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This Story Has Been Told Before: Chapter I


This story was told once before and will be repeated with different endings, different beginnings, and different characters.
It is up to you to open this book and read from its chapters, for no one can force you. However, as I've said, this story has been told before and will be told again, so whether you read this one or not, you already know what lies within.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Once Upon a Time

Chapter Text

As she slashed at the woman clad in black, the blade of her sword fell upon the cobblestone floors. The clashing echo filled the grand hall, instilling hysteria amongst those sitting in the pews. Snow's ragged breath was heard by the few close to the aisle. David stood beside her, holding a shield, and immediately lifted it as the Queen threw a ball of flame at the two of them.

"See, I told you making the deal for this shield was a smart idea," he quipped with a jovial grin, his green eyes sparkling as he met his wife's darkened gaze. Her ruby-like eyes brightened briefly before they rolled as she chuckled, then raised her sword from the floor. Her eyes darkened again as she focused on the woman she once saw as a mother.

The dark veil obscured the Queen's face. Her leather pants and shirt were tattered from the few blows Snow had inflicted on her, but her posture remained poised. Her hands held two fireballs as she glowered from behind her veil. She threw her long, pitch-black hair over her shoulder and slammed her hands to the floor, spreading the fire along all the white decorations.

Snow buckled as the wedding decorations were scorched to a crisp, causing her rage to burn along the decor she hand-made specifically for today. With her outrage burning as brightly as the fire, she started to charge at the Queen. Not even David's grip on her wrist was firm enough to hold her back.

The Queen seemed to be accepting of the blade until she captured the edge with her hands and liquefied it. Snow allowed what was left of the sword to plummet to the ground. Her eyes fell to the floor, where she saw the melted liquid that was once her father's sword. As if the Queen dealt a blow, she fell to her knees, and her locks of white hair fell to cover her eyes, hiding the tears welling inside them.

"I always hated that dammed sword," the Queen said coldly, then quirked her head as David dove towards Snow's side and wrapped an arm around her. "How pathetic the little princess needs a Shepard to protect her," she said, slowly descending to them.

"If you're going to kill me, get on with it," Snow White snapped as she scowled at the Queen, who was only cocking her head to the side.

"Now, what's the fun in that little Snowbell?" she said, pushing back a lock of Snow White's hair behind her ear and then standing up. "I only came to warn you, my darling stepdaughter," she turned towards the people still in the hall. "You're the one who decided to attack your dear old stepmother." she placed her hand on her chest and sighed dramatically.

The crowd stepped back as she sauntered, her hands slowly grazing the burnt-up decorations. "As usual, you forced my hand, and I had to do something I didn't want to do," she said while her shoulders slumped and then turned on her heel. "But well, what can I expect from a spoiled princess?" she spat out.

Snow had finally stood up with David by her side, holding up the shield. The two stared at her, holding defiant glares while their hands interlocked. "Then why have you come here?" Snow contested as she maintained her head up high. David smiled softly at Snow before glaring back at the Queen, tightening his grasp on her hand.

The Queen made a face of disdain while her eyes flickered with envy and misery. However, it was concealed behind her veil. She shut her eyes and strode towards them.

"As I said, little Snowbell," she came inches away from reaching them before David elevated the shield. She scoffed but halted in her position. "I came with a warning and perhaps even an offering for your wedding," she informed while her hands delicately sank to her front.

"We want nothing from you," Snow snapped and made a move to lunge at her before David held her back. She smoothed herself out and glared at the Queen before allowing herself to stand by David again.

"Oh, but my dear stepdaughter, you shall have it." she flicked her hand, and David was hurled to the wall, landing on the floor with a grunt. Snow pivoted immediately to try and reach her love when, suddenly, the callous grip of the Queen's hand pulled her around.

Snow growled and struggled against her grip, but the Queen leaned in closer. "You see, my offering is this happy, happy day." Snow glared with all her might as if willing her looks to kill. "Because tomorrow, Snowbell, is when my real work begins." she released her as if touching her was like holding a rabid beast.

Snow instantly ran to David and caressed his face softly. He beamed at her, wobbly stood up, and balanced himself with her strength. Suddenly, a gasp came from the collected people, and the two turned to see a puff of smoke vanishing where the Queen once stood. Snow shut her eyes angrily as David stabilized by her side and softly caressed her shoulder.


With deliberate precision, his hand grabbed the other side of the book, shut it gently, and set it beside him on the seat. His eyes wandered to the bag he carried beside him, and he opened it slowly, making sure not to disturb the organization within. His hand reached in, and he grabbed a protein bar he brought. He opened it slowly and ate it with a sense of refinement, as if he had been trained at a young age to be graceful no matter where he was.

After he consumed his protein bar, he neatly folded the packaging into a small square, and with a particular tact, Henry set it back into his bag, sliding it into a pocket of his bag that he had left empty precisely for this.

He leaned his head against the glass window, and his eyes strayed to the outside and the station coming closer and closer in view. The corners of his lips curled into a wide smile as the bus slowed down. As quickly and delicately as he could, he collected his belongings. He froze upon his book and became far more cautious as he gripped it tightly and squeezed it into his tiny chest.

As he stepped off the bus, his smile remained plastered. He strode not as if he were a ten-year-old looking for something. No, he was walking as if he had a mission, and he did.

He, Henry Danny Mills, was going to find the Savior.

This had to be the worst birthday to date, she thought to herself as she ascended the stairs to her apartment. Firstly, she had to work tonight, and then, to make it worse, the guy was a complete sleaze. The only good thing was that she caught the jerk. It, however, didn't come without a fatality.

Staring at her stained dress, Emma groaned softly, thinking of the cost of the dry-cleaning alone as she tried to unlock her door, but it mostly became fighting with the busted lock that her landlord kept saying he was going to get fixed. She groaned in frustration as she kicked the door and slumped against it. She sighed momentarily, calming herself down before proceeding to the only window in the hall.

She moved the curtain to the side, glanced out the window, and sighed softly as she looked at the inky black skies filled with the darkest clouds Emma had ever seen. Her life felt as bleak as the night skies looked. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a bright star shined behind one of the clouds.

Usually, Emma Swan was a realist, or at least that's what she liked to think of herself. She had always assumed that she was realistic and mature, but as the star shined and twinkled, a part of her felt the absolute need to believe. So on her twenty-eight birthday, she shut her eyes and cautiously lifted her hand to the window pane, and for the first time in years, Emma Swan wished upon a star.

"Hey, are you Emma Swan?" a soft voice uttered behind her. Immediately, she turned on her heel and stared down to see a young boy. His hair was a light brown and scruffy, and he looked up at her with shining hazel eyes. His skin looked like a calm, tawny tone she hadn't seen since. She paused. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked over the kids' attributes.

She slowly leaned down to him. "Who's asking?" she could feel her heart racing as her entire being begged her to be wrong about her theory.

"My name's Henry," he beamed excitedly as he tightened his hold on an old-looking leather-bound book. "I'm your son," he said proudly, holding his head high. All the while, Emma felt bile coming up her throat from her stomach.

Snow paced back and forth around the war table and then groaned as she tore up a plan she had been working on for the past three hours. She leaned against the table and took out the quill, once again trying to will herself into making up a plan.

"All these anxieties you are facing are not suitable for the baby," David murmured as he walked by her side. "no, I'm not talking about me this time, but I understand if you were mistaken," he said softly as he rubbed her back gently.

She wanted to laugh, but she could only glare at the blank parchment paper, and her grip tightened on the quill. She felt David's eyes on her, which enraged her more. How is she supposed to protect him if he keeps trying to make her calm down? Suddenly, the quill snapped, and the ink splattered over the parchment and her hands.

She slammed her hand on the table, groaned angrily, and hurled what was in her sight to the floor, making David flinch backward. She sighed angrily, rested her head on the table, shut her eyes, and attempted to silence her thoughts.

A warm hand rested on her head, and David's fingers ran through her hair. He twirled the strands while delicately massaging her scalp. She sighed, and her eyes fluttered open only to see him looking down at her with trepidation.

"Do not look at me that way, Charming," she mumbled, turning her head away from him.

"Well, excuse me for fretting over my expectant wife," he said mockingly. His hand sank to her back and rubbed in a circular motion. "Darling, you have not rested properly since our wedding night, and that was maybe two hours at most."

She stood and pushed off the table to glower at him when the words left his mouth. "Because this is all my fault." she threw her hands up and then balled up her fists.

"I'm the one she detests and wants to harm, and because of me, she shall be taking her fury out on everyone else." she shut her eyes, holding back the tears of anger.

"And you're telling me just to settle myself and rest while she's out there planning, Gods knows what, because I ruined her life." she shook her head and pushed back strands of her hair that were out of place.
"You were fourteen," his words were hushed as he tried to reach towards her. However, she raised her hand before he could move and glared at him.
"Don't," she said, enraged, then softer, "please." Her eyes flickered away, and she turned from him.

He stayed silent, backed away from the table, approached her, and held her back softly as she leaned into his touch.

"If anyone is harmed or worse," she murmured, then shook her head and pressed her forehead into his chest. "I can not permit that, David." she grasped his shirt tightly. "I need to know what she's planning." she looked up at him instantly, and his eyes widened.

"No," he blurted out immediately and moved away from her. "David," he immediately cut her off, raised his hands, and swung them around.

"Snow, we trapped him for a reason," his hands flew up. "And Gods, I feel as though he wanted to be trapped in the first place." she rolled her eyes, exasperated, and reached for him.

She slowly lowered his arms and looked him in the eyes. "He's the only person who would know," she murmured in a hushed whisper.

He stared at her, meeting her gaze, and slowly shut his eyes. "If this shall calm you down, then" he sucks in a breath. "What kind of a husband would I be if I didn't support you in this endeavor?" he sighed, looking resignedly.

"Listen, kid." Immediately, she was cut off as the kid turned the keys into her door and opened her apartment as if she had not just been struggling to get in moments before.

"Huh," she let out as the kid walked into her apartment with his head high. He placed his stuff on her worn-out couch, returned to the door, and peered at her. "You coming?"

She scoffed and walked into her apartment, muttering, "Well, it is my apartment."

The kid was quick with his response. "Then why couldn't you open it?" he smirked and jumped onto her couch.

"Okay, hah hah, kid, but seriously, I don't have a kid."

He opened his book and cut her off. "In Boston ten years ago when you were eighteen," her eyes widened in fear. "Well, that was me, and don't worry, you had to give me up. I get it," he beamed at her.

It caused a pit in her stomach, and she raised a finger and turned to her restroom, leaving him shrugging and returning to his book.

Emma gripped her sink as she looked into the mirror. She shook her head, ran her fingers through her hair, and struggled to hold back a scream. She dropped her hands to her side and looked into the mirror. Tears threatened to fall down her face. This can't be happening, she thought to herself. She laughed humorlessly, and her legs felt wobbly until she heard his muffled voice from outside the door.

"You have anything to drink." As she was about to speak, she heard his footsteps and the fridge opening. "Woah! Jackpot juice." she listened to some more shuffling in the kitchen and opened the bathroom door a smidge to find him carefully pouring the juice into a glass.

"Yknow, my mama rarely lets me have sugary drinks. She says she doesn't trust this brand. Says it has no nutritional value, and it's pure sugar," he said, dramatically waggling his finger. He then took a sip and smiled. "It sure is yummy, though."

She let out a laugh and ran her hand through her hair. "Listen, kid,"

"Welp, time for us to get on the road. They've been waiting twenty-eight years already. I can't have them wait anymore. That's just rude." the kid walked to her and smiled, then grabbed his stuff from the couch.

She stared at him as if he grew an extra head and cocked her own to try and study him. "That's it, I'm calling the cops." she turned to her phone on the table. "Maybe they'll understand your weirdness." She muttered more to herself than anything.

"Then I'll tell them you abducted me," he said, shrugging with a sly smile.

She looked him up and down, crossed her arms, and tilted her head. "No, you won't."

"Oh yes, I will." he held his head high and remained as stoic as possible. His facade meant nothing to Emma when she knew he was lying.

"You see, kid," she leaned against the couch and grabbed her phone. "I'm not that gifted in anything, but I do have this one thing." she started to dial the number, and his face wavered.

"I know when someone is lying." She grinned for a moment. "Always"

His demeanor didn't change, and she started to raise her phone to her ear until he let out a sigh of defeat.

"Please don't call the cops." She rolled her eyes and stared at him incredulously. "Please," his hazel eyes rendered her incapable, and she slid her phone into her pocket.

"Listen, kid," she crouched down to him. "Your er mama must be worried sick about you." his eyes flickered down.

"She probably is, but" he shook his head. "This is more important than her. More so than either of us. You're more important." he grabbed her hands, and Emma could only feel the guilt and nausea rising in her belly.

"Kid, listen," she began as she pulled her hands away and rubbed the back of her neck, but he just shook his head.

"Look, at the very least, can you take me home?" he said softly, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

Emma felt her breathing falter momentarily before she knew she had to agree. She just had to with those eyes staring up at her.

She groaned for a while before beginning to nod her head. "Fine, fine." she ran a finger through her hair as she sighed in annoyance.

"Just me dropping you off. That's all this is," Emma said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

His smile beamed up at her, and honestly, it was a little disheartening for Emma to look at, so she made her way to the side table where he had placed her keys. She heard his soft footsteps stop beside her, and she turned to see him smiling still.

"Alright, kid, where are we headed?" she said as she dangled her keys.

"Storybrooke, Maine," he said with a confident nod and smile before grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the door.

Where the hell was this kid taking her?


The Dark One's back was to the cell bars as he maneuvered his nails through the crevices of the mossy walls. He was slow as he felt the roughness against his calloused scales. He sucked a breath in, his ears twitched, and a twisted grin extended across his face.

"You always come to me when you need me, don't ya, Dearies." To the people walking up to him, it may have appeared like he was speaking to himself, but he knew he wasn't alone.

The faint footsteps halted for a moment, and he could hear the couple's breathing simultaneously stop. His ears twitched as they slowly relaxed and resumed to reach him. He stood up and pivoted on his heel to face them, still concealed by the shadows of the dark and damp cell.

They were finally face to face when the little princess opened her mouth to speak.

"We." immediately, he grabbed the cell bars and climbed up to the top of the bars, his legs swinging out of the cage and his claws digging into the bars.

"YES! YES! I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT," he snapped, then scowled down at them. As usual, the shepherd playing prince flinched away, and the brave little princess kept her head high even though fear danced in her eyes.

He slinked onto his feet, smoothed his ragged clothes, and grinned. "However, you don't know what." he places his hand on his chest for emphasis as he continues to speak. "I want," he says, popping the T dramatically.

"We will call for your release," Snow White instantly said while David's eyes widened, and he shook his head. He tried to speak, but as usual, Rumplestilskin had a far better deal in mind.

Especially when he was precisely where he wanted to be.

"Tut tut," he shook his finger in her face and quirked his head at her with a mocking smile. "Dearie, why would I depart from my lovely home when I'm exactly where I desire to be?".

Snow's eyes widened, and Her Highness showed him just how out of control she was in this situation. He grinned to himself, knowing he was the one who controlled all the strings. David seemed to have already learned the information he had just announced and was trying to understand.

Something a shepherd like him would never do, so it didn't worry him as he threw his head back while releasing a high-pitched cackle.

"Then what exactly do you want, Beast?" Snow gritted angrily as she grabbed the cell bars.

His laughter halted, and his neck snapped to face her. he quickly jumped at the cell and grabbed the bar she held, causing her to flinch away, and he grinned diabolically.
"I'll tell you what you need to know." he pressed his face against the bars, and his golden eyes bore into her soul as he licked his lips. "Then you shall do the same." he moved away from the bars and giggled.

Snow White stared at him momentarily, contemplating what he had just offered her.

"Knowledge for knowledge, then?' She murmured, then nodded, "Deal."

"Snow," David tried to speak, but she glared at him, then turned to face Rumplestilskin, who was merely grinning like a madman.

"None of your plans will work," he shrugged with a smirk. "The Queen shall cast a terrible, terrible curse, and" he giggled and threw his head back. "It shall take the people's happiness away and lead her to her own Happy Ending."

"Then Why Have I Come To You?" Snow shouted and slammed her hands onto the bars, making him laugh hysterically as she glowered at him.

"Snow' David instantly grabbed her gently and maneuvered her into his arms, but she pushed away and gripped the bars tightly.

"You said you knew what we wanted," she glowered at him. "This Is Not What I Wanted."

"Hm, I did say that didn't I?" he murmured and chuckled. "And I always keep my word, dearie." he raised his hand and pointed at her dramatically. "You're the one who didn't care to let me." he pressed his hand back to his chest. "finish," he snapped while his face scrunched up.

She glared at him and said, "Fine, wise one, tell me what I want to know." She shut her eyes then reopened them, a fierce look of contempt plastered on her face ''How do I stop her?"

"Like I said, nothing You do will work." As Snow's mouth opened again, he rolled his eyes and continued. "But." he leaned closer to the bars, reached his hand out the cell, and delicately tapped at Snow White's belly.

"She. Will." He gritted out and smiled as Snow White grabbed a small blade and stabbed his hand instantly as his finger grazed her abdomen.

He made a hissing sound as he pulled away and then laughed.

"Touch me again, and it'll be the entire hand," she snarled, lowering her hand to her belly. "Now, what do you mean by she will?".

'Yeah! We're expecting a son," David said defiantly, earning a look from the imprisoned dark one and his lovely wife. "Er, I mean," he looked between the two, then backed away. "Never mind," he muttered with chagrin.

Snow chuckled softly and then redirected her attention to The Dark One, who was only grinning back at her.

"Answer me," she snapped.

"Why, of course, petulant princess." he threw his inky black locks back and dramatically maneuvered his hands before resting one along the bars. "Your lovely little child shall be our," he threw his head back and shut his eyes. "Savior," he clapped his hands and giggled.

"And on her." his eyes remained shut, but the princess and her beloved could see how his pupils moved underneath his eyelids. "Twenty-eight birthday," he forced out with a smile. "She shall save all of us."

Snow White's gaze broke from him as she looked at David. "So what?" she raised her hands with an unsteady voice. "I am to stand by as my child suffers with this incomprehensible burden."

"Well," he chuckled maliciously, "You ought not to worry about forcing such anxieties into your daughter. For you shall not even be there to." Snow and David's eyes widened as they snapped their attention onto him.

This finally provided the Shepard enough of a backbone to grip the bars and snap. "What does that bloody mean?" he gritted out, and Rumplestilskin couldn't help but laugh- a high-pitched vile laugh.

"Dearie," he tossed his head back and continued to laugh, "I mean to say that when the Queen takes away your happiness, that includes losing your precious baby girl."

David glared and gripped Snow's arm. "That's it, we're leaving," he snapped through gritted teeth.

Snow grabbed onto his other, and the two began to wander out.

"You Swore To Me!" screeched out Rumplestilskin as he climbed to the top of the bars and reached for them. "Knowledge For Knowledge! Tell Me What I Desire!" he screamed, waving his hand about.

Snow halted in her tracks, and David tried to pull her along. "C'mon, we do not owe him anything."

Rumpelstiltskin began to giggle. "Remember Prince Thomas Dearie," he said sickly sweet, then curled his finger, beckoning them.

Snow White shuddered at the thought and then turned despite David's protests. "What is it you want to know so badly?"

"Clever little princess," he paused and then smirked. "Just her name, Dearie," with a smirk, his face scrunched up.

David gripped snows arm tightly as if willing her to stay silent, but she stared him in the eyes, motionless and impassable, then sucked in a breath.

"Emma," she shut her eyes for a moment. "Her name is Emma." The imp giggled in a craze as the regal duo trekked out from his cell.

Emma's hands gripped the steering wheel as she drove through emptinesses. Wherever this kid was from wasn't on her GPS. Using one of her hands, she scrolled through where he said this 'Storybrooke' would be.

"You shouldn't use your phone while driving," he murmured, looking down at his book.

She rolled her eyes in disbelief and lowered her hand away from her phone. Through the corner of her eye, she noticed the title of his book. Once Upon a Time. She didn't think kids his age still read fairytales.

"Yknow, if you want to use your phone so bad, we could stop at a gas station and maybe get some snacks." he looked up at her and smirked.

She let out a laugh and shook her head." Seriously kid? This isn't a road trip, y'know."

