, easily slipping in to the first knuckle with Max being so relaxed as he is right now. Slowly he lets the finger slip in deeper until he can't go further, pulling out again and thrusting up, up, up in search of that special spot.

"A-another one…Lewis-ah" Max is panting against his lover's ear. He has pulled him down again against his chest, arms slung around his neck. Lewis complies almost instantly, easing another finger into the younger man on his next thrust. They stay like this for a few minutes: Max holding onto Lewis, rocking down on his fingers softly, meeting the small thrusts of the older man to gradually loosen him up.

Slipping in a third finger poses no difficulty and Max almost doesn’t notice it happening, too lost in the way he slowly fucks himself on Lewis' fingers. "You feel ready?" Lewis whispers after another minute, breath hot on Max's ear. Letting a soft whine slip past his lips Max nods his approval and quickly sits up on his knees with shaky legs.

His garter belt smoothes out again, but his lace panties are taut over his erection, a dark patch having formed on the front. Max lets one hand slip past the cloth of the belt into the undergarment. It relieves some of the pressure and Max sighs contentedly.

"Do not move your hand." Comes Lewis' stern voice. "You can hold yourself, but I will be the only one causing you pleasure today." Max has to swallow hard, Lewis' dark and demanding voice sending shivers down his spine. "Yes, sir." Are the only words his mouth can form.

Lewis' already dark gaze turns predatory at that and he wastes no time lubing himself up and forcing Max's hips down on his cock. Max groans, low and guttural but is cut off by two of Lewis' fingers pushing into his mouth.

"You have to be very quiet now, babygirl." He mumbles, the strain of holding off from fucking the younger into the wall clear in his voice. Max's eyes roll back into his skull at the nickname and he sucks on the fingers in his mouth, them being the only thing stopping the younger from floating away.

Well, the fingers and Lewis' cock buried deep inside him. Slowly Lewis guides Max's hips upwards, only for Max to sink down again abruptly. They find a steady rhythm and while Max relishes in the feeling of being stuffed to the brim, drool leaking out of his mouth past the fingers in it, the faint voices of the choir reach his ears.

It feels as though their act is consecrated through the hymns and chorales in this place of worship. There is one thing in particular that Lewis wants to worship now though and that's Max, who is gliding up and down his dick and who looks so beautiful, just for him.

Max is still sucking on his fingers, tongue moving around them in his mouth. Lewis lets them slip out, but replaces them promptly with his lips, his tongue pushing past lips and teeth to lick into his lover's mouth. Max hums quietly and lets his hands slide down Lewis' body, past his abs and the small of his back to grab at his ass.

His thighs are starting to burn from the exertion of lifting himself up again and again, but the slide of Lewis dick pushing into him past the lace of the panties, which carelessly got shoved to the side, makes him feel so much that he can't stop himself.

The small bench they're sitting on is creaking quietly with every thrust and Max is praying to whatever god is there that no one comes to look if somethings up. As if he could read his mind Lewis looks at him and starts murmuring in his ear. "You need to be quiet when I make you come. We wouldn't want anyone looking in here, would we? Or is that what you want?"
His voice is low and a little rough around the edges, Max feels the hair on his body stand up.

"Mmh, Babygirl? Do you want people to see you like this? With your lace panties on, bouncing on my cock so prettily." Breathy moans are escaping Max as he fucks himself on Lewis's cock, the mental images described by the older man playing in his head.

"Lewis, mmh- please touch me. Oh-" Lewis takes one of his hands into his own and presses a kiss into his palm, what happens after makes Max blank out completely, because Lewis stands up, clutching the underside of Max's thighs and presses him into the wall of the confessional. He takes a few more thrusts to aim for that perfect spot before he hits it dead on and Max bites his tongue hard, almost drawing blood, in order not to scream.

Lewis fucks him relentlessly, hitting his prostate on every thrust, so Max can only hold onto him and claw at his back. "Lew- baby I'm close!"

"You gonna come for me on my cock alone or does babygirl need a little help?" Lewis tries to ask in a seductive way but Max can hear the strain in his voice which betrays the way he's trying to hold on himself.

“Please, touch me!” Max's voice sounds wrecked despite never rising above a whisper, tears leaking from his eyes, catching in his lashes. He feels his lover's warm hand sneaking between them, curling around his dick with a tight grip.