He let out a sigh and went back to his book. From what Emma could see, he was seriously invested in the story he was reading. Now that Emma thought about it. She hadn't seen him let go of his book since she began driving.

"Once Upon A Time," she read aloud and quirked her head, "you a big fan of fairytales?"

"Of course I am," Henry chuckled as if it was apparent, then shook his head. "But these aren't fairytales," he murmured softly as his fingers crossed the page he was on.

She scoffed. "Then what are they?" she questioned with an eyebrow raised.

He hummed to himself and looked at her for a moment before turning to look out the window. "I don't think you could handle it."

"What can't handle some fairytales? Are they like the Brother's Grim version and all dark?" she said with a chuckle that was met with an eye roll.

"No." he shook his head. "They're history." he stared at the page and smiled softly.

"Uh-huh. Yeah, okay, kid." She shook her head with a snort.

"Hm. Use your little gift on me and see if I'm lying," he said confidently and grinned at her.

She was silent momentarily as she scanned him, then shook her head and focused on the road. "Belief doesn't make it true." She let out a soft sigh. "It just makes you think it's true."

"Told you, you weren't ready." she looked at him through the corner of her eye and noticed he was still smiling at her before looking down at the book. "But that's okay because you will be. All heroes are ready when it comes down to it."

"I'm no hero kid, just some bails-bond person," she said softly, her gaze remaining forward.

She could feel his gaze on her and his eyes scanning her. There was only silence for a moment. "Don't worry. You're exactly what we need."

She let out a soft, breathless laugh and shook her head in disbelief.
Snow stared abstinently across the chamber as the rest of her trusted advisors spoke about vanquishing the Queen. Davids's hand was caressing her palm gently, but it calmed her not as her mind raced about the Queen's curse.

"We do not even know if we can rely upon The Dark One. We all recall what he did to Prince Thomas," Doc said as others shook their head.

"He may be The Dark One, but he doesn't have any reason to lie to us," Red voiced confidently as she rested her hand on the table. "Especially not concerning this."

There were a few mutterings of agreement, but Snow sighed and diverted her attention back to them.
"Rumplestilskin wasn't lying. We already know what The Queen is devising. However, we do not know how to." She softly rested her hand on her belly and shut her eyes. "Allow our child to evade the curse."

Suddenly, a twinkling noise from the window made them all turn towards the origin. Snow's eyes softened as her eyes fell upon the Blue Fairy. A smile spread across Snow's face as she stood to face her and gave her a bow.

"Blue, it is an honor to see you once more." She continued to smile at her. However, she quirked her head. "What brings you here, merciful one."

"I have brought us a way to get our savior to safety." She bowed her head towards Snow. Or, more likely, she bowed her head to Snow's unborn child. Instinctively, Snow tightened her grip on her stomach and stared at Blue.

"What is it then?" Grumpy said impatiently and earned him a smack from one of his brothers that caused Snow to almost laugh had she not also been on edge to know what was to save her child.

The Blue Fairy shot Grumpy a look Snow would not have ever thought capable of a fairy before turning back to her.
With a wave of her wand, a tree trunk was set below where the Fairy was floating.

"Oh great, all our trouble is to be ended because of a tree," Grumpy muttered bitterly, and Doc gave an awkward cough as if to hush him. Grumpy rolled his eyes, then Snow caught his gaze, and he looked back down.

"Ehem, may you tell us how this is to help us, uh, gracious one," David asked as he scanned the trunk with his eyes and then looked back at Blue.

Blue lips formed a line momentarily before she smiled softly at him. "Of course, Your Highness," she slowly set herself on the trunk. "This was once a tree in the domain of fae and thusly has the power to traverse realms, that is if" she looked towards Gepetto. "Someone was to carve it into a suitable mode of transportation, say a wardrobe." her smile widened as Gepetto nodded.

Snow watched as the elderly man nodded, whom she hadn't spoken much to. She knew him as Jiminy's ward, or at least that is what Jiminy called him.

"Me and my boy." Snow's eyes wandered to the young child sitting beside the man with sights on his hands. "We shall carve it out for you, your Highness." he bowed his head, and Snow smiled softly at him.

"Thank you," she shut her eyes. "Thank you so much," her voice cracking as she spoke.


"C'mon, kid, we've been driving around your little town for twenty minutes." she groaned as she started parking near a diner. "Don't you want to get home?" she glared at him and crossed her arms as he looked away.

"Well, I gave you the directions to get here, didn't I?" he smiled deviously, and Emma gaped at him for a moment before leaving the car.

She slammed the car door and leaned against it before groaning. She stared at the quaint town. This whole place really wasn't her scene. It was too homey, she supposed. Her thoughts broke as he opened the door and walked beside her.

"It's been a long night, kid, and it's." She looked up at the clock tower, and her brows furrowed in confusion as she stared. "Eight fifteen, apparently." She blinked away her confusion and looked back down at him.

"Time is frozen here," he murmured softly as he looked at the clock. "That's why it's never moved."

"Or y'know it's broken," she said with a shrug, then crossed her arms.

"No, it's not that. It's the curse, as a matter of fact," he said with a nod, then opened a page in his book. He faced it towards her, and she saw an illustration of a woman over a couple on the floor as smoke enveloped them.

"Let me get this straight," she scanned the book more. "The evil queen sent a bunch of fairytale characters to Maine, of all places?" she stayed silent for a moment, and he looked at her expectantly.

"Yeah, it be a curse to live in this small town, I get it," She shrugged, and he gapped at her and crossed his arms.

"It's True," he muttered and kicked at the road. Emma rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. Suddenly, she saw a man with his dog walking towards them.

"Henry? There you are. Are you alright?" Emma watched as Henry went to pet the dog and just nodded. "And who is this?" the man said softly as his eyes darted onto her.

Emma fidgeted with her hands as she let out an awkward cough. "Oh, uh, just someone trying to get him home". Immediately, she was cut off as Henry looked at the man and spoke.

"She's my other mom, Archie. I found her." he smiled wide, and the man's eyes shifted to shock. His mouth curved into an oh as he tried looking away from her.

He kneeled by Henry. "So, is this where you were when you were supposed to be at our session?" he murmured as he placed his hand on his shoulder. Henry looked down and nodded.

"So when you said you were feeling sick and were going to stay home, that was a lie then?" Emma felt a little uncomfortable listening to this lecture.

"Just remember, lying only leads you down a dark path, and it's better to be honest no matter the consequence," he spoke solemnly, and Emma cringed at how he talked.

"Hey, uhm, do you happen to know where he lives," she said, trying to get his attention away from the guilt-ridden kid. He looked up at her with a warm smile and nodded.

"Of course, just head towards Miller Road, and when you see the largest home, you know you're at Mayor Mills' home."

Emma stared for a moment, and her eye twitched, and she turned to Henry. "The Mayor? Your mama is the Mayor?" she asked incredulously.

His eyes shifted momentarily before sighing. "perhaps," he said with a grin and a shrug.

"Alright, uhm, thanks, Archie, but I have to take this kid home." She smiled awkwardly and turned to open her car.

"Of course. Good night and Good night to you, Henry." he bowed his head and continued walking off.

She sat in the car, leaned against the seat, and sighed gently. This was insane when she gave up her baby. She hadn't expected a kid to come and look for her. The door opened, and her eyes widened, frowning and entering the car.

"So, a therapist?" she raised an eyebrow at him, yet he remained silent. She started up the car and began to drive towards the street.

"I'm not crazy. Mama just wanted me to feel stable after she told me," he shut his mouth and pursed his lips.

"Hey, I never said you were crazy. I was just asking." Emma looked down at him and then back to the road. "He didn't seem cursed," she said with a shrug.

His eyes brightened up, and he smiled. "Well, duh, it's a curse. They're not going to realize it."

"Well, duh," she said sarcastically, and he chuckled, causing her to smile softly.

"He actually Jiminy Cricket," he said with a nod, and she scoffed.

"Yeah, I saw your nose growing a little," she quipped, and he rolled his eyes as if she had said something absurd. Her? The absurd one?

"I'm not Pinocchio." he shook his head, and she laughed.

"No, 'cause that would be ridiculous," she murmured with her own eye roll.
"If she had led with that, I never would have agreed." Snow shook her head and continued to pace. "It is ridiculous, Charming. I shall not leave you." She stopped and stared at him, tears brimming in her eyes.

David drew closer, caressed her face, and rested his forehead against hers. "Only one can go through the wardrobe, and it must be you, my beloved."

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as her head slumped against his own, and she bit back a sob.
"I can not do this without you." she clutched his hand and tightened her grip on him.

"I love you, I will love you eternally, and when it is time to save us, you will find me." he kissed her hand gently. "You both shall find me because we are destined to be together," he murmured and shut his eyes.

She let herself sob and held onto him when suddenly her cries of sorrow became a cry of agony. She clutched his shoulders and began to tremble.

"My darling, what ever is the matter?" he grabbed her cautiously and examined her up and down.

She sucked in a breath and then let out a scream of anguish as she almost slipped before he caught her in his arms. "The baby," she panted out. "She's coming." her eyes stared at him with dread.
Emma let out a whistle as she parked outside the house. "Damn kid, she called the cops on you," she said before turning to face him as he groaned.

"That's just Graham." he sighed and shook his head. "He's my mama's best friend, who just happens to be her own personal Huntsman." he shot a look at the car.

"So you're basically saying you think he's the huntsman, is that it?" she muttered before opening her door. "Alright, kid, c'mon, we gotta get you to your mama, then I can leave this place," she groaned.

He stayed in the car for a moment before exiting. Suddenly, a woman with short black hair and warm sun-kissed skin stepped out the white door alongside a looming man with curly brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"Henry!" the woman exclaimed, throwing her shoes off as she ran to him and swooped him up in her arms. Emma watched as she caressed the back of his head and softy held him close.

Why in the world did this kid run away from her?

Suddenly, the woman's eyes fluttered open, and Emma could feel her tiredness just by staring at them. She must have been really stressed out.

The woman pulled back and held his face. "Ay mi Corazon, where did you go?" his eyes shifted towards Emma, and the woman followed his gaze.

Immediately, it was as if something shifted in the woman, and she stood up and became less motherly and more poised.
Politicians, Emma thought.

The woman hummed, then looked her up and down, and Emma shifted her stance as the woman eyed her.

"Regina Mills." She extended her hand after a long silence. As Emma grabbed her hand, the woman tightened onto her immediately and glared, "Just what are you doing with my son."

"Oh uh, Well, you see," Emma stammered as she stared at the menacing woman staring daggers at her.

"She's my mom. My other mom, y'know, the one who actually had me." Henry spoke up and made Emma feel even more discomfort.

The woman, Regina, dropped her hand and gaped at her. Her eyes flickered with pain, and Emma looked away from her. "You. You're Henry's birth mother," she said softly, and Emma nodded, still looking down.

"I'll just take Henry inside," the man, Graham apparently, said awkwardly. Despite Henry's protests, he managed to lead the kid inside.

The two women seemed to stay in this uncomfortable silence before Regina smiled and dusted her hands. "Would you like a glass of the best apple cider this side of Maine?"

Emma let out a humorless laugh before shrugging. "Got anything with a bit more of a kick."
Regina opened the door for the woman who had come to ruin her perfect. Well, simple life. She kept the smile on her face, though, because, well, you catch more flies with honey or, in her case, with apples.

"So uhm," the woman fumbled with her words, and Regina decided to just close the door behind her and head towards her study. "How did he find me?" she questioned softly, and Regina stopped.

If she knew that, she would never be in this situation in the first place. She turned to face her with a soft smile. "Oh goodness, if I only knew." she sighed softly. "They had told me it was a closed adoption and that the birth mother didn't want any contact."

"She didn't," she muttered and nodded along.

"What about his?" she pursed her lips for a moment. "Biological father?" She saw the trace of pain on Miss Swan's face, and Regina could empathize with that, at the least. Not with giving up, Henry. Never that.

"He helped, I guess." She shrugged, and Regina nodded as she reached for the glasses and her bottle of hard apple cider.

"So nothing to worry about there." she pursed her lips as she poured each a drink. She handed Emma a glass and held it steady as she reached for it. "What about you, Miss Swan? Should I worry about you?"

The woman shook her head. "No. Nothing to worry about with me," she said softly before sipping the drink.
Good, Regina thought as she allowed herself to take her own sip.

Graham walked down the stairs before Regina could question her anymore. "Alright, I got him to sleep. He's just fine, Gina."

She nodded. "Thank you, sheriff. I am so sorry you were called for nothing, it seems".

He chuckled and shrugged. "Kids y'know. It's alright, but it is late, so I should head back to the office." he grabbed his coat and headed out. "See ya, Gina."

As the door closed, she looked back down at her drink and swirled it gently. "I am awfully sorry you got caught up in this mess. Henry has just been so." Using her free hand, she maneuvered it around before resting it on her chair. "Well, it started last year, well frankly, when I told him he was," she glanced at the woman downing the drink. "Well adopted."

Emma started to cough, covered her face, and nodded. "Uh yeah, no, I get that." Regina mused while emitting a soft hum once more.

"Now I get that no child wants to be abandoned, but now he's acting as if living here is a curse." she chuckled humorlessly as she thought about how ironic it was.

"I'm sure it's not you. It's likely because of his little fairytale book," Emma said absentmindedly and shrugged.

That gave Regina a pause, and she stayed silent and eyed the woman and quirked her head. "Excuse me?" she murmured.

"His whole fairytale thing, y'know?" Regina stared at her with bewilderment and stayed silent. "C'mon, how he thinks everyone is from different little stories, like how his therapist is Jiminy Cricket." she let out a chuckle, and Regina gripped the cup tightly and gazed at her.

"What?" she blinked. "What are you talking about, Miss Swan?"

Emma licked her lips and glanced away. "Uhm," she fiddled with her hand. "It's none of my business anyways, and I should be heading out already. It is uhm late and all,"

"Yes, it's best you head home," she said instantly, and Regina saw the woman's gaze on her shift, but it didn't matter, not when she just wanted her gone.
Emma heard the door close shut, and while it didn't necessarily slam, it felt like she was just kicked out.
She kicked her feet as she walked towards her car, and for a second, she froze and turned her head to see Henry staring down at her.

She waved, and he just turned, and his lights were suddenly off. She lowered her hand and stuffed it into her jacket pocket. She shook her head. She can't feel bad. There was absolutely no reason to feel bad, not when she wasn't even supposed to have been found by him.

She was nearing the town sign when she looked back to where he had been sitting the entire car ride, and her lips curled into a smile as she caught sight of the leather-bound book.

She reached towards the book and grabbed it tightly in her hands. She scoffed. "Shifty little imp"

As she turned her head back to the road, her eyes widened as a wolf stood in front of her path. Instinctively, she swerved and slammed into the sign she had passed almost an hour prior. Her head hit the steering wheel, and she slumped against it, remaining unconscious."
As Snow struggled towards her bed with David's assistance, they suddenly heard bells clanging, and their eyes met. She then let out another scream of agony as she slumped onto the bed.

Then they heard it.
The very call they'd been dreading for the past few weeks.

"The Curse! It's Here!" hollered Grumpy throughout the halls.
Her head was throbbing. It felt like it exploded into a million pieces. Her eyes fluttered open to see a ceiling that looked wide for wear, and when she turned, she saw some dude leaning against the wall.

She blinked at him. Then his eyes snapped at her, and he scowled. "What? Got a problem with me, sister?" he grumbled. She threw her hands up defensively and shook her head, which was a bad idea with a pulsating headache. She let out a groan and shut her eyes.

"Ay Leroy, lay off the poor woman. Besides, she's Henry's mother." the man smiled softly. "It's quite wonderful you're returning to his life now, miss."

The man beside her rolled her eyes and shook his head.

"Erm, no, I was just taking him to his," she paused momentarily. "home. Just taking him home," she muttered.

"Ah." he said softly before nodding. "well, a child is a gift no matter what." he smiled sadly at her and then wiped his hand on his shirt. "My name is Marco, miss, and I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time."

"Emma," she said softly while smiling, "and thank you."

Suddenly, the sheriff from last night waltzed in with a big smile. He patted Macro back, and the two laughed a bit before he walked to the cell.
"Alright, Leroy, no more roughhousing, got it?"

Leroy rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah, okay," he grumbled, and the sheriff chuckled before taking out the keys.

"Alright, big smile before you go," he said with a grin, and Leroy let out a sigh, then smiled a wide fake toothy smirk.

The sheriff quickly opened up the cell for Leroy to walk out. He grumbled as he waved his hand in the air and continued on out the door. Emma stepped up towards the gate before it shut in her face. She looked at him with a glare, and Graham just shrugged.

"Sorry, Miss Swan. It seems that not everyone can handle the Mayor's drinks, hm?" he said, slightly smirking.

"Hey, no, I wasn't drunk." she crossed her arms and leaned against the bars. "There was a wolf."

He scoffed and raised an eyebrow as he inspected her. "In Storybrooke?" he shook his head. "If you're going to make up an excuse, you could've done better than that."

Emma's eyes widened as her mouth fell. She didn't even get to say anything back before the door swung open, and the clicking of heels walking filled the office.

"Graham, it's Henry. He's run away again, and I don't have a." she paused as she caught sight of Emma. Emma raised her hand and waved slowly. "What the hell. What is she doing here?" she turned from her to Graham.

"Well, she." immediately, Regina raised her hand to stop him. "Have you seen my son?" she asked, scowling into Emma's soul.

Emma just blinked momentarily and looked around the cell. "Hmm," she rolled her eyes. "Nope, haven't had the chance to in my recent imprisonment."

Regina's eyes narrowed on her before turning to Graham. "We need to find him now! I can't lose my son, Graham, got it?" She crossed her arms and looked at him.

"Hey, what if I find him?" Emma blurted out without much, and the two turned to look at her. "Y'know, I find the kid, and I can go," she motioned her thumbs towards the door.

Graham rolled his eyes and was about to open his mouth when Regina pushed past him. "Yes, fine. Sheriff, open her cell."

Graham gaped for a moment before reluctantly opening the cell doors. He sighed as Emma smirked his way and walked out. As she faced Regina, the woman held her hand on her lip and had an eyebrow raised.

"Now, Miss Swan, how will you find my son." she was pretty menacing for someone Emma saw throw her shoes off to run to her kid.

"Oh, y'know, I've got a special set of skills." She laughed but shut her mouth and rubbed her neck when the two remained serious. Tough crowd. "But no, seriously, I'm a bail bonds person, so I'm good at finding people or, in this case, a ten-year-old."

Regina nodded and looked at her expectantly, and Emma just looked away nervously. For some reason, this woman really put Emma on edge.

"First, we need to check with his friends and." Regina shook her head, and Emma raised an eyebrow.

"He doesn't have any friends," she muttered, looking away.

Emma stayed silent. "huh. Well, maybe online, y'know, let's check on his computer or something."

As Emma looked through the computer, she felt Regina press up against her to get a better look at the screen. Her perfume smelled of apples and maybe even cinnamon?

"Have you found anything of value, Miss Swan?" the voice broke her from her thoughts, and she shook her head. "No, he is a smart kid who deleted his search history."

Regina pulled away and crossed her arms. "But I'm smarter," she pulled a USB from her pocket that she had initially used for the person she caught last night.

After plugging it in and looking through different sites he had been on, she paused.

"What is it?" Regina instantly said as she froze.

"It's a website to find," she scrolled down the site. "Well, to find biological parents," she mused momentarily. "And it is pricey, my god," her eyes widened at the amount. "Does he have a credit card or something?"

"He's ten," Regina snapped, crossed her arms, and shook her head.

"Well, he used one. Let me see." Emma's eyes scanned the screen, and she emitted a soft hum. "Ahah! Who's Mary Margaret Blanchard?" she asked with a puzzled look.

Regina grimaced and glared at the screen before pacing steps away from her. "My Secretary," she spat out.

Mary Margaret was typing intensively as she filed documents for Mayor Mills. She didn't know why she stayed at this job that barely paid enough for her bills and rent, but she did. She certainly didn't do it for the company, either. Mayor Mills was, well, a rough person to be around.

She had been more decent since Henry came into her life, but she still looked at Mary Margaret like a scourge the world needed to be rid of. Which was strange. She had never done anything to her.

Not that she could remember.

Suddenly, she heard the unmistakable steps of Mayor Mills Heels stepping towards the office. She stood up instantly.

As Mayor Mills entered, a woman she had never seen ran after her.

"Why the hell did you give my son your credit card to find this woman?" she snapped and slammed her hand on the desk.

Mary Margaret flinched and shook her head. She didn't even know the woman beside her. "Look, Madam Mayor, I have no clue what you are talking about." she stammered without looking directly at her.

"I don't even know who she is, Madam Mayor," she muttered, fidgeting with her hands. The woman beside Mayor Mills glared at the Mayor and crossed her arms.

"I'm Emma, sorry about all this." she reached out her hand, and Mary Margaret tentatively reached her own to grasp it.

The Mayor rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. "So this was useless, and so were you, Miss Swan."
Emma gaped at her and released Mary Margaret's hand.

"Well, I've just gotten started. It's not like I'm a miracle worker," she said sharply. Mary Margaret's eyes widened as she watched Emma actively stand up to the Mayor.

Mayor Mills's eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms. "Well then, I don't need you after all. Like I said last night, Miss Swan, it's best you leave," she said, then threw her head high and walked out of the office.

Emma turned her head to Mary Margaret and smiled. "Hey, I'm sorry about all this again. Is she normally so?" She paused and looked pensive momentarily.

"Intense? Yes, yes she is," Mary Margaret finished for her and nodded awkwardly.

Emma chuckled and then muttered, "Nah, I was going to say bitchy"

At the sudden word choice, Mary Margaret let out a snort and a chuckle, then quickly covered her face. She then shook her head and let out a sigh.

"This is my fault though." She rubbed her arm and reflected on the book she had given him. "If I never gave him that book, he wouldn't be on this supposed journey of his."

"So you're the one who gave him those weird fairytales? Why?" Emma asked with an eyebrow raised.

Mary Margaret scoffed and then leaned against her desk. "Fairytales aren't just stories. They're another way to hope," she murmured softly, then glanced up to catch Emma's gaze studying her. "Y'know, or at least that's how my friend describes it. But Henry was a kid who needed hope, especially after finding out he was."

She hushed immediately and looked back down. "Uhm, well," she saw Emma tensing up in the corner of her eye.

"You're close then," Emma murmured, and her eyes shifted up, and she saw Emma looking at her. "You and Henry, I mean."

Mary Margaret smiled and nodded. "Yeah. He's just a lovely kid. You just can't help but love him." Emma's eyes stayed on her, and then she nodded.

"You know where he is, don't you," Emma said softly, and Mary Margaret turned her head and sighed.

"You should check his castle," she murmured, smiling gently as the woman furrowed her brow.

The screams of her despair echoed through the halls as Snow gripped the bedsheet and threw her head against the baseboard. Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head no as David lay beside her, holding her hand tightly.

"No!" she sobbed out and tried to shake her head no. "No! She can't be born now!".

David looked at Doc, pleading with his eyes, "Help her." he turned to her, rested against her head, and gripped her hand tighter. "You have to help her," he murmured softly with shut eyes.

"The baby is already coming. There is nothing we can do," Doc said softly. His gaze didn't meet her own, and she wailed.

They turned to the doorway as they heard footsteps running towards them.

"I have finished your majesties," Geppetto breathed out and slid against the door as he tried to catch his breath.

"Take me there now," Snow gasped as she struggled to stand. Before even making a move, she let out an agonizing scream.

Doc shook his head and grabbed her free hand. "It's too late."

She sobbed, shook her head, and rested beside David. He rubbed her hand with his thumb.

"Just push, my stars. Just push," David murmured softly, tears falling down his face matching her own.

As Snow's cries traveled, they didn't realize that something or, more importantly, someone was also traveling.
The Queen sat in her carriage headed straight for their castle, and for the first time in years, she no longer donned her black veil or leather clothing.
She was dressed in a white gown covered in lace and pearls. She also wore a grin spread from ear to ear as she tightened her grip on a necklace with a copper ring.


David wrapped Emma in her blanket and slowly brought her close to his face. Her eyes fluttered before they shut, and she moved her hands. He let out a breathy laugh and smiled as tears streamed down his face.

"It only fits one." he heard Snow's soft whisper, and instantly, the moment was ruined as he looked down at his beautiful child.

"We have failed, but I trust that we will find each other," he said softly as he shut his eyes and brought Emma closer.

"We have yet to fail," she said softer, and he turned his head to see her. She looked weak, and her eyes remained shut.

"What do you?" he was cut off as she opened her eyes, and instantly, he knew. His face fell, and he shook his head.

"She," she sucked in a breath, "She has to be safe, and then she shall save us."

"No," he shook his head and held Emma away from Snow. It was selfish and horrible to do, but she was his. "No! I can not."

"It is her best chance," she murmured, and tears streamed down her face as she let out a sob.

His lip quivered as his eyes darted from the Snow and to Emma, and he nodded. He slowly brought Emma to Snow, and Snow smiled softly.

"Find us." She softly kissed their child's forehead before throwing her head back.

David grabbed his shield from the side of his bed and ran to the doorway. He shot a gaze towards Snow and watched as she sobbed. He shook his head and tightened his hold on Emma before running to the wardrobe.
Emma pulled in close to the run-down playset and watched as Henry stared out into the town, and she followed his gaze toward the clock tower.

"Time still frozen then?" She muttered and leaned against the old wood as he sighed.

"I thought you'd change things," he murmured softly. He turned his gaze towards Emma. "You were supposed to fix everyone and help everyone."

"Kid, I can't help anyone," she shrugged. "I only help myself. It's what I do," she muttered.

"You supposed to, though," he groaned and shook his head. "The book clearly states that you will bring back everyone's happy ending."

She rolled her eyes and threw the book she had been carrying at him. "Speaking of that crap, here are your little fairytales you love so much."

He caught it with a look of worry on his face, then grumbled. "You're just pretending to be mean because you like me."

She laughed sarcastically before resting her head back and looking up at him in the playset.

"I'm sorry I make you feel bad," he murmured, then shook his head, and her heart tightened. "You shouldn't, though. You were just giving me my best chance, and well, I guess you gave me it." he smiled at her, and her brow furrowed.

For a moment, she stayed silent and then turned towards the clock tower. "Why do you think that?" she said in a hushed whisper.

"It's why Snow White and Prince Charming gave you up," he said with a nod, then smiled softly at her.

Her eyes shot up, and she rolled her eyes. "Kid, listen," she paused. "How did you know I was abandoned?" She raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head, flipped the pages of his book, and turned to show her. A couple, the same one from the other page he had shown her, holding a baby wrapped in a blanket.
Her baby blanket. Same stitches and embroidery on it and everything.

"Kid," he looked at her with anticipation. "This is crazy," she laughed and turned her head.

"I am not crazy," he grumbled and shut his book. "C'mon just," he paused, and his eyes brightened, "Just stay one week, and you'll see." he grabbed Emma's arm, and her heart stopped at how gentle he was. "You will see I'm not crazy, and it's all real."

She pursed her lip and leaned her head away. "I should get you to your mama, kid."

He shook his head. "No!" he pushed away from where he was. "You do not understand what living under this curse is like."

"Hey! She's trying her best, y'know, and I can tell she really loves you, and" immediately he cut her off while shaking her head.

"It's not her," he said with an eye roll. "It's what the curse is doing to her. She tries so hard to keep it on everyone, and she doesn't even notice she's a victim, too," he murmured softly.

"Wait," she waved her hands up, "Wait. Are you saying your mama is the evil queen?" she couldn't believe she was entertaining this, but now her concern about this kid was kicking in.

He paused and tried to look away from her. "Well, not anymore, but also sort of," he shrugged.

She stared at him momentarily as the wind ruffled his hair, and his gaze diverted from her. She felt herself suck in a breath and watched as he fiddled with his hands just like she does when she's nervous, and she shut her eyes.

"C'mon, kid, I need to take you home," she said, trying her best to remain serious.

His eyes flickered back, and he nodded, hugged his book tighter, and slipped it into his satchel.
He faced no troubles as he sneaked past the Queen's guard. His breathing was heavy, and his heart racing seemed to not even bother the child. He looked down at her and sadly smiled.
She was perfect.

As two guards ran by her nursery, he rushed in and quietly shut the door. He ambled towards the wardrobe, and Emma began to wail out of nowhere as he opened the door.

"I'm sorry, my love," he sobbed, shook his head, and kissed her gently. "I'm so sorry," he said as he slowly slid her in and shut the wardrobe.

The door to the nursery flew open, and there stood The Queen with a smirk on her face.

"The shepherds crying," she cooed. "How predictable," she laughed, then made her way to him, using her magic to slam him against the wardrobe.

"Where is the infant?" she snarled, gripping his shirt as he slid against the wood.

"She has gone. you," David glared, then bit out, "hag." It earned him an eye roll, and she released him.

"It is no matter for you see, my plan has already succeeded." she then reached her hand into his chest. "Now it's for the extra treats."

He let out a gasp, and his eyes fluttered back as he felt her hand tighten on his heart.
Suddenly, to his luck, Snow wobbled towards the door, and she screamed.

The Queen immediately pulled from him to turn to her, and he sucked in a large breath and panted from the fear and the pain.

"Ah, Snowbell." she clapped her hands and approached Snow. He struggled to try and crawl towards them before he felt himself grow weak. He reached out and watched as The Queen laughed and grabbed Snowʼs face.


"Remember this outfit, Snow White," she whispered, and Snow looked away from her and sobbed.

"I thought so," she grinned and laughed darkly. "Now I am allowed to wear it, and it is for a joyous occasion." she quirked her head. "Your downfall."

Her horrible cackle filled the air as a dark smog swirled around them. Before David's eyes shut, she caught one last glimpse of his beloved sobbing, and he tried once more to reach her before it all went black.

This was the second time she was dropping this kid at his house and the third time Emma was trying to get him out of her life. He opened the door with a burst and didn't even bother to look at her.

Regina must have seen her pull up because she was outside in an instant, pulling him into her embrace while scowling at Emma before talking to him. She tried looking away from the moment but exited the car and walked towards them for some reason.

"No. You're grounded for a week, and like I said, you need to make it up to," Regina groaned. "Miss Blanchard, and pay her back." The kid looked at her with shock, and his mouth gaped open.

Regina's eyes darted towards Emma, and then she sighed. "We will discuss how later, Mi Vida, but for now," she pointed inside "Room."

Henry sighed and nodded. He shuffled into the house, and Emma wanted to laugh. It was a pretty tame punishment for what he did. Her desire to laugh was suddenly snuffed out as she caught Regina's glare.

"I suppose another thank you is appropriate," she said while tapping her foot.

"Uh," She blinked, then shook her head. "It was no problem." She rubbed her neck awkwardly, and her eyes shifted away from Regina.

"He seems to like you if he's willing to get found by you," Regina said softly, and Emma smiled a bit at that.

"Yeah, I." she licked her lips and softly breathed. "Y'know, I was locked out of my apartment and on my birthday of all days last night," she chuckled.
"But uhm, there's this window in the hallway, and for some reason, I looked out and actually," she sucked in a breath and smiled, "Wished on a star. I know it's crazy, but I wished to not be alone, and suddenly Henry appeared behind me."

"I hope you take no offense to this when I say that. I hope you understand your place here," Regina interrupted and stepped closer to her.

Emma's eyes widened as the woman grew closer. "All of this is not some welcome back to his life," she snapped.

Her mouth formed a small "O." She looked down and shook her head.

"Miss Swan. You made your decision ten years ago, and I also made mine when I actively chose my son." She stopped in front of Emma, and her darkened gaze pierced into Emma's soul.

Was this really the person raising such a sweet kid?

She scoffed. "Listen, I didn't mean it like."

"No, you listen." Regina shook her head. "Henry is my son, and you're in my town. You have no idea who I am and what will happen if you don't go back into your car and drive back into the void where you belong."

Emma stepped towards her. "Do you love him?" she said and held her gaze.

Regina scoffed and looked at her, repulsed. "He's my life. Of course, I love him." she shook her head, pivoted on her heel, and entered her home, slamming the door shut.

Emma sucked in a breath and stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets before looking up at his window. His eyes pleaded with her, and she nodded slowly, and he smiled softly.

What could happen in a week, especially in a small town like this? She thought as she walked towards her car.

Regina carefully slipped into Henry's room as he showered and searched every nook and cranny till she dumped his satchel and found a book.

It was leather bound with golden letters spelled out Once Upon a Time. She pressed her hand on it before instantly clearing up the mess she had made and walking out of the room.

As she made her way to her room, she stopped by the hallway mirror and froze as Regina saw the bags under her eyes. She tentatively touched her under-eye and shook her head.

This was for Her.


Mary Margaret yawned as she sipped on the coffee she had gotten on her lunch, then looked up as she saw the city administrator walk in.

She stood up frantically, accidentally knocking the coffee on herself, and grimaced. She grabbed the paper towels on her desk and patted herself.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "So I suppose no one worthwhile will be in the mayor's office."

She sighed, shook her head, "No, Mr Nolan," and dropped her hands to her front.

He pursed his lips and leaned on her desk. "All because of a brat, I suppose?"

She narrowed her eyes and then looked away. James scoffed and shook his head.

"This is why Kathryn and I never want one of those brats." he stayed pensive for a moment before grabbing a photo of her and Henry from her desk and scanning it. "That and other reasons," he murmured.

She looked back at him and reached towards his hand before he roughly pulled back. He glared at her, then crossed his arms and sighed.

"I suppose I shall discuss business with Regina later," he tilted his head at her. "Good evening, Miss Blanchard," he said before turning and walking out the doors.

Mary Margaret sighed softly as she sat and placed her face in her hands.

She sort of wished Henry was right about them being cursed because, at the least, curses break. She mused as she softly touched the photo before returning to her computer.


The frigid air brushed against his hair as he pushed his cane against the cement and walked towards the inn. He sighed and quirked his head as a woman with blonde hair entered the inn he was headed for.

Roman Gold usually knew everyone who stepped foot into town, but he drew a blank for this woman. He stopped moving momentarily to take the time to scan the vehicle she had exited.

A bright yellow bug. He grimaced at its color and the audacity in all honestly.

He was still examining when he felt his phone vibrate. He groaned and reached into his pocket to see the caller ID.
Lacey French.

After declining the call, he rolled his eyes and stuffed the phone back into his pocket.
He had no time to buy that woman her drink, even if she was owed one.
He was too intrigued by this mystery woman to give time to that drunkard.

He grinned as he approached the inn and narrowed his eyes.


Emma walked in and was uneasy when she first heard an argument. Luckily, the older woman noticed her and smiled awkwardly at her.

"Oh, uh, Hello," she said awkwardly, then made her way behind the desk. "How may I help you?"

"Just," she sighed. "Just looking for a room," she said softly and nodded.

The elderly woman smiled and wrote down in her book, "Alright, we have a big one available if you'd want your space."

Emma held back a scoff. In a town like this, they probably had all the rooms available, but what the heck when in Rome.

"Alright, put me down for that." The woman nodded and then wrote some more in her book.

"Okay," she grabbed a key. "All I need is a name."

She licked her lips. "It's Emma. Emma Swan."

She heard a soft hum behind her, and she turned to see a man in a bespoke suit with shoulder-length hair, pitch-black eyes, and a scar across his face.

Her eyes scanned him, and she felt a twinge of unease as his gaze bore into her.

"Emma," he said softly and clicked his tongue against the rough of his mouth. "What a lovely name."

The older woman started quickly grabbing some money from the cash register and made her way to him. "It's all here," she murmured, handing it to him.

He looked at her almost as if he was confused before grabbing it and nodding. "yes, yes'' he stood still for a moment before shaking his head. "Thank you'' he murmured before turning on his heel and walking out.

The younger woman made a noise of confusion as she quirked her head and peered out the window.

"Who was that?" Emma said with an eyebrow raised.

"Mr Gold," murmured the younger woman gazing out the window. "He owns the area."

"The inn?" she asked cocking her head to the side.

The older woman shook her head as she walked towards her, holding a key. "The entire town, hun," she murmured, and Emma's eyes widened.

"Wow," Emma said in a hushed voice before the woman shook her head and smiled.

"Anyways, how long you staying, darlin," The older woman said with a smile.

"A week," she said gently, turning to her and then smiling. "Only a week."

"Fantastic," she handed out a key with an intricate swan design that made Emma smile. "Storybrooke welcomes you, Emma."

"Thanks." she nodded and grabbed the key from her hand.

Henry sighed out the window and watched the clock tower intensely. Maybe if he believed hard enough, that would break the curse?

He slumped against his window sill and was about to go downstairs when the clock's arrow suddenly shifted. His eyes enlarged, and he beamed up at it.

Eight sixteen, he read and clapped his hands. She really was going to save them.

Chapter 2: The Loss of What You Love Most


Regina finds herself stuck in a loop where everything that leads her to her vengeance hurts the people she loves most, first with her father in the past and then her son in the present.
Emma finds herself on the edge of Regina's sharp vengeance, but will she be the only one who gets stabbed?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Carefully, his fingers buttoned up his school uniform, and he stuck out his tongue as he focused on getting it right. Once he finished, Henry smiled and nodded, then moved to grab his backpack.

Suddenly, his door flung open instantly, and he flinched back with widened eyes. His Mama stood there with tired, more tired than usual, eyes and his book in her grasp.

So that's where it went, he mused.

"The pages at the end of the book," she muttered, and her voice cracked as she spoke. Henry frowned and looked up at her.

"It's an old book, mama." he shrugged and looked away. "Why are you so stressed about it anyway?"

He heard her breathing stop momentarily, then felt her gentle hand on his back, and he turned to see her bent beside him.

"Mi Vida, I'm worried because," she paused and sighed. "Because this book," she shook it around, "Is making you think our life is cursed."

He looked down from her pained face and shrugged. "Isn't it?" he murmured.

Her mouth opened, and a soft breath escaped her lips before standing up and turning around. "No." she shook her head. "It is not."

He sighed and watched as she looked down at the book and then back at him.
"But this won't be an issue any longer." his eyes widened, and his heart stopped. "As per your grounding, I'll be taking it away for a week." he let out a sigh of relief and watched as her eyes softened.

"Doesn't mean I approve of you reading it, however," she shook her head. "But well, I wouldn't want you to lose it after that woman," she gritted out, and he stared at her. "Skipped town."

"Well," he drawled, and she raised an eyebrow. The clock chimed before he could tell his Mama what she probably wouldn't like.

She dropped the book, and he gasped as he reached down to pick it up. She walked to his window and threw the curtains open. He watched as her face fell to shock and how her jaw tightened. She gripped the window sill, and her breathing was heavy.

He looked down at the book in his hands and contemplated taking it while she was distracted, but she was already upset. So, with a wave of reluctance, he dropped it on his cabinet and sighed.

"I'm gonna head to school, mama," he whispered. "Are you going to take me?" he said as he fidgeted with his hands and awkwardly shuffled his stance. She usually took him, but whenever she got like this, she locked herself in her room and then pretended it didn't happen.

She stayed still and then turned to face him, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Of course, mi corazon." she grew closer and touched his face gently before kissing his forehead.

He smiled softly and grabbed her hand as she led him down the stairs. Hopefully, Emma breaks the curse before it breaks his Mama.

The air felt colder and much more bitter than the day before, she thought as she stomped her heels against the pavement. Regina couldn't believe this. She almost wanted to break down, scream, and break everything in her path.

She finally made her way towards the clock tower and watched as the clock slowly ticked towards her doom. She gulped softly, glared at the menacing warning, and shut her eyes to keep herself from screaming in the middle of town.

"Isn't it just wonderful how it's working again?" she heard from beside her, and she turned to see the bug with his mutt. She smiled cordially and nodded before catching a glimpse of an atrocious yellow car she had seen the evening prior.

"I suppose so," she murmured before pursing her lips into a scowl as he walked away.


The knocking at her door started soft, and at first, Emma just threw a pillow over her head to try and ignore it until it grew quicker and harder.

She let out an audible groan before throwing the blankets to the floor and shuffling towards the door. She flung it open, and her eyes widened as she saw Regina with a basket of apples.