Max's eyes fly open in surprise. He can't come like this and going by the look on Lewis' face the other knows that too, but there's no malice in his features, only mischief. So Max lets go of all his reservations and surrenders his body for another man's pleasure, squeezing down on Lewis' dick to help him on.

“Max, my perfect boy. My talented, beautiful champion. I'm gonna fill you up so good, gonna stuff you so I can eat my come out of you afterwards.” Max's already frayed nerves get lit up again and he almost goes crazy at the words uttered against his skin. His lips find Lewis' and he squeezes down on his boyfriend's dick in a last ditch effort.

Lewis comes with a stifled groan, mouth hanging open against Max’s cheek, who presses a hand flat against the older’s chest to push him away softly. They find their way back to their previous position on the bench, where Lewis has to take a few deep breaths to come back to himself while Max is once again made aware of his aching cock between them.

He squirms a little, Lewis' softening dick slowly slipping out of him with a small amount of come. Without saying a word Lewis gets up from the bench, pushing Max to sit on it instead, coaxing him to lean back as far as possible and lifting his lover's legs onto his own shoulders. He gets to work immediately, tongue licking a broad stripe over the lace still covering Max's loose hole, which has the younger stifling exclamations with his fist in his mouth.

Lewis’ fingers hook into the soaked fabric to get better access, pushing his tongue straight into Max to lick him clean inside and out. Max is seriously struggling to hang on, his cock flushed angry red dripping precum onto his abs, but Lewis said no touching so Max does not touch.

It takes approximately another two minutes until Lewis deems him clean although it might as well have been two millenia if you were to ask Max. “Lewis please, I'm begging you. I need you to let me come.” The plea almost sounds like a sob, Max showing his desperation unashamedly.

“My baby wants to come, mmh?” Lewis asks in faux naïveté, giving his lover no chance to answer before swallowing down his dick. Max honest to god screams, for once not caring if anyone hears. Lewis moving his head up and down in a dizzying tempo that has Max coming in only a few moves.

He spills down his lover's throat, feels Lewis choking and swallowing around him. His body is made of sensation, his conscious ascending earthly realms. Lewis lets his dick slip out of his mouth and goes to stand, Max's legs falling off his shoulders in a tangle of useless limbs, twitching from the force of his orgasm.

He feels himself get hoisted up against a warm chest, soft hands stroking the side of his face and gripping the short hair at his nape. He puffs out short breaths against the soft skin he's sagged against.

“You did so well Max. You were so good, so perfect for me.” Lewis’ words pull a pleased hum out of Max, too exerted to form a coherent answer. They spend another five minutes leaning against each other in the cramped space, catching their breath and soaking up the other's presence before Lewis softly nudges his nose against Max’s.

“Hey baby? I think it's time to get up and go now. You think you can do it?”

“Yea…If you help me.” Max slurs into the skin of Lewis’ neck, a damp spot formed where Max was drooling a little, too close to falling into a pleasure induced sleep.
“Of course, darling.”

The younger straightens up a bit in an effort to appear at least remotely put together. Lewis quickly assesses his boyfriend's condition before grabbing the discarded backpack that’s still lying on the ground next to them and pulling out a packet of biodegradable baby wipes to wipe them clean.

He makes quick work of them, Max going pliant beneath his lover’s careful touches, letting himself be manhandled into positions that makes it easier to tidy him up. Soft hands unclasp the garter belt behind his back, slowly roll the stockings down his legs and help him step out of the ruined panties.

He gets dressed again in the same way, lifting his legs or arms when he’s told to do so, swaying gently on his feet. A soft kiss to each of his closed eyes pulls him back down to earth, slowly opening them he’s greeted with an angel, except it’s Lewis smiling up at him.

“Ready to leave big boy?” Max nods and lets himself be pulled out of the confessional, sparing a last glance at the wooden box that they just desecrated. It looks just as when he entered, nothing alluding to the proceedings that took place in it merely ten minutes ago. The choir is still singing and the two churchgoers are still praying, Max takes a deep breath.

Outside the sun is still blinding, the mountains still loom over them and Max is still so so in love.


Hope you had as much fun with this as I did and please pray for my soul as I am most definitely going to hell after this one.

For anyone wondering what Max was wearing: I had this set in mind while writing.

come find me on tumblr<3