"I've been tending to apple trees since I was a child, and I've had my very own that has survived through every storm that hit it."
Emma noticed that the bags under her eyes had darkened, and she couldn't help but wonder why.
"I've had that tree for what felt like decades," Regina chuckled to herself as if it was an inside joke, "And I have yet to have a bad batch." She carefully scanned the basket before grabbing one and handing it to her.

Emma looked at it for a moment before grabbing it cautiously. "Huh. Thanks," she murmured.

"Thought it be nice to give you some snacks for your drive home," she said with a smile that felt more like a scowl.

"Well, I'll be glad to have them a week from now." She smiled back as she took the basket from her hands and slowly set it on the table by the door.

Regina false smile fell instantly, and she narrowed her eyes at her. "Excuse me," she gritted out.

Emma shrugged nonchalantly, and before she could even speak, Regina stepped into the room.

"I don't think that's best for my son." She held her head high. "He already has so many problems. He doesn't need another one."

Emma scoffed and shook her head. "Well, honestly, Madam Mayor." She stepped closer to her and glared back. "You coming in here and trying to tell me what to do again makes me want to stay longer."

She pursed her lips and glared. "Excuse me, but you came to my home and decided to finally want to be the mother of the year. Well, guess what? You're not." she gritted out. "You abandoned him, and I raised him because he is my son, Mine," she said sharply.

Emma looked at her before shaking her head. "Listen, lady, I'm sorry, but I just want to ensure Henry is safe and okay."

"My son is fine, dear. In fact, once you're gone, it will all be taken care of," She smiled.

She was taken aback by that phrasing and, honestly, by how possessive she was.

"What do you mean by that?" she murmured with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean," she licked her lips and scoffed, "That you're the only problem my child has, and anything else will be solved in his therapy sessions." Emma lifted her eyebrow at that, "So listen to me when I say there is only one person in this room who knows what to do to keep Henry safe."

Emma smirked and nodded. "No argument from me on that front," she retorted, watching Regina scowl at her with her jaw clenched.

Regina sucked in a breath and shook her head. "You want to stay and play with my son's emotions?" she shrugged. "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." she snapped before turning around, then she stopped before Emma could shut the door on her.

"You have no idea who you're up against," she gritted before walking away.

Emma shook her head and hands mockingly and slammed the door behind her.


Watching the petulant princess bend to the idiotic Shepard, Regina shook her head in disgust and threw her hand up. With a puff of her magic, she was face to face with her mirror and was in the comfort of her palace. She instantly grabbed her veil and threw it to the floor.

"Mi Vida, would you care for a drink?" her papa said softly as he approached her with a tray of drinks.

She glowered at him. "Does it look like I'm thirsty?" she snapped and crossed her arms.

"A little, actually," he retorted, handing her a glass of water, and she chuckled.

"I'm sorry," she grabbed the glass from him and sipped. "Thank you, Papi," she said softly.

"So what is this supposed work you shall be going to do, Your Highness?" said the grating voice of her mirror. She rolled her eyes before turning towards him, or rather it in her opinion.

"Do either of you recall the little present the dark one gave me for my birthday a year or so ago?" she chuckled darkly and watched as both men's eyes widened beside her.

"Pero mija, you stated you would never use it," her papa said slowly.

"Then you traded it away and not just to anyone. You gave it to the mistress of evil," the mirror said, and she rolled her eyes.

Her papa grabbed her hand tentatively, and she narrowed her eyes at him. "She will not give it up, not without something in return or, perhaps worse, a fight," he muttered softly.

She pulled away harshly. "I could care less! I am the Evil Queen! Remember that, both of you," she gritted out. "Now summon me a carriage, papa. I am headed to the forbidden fortress."

The crackling fires warmed her as she sat beside the older woman. Maleficent was always lovely, but she seemed more gorgeous with her hair down. However, gawking at someone she was likely to argue with wasn't part of her plan. She slowly swirled her tea and turned her gaze towards the flames.

"How are you feeling, my dearest?" she said with a purr as she sipped on her own cup.

Regina paused and pursed her lips before emitting a soft chuckle. "I'm doing utterly fine, darling."

A snort escaped the poised woman, and Regina turned towards her to see her shaking her head.

"Are you absolutely sure, dearest? I mean, that little snowflake of yours is married and probably the happiest she's ever been, unlike yourself," she smirked, and Regina scoffed.

"Yes, well, perhaps I should follow in your footsteps and curse her child because I failed with her," She sneered back, and Malficent rolled her eyes.

"In the end, Stephan suffered," she muttered, sipping her tea without glancing at her.

"Yes, and your Rose never did come back to you, did she?" Regina said with a fake frown before chuckling.

"Just as your knight never did, dearest." Regina gripped the cup, and her breathing became heavy. Her jaw tightened, and she felt her anger bubbling to the surface.

"Enough with this pathetic chitchat. We both know why I have come," Regina snapped, throwing the cup to the fire.

"Hm," Maleficent let out and stared at the blazing flames engulfing and melting the glass. "Really, Regina, must you be so dramatic"

"Give me my curse, Maleficent," she stood up and glowered at her. "I need it now, and I'm prepared to do whatever it shall take to get it back."

"If I do recall Regina, you are the one who traded it to me," she said mildly with a shrug. "Thusly, meaning it is no longer your curse."

"What I got in return was nothing compared to that," she snapped. "It was undone by a pitiful kiss of all things." she shook her head.

Maleficent merely shrugged as if Regina was throwing a temper tantrum that would pass. Which only caused the fire in her to burn.

"The Dark Curse can do much, but that unholy thing does not have the capability to bring her back. You do know that, right?" she quirked her head with a smirk. "Perhaps you should get yourself a pet. Well, other than your huntsman," she laughed, and Regina glowered at her.

With a snap of her finger, a crow flew down from a perch above and nustled against the back of Maleficent's hand. "See here, Diablo's all the joy I need."

"I will only ever experience joy when I see Snow White feel despair and agony." she threw her arms out in anger as she snapped out.

"Well, I guess you shall remain miserable because I am not giving this curse back." she petted the bird's back feathers down and then turned toward her. "I truly am sorry, dearest."

"You damned fool," she spat out and strode towards her, sneering at her as she scanned her up and down.

She rose in an instant and faced her. "Honestly, dearest, this curse is not something to play with. Whoever gave this to you is vile and, in all honesty, makes us seem like saints."

Regina scoffed. "Perhaps you mean yourself because, unlike you, I am no coward, and I do, in fact, plan to use it." she opened her palm and held it out expectantly. "Now, if you please hand it over," she snarled.

She shook her head, and Regina's anger finally got the best of her. "Dearest," Regina immediately used her magic to summon the fire from the fireplace and throw it towards Maleficent.

Maleficent moved quickly without missing a beat, dodged the attack, and glared at her. "Dearest, I am not looking to fight against you."

"Pathetic coward as I said," she snapped back, and using her magic, she summoned a sword and charged at Maleficent, instantly slicing the woman's face.

She scoffed and twirled her staff with her hands and instantly healed herself. "Regina," she began, but before she could finish, Regina screamed out in anger and brought the sword down onto her shoulder, causing her to stumble backward.

Her eyes widened as Regina pulled out the sword, and the blood pooled out of her shoulder. "Really, Dearest, this is rather unnecessary," she muttered breathily before moving to heal herself once more.

The ruffling of feathers caused Regina's eyes to dart away from her and towards the bird, flapping its wings on the couch. She chuckled darkly. "You are correct in that, Darling."
With a flick of her wrist, the bird was in her hands, and Regina gripped it tight enough to cause it to make noises of distress.

Maleficent's once uncaring eyes widened in fear, and she ran towards her. As she did, Regina tightened her hold and glared her down.

"Either you provide me with the curse, or your only joy shall meet the same fate as my knight," she said darkly, then laughed bitterly.

Maleficent's hands trembled, and she angrily shut her eyes before throwing her staff down, causing it to shatter. A scroll popped as the glass broke out, and Regina recognized it immediately. A smirk spread as she released the bird and bent to pick it up.

"Love is a weakness, my darling Maleficent. I thought your little Rose taught you that years ago." She shrugged and held the curse tighter to herself.

Maleficent softly caressed her crow, glared down, and shook her head. "You do not know what you trifle with. That curse is horrific, and the price even more so," Regina scoffed and turned her back on her. "I beseech of you as a friend. Do not cast this curse."

Regina halted for a moment and licked her lips. "As a friend," she paused and chuckled. "I warn you. You best be prepared." she used her magic to burst the doors open, and she sauntered out with a smile of victory.

She ambled through the garden as she read the curse over and sighed angrily, then threw down the watering can she held in her free hand. The water pooled at her heels, and she stamped at the puddle.

Eight months.
She had to wait eight months just for a stupid flower.
She looked down at it, and her lips pursed. The bud was closed, and she shook her head and pivoted away from the garden. She licked her lips, froze, screamed angrily, and clenched her fists.

"Mi Vida?"

She turned her breathing hard, and her jaw clenched. "What!" she spat out.
Her father's gaze softened, and he held his hand toward her. She slowly shut her eyes and walked closer to him. She seized his hand and shook her head.

"I," she threw her head down, "I have waited over nine years." She let out a bitter, humorless laugh. "It has almost been a decade, and I still continue to wait to get my vengeance." She shook her head, and tears streamed down her face as she gripped his hand tighter.

"Mi Vida," he paused momentarily, "Perhaps," he nodded slowly, "Perhaps it is time to give up on your revenge, and we can live a peaceful life."

She pulled away from him and glared at him with disgust. "So you are on her side then," she sneered and stepped back.

He looked at her pain etched into his face, and she shut her eyes and shook her head, and then she felt his warm arms pull her into an embrace.

"Ay mi vida," he ran his fingers through her locks. "Of course not."

She relaxed into his embrace, wrapped her arms around him, and lowered her head onto his shoulder.

"You have waited so long, Mi Vida. In a few months, your happiness will be within reach." her smile was watery, and she gripped him tighter.

"Now," he pulled back and smiled at her softly, "Let us pick some apples from your tree." He patted her face gently, and she relaxed and smiled softly.

Her papa was right. What were a few more months of waiting when it would ultimately lead to destroying Snow White's happiness?

The apple glistened a bright succulent red and shimmered even more so in the sunlight. She delicately plucked it off the tree and inspected it momentarily with a soft smile. She threw her head back, gently rubbed it on her blouse, and took a bite. She shut her eyes and smiled sadly as the flavor of the morsel exploded in her mouth.

"I've really outdid myself this time."

Her eyes snapped open at the annoying, grating voice, and she scowled. She really should have left him a damned mirror.

Turning on her heel, she crossed her arms and chewed her apple as she raised an eyebrow while inspecting the newspaper. She swallowed slowly, and her eyes darted back to his face and scoffed.

"I don't recall asking you to write that." She tapped her foot, and he shrugged and awkwardly laughed.

"Well, it's good press, and maybe it'll get her to run off," he said with a sly smirk.

She sighed and then pinched the bridge of her nose. "Right, whatever." she shook her head. "What did you find out about her, if you even found anything?" she scoffed.

He looked down and coughed awkwardly before nodding. "Uhm yeah, I did." He glimpsed back at her, and Regina rolled her eyes impatiently. "Well, it isn't like a lot, but" she started walking off.

She shook her head disappointed and heard his muffled footsteps on the grass following behind her like an annoying mutt.

"She actually got into some trouble when she was younger, uhm, roughly when she had Henry." Regina froze and turned towards him with narrowed eyes.

"Tell me more," she gritted out, and he looked away nervously.

"I would, but" he drawled briefly, "All the files I tried looking through were sealed up. Real tight, so there was nothing I could do there." he looked away as Regina's eye twitched in anger.

"Great," she laughed bitterly, and he stepped back. "No, really, that's great. Like really great." She clenched her fist and shook her head in disbelief. "You make a damned piece on her, but bring me literally nothing but cryptic messages" She sucked in a breath and shut her eyes.

"I'll find more, I promise," he murmured, and her eyes flew open as she sighed in annoyance.


Emma grumbled to herself as she crushed the newspaper into a ball and ran her hands across her face.
Why did she think staying in this town would be like a hallmark movie, maybe more of a horror film.

She chuckled to herself and then saw the waitress, whose name tag read Ruby, walking toward her. She lifted an eyebrow as she placed a mug down in front of her.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't order this," she said awkwardly and looked away nervously as the girl placed her hand on the table and smirked.

Ruby laughed softly and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Nah, honey' Emma's eyes widened, and she quirked her head. "Someone wanted to give you something sweet," she winked, then walked off.

Emma stared down the mug, inspected it, and then looked around the diner. Suddenly, her gaze caught sight of the sheriff from yesterday. She pressed her lips together and narrowed her eyes.

She gripped the mug, stood up, and slid into his booth as he was reading the same newspaper she had just crumpled up. He lifted his head, and his caramel curls bounced and fell to his face. He softly smiled at her with a look of perplexity.

"I see that Gina was wrong to tell me you were leaving." he rested his head on his knuckles as he observed her. "She may not be happy about that, but I think it's endearing you like our quaint town."

She rolled her eyes as a chuckle escaped her lips. She then furrowed her brows and crossed her arms. "Yeah, no, it's because," she raised her hands and used her fingers as quotation marks, "Gina. It is utterly pissing me off, and I wanna piss her off back."

He chuckled softly and brushed a curl away from his face before licking his lips. "So is that what you came to tell me or?"

She rolled her eyes and pushed the mug toward him, and he raised an eyebrow.
"I get trying to be charming, and I assume that works with most newcomers, but I am not here for a small-town romance," he scoffed lightly, and his smile grew.
"I mean, adding the cinnamon was a nice touch. Unlike me, most people don't usually like it, but I just can't accept this."

He leaned in closer and smirked. "I'm flattered you think I'm charming, but I'm not the one who sent this."

Her face flushed with warmth, and her eyes dropped toward the mug in embarrassment. "Oh," she murmured.

"It was me, actually," Henry said, pulling Emma out of the booth. "I love hot cocoa with cinnamon." he smiled, and Emma nodded, trying to keep her gaze away from Graham.

"Shouldn't gremlins like you be kept in school?" She narrowed her eyes at him, and he let out a laugh.

"I get out at four forty, duh." He chuckled. "Now come and walk me to my mama's office." He grabbed her hand and dragged her out.


"So you and your mama," Emma said softly, and Henry's eyes darted toward her with a raised eyebrow. "What." she paused. "How is it with you two?" she fiddled with her hands as they strolled.

He pursed his lips and then bit his bottom lip for a moment. It was great before he realized how tired his Mama was and how utterly cursed they were. Well, maybe not him, but he was certainly affected like the rest.

"Kid?" Emma's voice snapped him back to the present, and he looked back up at her and shrugged.

"It isn't really about me and Mama. It's about the curse and what it's doing to everyone," he murmured and turned to look forward and stopped in place.

"But you and I are going to break it, and everyone will be happy again." he grinned and nodded before walking. "First part code names, and I call the plan," he raised his hands dramatically." Operation Cobra"

"How is that even remotely fairytale codded?" she said in shock, crossed her arms, and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
Goodness, were all adults so slow?

He snorted and shook his head. "Duh! It's a code name to throw off outsiders!" he chuckled, and she rolled her eyes.

"So the entire town is full of fairytale characters? Like even your Mama's secretary?"

He smiled at the mention of his grandmother, and he saw Emma's brow furrow.

"Oh, absolutely don't y'know?" he smiled and walked off.

"Hey, wait up your being so," she maneuvered her hand. "Cryptic," she ran beside him, and Henry just shrugged and chuckled.

"I'm allowed to be mysterious. It makes me more interesting." He shrugged and smiled slyly.

She scoffed and chuckled. "Anyways. If they're all fairytale characters, why don't they remember, hmm?"

His eyes gazed at her momentarily, and he rolled them away. Honestly, was he the only one in this town with common sense anymore?

"Do you not understand curses?" he raised an eyebrow, and she laughed softly and shook her head.

"Guess not," she muttered, and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, you'll learn eventually. Well, I mean, you have to if you're going to break the curse!" he said confidently and nodded to himself.

"Right," she drawled. "Because I'm the savior?" she questioned, and he nodded.


She snorted. "Why me, of all people? Why not you?" she bopped his nose, and he rolled his eyes.

"You're the product of true love." he raised his finger as he quoted the book.

Raising an eyebrow, Emma made a noise of confusion but nodded along. "Because my parents are Prince Charming and Snow White," she paused, "allegedly."

"Oh right!" he threw his bag down onto the cement in a quick, abrupt motion, and Emma stared in shock.

He rummaged through the bag, pulled out a purple folder, and grabbed the pages he had torn out when he got home yesterday. He stuck out his tongue as he unfolded the pages and threw his hand out to pass them to her.

She stared at him for a moment before cautiously taking them in his hand, pulling them towards her, and staring at the pages with a blank face.

"Had to take them in case Mama found out who you were. She does hate you enough already," he muttered and heard her mumble something he couldn't precisely understand. "Anyway, here's the proof! Snow White and Prince Charming are your parents, and they love you very much!"

Emma fiddled her fingers against the pages, and her gaze lingered on the pages before turning towards him. "Kid, listen."

"No, I understand," he interrupted. "You can't believe it yet," he shrugged. "Wouldn't make for a good story," he winked at her, and she chuckled softly. "Just make sure you don't let Mama see them because," he sucked in a breath and shook his head, "We're both going to deal with a big storm that neither of us is prepared for."

They reached his Mama's office and saw Mary Margaret outside waiting by the door, drinking what was most likely coffee with how hard Mama pushed her. He waved at her, and she smiled back before waving at him and then at Emma, who awkwardly waved back.

"I'll see you around, Emma." he smiled and rushed into the hall with his grin remaining plastered on his face.


Watching him run into the building stopped her breathing momentarily, and she stared at the door that closed slowly behind him.

"He seems happier than he's been in almost a year," Mary Margaret said softly as she walked towards her.

That made Emma slowly smile and nod. "I'm not doing much." she paused and awkwardly shuffled her stance. "I just, well, just stayed this time." She shrugged and rubbed her arm softly.

Mary Margaret smiled kindly at her. "And that's all he needed," she murmured, and Emma smiled and let out a soft laugh. "I bet this is why Mayor Mills locked herself in her office today." She chuckled and rubbed her neck.

"Yikes. Now I'm worried that if Henrys," Emma laughed before continuing, "Ideas are real, I'll have an Evil Queen after me."

Mary Margaret's brows furrowed. "I actually kind of feel bad for giving him that book," Emma raised an eyebrow. "They used to be so close, and now he thinks she an Evil Queen, and well, I dunno, no mother deserves that."

Emma pursed her lips and shrugged. Mary Margaret was right, but if anyone was to be called an Evil Queen, it made sense why it was her of all people.

"Who does he think you are?" she raised an eyebrow and quirked her head to the side with a grin.

She scoffed and shook her head, and white locks of hair bounced as she did. "It's well," she laughed. "He actually," she paused. "He thinks I'm Snow White."

Emma's smile faltered for a moment before nodding along. She recalled the white hair of his books, the red eyes, and how the Snow White kissed the baby's head before letting her go.

"So, who are you?" she smiled and looked at her expectantly.

Emma fiddled her fingers against the pages and threw her hand up, dismissing the question. "Oh," she shook her head. "I'm not in the book."

"Uhm, anyways, may I ask where his therapist's office is? Regina mentioned he was in therapy, and I, well, y'know, just wanted to ask some questions." She rubbed her foot against the back of her leg awkwardly as she looked away.

"Of course, let me draw you out a map, and I'll send you right on your way."


He paced his office back and forth and ran a hand through his hair. He shook his head and sucked in a breath. Why would she even come in here asking about Henry?

Regina was wrong, and Miss Swan would not be coming to his office, and he wouldn't have to lie or ruin that poor woman's life when she just wanted to.

A knock abruptly interrupted his thoughts, and he quickly turned. His shoulders slumped, and he shut his eyes and sighed. Then, he put on a false smile as he opened the door to precisely who he feared would be there.

Emma Swan was fidgeting with her hands, an apparent nervous tick he mused before she waved hesitantly. "Archie? Right?" she said softly, and he nodded.

"Yep, and you're Emma. Henry has been excited about you since you arrived. I noticed it when we first met." she smiled softly, and his heart felt crushed as he knew he was about to ruin it all.

He licked his lips softly before rubbing his hands. "So what brings you here?" he pulls up the newspaper. "Perhaps some help with post-traumatic stress," he chuckled softly.

She snorted and shook her head. "No," she paused momentarily and awkwardly shuffled her feet, "I'm here about Henry."

His heart stopped. She couldn't be right. She just couldn't be right because if she was, his hand would be forced, and he would be played like a puppet. He looked her up and down. And so would she.

"Well," he sucked in a breath, "I mean, what is there to say" he shrugged and turned from her gaze.

"I just," she paused, and he shut his eyes, hoping he would decide to walk out, "I just want to make sure he's okay."

He pivoted on his heel, looked at her, and smiled apologetically. "Well, I don't know if I'm really able to help with telling you anything about his private sessions, Miss Swan."

She bit her lip and nodded in understanding, and as she moved to turn, he felt himself sigh softly in relief. He wouldn't have to give her up to the mayor's grasp if she left without taking the files.

Then she haltered, and his heart froze alongside her.

"I just," she turns to face him. "I just want to know if he's okay" she sucked in a breath, and her shoulders slumped. "I need to know that he's okay," she added softly.

Watching the pain etched into her face, his eyes flew to the ground, and he felt his heart hammering in his chest. With a soft sigh and swift movement of his hand running through his hair, he began to nod.

"Alright," he continued to nod as he made his way to the cabinet. "Alright, I'll lend you something that can help you better understand his situation," he whispered more than spoke as he kept his eyes from her gaze.

Archie's hands trembled as he grabbed the file and licked his lips as he stared at it. He turned to her and saw her soft smile of gratitude plastered on her face.

She looked down at the file in his hands and quirked her head towards him.

"Why are you doing this for me?" she shakes her head, shuffles her feet, and licks her lips. "I'm not ungrateful. I just," she let out a soft sigh. "Why are you helping me?"

His eyes scanned hers, and he opened his mouth slightly as he struggled to speak.

"Henry," he said softly. "For Henry," she stared at him, waiting for more explanation.

He smiled softly and started to hand over the file. "He just seems happier."
He paused and pursed his lip.
"No, not happier. Well, yes, that, but Henry's been more lively in the past day than he has in over a year."

She looked down and stared at the floor, and he shut his eyes. The folder was slowly taken from his outreach hand, and his eyes fluttered open to see her holding the folder with teary eyes.

"Thank you," she murmured and continued to avoid his gaze. "Seriously, thank you."

"There is no need to thank me." he shook his head. "Please, it's nothing."

She nodded slowly, and his heart pained as she looked at him with gratitude. As he led her out of the office, his fingers trembled, and he felt his breath shortening.
The door shut, and he rested his forehead against the wood.

His fingers rested along the wood as he brought his palms towards the door. Slowly, he used his hands to push himself off the door and pivot towards the phone on his desk. He bit the inside of his cheek before reaching for the phone.

With a loud ring, it jumped to life, and he flinched back as his hand trembled. Quickly, he regained his composure and pulled the phone towards his ear.

"Hello?" He stuttered out, and his breathing quickened as he waited for a response.

"She just left your office. I assume you did as I said?" the mayor's voice startled him, and his eyes widened. He looked toward the window as his heart quickened its pace.
How had she?

"Well?" she said impatiently, and he shook his head and tried to focus.

"I," his lip trembled slightly as the words became trapped in his throat. "I did, yes," he murmured softly as his eyes shut in disgrace.

"Excellent. Well, this has been a pleasant conversation, however."

"How did you know she'd come here?" he interrupted instantly. "I mean. Well, no, yes, how did you know she would come and ask to know about him here?"

There was only soft breathing for a moment before he heard a dark laugh on the other side of the line.

"Well, I'm the one who gave her the idea in the first place," she said cooly, and his heart stopped.


She placed the folder on her bed and cracked her neck as she shook her shoulders. She slowly climbed on the bed and threw her red jacket to the floor.

Emma's eyes fell upon the folder in front of her, and sucked in a breath through her teeth. She was lucky to have even been able to read this. She was thankful to that nervous therapist, but right now, all she felt was stress.

What if this folder just proved her suspicions correct? What if he didn't get his best chance here but his worst?
Her lip trembled alongside her hands as they reached toward the folder.

Emma's fingers lightly grazed the file when the knocking made her hand freeze and her head turn toward the door. She stood up, slinked towards the noise, and opened the door to see the sheriff from earlier. She groaned and shook her head.

"If this is about earlier, I am sorry it was rude of me to just assume." his hand, raising to her face, paused her apology, and she quirked an eyebrow.

"Actually, it's about Dr Hopper," he said with narrowed eyes and crossed his arms. "Well, more so what you took from Dr hopper."

Her mouth instantly became dry, and her brows furrowed as she shook her head.
"Excuse me?" she stammered, crossing her arms as her jaw clenched.

He sighed and scoffed. "I genuinely thought it was sweet that you were staying for Henry. I suppose that was just a cover, then?"

With mouth agape, it took all her self-restraint to keep herself from slapping the audacity out of this man.
"Look, I didn't." she paused and turned her head toward the folder that remained untouched on her bed.

"He gave it to me," she said softly, and her eyes darted to the floor.
Had he tricked her?

"Well, he just called saying you." he paused, and Emma looked back at him and saw the coldness melt in his gaze.
"He said you took a file from his office and threatened him." he licked his lips, and his eyes darted from hers.

She sighed softly, quickly grabbed the file from the bed, and handed it to him.
"This what he said I took?" she said solemnly, and he nodded.

She looked down, and as he took the folder, she held herself and scoffed as she shook her head.
Then it clicked.
"She did this," she muttered.

Graham looked at her in confusion, his head tilted as an eyebrow lifted.


Henry was spinning on the chair before Mary Margaret's desk and laughing when he heard his Mama's footsteps approaching the door. She opened her office door, and his spinning instantly stopped as he looked at his Mama.

Marry Margaret's head lifted up as she flinched at the sudden motion. His smile faltered as he saw his Mama's face.
Then she slowly stepped toward him and sadly frowned and kneeled beside him. She slowly grazed his cheek and let out a soft sigh.

"Oh, Henry," she murmured softly and shook her head.

"What happened, mama?" he said softly as his hand clenched on the sides of the chair.

His Mama brushed his hair strands from his face, and her shoulders slumped.
"Ay, mi corazon," she repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"That woman you brought here," she sighed, and her eyes darted downward. "She is a con artist."

His eyes seemed to pop out of his sockets, and he leaned back into the chair as his heart stopped.
"What do you mean?" he stammered out in a whisper.

He barely realized that Mary Margaret had said the same thing till his Mama glared at her and stood up.
"This is a private conversation, Miss Blanchard. Get back to work," she snapped.

His hands tugged at part of his mother's suit, and she looked back down with him, her fury simmering as her gaze reached his. She kneeled back down, looked him in the eye, and shook her head gently.

"I just got off the phone with Graham" She sucked in a breath and shook her head. "She just stole your file from Dr. Hopper."

His pulse stopped, and his breathing seemed to stagger as he narrowed his eyes and shook his head. Emma wouldn't steal anything.
Not unless.
She wanted information about Operation Cobra.
His heart beat once more as his eyes darted away from his Mama.

"I'm so sorry, mi vida. I know you wanted to trust her, but she just wants to use us and, more importantly, hurt you." She kissed his forehead. "But I promise I won't let her." She cupped his face and smiled softly.

He nodded slowly but kept his gaze away from her, then allowed his hands to drop away from her. Slowly, she stood up and said something to Mary Margaret, but he was too distracted to hear correctly.

The door of her office slamming shut caused his eyes to close, and he quickly spun the chair and stared at Mary Margaret, who was grimacing and looking down.

"I know I already stole your credit card, and I know I still have to pay you back, but" he licked his lips and fidgeted with his hands. "Can you help me with something?"

Mary Margaret's gaze was on him as she quirked her head, and he held on tight to his hands as hope shimmered in his eyes.


Her face pressed against the bars as her arms remained crossed, and her glare was pointed toward the sheriff, who was reading a book. It wasn't that she was really angry with him. It was more just anger in general.
Well no.
She was angry at the kid's crazy adoptive mother who had gotten her thrown in here.
She didn't know yet. All she knew was she somehow puppet-mastered the shrink to frame her.

She groaned, and when she realized the sheriff wouldn't be giving her any more of his time, she slumped onto the bed and threw her face in her hands.
Why had she even stayed in the damned town?

The running footsteps caused her and the sheriff's eyes to flick toward the door as it slammed open. Graham rose immediately and narrowed his eyes for them to soften as Henry came into view.

He turned his head toward her, and his smile widened. Then he ran to her cell and gripped the bars. She let out a breath and shook her head.
"What are you doing here, kid?" she said with a grin, pushing her hand through her locks.

"I'm here to break you out," he said in a faux whisper, and Brahms's eyebrows shot up. "Well, actually bail you out, and by me, I mean."

"Henry!" she looked behind him and saw an out-of-breath Mary Margaret leaning by the doorway.

She watched as the woman walked beside him, ruffled his hair, and he giggled. "There was no hurry, especially not from the kid without the means to bail her out."

Her eyes popped out, and she leaned against the bars quickly.
"You're bailing me out?"

"You're bailing her out?"
She turned to see a confused Ghrahm with widened eyes and a tilted head.
Mary Margaret's face flushed, and she looked down at her shoes and began to bite her lip.

"Yep! She is," Henry said confidently with a toothy grin, looking hopeful.

"Why?" Emma mustered out and stared at the woman nervously, fidgeting before her.

"I just," her eyes met Emmas, and just like Henry, they were hopeful. "I just want to help Henry," she murmured. "Besides, I don't think you meant to steal from Archie."

Emma scowled, then scoffed and crossed her arms. "Oh, definitely not," she muttered bitterly.

Henry was still looking at her, and her jaw clenched, so her gaze drifted. "Henry, I only asked for the folder, too." She paused. What was the best way to say this?

"Because you were getting information for Operation Cobra. Don't worry, Emma, I understand," he beamed at her. Her mouth fell open a tad, and she let out a soft snort.

While she was distracted by Henry, she supposed Mary Margaret had paid the bail because after a few moments passed, Ghrahm opened the cell, and Henry was clapping with joy.

"So what's next now that you're a free woman?" Mary Marget asked with a soft grin.
Emma paused and wondered for a moment before smirking.

"Still not entirely sure, but," She paused, acknowledging with a nod, "Thank you. I'll make sure to pay you back."

"It's nothing. Don't rush to pay me back. It's quite alright." Mary Margaret murmured softly, and Emma smiled at her.
Had Emma not just been tricked by someone who seemed just as innocent, perhaps Emma would have invited her to eat or anything as a thank you. Instead, she just nodded and gathered herself.

As she said bye to Henry, her heart skipped when he beamed at her and waved bye.
At least she had a fraction of a reason to stay in this town. Not just for the kid but because of his damned mother.


As she crushed her steed's heart and allowed the dust to pour into the cauldron, she felt the smoke rise and swirl around her. Her laughter filled her chamber as she shut her eyes and threw her head back in joy.

Finally, her happy ending was at the end of her fingertips, and she would get her vengeance on that spoiled brat.

Then the smoke stopped, and the bubbling noises that had filled her ears dissipated, and her eyes flew open only to see the curse disintegrated and her ingredients wilted.

With a rough slam of her hand, she forced the children to the floor and allowed the concoctions to pool onto the floor. She screamed in rage as she slammed her foot against the cauldron.

How could it have failed?
How could SHE have failed?

Finally, she slumped to the floor and grabbed hold of her face as she shouted out her frustration in a loud wail of fury.
She was curled up in a ball, holding herself tight, when she heard the door slowly creak open.

"Stay Out!" she hollered as her nails tightened into her skin. Her shoulders slumped as she rocked back and forth. The door seemed to stop moving, but she felt a warm hand on her back.

Her rage fueled her, and she slammed her palm against the person. The stinging of her palm only fueled her outrage as she quickly stood up, allowing her magic to fill her palms.
Her eyes locked on her papa, holding his face and wincing in distress.

Her ragged breath halted as she realized what she had done. She reached toward him for a moment and quickly brought her hand down.

"I told you to stay out, papa," she murmured before turning on her heel and picking up her cauldron.

"I heard you screaming. I grew concerned," her father murmured, and her shoulders tensed.

"I," she paused and turned around. "Did I call for you?" she scoffed and approached him. "Did I scream out your name?"

He looked down and shook his head.
"Exactly." she shoved him aside, but a grasp on her wrist halted her in place. She turned her head and glared at him.

"I know it failed mi vida."

Her hands clenched, and she trembled with outrage as she walked towards her papa.
"Did you?" she started, grabbing his coat, and his eyes widened at her grasp.
"Did you mess with my curse?" she spat out.

He shook his head violently. "Of course not, mi corazon," he licked his lips as his eyes darted. "I just," he stammered, "I just figured since we were not someplace horrible, it failed." He tilted his head toward the pool of the failed curse, "as well as your screams of outrage."

She released him, instantly pivoted away, and scoffed as she shook her head. She tightened her nails into her palms as they trembled.
"Then I have failed." she shut her eyes as her lip quivered.

"For now, mi corazon," he murmured softly as his fingertips brushed her shoulder and then settled gently. Her eyes fluttered open, and she turned to him and nodded.

"You're right, Papi." She nodded and shut her eyes tight as a grin formed across her face.
Her papa was right. This was just a setback and a minor one at best. She had all her ingredients. All she needed was more knowledge, and she knew exactly where to get that.


Wiping her face as she pulled out her keys from her pocket, Regina couldn't help but feel proud. She got rid of that wretched woman and was now back on track to her perfect life.
Then her eyes glanced at the crack in her door, and she paused.

Mary Margaret had Henry tonight. Henry wouldn't be home until after the park and dinner, as per her request. Her eyes darted around as she surveyed the door. Slowly, she lifted her hand and pushed the door in.

It creaked slowly as she stepped inside her home, and she narrowed her eyes as she looked around.
"Hello?" she called out as she stepped into the middle of the foyer and observed her surroundings.

"Oh, Miss Mills, there you are. I've been waiting ages."

Her head turned instantly as she saw the woman grinning at her while leaning against the entrance of her den. Her brows furrowed as her knuckles clenched so hard they became white.

"How the hell did you get in here?" she gritted as she stepped toward her.

The woman only laughed and stepped closer to her, clearly not willing to back down.
"It's all in the tumblers," she murmurs with a smirk, then crosses her arms.

"You are utterly insane," Regina spat and glared at her. It took all of her self-control to not take the blonde's little neck and snap it.

"No, Miss Mills. You are," she retorted, and Regina scoffed in disbelief. Before Regina could speak again, she pushed past her and headed toward the front door.

"By the way, Miss Mills," she licked her lips and chuckled, "Every little push you give me," she shook her head. "I promise I will push back tenfold."

Regina glared at her as she held the door, then stepped out, slamming the door behind her. Regina hit the vase of flowers on the table to the ground as she did, causing the glass to shatter and the water to pool around it.


The popping of his bones echoed in the cave as he stretched out his limbs. It was rather fun twisting around and moving to scare the little couple, but it sure did leave a crick in his neck, Rumplestilskin thought pensively as he rubbed his shoulder.

His ear twitched, and his eyes darted toward the faint noise of squeaking mice.
Or rather, a specific pure black mouse that seemed to be brimming with magic.

"That, not the greatest disguise, dearie," he sneered. "I mean, you look exactly the same." For a moment, nothing happened, and he began to cackle.

Then a burst of smoke appeared where the mouse once was, and Regina glowered at him underneath her veil. He need not see her face to feel the anger. It caused a grin to spread on his face as he leaned in against the bars.

"It did not bloody work, you damned imp," she spat and grabbed at the bars in an instant. Rumplestilskin remained impasse and merely giggled as he felt her gaze on him.

"Do you not hear me, you deranged demon?" she sneered as she slammed her palms against the bars. "Your bloody curse. Failed me"

He scoffed and shook his head. Of course, the little Queen would blame his little gift and not herself.
"No, dearie," he spat. "You failed the curse. Do not dare get it twisted around."

She narrowed her eyes and slammed her heel into the bar, causing laughter to explode from the back of his throat.

"It failed me, which means you failed me," she gritted.

He shook his head as he laughed. "Dearie, I did no such thing. Now tell me what exactly messed up my lovely little present."

"The present itself is a mess up, you imp," she snapped as she threw her hands in the air.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You and your darling little stepdaughter are much more alike than you would wish, Your Majesty."

The Queen tensed up, and he grinned maliciously. "Just like you are doing right now, she was throwing a little tantrum herself about the curse as well." he maneuvered his hands dramatically as the Queen's own hands clenched the lace of her dress.

"What did you tell her?" she whispered harshly, and he scoffed and shook his head.

"I am not in the means of giving up knowledge for nothing, dearie." he rolled his eyes. "As my apprentice, I expected you to know that, at the least."

She groaned as she grabbed at her veil and scrunched it up between her fingers. He tilted his head as he smirked at her derangement.

"Fine," she finally said after her little tantrum ended. "What is it that you desire?"

"Hmm," he hummed as he tapped his chin dramatically and gazed up at the ceiling of his makeshift cell.
"Power," he murmured softly, then gazed back at her. "I want to live a life in this new world of yours that allows me to still maintain my power," he purred, then giggled.

The Queen scoffed and muttered, "If it ever bloody works." She shook her head, "Fine, it matters not since I will still be in control of it all. Now tell me what you told that petulant brat."

He chuckled softly and shrugged nonchalantly. "I merely told her who could stop your curse well," he giggled, "other than yourself."

"Excuse me," she whispered. "What does that mean?" she snapped, and he shrugged with a laugh.

"Oh, just that her little bun in the oven could break your curse, that is," he tilted his head and chortled. "That is if you even cast the bloody thing."

'Well, if you had not given me a failure of a curse, it would have been cast by now," she gritted out with a clenched jaw.

"Is that someone asking me for another deal, perhaps?" he grinned as he kicked his leg back and leaned onto the bars for support.

She let out a breath of annoyance before nodding. "I suppose so since I have no choice in the matter."

"Mm," he bit his lip momentarily before releasing a snicker. "No. Not really"

She tapped her foot impatiently, and he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Let me think," he started tapping at his head, then abruptly halted and clapped his hands together. "I know."

"Whenever I say the word," he stuck out his tongue as his eyes darted momentarily.
"Please," he locked his gaze on her.
"You shall do whatever I say. As you know, I am quite fond of manners," he chuckled.

She was silent for a moment, then shook her head. "Fine," she snapped, "Fine, it matters not anyway. You shall not even recall this deal."

"Then it means nothing," he shrugged and smirked at her.

She motioned her hand as if to force him to continue speaking, and he scoffed. "Well, what do I need for the bloody curse?"

"To crush," he shut his eyes as he grinned. "The heart of what you love most." he opened his eyes and gazed directly toward her.

"I did that, you bloody imp," she sneered. "I crushed the heart of my beloved steed."

He scoffed in disgust and disbelief and climbed the bars. "You dammed fool!" he screeched. "A bloody horse? That's what you crushed into the darkest of curses."

Her head bowed as her grasp on her gown tightened. He scoffed. How much of a bloody idiot was she?

"Then what am I to crush?" she said in a hushed whisper, and he shook his head in disappointment.

"Why are you asking me? We both know whose heart you must crush for you to finally be," he chuckled. "Happy."

He watched as the Queen's shoulders tensed, and then she waved her hand and was gone in a puff of smoke. He smiled softly, rested his head against the bar, and tightened his grasp on them.
He was finally going to land that took everything from him.


Emma walked toward the inn as the moon rose in the background of the sky. It wasn't the worst day she's had, but at least she stood up to that crazy woman, and maybe she could be left alone in peace.

While she walked up the steps to her room, she suddenly heard someone calling for her.

"Miss Swan," called out Granny as she raced toward her in a hurry.

"Oh, hello, mam," she said with confusion. "Is there something wrong?" she asked as her eyebrow lifted.

The older woman looked down and fiddled with her hands before letting out a deep sigh. "Oh," she shook her head. "Oh dear, I am so sorry, but" she looked back up at her, "Well, the inn can't have any felons. I suppose it's a city ordinance, and well, it's out of my hands."

Emma nodded slowly. As she processed the information, she scoffed. "I guess the mayor just reminded you," she muttered before pinching the bridge of her nose.

Granny nodded and sighed. "I," her shoulders slumped, "I'll allow you tonight, but by tomorrow, I will need your key on the front desk and your stuff to be out of here."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll be out your hair by the morning."

As the older woman walked down the stairs and Emma walked up, she crossed her arms and glared. That damn woman was going to be the death of her, but as long as Emma has it her way, she'll be the death of her as well.


Graham watched Regina pick at her food with her fork and scowled as she flung the food around the plate. The entire dinner had been silent except when Henry kissed her cheek and excused himself to do his homework. Apart from that docile moment, she had been purely spiteful the entire evening.

"I want her gone," she spat as the fork fell to the plate with a clanging sound.
His gaze flew to her face as she glowered down at the fork.

He licked his lips. "Well," he paused momentarily. "I'm not sure that's wise, Gina," he murmured.

Her eyes met his, and they narrowed at his sight, and she scowled at him. He looked back down in an instant. Even though Gina was his best friend, he sometimes felt petrified around her.

"What the hell does that mean?" she snapped
as she slammed her palm against the table.

"I mean," he sighed, "That's probably not what's best for Henry." He looked back up at her as her gaze softened, and she looked away.

"You two constantly fighting will end up with him in the crosshairs, and then," he paused as he noticed her grab herself tight, "Well, you know what could happen."

A soft sigh escaped her lip, and she nodded. "I know," she murmured, "I know. It's just," she shook her head, "I just wish she never entered my life."

"Well, technically, you wouldn't have Henry if she hadn't," he shrugged. "So I supposed she can't be all bad now, can she?"

She made a soft humming noise as she nodded and looked back at him. "I suppose you're right, Graham," she sighed. "Perhaps I should be kind to that woman."

He smiled softly, then went back to his plate. He was glad he had helped Gina cool off. Maybe the two women could come to an agreement now.


Her steps were slow and unsteady as she entered her bed chamber. She slowly grabbed at a stuffed toy her papa had gotten her when she was but a child. She held it tight as she slowly slipped onto her bed.

"Your majesty, there you are!" called out that accursed man, and she glared at the mirror.

"What" she snarled and threw the toy behind her as she stood up to face the damned looking glass.

"Well," he stammered, "I just wanted to know if The Dark One gave you the information you needed."

With the blast spiraling out of her palm, the mirror shattered immediately as her ragged breath filled the room. She quickly grabbed her veil, threw it to the floor, and slumped against her bed.

Her shoulders shook as she began to let out a sob, and she threw her head back onto the mattress as she held herself. As she allowed herself to wail, the door instantly swung open, and she turned to see her papa's worry etched on his face as he ran to hold her.

"Ay mi vida," he murmured softly as she gripped onto his back and sobbed against him. "What happened?" he whispered, brushing his fingers through her hair.

Her lip quivered as she finally halted sobbing to push back and be able to stare him in the eye. His gaze was warm and soft as he looked at her tentatively. She instantly looked away and bit her lip.

"Oh Papa," she whispered hoarsely, "I know how to enact my curse." she laughed humorlessly and shook her head.

"Is that not what you wanted, mi vida?" he murmured softly as he brushed the tears from her face.

She sucked in a breath and shut her eyes as she shook her head. "No," she licked her lips and huffed out, "No, this is not what I wanted, but" she paused, "But it is what I need."

He looked at her curiously. "Well? What is it you need, mi vida? Perhaps I can be of assistance."

She let out a guffaw, looked down, and began to tear up again. "Oh, papa. I need to." she gripped his arms and held onto him tight. "I need to crush the heart of what I love most."

He stayed silent, and she felt his eyes scanning her, and all she felt was shame and agony.
"I suppose I should be flattered, mija," he murmured softly, scoffed, and looked back up at him.

"Papa," she hesitated, "I have no clue what to do." She pulled away from him and scooted away.

"Ay Regina," he murmured softly. "Well, obviously, I am partial to one option." She let out a laugh and grabbed his hand gently.
"But I also will understand whatever decision you make, mi vida."

She nodded, and the two remained on the floor for a while. He allowed her to grip his hand tighter, and she knew he already knew she had decided what to do.

There was silence as tears streamed down her face, and she stared at nothing.

"Te amo mi vida," he murmured softly as she grew closer and leaned her hand against his chest.

She couldn't look him in the eye as she thrust her hand into him. "I love you too, papa," she sobbed as she pulled out his heart swiftly.

Her father's eyes rolled back as he slumped to the floor completely. His lifeless body spread on the ground would forever burn in her brain. However, as Regina stood up with his heart in her hand, she finally felt the long-lost hope she thought she would never have again.

Snow White would pay for causing this, and everything she did that led to this.


The door to her bug swung open as she threw the last of her stuff in the back. It wasn't even a lot of things. It still sucked that she didn't have a place to sleep tonight. Emma sighed as she patted at the door. It wouldn't be the first or the last time Emma would have to sleep in this baby.

She shut the back seat door, opened the front door, and slid in. She could just leave and never deal with any of this psycho woman's backlash, and yet she still felt a certain obligation to stay. Mainly for the kid and primarily to make sure he was okay here.

Grabbing her phone from her pocket, she slid it open and began to scroll mindlessly. There wasn't really anything for her to do. She could go eat, but the only place she had seen open was Grannys, and right now, that seemed far too embarrassing.

Suddenly, her phone started to buzz and ring in her hand as an unknown number flashed on her screen. She blinked in confusion as her fingers struggled to swipe the answer button.

"Hello," she questioned as she brought the phone to her ear.

"Ah, Miss Swan," Regina's voice purred through the phone, and Emma looked aghast.

"How the hell did you get my number?" she murmured as she straightened herself in her seat.

"Well, Miss Swan," she heard muffled laughter. "It slips my mind now, which is beside the point."

"I doubt that," Emma muttered as she rolled her eyes and her jaw clenched.

"Well, don't worry, what I have to say will benefit the both of us."

Emma raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue. Whatever this little trick was, Emma wasn't that much of an idiot to just fall for it.

"Well," Emma said after a beat of silence, "What is it you want to talk about?"

Regina made a humming sound. "I say it's far too important to discuss over the phone, wouldn't you agree, Miss Swan?"

"I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" she sighed.

"I would say not," Regina murmured back. "However, I am busy all day. You understand some people have lives."

Emma scoffed and rolled her eyes. This woman was really getting on her nerves.

"Well, when do you want me, madam mayor?" she snapped.

Regina laughed on the other line. "Oh, Miss Swan, I'd prefer you come over roughly at five. My home, of course, seeing as you know exactly how to get there."

"Yeah, of course," Emma replied, pinched the bridge of her nose.

"See you there, Miss Swan," she purred, and the call ended.

Emma let out a groan and then slammed her head against the steering wheel. She shook her head and sighed as she pulled back and looked out the window.

The town was lovely, and if Emma was someone else, she could have enjoyed it. Instead, she was trapped here and didn't even know why.


"I'm reminding you when Henry comes to the office, drop him off at home. I'm taking the afternoon off," she said cooly, looking over her papers.

"Of course, Madam Mayor," Mary Margaret said in a hushed whisper as she averted her gaze from her.

She usually acted all skittish anyway, so it shouldn't have felt as suspicious as it did, but Regina wasn't a fool. She knew something was up with the brat. However, it mattered not. Perhaps she'd deal with her when she finished with Miss Swan.

She looked up at the clock and saw it strike four-thirty. She hummed as she pushed her hair back and threw her purse over her shoulder.

"Alright, Miss Blanchard," she pivoted on her heel. "I shall see you tomorrow. Make sure you bring my son on time today," she snapped, then walked out.

She had decided to walk to work today, which was most likely for the best. Miss Swan didn't seem like the type of woman who would arrive early to anything, even if it was something as important as this.

It did not matter. As long as she got Miss Swan to say anything about her son, then she would have succeeded. Perhaps it wasn't the best of plans since Henry could get hurt, but what's this fraction of pain when it will save him from much worse.

As she approached her home, she scanned the perimeter for any signs of the woman. She saw nothing as she walked up the driveway and sighed in relief as she saw her locked front door.

Swiftly, she took out her keys, entered her home, and dropped her bag on the table, now void of flowers due to yesterday's.

She released a breath as she leaned against the table and pushed her hand through her hair. Once this woman finally left, everything would be okay again. Her life would be okay, and more importantly, her son would remain safe in her arms.

Her head lifted as she heard the knocking at the door, and she turned on her heel as a smile plastered on her face.
Only a few more moments left of this damn woman, and her life would be perfect.

She made he way to the door and swung it open to see Emma Swan looking at the ground. The woman looked up at Regina for a moment and rolled her eyes.

"Alright," she shoved her hands into her pockets, and her shoulders slumped. "I'm here now. What do you want to talk about?"

Regina's smile faltered, and her lips pursed. "Charming," she muttered, then turned away from her.
"Come to my den, Miss Swan, and we can discuss what we need to in there."

She heard her groan, and then the footsteps of her boots followed behind her. She bit her lip to keep herself from sighing as she pushed open her den doors. This woman was bloody insufferable.

"It is no surprise that I do not like you, Miss Swan," she said softly before facing the woman. "I know the feeling is mutual."

Emma scoffed but nodded just the same. Regina made a humming sound as she pressed her lips together.

"I, however," she pauses and bites her lip gently, "Must apologize for my behavior."

Emma's eyes widened abruptly, and her mouth popped open slightly.
She looked like a fool.

She shook her head and blinked momentarily. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Regina shrugged, then sat on her couch as Emma rolled her eyes.

"Seriously though," she let out a soft sigh, "I do apologize for my behavior these few days."

She watched as Emma sat in the chair before her and looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"I suppose my behavior just furthers your drive to stay here more."

Emma laughed. "oh, definitely,"

Her shoulders slumped as she turned her head to the side. "I guess I just have to accept that you're staying."

"Yep," she reclined and crossed her legs with a smirk.

"And that you're taking my son away." Regina shut her eyes, crossed her arms, and sighed.

Abruptly, the woman moved forward and raised her hands. "What? No, of course not."

"Well then, frankly, Miss Swan, I have no idea why you chose to stay here," she snapped and clenched her jaw.

Emma looked away and glared at the floor. "I don't," she sucked in a breath through gritted teeth and shook her head. "Look, Miss Mills, I just want to make sure Henry is okay," she murmured.

"My son is perfectly fine," she retorted quickly, raising her head to narrow her eyes.

Emma scoffed, and Regina furrowed her brow in disbelief. How dare this woman. She gave up Henry, and now she's judging her?

"No offense, Miss Mills, but I haven't seen your kid be perfectly fine." She rolled her eyes and shook her hands theatrically.

"What does that mean?" she bit out with a clenched jaw as she balled up her fist in her lap.

"Well," she paused and licked her lips, "he did run away from you."

Regina stood up swiftly and threw her hand to the side. "No!" she shook her head. "He ran to find the woman who abandoned him.

Emma stood up and crossed her arms. "Listen, lady, I just want to make sure the kid is safe."

"Now you decide to worry about him?" Regina scoffed. "You gave him up. Why do you care so much now?"

"Because you drove him insane," Emma snapped back, throwing her hands up. "What normal kid goes around saying everyone is a fairytale character?"

A light gasp caused both women to turn to see Mary Margaret holding Henry's shoulders as he stared at the two in horror.

"You think I'm insane?" his little voice cracked, and Regina shut her eyes quickly.

She knew this would happen.
She had planned this.
But why did it hurt so much?
Her eyes quickly opened when she heard hard footsteps heading out the door.

"Henry!" all three women screamed, and Regina slumped to the couch below her when she realized he wasn't coming back.

"You set this up. You knew he'd be here," Emma said with a certain numbness in her voice.

"Is this why you told me to make sure he was here on time?" Mary Margaret whispered, "To do this."

Regina kept her eyes shut and scoffed. "Like I said, Miss Swan." She looked back at the woman whose stern gaze pierced her soul. "It would have been best if you had left when I told you to."


Her eyes trailed to Emma as she stormed out of the house, and, for a moment, she looked at Regina. Regina didn't even flinch. She just stared up at the ceiling. Then Mary Margaret shook her head and raced after Emma.
At least she and Emma would go after Henry.

Then she saw Emma kicking her bug's tire in and then slumping against the vehicle.
"Are you?" she walked toward her and bent her head to face her. "Alright?" she murmured.

Emma let out a dry laugh and ran her hand through her locks.
"I just broke that kid's spirit." She pulled her palms over her face and groaned. "This is why I gave him up to begin with." She threw her hands out and shook her head. "I left him so he would have his best chance, and now I'm ruining it."

"I don't think you've ruined anything," she murmured instinctively, then looked back to Emma, who stared at her with a quivering lip.

"But I," she burst out laughing and threw her head against her car, "I got landed in jail twice and crushed his dreams."

Mary Margret bit her lip and then slid down beside her. "But you're still here," she whispered softly.

She nudged Emma gently. "That's what counts."

Emma started to tear up, smiled softly, and wiped at her face. She sighed softly, and Mary Margaret gently touched her shoulder.

"You just being here and reaching out to him is all he needs."

"But what if I can't reach out? What if I just?" she shook her head, "I should just leave."

"Do you think that's what's best for Henry?" She pauses. "Or you"

The breeze was all she heard for what felt like ages as Emma looked away from her and toward the distance. She shouldn't have said that. Why had she said that?
Why had she, indeed?
She looked away, and as she did, she felt Emma swiftly stand beside her.

"He'll be at his castle, I suppose, or is there somewhere else he'll be going?" she murmured, and Mary Margret looked back up at her.

"Well, Regina was going to drop him off for his first day of work," she muttered.

"Huh," she said softly, then quirked her head.

"Well, he does sort of have to pay me back," she laughed gently, then shook her head. "Henry's the type of kid to honor his commitments." She slowly stood up and brushed herself off, "Even when it hurts."

Emma paused, then nodded. "So where is he exactly?"

Mary Margaret groaned and pinched her nose. "Well, let's just say," she let her hand fall." Regina has friends who are even worse than she is"

She watched as Emma's eyes widened and then narrowed as she looked at her in confusion.


"Alright, Henry, I just want you to sweep up the front of the shop for now, alright, lad."

"Yes, Mr. Gold," he murmured softly as he reached the broom and grabbed it slowly.
It could've been worse, he supposed. He could be working with Graham or, worse, Sydney. He involuntary shuddered, then shook his head as he started to sweep.

"Are you quite alright, lad?" Mr. Gold spoke softly, and Henry looked up at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mr Gold. Thank you for asking." he nodded, then went back to sweeping. He paused after a while, and Mr. Gold lifted a brow as he faced him.

"Mr Gold," Henry bit his lip and shifted his gaze away. "Do you think I'm crazy?" he whispered out.

There was a beat of silence, and Henry felt his face flush. It was his first day of work, and he already blew it. Oh no, his Mama was going to send him with Sydney.

"Well," there was another pause, "I think that most people are inherently crazy, but I suppose those who seem sane are much worse."

He looked up at Mr Gold and quirked his head. Mr Gold laughed softly and walked toward him from behind his counter. "What I mean to say, lad. You perfectly fine." he smiled down at him, and Henry nodded.

He wiped at his face and watched as Mr Gold pivoted with his cane back to the counter.

The bell clanging at the front entrance caused them to jump, and Henry turned to see Emma out of breath at the entryway.

"Henry," she breathed out, and he looked up at her and clutched onto the broom.

"Henry, I need to talk to you," she said softly and almost out of breath.

"I'm at work, Emma," he said, then turned back to brooming while biting his lip and keeping his gaze away from her.

"You know, Mr Mills, I'd say that these few minutes were a good starting point for what we'll expect of you the next few months," he paused and smirked. "Why don't you and Miss Swan converse outside while I finish up in here?"

"Are you sure, Mr. Gold, I can?" Mr Gold lifted his hand to stop him and continued his toothy grin.

"It's no problem for me, Mr. Mills." he winked, and Henry paused for a moment, allowing his eyes to shift to Emma and back to Mr. Gold for a few moments before nodding and walking to Emma.

As Henry walked to Emma and left the broom by one of the counters, he saw Emma turn to look at Mr. Gold.

"Thank you," she murmured.

"My pleasure." he paused for a moment, then chuckled. "Emma"

Emma pulled him out, and the two stood in the front of the shop as she shuffled her feet and looked down.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly and shook her head. "What I said was," she sighed, "It was inexcusable."

"No, it wasn't," he muttered, crossing his arms. "You just think I'm crazy."

"No," she bent down and grabbed his shoulders. "This curse," she paused. "That's crazy, but Henry, I'm not here for a curse."

He furrowed his brow and spoke up. "But you're the Savior," he murmured.

"I might be," she whispered. "But I'm not just the savior. I'm also." She paused and looked at him. he steadied his gaze with hers and clenched his jaw.
"I'm also here because I want to make sure you are okay."
She gripped his shoulders before he could speak again. "And if that means I have to break a curse that may or may not be real, then so be it."

He kicked his feet as his gaze fell to the ground. "You mean it," he whispered. "You'll really break the curse." he paused and looked back at her. "For me?"

"Yeah," she murmured softly, "I guess so."

His instinct took over as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He felt her stiffen, then a soft, warm hand pressed against his back, and he smiled as his eyes fluttered shut.


Regina sat beside her tree, looked at the once vibrant green leaves, which looked duller than usual, and sighed.
Sure, her son must be heartbroken, and it's most definitely her fault, but it would never have happened had it not been for that damnable woman.

So, if anyone was to blame, it was that Emma Swan woman. Luckily for Regina, she was no longer an issue. Now, everything was as it should be.

"Your leaves are looking a little lackluster, madam mayor," a voice that was so distinct and memorable purred.

Her eyes burst open, and she turned to face him. Roman towered over her sitting form as he stared at her tree. He settled most of his weight onto his cane and pursed his lips.
"I suppose I wouldn't know much about gardening, so who am I to judge."

"This tree has survived everything thrown its way, and it'll continue to flourish," she snapped and quickly stood up to face him.

"Just like you, I suppose you're implying," he scoffed and shook his head.

"as a matter of fact," she crossed her arms and lifted her head, "Yes I am. You see, I just endured a certain pest situation, and it was handled perfectly."

He made a soft humming sound and then used his free hand to pull down an apple from the tree. She scowled at him and narrowed her eyes at him.

"If you mean," he inspected the apple momentarily before looking up at her, "Miss Swan," her arms falling as her shoulders slumped.
"Then I suppose that wasn't handled at all, Madam Mayor."

"Excuse me," she snapped and stepped toward him with gusto.

"Well," he paused and snorted, "I just saw her and your." he licked his lips and looked to the side. "Or should I say her boy?" She clenched her jaw and sucked in a breath.

"Well, the little scamp was just with Miss Swan, and the two like a pair of peas in a pod."

She shut her eyes and tried to stabilize herself against the tree. How could she have failed? How? When she had planned it to perfection.

"Should've come to me," she heard a loud crunch, and her eyes shifted to Roman eating the apple. He hummed for a moment, then threw it beside her feet.

"Bitter," he said with a grin before turning around and walking away.

She stared at him at a loss for words and narrowed her eyes.

"You knew she would come here," she murmured softly.

He paused and snorted, then turned his head slightly toward her. "Madam Mayor, I haven't a clue what you mean."

"You're the one who found the agency that got me, Henry. Of course, you set it up this way. To benefit you," she snapped.

"Now, Madam Mayor," he quirked his head. "How would this benefit me?"

She shut her mouth instantly and looked down. "It wouldn't," she muttered, and he hummed.

"Well then, alright," he turned and continued to walk away. Regina watched him disappear into the night, and her mouth dried as the reality of what was happening hit her.
She slumped against her tree and stared out to the night sky. The stars twinkled against the darkness as her fingers gripped the grass beneath her.


I promise to try to post twice a month, but I will make sure that I will, at the very least, post one chapter a month!!!!!

Also, those who love Rumple as much as I do may notice he's a more prominent character now. Yeah, sorry, but everyone is different, like I've said! I love all of them so much. I love everything I've worked on for them and where I'm taking this story. I promise I will continue this!!

The next chapter is where things really start to be more different, and we will finally get Snow and Charming's first meeting. Honestly, I love them so much I'm very ecstatic to write about them.

Also, just as a warning, this is exceptionally different (but also very similar) to canon, but I’m always open to hearing your ideas, and hell, I could start a series with your ideas if you'd like! Either way, this is just a minor update and a warning to
be prepared for everything, MWHAHHAH. Anyway, peace and love, stay slay!!

Chapter 3: Snowbells


Mary Margret struggles with James Nolan's evident hatred for her, so Henry puts a plan in motion that cannot 'fail'. We see the beginning of Snow White and Prince "Charming" in the past.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The carriage ride had been rather dull till they hit the field of snowbells. The flowers formed a wave of pure white as they rode by.

"Look out the window. The fields are utterly majestic," David said, awestruck as he threw his head out the window, took in the fresh breeze against his skin, and allowed himself to be captivated by the magnificence of nature.

Abigail groaned and rolled her eyes as she slumped far from him. "James, could you at least have the decency to act as if you have a semblance of decorum? At the very least, to allow me some respite?"

David tensed at the name, and his shoulders drooped as he slowly moved away from the window and held his hands together. "I apologize, Abigail. I just assumed that you would enjoy the loveliness just as I have."

"Yes, well," she paused, shook her head, and sighed. "You assumed wrong, James. I just want us to get to the castle in a hurry. This journey has taken us far too long."

"Yes, well," he shrugged, "I wanted to enjoy a scenic route."

She scoffed, and David looked down at his thumbs and began to fidget them around. He hadn't meant to upset her, but it seemed no matter what he did, whenever he spoke to Lady Abigail, he continued to perturb her.

"You do realize we could have just paid for passage on the bridge?" she muttered disinterestedly.

"Well, yes, but we would not have gotten this amazing view."

"I suppose it no longer matters since it's obvious you make the decisions now," she said with a smile, then turned to no longer face him.
David winced at the harshness in her voice and looked down in shame. He had not meant it in that way. He only wanted to see the fields again.

Before he could open his mouth to apologize, the carriage abruptly stopped, and he flung forward. Abigail only raised a brow and scoffed.
He quickly returned to his seat and peered out the window. He slowly opened the door, exited the carriage, and approached a guard.

"What happened?" he asked softly as he peeked over the guard's shoulder and saw a tree blocking the road.

"It is only a fallen tree, Your Highness." the guard responded, then turned to him, and David awkwardly shifted back.

"We shall take care of the tree. You may rest in the carriage." The guard nodded at him, then turned to go to the fallen tree and help the other guards move it.

David watched momentarily, then approached them and started moving the trunk to the other side. The guards stared at him, and he just smiled at them. However, when he looked back down at the tree, he hesitated.

"It has been cut," he whispered, and the guards stopped.

"Excuse me, sire?"

"It is an ambush," he said instantly, rising and fumbling for the sword at his side.

Abbigail's scream made them all turn toward the carriage, where David laid eyes on a bandit in a hood taking a bag.
His bag.
Immediately, he threw his sword to the ground and ran after the bandit, allowing his instinct to take control as he chased the thief. The cries from his guards did nothing to slow him down.

He chased the other into the thick wood, and eventually, his hand reached the hood, and he pulled it down roughly, bringing the scoundrel down with it. However, he did not account for the force he used and ended up falling backward alongside them.

He shook himself off, pinned down the bandit, and glared. Then his eyes widened when he saw.
"You," he blinked in confusion. "You are but a girl," he murmured.

"Woman, actually," she smirked, then slammed a handful of dirt in his face. He coughed up and shuffled backward.
He finally regained his vision, only to see her blurry figure running off once more.

"I will find you," he hollered. "I will not rest till I have."
"That is a promise," he whispered, then fell back to the ground and shut his eyes.




His sights fluttered to the documents in his hand momentarily before he looked back to the hall where he strode.
James Nolan wasn't a bitter man.
Well, he was, but that wasn't his fault, he supposed. He shrugged and continued to look over the documents for the mayor as he pondered to himself.

If anything, it was that damn Mary Margrets fault he's so unhappy. He shook his head at the memory, then pinched the bridge of his nose. He should not be thinking of these things during work, but it was hard to let go of his resentment when she worked so closely.

His eyes flickered to her desk, where she was typing something intensely and biting her lip as she does when she's in deep thought. Perhaps she hadn't ruined his life in another universe, and the two were happy.
However, this was reality, and in reality, James Nolan dealt with the knowledge that she had taken everything from him.

He coughed into his hand to get her attention, and she jumped in her seat, and in an instant, her gaze was on him.
"I have the papers I promised the mayor, but since I am quite busy, I leave them in your care to ensure she receives them." She nodded and kept her gaze on him.
"I do hope this task is simple enough that you won't allow both our jobs to end up in flames."

Her eyes widened at the remark, and her shoulders fell. "Yes, Mr. Nolan," she murmured, and he nodded.

He pivoted on his heel and held his head high as he walked down the hall. Perhaps he was a resentful man, but that was just what she made him, and there was nothing she could do that would be able to fix that mistake.



Mary Margaret locked up the building and slid the key into her pocket. It wasn't unusual that she locked up the offices mostly since she had to do a lot of Regina's busy work, as she liked to call it. She had much to do tonight, mainly because Regina had been somewhat distracted recently.

She let out a sigh and slowly started walking back to her apartment. The night was pleasant enough that it didn't make her instantly want to go home yet, so she strolled. She took in her hometown and smiled at the night sky and how beautiful the stars shimmered.

However, as her gaze fell back to the street, she saw Emma in her yellow bug parked by her apartment. She quirked her head at the woman reading a novel in the car and slowly walked towards her. She knocked gently on the window and saw Emma jump up and look at her with widened eyes.

Slowly, as the window rolled down, she saw Emma push her hand into her pocket. "Oh, Mary Margaret, hello." She then pulled out some money and handed it to her. "Here I was waiting for you," she paused then looked at the money in her hand, "to pay you back finally."

"Oh," she sighed in relief, slowly taking the money from her hand. "I was worried you were sleeping here."

Emma laughed nervously and looked away from her. "That would be crazy," she said awkwardly.

"So," she looked her over, "You decided to stay for Henry, but you have nowhere actually to stay?"

She sighed and rested her head against the steering wheel. "I know, I know," she murmured, shaking her head. "It's just there was no vacancy anywhere in Storybrooke. It was like every apartment and home was made specifically for the people living there."

"Maybe Henry's curse theory is true." she snorted and shook her head. Emma let out a laugh and rested her head back.

"Say, speaking of curses, who cursed you to stay out this late," She quirked her eyebrow, and Mary Margaret groaned.

"Who else?" she rolled her eyes. "Regina and, of course, the great city administrator, James Nolan."

"James Nolan?" she pursed her lips. "Haven't met him yet."

"Be glad you haven't." she sighed and shook her head. "Enough about that," she bit her lip. "Just so you know, I have an extra room in my apartment if you ever find yourself not in the mood to sleep in a car,"

Emma looked at her and then glanced away. "Nah, I don't want to impose." Emma continued before Mary Margaret could say she wouldn't be, "Besides, I'm better off when I'm by myself."

She hummed for a moment as she watched Emma stare up at her. "Well, my door will be open if you ever change your mind," she nodded, then turned. "Good night, Emma. Enjoy your car."

"I will," she heard Emma call out, and Mary Margret snorted as she walked up to her apartment. So what if she had more work now that Emma was here? Her being here was also making things feel better. Even if only for a few moments.




Mama rarely worked the weekends, but she had said something about wanting to catch up with some paperwork, which led to him sitting with Mary Margaret in his pajamas.

"So," he drawled momentarily, "Have you ever stolen jewelry from the Nolans?"

Mary Margaret stopped typing, then quirked her head at him and chuckled. "Is this part of your fairytales?" she asked, and he smiled.

"Actually, it's part of your past," he corrected, fluttering his eyes at her.

She chuckled, then leaned her head on her hand and hummed momentarily. "Nope, can't say that I have Henry." She shifted her head. "Why? Did Snow White steal from two royals?"

He rolled his eyes and laughed. "No, well, yes," he paused momentarily, "She stole from her true love and his fiancé."

Her smile faltered, her eyes widened, and she shook her head. "Oh, Henry," she shook her head as she let out a soft breath. "Mr. Nolan and I are just coworkers and barely cordial ones at that."

"Well, now," he groaned, resting his head on the table. "But you used to be true love, and you saved each other." he beamed up at her, but she only furrowed her brow and looked away.

"Oh, Henry, I-."

"Taking care of children certainly seems like a bad idea for you," snapped a voice that interrupted her, and Henry looked up to see Mr Nolan rolling his eyes at the two of them.

"Mr. Nolan? What are you doing here?" Mary Marget asked softly.

Mr Nolan only scoffed and shook his head. "Work, obviously, since someone in this office has to," he snapped, then walked into Henry's mama's office.

Henry pursed his lips and crossed his arms. Mama really made his grandpa a jerk here.




The waves were a nice relaxing noise compared to the city's bustling. Henry was walking around picking some wildflowers as she watched the water when he abruptly came beside her.

"You've met your mom, but you haven't met your dad yet," he said out of nowhere, causing her head to snap toward him.

"Excuse me," she laughed softly and quirked a brow as she stared at him.

He rolled his eyes. "Well, you obviously know Mary Margaret is your mom already. You know it's why she is so nice to you."
She shook her head and smiled softly. "But you haven't met your dad yet."

"I think Mary Margaret might be a couple of years younger than me," she murmured. "So that doesn't really help your theory."

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "She's cursed, duh. How could she age when she was frozen in time?"

"Oh right, my mistake," she laughed, crossed her arms, and quirked her head. "So you met my supposed dad, then?"

He narrowed his eyes at her and sighed. "Sadly, yes, but he isn't really." he paused and looked to the water. "Nice," he finally said, and she lifted a brow.

"What does that mean, kid?"

"It means that he's not nice?" he looked at her confused. "What does that mean?" he mocked. "What do you think it means, Emma?" he shook his head and sighed. "But I think if we get him and Mary Margaret to talk more and be friends, he'll be nice again."

Dang, this kid was sarcastic. She let out a soft laugh and let her shoulders slump. "Look, kid, you don't honestly think forcing a friendship is going to make someone nice?"

He hummed, then turned back to the field of flowers and continued to pick them. "I mean, it could," he murmured, and she laughed as she followed behind him.




Mary Margret stretched out her neck as she walked up the stairs to her apartment. She grabbed the keys out of her pocket and paused. Her eyes caught sight of a lovely hand-picked bouquet.

Carefully, she lifted the flower and brought it to herself. It was a bouquet of snowbells. She smiled fondly at the beautiful flowers and breathed the floral scent. Her smile was small as she scanned the bouquet, and it faltered when she saw the attached card.

'Meet me by the river bend tomorrow morning so that I may apologize for my misdeeds. From James'.
She continued to reread the card momentarily and slowly picked it off as she inspected it. James would never apologize to her, not when neither could forgive her.

Her hand instinctively raised to her old burn scars and delicately traced the indents in her skin. She closed her eyes to keep her tears from streaming down her face. She sighed and wiped her face roughly, then looked down at the bouquet in her hand and tightened her grasp.

Tomorrow morning?
She could take a small stroll and end up there before work. She bit her lip gently, shut her eyes, and thought over what she should do. She caressed the card tenderly and nodded slowly to herself.



His hands twirled the bundle of snowbells, and he pursed his lips as he delicately scanned the petals. He looked over the card once more, then scoffed and shook his head as he dropped the flowers onto his desk.

'Meet me by the river bend tomorrow morning so we may speak over our issues. From Mary Margaret'

He crushed the card in an instant and threw his head back as he scowled up at the ceiling. She wants to speak about their 'Issues.' He shook his head and laughed humorlessly as the card writing settled into his thoughts.

She was his issue.
She was the reason he was this way now.
He clenched his jaw and glowered down at the snowbells on his desk. Swiftly, he slammed them to the ground and stood up abruptly.

His ragged breath filled his home office as he stepped onto the bouquet roughly. He crushed them with his heel and twisted his foot onto them until they were only a mess of broken stems and wrecked petals.

"James?" Kathryn called out, and his head quickly shot up as he saw the locked door hand jiggle.
"Are you alright in there, James? I heard some noise."

He rolled his eyes, sauntered toward the door, unlocked it, and opened it to glare at his wife. She looked away the instant his gaze caught a hold of hers.

"What did you want?" he snapped as he leaned against the door frame.

"I just," she clenched her dress and sighed, "I apologize. I thought I heard something."

He sneered. "Yes, well, you thought wrong." he retorted, then slammed the door.

He pressed his head against the shut door and heard the soft footsteps of his wife slowly disappearing down the hall. He hummed to himself, pushed himself off the door, and turned to the mess on his floor.

Tomorrow morning?
He shook his head in disgust and moved past the grotesque mess.
Why bother even to face the woman who ruined his life? Who ruined him?

As he sat, he slowly pulled open his drawer and looked down into the darkness of it. He then slowly pulled out a purple ribbon and tightened his grasp.
He would not go to see her, not when she took everything from him, he thought as he gently caressed the ribbon with his thumb and index finger.




His eyes steadied and unsteadied in a particular pattern that caused his head to ache. His eyes fluttered, and he shut them tightly to regain his focus.
Perhaps his piercing headache is why he didn't notice the knocking on his chamber door till King George stormed into his room.

"Are you serious?" he spat out as he walked towards him, and David could barely focus on the figure screaming at him.

"This obsession of yours needs to end," King George snapped as he pulled David to face him. Davids's eyes returned to his collection of posters and accounts of the bandit.

His head slammed against the table before he realized King George had raised his hand against him. He looked up at him and gripped the table to keep him from slipping.

"Get it together, James. You are to marry the princess in four full moons from now."

David attempted to speak again, but as King George raised his hand, David bowed.

"You have until then to rid yourself of this inane obsession. If not, well, I suppose your mother would enjoy a visit from my personal guard," he gritted out in a harsh whisper before turning and storming out of the room.

David bit his lip, shut his eyes, and shook his head. He then turned back to his pile of Information and saw the papers scattered from his collapse. David sighed softly and ran a hand through his hair as he scanned the scattered papers. He grabbed a loose paper from the bottom of the pile and slowly sat in the seat.

It was a charcoal sketch that he had drawn when he first faced the bandit when he returned from the ride. He scanned over the illustration before grabbing his charcoal and adding more detail.
Perhaps he had become obsessed with this woman, but she had stolen his mother's ring. It was not any unique treasure, but it had been his mother's, and he deserved it returned even if no one else thought his endeavor fruitful.

He ceased immediately as he looked over his sketch, then stood up and went through his collection of wanted papers. He threw most behind him as he scanned each bandit's eyes. Then he halted as he reached the one from his recollection.
The eyes. He brought his sketch against the wanted poster and narrowed his gaze. He let out a soft, breathy laugh as his mouth widened to a smile.

"Snow White?" he murmured and threw his head up. "I will find you," he stated more as a promise than anything else.




It was a chilly morning as Mary Margaret walked through the back road. Maybe this wouldn't have been such a long trip if she had a car, but honestly, she doubted she could afford one. She laughed breathily and shook her head.
Besides, she was already so close, and it was nice to stretch her legs even if her stomach felt like it was about to explode. Her eyes caught sight of the river, but her nerves grew as she realized he wasn't there yet.

She shoved her hands into her pockets and winced when she realized she had forgotten her cell. She should have taken her time when getting ready. Then, at least she would have had her phone, Mary Marget thought as she tracked through the wild grass. She shivered at the breeze and tucked herself into her jacket. The sun barely kissed the sky with its presence as she walked around the bend. However, she saw a collection of wildflowers by a rocky patch near the waterbed.

She sucked in a breath and debated whether or not she should even make her way down there before shrugging and carefully stepping below. She didn't know why she hadn't been out in the woods. She genuinely loved nature.

She was so enthralled by the flowers and the lovely water to even realize her mistake, and by the time she did, it was too late.
The rocks beneath her slipped, and she tumbled into the water, her head slamming against the stone. The impact forced her into darkness as she fell into the frigid, shallow water, and the breeze made the flowers gently caress her forehead.




As the horse threw him back and ran off into the wood, David could only let out a groan as he squirmed against the forest floor. He dusted himself off as he slowly stood up and cricked his neck as he stretched.

"Damn horse," he murmured as he looked around where he was and hummed to himself. Well, at the least, he got to where most sightings of the bandit were. He took out his satchel, looked over his plans, and pursed his lips.
How was he even going to find her?
Perhaps he had not thoroughly thought this through?

"This may have been a mistake," he mumbles as he walks around and takes a firm step. Then, instantly, he is entangled in a net and pulled up into the trees.
He let out a screech that definitely did not befit a prince, but all he could do was shut his eyes and scream.

"You have ruined my hunt," he hears someone bellow and immediately maneuvers himself to take a peek at who speaks.

"You," he hollers and moves around, grabs a tiny dagger, and rips out the net. With that swift cut, he falls upon the bandit, and the two groan in discomfort.

"I could have released you in a far less painful way," she groaned and shoved him off her.

"You!" he repeats, dusts himself, and aims his tiny dagger at her.

She scoffs and narrows her eyes at him. "That is a tad pathetic," she murmurs.

He uses his other hand to pull out her wanted poster, throws it up in her face, and glowers. "I think you are the truly pathetic one, Snow White," he snaps, and her eyes widen.

She stayed silent and then glared. "You think your miserable little knife will stop me."

"Perhaps not." he licked his lips, and his stance awkwardly moved, but he shook his head. "But unless you want both King George's and King Midass's army hunting you alongside the Queens, you shall return what's mine to me."

Her mouth fell slightly, and she scanned his face for any bluff. "It seems I have no choice in the matter, do I, oh charming prince?" she snarked, and he scoffed.

"Not if you want to continue your life of treachery," he snapped and raised his head.
She glowered at him and raised her own hands in dramatics.

"So what is it that is so important you trapped yourself in my net?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

"My," he stepped closer and glowered at her. "Mothers. Ring." he snapped as his hand trembled around the dagger.

She licked her lips and let out a dreary sigh. "Look Charming, I-"

"I have a name," he interrupted, slowly becoming frustrated.

The bandit and wanted woman merely scoffed. "Yes, well, nicknames tend to stick," she hissed, and he rolled his eyes. "Either way, I barely even remember-" she snapped her fingers. "The carriage with Princess Abigal, I took her jewels."

"As well as my mother's," he huffed, trying to remain calm. It was rather complicated when this blathering woman made this much more difficult.

"Yes, well, I sold most of them for supplies." She shrugged it off, and his heart stopped.
"You sold my mother's ring," he whispered as rage burned inside of him.

Finally, the callous woman seemed to show emotion. At least a tad of guilt in her eyes flickered momentarily. "I-" she paused, then shook her head. "I need to survive out here, and I am trying to lead a rebellion against the Queen unless that part of my wanted poster slipped your mind."

"Are you truly as heartless as they all say?" he murmured more out of instinct rather than meaning to.

"How dare you?" she snapped. "That Queen is evil. She is the heartless monster, and perhaps I am the reason for it, but that gives no excuse for the people she has harmed."

"And what of you?" he scoffed. "You stole from me and my fiance for what? A rebellion that will surely lead to more death?" Her gaze faltered for a moment, but she kept her head high.
"Oh, and tell me, did my mother's ring that my father handcrafted?" he paused as he fought back his tears. "That my father forged himself out of true love mean nothing in the sense of you getting revenge?"

Snow White was silent for a moment before scoffing. "A royal knows better than to believe in true love," she said with utter bitterness.

"Well then, I am lucky I am not-" he paused and scoffed. He almost revealed his darkest of secrets. And to whom? Some spoilt princess who wants to take her stepmother's throne?

"I am not that type of royal?" she mocked and rolled her eyes. "Trust me before you get heartbroken. I know firsthand true love, and all those sentimental hopes are nothing but dreams. What is true? Is that I may be able to get your mother's ring back."
He allowed himself to smile softly and feel hope until she saw the smirk growing on her face.
"If you pay me in gold for supplies for my revolution."

He shook his head. How incredulous is she to ask him for money after robbing him? However, before he could speak, she took a step closer.
"Or perhaps turn me over and never get the blasted piece of jewelry, but I would say since your future father-in-law makes gold with a simple touch, It is not a horrible bargain."

His knuckles whitened at how intensely he gripped the dagger as she smiled cooly at him. This blasted princess was going to be the death of him yet. However, his mother's ring was far more important than his comfort.
"Fine," he snapped. "Whatever pieces of gold you require, I will oblige in giving as long as my mother's ring is in my possession."

"Glad we have come to an agreement, Charming," she winked, then looked behind him. "Now, let us head to the seediest place in this forest."
He slid beside her, motioning for her to lead the way with his dagger pointing. While his mind could not help but scream that this was a dreadful idea, his heart knew he had to get his mother's ring back, or he, indeed, was no longer the son she loved.


"Henry Mi Vida?"

Henry groaned as his eyes opened abruptly and narrowed at the brightness of his lights being on. He rubbed them and saw his mama dressed in her work suit.
"Mama? Why are you dressed up for work? It's Sunday," he rasped out.

She groaned her self and rubbed her temples. "Mary Margaret never showed up this morning, so now I have to finish the work she had set up. I can not allow a festival to run aground just because she can't commit to her paying job."

His eyes widened, and he sat up abruptly in bed as dread filled his chest. "Is?" he licked his dry lips and trembled a bit. "Is Mr. Nolan at work?"

His mama lifted an eyebrow and then sighed. "Of course he is. He's the reason I found out Mary Margaret wasn't in her position, but it's no matter to you, Mi Amor." she kissed his forehead gently. "I'll finish quickly, and then you and I will go to Granny's for lunch."

The nodding along felt involuntary as his thoughts circled, and the dark thoughts couldn't help but swirl. But there was one main thought that continued to repeat over and over.
Is Mary Margaret okay?



His fists slammed at Emma's window, and he hadn't meant to be so forceful, but golly, he was stressed. Did he really think golly?
Why is his life constantly filled with strife?

"HENRY!" his eyes darted and saw that the window was down, and he was no longer banging against the window but the air.
"I've made a huge mistake," he stressed out and trembled as he bit his lip.

Emma's eyes widened, and her eyes fluttered as her head shook in surprise. "Excuse me?"

Emma slowly opened her car as Henry continued to tremble and nervously stepped side to side. "Okay, kid, what happened?"

"I made a horrible mistake," he murmured, shaking his head. "I just wanted to help them," he threw his hands into his hair. "They're both so sad, and I know it, but now she's missing, and he didn't go see her."

She kept looking at him with a perplexed face, and her gaze burned, meeting his, so he instantly flicked his eyes to the ground.
"Kid? Who's missing?" she asked softly and slowly kneeled down to face him better.

"Mary Margaret," he whispered as his lip trembled and his eyes began to water.
Emma's eyes seemed to stare into her face contorted in worry, and she gently rubbed his shoulder, but he felt no comfort.
Henry only felt his stomach churning.



The moment his gaze locked on the bushel of snowbells, he paused and smiled.
"Hey, Charming?"
His eyes rolled, and his soft smile soon became a scowl as his gaze settled on snow white, whose regard for him felt highly judgmental.

"Yes?" he snapped and pointed his dagger back up at her, he knew that it was not the most threatening of tools, but it was helpful and the only other item he had of his father and mother.

"Do you think we can stop looking at these little flowers so that I may get my gold and you may get your bauble?" she said, feigning sweetness as she blinked her eyes dramatically at him and cupped her hands together and posed.

He huffed out, pushed past her, and motioned his head for her to continue. She grinned, then continued to lead him on. He followed behind and kicked at the dirt, reluctantly allowing her to guide him.

"Look, Charming. If you could stop, well, stopping to smell the flowers, then perhaps we'd be at the Market of Thieves already". He sighed with exasperation and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I have only paused for a few moments at a time," he retorted. He could hear her laughter, and he pouted instinctively. Then he caught her brushing her hand against one of the bushels as she continued walking. He quirked his head and smirked softly, then faltered and shook his head.
Just because this renegade seemed to also like Snowbells did not make her a good person, he knew better than that.

"They are beautiful flowers, though," he murmured softly, "I think you may agree."
She continued walking, but her hand remained slowly caressing the bushels while her shoulders tensed.

A sigh must have escaped her, but she merely shrugged and pulled back her hand after a moment. "Just because I know better than stopping every few moments to look at the flowers does not mean I do not care for nature."

She allowed a laugh to bubble out. "However, it hardly matters whether or not I enjoy the scene. Unless you only asked to try and be charming," she questioned and grinned back at him, causing a roll of his eyes.

"Oh please," he sighed. "May you please be quite done with that mocking name?"

She pursed her lips and seemed to look thoughtful as she stepped. "I think it has stuck, dear Charming." She smirked, and he could not help but let out a breathy laugh.
He instantly covered his mouth with a hand and hoped she had not heard him.

Her pause in her steps, however, showed that she already had. "Was that?" she turned to face him with a smirk plastered on her face. "Laughter?" she snorted.

He groaned and finally stepped to be by her side instead of dragging his feet behind her. "No," she continued to look at him with a smirk that annoyed him more.
"Are you certain because it sounded like perhaps it was a laugh?" She leaned closer to him, and he shifted his gaze from hers and shook his head.

"It was, if anything, a breath, you foul renegade," he said, lighter than he expected.
It caused her to chortle, and for some reason, it made him smile softly.

"I rather like the sound of that Charming. I would say it suits me well," she smirked.

"Yes, well," he paused and groaned, "It was supposed to be mocking like this horrific name you have for me."

"Aw Charming, are we becoming friends?" she snickered and caused a loud groan to escape from him.

"Oh, believe me, we are not." he used his hands to stress dramatically. "This is merely two individuals getting what they need."

Snow eyes scanned him, then she laughed, "And I was beginning you were not like other royals."

David quirked his head at that comment, and he felt a knot in his stomach. His brows furrowed, and his mouth dried at the statement.
Had he truly become like the royal he was forced to be?

The snap of her fingers broke his concentration, and he quickly returned to staring at her.
"Was that truly an insult to you?" she said, and his gaze flickered away.

He was silent momentarily before he let out a sigh. "How much longer till that market?" he murmured.

She scanned him, then looked toward the wood. "I would say we should find the market in about an hour."

"Good," he murmured, and they continued silently walking by one another's sides.




She rushed into the sheriff's station when she realized Henry would start crying if she didn't do anything. She pushed through the doors and saw Graham drinking a coffee and reading from the newspaper. When he turned and saw her, he stood up rather quickly."

"Emma," he said, then quirked his head as he scanned both her and Henry. "Is there something the matter?" he murmured slowly.

She nodded, then turned to Henry. "Hey, kid, Graham and I will talk about it, and I'll see if he can help. Just sit here, okay?"

He nodded, and she turned to talk to Graham. She wouldn't have even had the time to catch him sneaking out by the time she walked toward the sheriff.

"I need to file a missing persons report." She sighed and pushed her hair out her face.

His eyes scanned her, and he paused to look over her, then shook his head. "Emma, I-" he paused. "Who's missing?"

She frowned, and her shoulders fell. "Mary Margaret. Henry said he sent her somewhere in the forest this morning because he was doing some setup for her and Mr. Nolan, but then she didn't show up to work, so now he's really worried she's hurt, and it's his fault."

He bit his lip and crossed his arms as his shoulders clenched. "It's just, well, we need to wait before filing a missing person claim and-"

"Please, Graham, I know that it needs to be over a few hours, but I have a ten-year-old kid who seems utterly worried that she is missing or hurt," Emma pleaded, even if it was just for Henry, a part of her felt like it was also important they look for Mary Margaret.

While the man rubbed his neck, she could see his eyes also filled with worry. "Look, Emma," he sucked in a breath, then released. "Alright," she let out a sigh of relief, "Only if you come along and help because I have no clue where he sent her."

She smiled and nodded. "Yes, of course," she said in a rush, "But first, I need to find exactly where Henry sent her," she said nervously, then turned around.

"Where'd he go?" she murmured and furrowed her brow.




Henry rushed into the building, walked toward Mr Nolan's office, and slammed into the room while his breathing remained ragged, his gaze locked on the man reading over some documents.
"Why couldn't you have just gone?" he stamped his foot and glowered at him with tears brimming in his eyes.

The man raised an eyebrow and glared back at the boy, obviously annoyed.
"Excuse me," he hissed out. "Do I need to get your mother, Mr. Mills?" he asked hautily.

"You could have talked." Henry shook his head and balled his fist. "You could have apologized, and she could have apologized, and you would have seen you were true love," he snapped.

James face contorted, and in an instant, he rose from his seat. "You foolish boy."

"No!" Henry interrupted him and stepped closer to the desk. "You're foolish," he threw his hands out. "You chose not to go, and now she's-" Henry's bravery wavered, and his eyes watered again.

Usually, Henry would have expected Mr Nolan to scoff at his tears till he saw the man's tense shoulders fall and walk toward him cautiously.

Henry stepped away from him, and his voice broke as he spoke, "She's missing, and it's not just my fault." he looked up at him and darkened his gaze as their eyes met. "It's yours too."

"Mr Mills, I think you would find it in your best interest to leave," he said coldly, and Henry shook his head.

"No! You're coming with me and Emma, and we're going to find her, and you're going to apologize for being a jerk."

He gasped loudly at that and seemed offended, but honestly, Henry didn't care. Maybe David didn't deserve this, but Mr. Nolan did, especially with how he was acting.

"Young man, I will not be spoken to in this manner," he hissed, and Henry glared back.

"So you're a coward then? Just come and help us since it's also your fault." he threw his hands up, and Mr Nolan flinched back.

Mr Nolan scowled at him momentarily, and there was only silence until he stepped closer. "Fine, I shall help you in this pointless endeavor, but only to show Miss Blanchard that she is an utter fool," he spat.

Henry scoffed and turned around to head back to the sheriffs. At the least, they had more people to help search, even if he was a colossal jerk.




They were incredibly close to the Market of Thieves, and honestly, he was intrigued and a bit fearful of what may happen. He had heard many stories and whispers from others, and his mother had cautioned him as soon as she had heard of it. He pursed his lips and thought she would probably tell him this was a fool's errand, but he had to do this because of her.

As he walked along the river, he spared a glance at the calm, flowing waters and smiled at the shining, glistening light.
The force of the ball of mud slamming into his chest caused his balance to shift and his body to fall backward.

"This is a horrible way to betray me," he snapped as he sat back up and glared at Snow, who was only guffawing. Her tied-up hair seemed to bounce as she laughed at him. Something was captivating about her laughter, and then he shook his head.

"What is this even for?" he threw his hands up and blew out a melodramatic breath.

"Well, you did not think you could stride into a den of thieves looking like a royal?" she asked after her laughter subsided.

He scowled at her and crossed his arms. "I suppose since you have some form of knowledge over this that it is something that must happen," he lowered his head in defeat.

He thought this felt incredibly uncalled for as he allowed the woman to continue covering him in mud. Her laughter filled the air, however, and since the beginning of this quest, he supposed she seemed a much lighter woman than when she first had him pinned to the ground many suns ago.

"What are you looking at, Charming?" she raised a brow as she slapped another piece of mud against his kingdom's emblem.

"You," he paused, then both flushed the suddenness of his words. "I mean," he coughed awkwardly as her eyes looked away.
"You do not seem like the paragon of evil who killed her own father for the throne the Queen says you are."

Snow's initial embarrassment faded as he spoke, and she sighed. Her hands slipped away from the mud and him as her shoulders slumped.

"I did not kill my father," she murmured softly and kept her eyes locked on the water.
"But the queen," he began but then saw her hands and jaw clench.

"She is a liar," Snow shook her head. "But I suppose it is still my fault my father is dead." then she said in a harsh whisper, "or perhaps it is his own."

They sat there awhile, and he raised his hand to her shoulder. Honestly, he had no idea why he felt so comfortable with this...
But she was far different than he thought, and for some strange reason, even if it felt somewhat naive, he believed her.

"I hope your rebellion succeeds then," he spoke softly and watched as her gaze broke from the water and turned to him.

Momentarily, it felt as if nothing mattered anymore, and he could not help but recall his mother's words. That the ring would always lead to true love.

His eyes widened in fear as those words echoed in his head, and he abruptly stood up to try to distract himself from the words.

"I think I no longer look royal, so I would say we should continue," he motioned.
He watched Snow slowly rise and nod awkwardly as she led him on.

However, momentarily, he haltered and watched as she walked down the river bed. Just because David may be a tad charmed by Snow White does not make it true love. He shook his head at the foolish thoughts and followed behind her, hoping the thoughts that plagued him would dissipate.


There was no reason he should be here, especially when he had documents to look over and since he could care less about what happened to her. Yet James allowed the young boy to drag him out of the building and toward the sheriff's office.

He scoffed when he saw the boy's biological mother talking to Graham. Mary Margaret was looking for attention with this little stunt, even if perhaps it had been the irritating little brat's stupid plan.

The sheriff and the woman locked on the two and started walking toward them. James held his head high as he finally got a good look at the biological woman who had birthed to the annoying cretin by his side.

"Henry," the woman said softly with a hint of relief. "We need to find where you sent Mary Margaret, kid. Then we can look for her, okay."

Henry nodded. "I had told her to go to the forest and wait by the river," he murmured softly.

The woman and the sheriff's eyes widened as they glanced at one another. They obviously understood more than the child that because of where by the river could be a bit of anywhere, it wasn't the greatest of places for anyone to meet.
A big reason he didn't go.
Oh, he couldn't fool himself.
He didn't want to go because of her. However, at the realization of her perhaps getting hurt while walking by the water, a pit swirled in his stomach even while he felt nothing but hate for the woman.
Didnt he?

He shook his head free of his thoughts and saw that the three were already walking toward the sheriff's car. He saw the boy glare at him, and he groaned as he threw his hands up and walked towards them.
When they found Mary Margaret, he could finally get back to his life and continue to only have his hate instead of this...Guilt.

He shooed that thought as he realized he was sitting in the back with the aforementioned brat. He scowled and sighed in annoyance but slid in the back. His biological mother turned and looked at him, but James only glared in response. Had this blasted woman never given this child to the system, perhaps Regina would have had a far more decent child.

"Okay, we will start where the river first meets the forest trail. Hopefully, Mary Margret didn't travel too far," Graham said and looked at Henry with a hopeful smile.

"Don't count your blessing," James retorted as he rolled his eyes. "She would not be that bright."

The woman scoffed and looked as if she may say something but seemed to decide the better of it as she looked over to Henry.

"Don't worry, kid. We'll find her, and it will be fine," she said softly, making James snort and look out the window. With his luck, the damned woman would be just fine. She usually was in situations like this.



They traipsed around the market with hoods concealing their faces, and David could not help himself from feeling unnerved by so many people with dark and stern gazes. He bit his lower lip as he followed Snow as she carefully strode along the place.

She finally halted and motioned her head at a stall filled with jewelry, and his eyes sparkled as he saw some jewels that belonged to his...
To Princess Abigail.

To dissuade his thoughts, he rushed towards the stand. Even as Snow white gripped his arm to pull him back, he could not help but break free and rush to the stand. His breathing was uneven as he pointed at his fiance's jewelry.

"I seek all the wares that arrived with those," he wheezed, shook his head, and smiled eagerly at the vendor.

The merchant merely sneered and stared him up and down.
"I'm sorry, mate, but I doubt ye have enough coin to give me for any o' these precious jewels." he retorted, then spat at David's feet.

His mouth dropped in shock as he looked down at where the seller had spat. His eyes fluttered out of shock until Snow made her way beside him.

"I desire the wares I sold you back, and my companion will pay with this." Suddenly, her hand reached into his cloak, and he felt her delicate hand quickly grasp the satchel of coins he had luckily thought to bring.

She placed it down in front of the merchant, and he scanned the bag, opened it, and began playing with the gold in the bag, then smirked.
"Well, this is good for half the wares, but what about the rest of em."

"Excuse me," Snow snapped before he could even respond. "This is far more than what I was given for them."

The merchant only shrugged and then slammed down a few of his fiancé's jewels. He scanned them, scowled, and looked at Snow.

"None of these jewels are my mothers," he murmured softly, devoid of emotion, as he looked over more of his wares.

She glared at the vendor and then at David as she went through her cloak and slammed down her bag of coins. His mouth fell open, and he tried to catch her gaze, but she remained focused on the merchant.

The vendor smiled and then took the rest of the jewels down and pulled some from below, and Snow grabbed it all angrily. "Thank you, I suppose," she spat.

"Oh, no need to thank him," said a voice behind them that caused her to drop the jewels and freeze. "Not when he told me you enjoyed selling your goods to him."

David turned and saw a guard from the Queen's army, then he noticed another, and as he took his time to scan, he realized that many were coming from the different stalls. His hand trembled as he saw Snow's eyes flickering around in fear.

"You were made captain under my father's command," she snarled as her hands clenched.

"Yes, well, you killed him, princess, or at least that is what our Queen tells us." He saw the guard slowly reach for the blade, and in the next moment, David could only move on instinct.

He ruthlessly plunged his dagger swiftly into the guard's face, causing a squelching sound to emit as the blade pierced the guard's cheek. It was not his intent, but at least he had done something. The man screamed as David roughly pulled his dagger out, finally breaking Snow from her frozen state. She grabbed his hand and ran in a direction with very few guards.

Instinctively, his fingers tightened around her hand as she deftly maneuvered away from the incoming attacks. His gaze followed her swift movements as she swung against a few guards with her bawled fist. She could have fought against the guards. There was no doubt in his mind, but currently, her only goal was escaping, and she was very focused.

Perhaps due to his focus on Snow, he noticed the arrow firing toward her, and it took him no time to push her to the side and allow the arrow to strike his shoulder. He staggered back, and he heard Snow's soft gasp beside him.

"Run!" he rasped out, grabbed her hand, and rushed toward where he had pushed her. Luckily, he had the foresight to choose a direction with thicker wood and more chance for them to lose the guards.

The arrow burned in his shoulder blade, and he felt the blood seeping down his arm. However, he had enough adrenaline to continue running, and keeping his grip on Snow White's hand also seemed to fuel his fire.

He had been surveying the land and listening for the shouts of the battalion that was after them. Nevertheless, after what felt like a lifetime of running, Snow White pulled him by a tree and shoved him down against it. He looked up at her, and she looked hauntingly livid. His gaze fell, and their ragged breathing was all they could hear.

"Why would you do that?" she hissed, and he looked back up at her with a furrowed brow. His look must have been unmistakable. He did not understand because she clenched her jaw. "You bumbling fool, you got yourself shot when I would have been fine," she chided.

He scoffed and winced as he moved to cross his arms, and he heard her sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose. She slowly slid down before him, gently grabbed the arrow, and scanned. She ripped part of her cloak, and he quirked a brow. Then, in an instant, her hand wrapped around the arrow and pulled it out.

Before he could release a scream, her hand pressed against his mouth, and she threw the arrow back with her other while she made quick work of wrapping the wound with her cut cloth. It was incredibly tight, but at least he felt the blood quit dripping down his forearm. His eyes flew back to her face as he saw her pull back her hand on his arm while keeping the other firm on his mouth.

"You are not the prince James I remember," she murmured, and his eyes widened in fear of that statement. "I think you are far better," she said softly and lowered her hand from his mouth.

"Thank you," he rasped out the moment she did, and she sat back and looked back at the wood, most likely to make sure they had not been followed. Then her face fell, and she turned to him.

"Your mother's ring," she whispered, and his eyes shut the instant the words registered in his mind. He threw his head back, shook it, and bit his lip.

"I am so sorry," she murmured softly, brushing her hand against his arm.

"It is-" he shook his head and laughed humorlessly. "It is fine. She would have schooled me for trying to find it, not having lost it," he murmured sadly.

"You did not lose it, I stole it, and I," she sighed and shut her eyes. "I apologize." his eyes fluttered to hers. "I truly am sorry."

He smiled softly and nodded before tossing his head back once more. Thoughts swirled in his mind, and he let out a soft breath. "It was just a ring of rusted metal and this beautiful green agate my father had found during one of his travels." he shook his head while smiling, reminiscing over the memories of his mother telling him the story. "It looked a bit jagged, of course, but my mother loved it, and it was a symbol of their love." his eyes flickered to Snow, who seemed to be going over something in her mind.

He had not expected Snow to go through her pockets hastily and seemed somewhat erratic. He quirked, and his eyes flew wide as he saw her pull his mother's ring out of her pocket.

"You had it," he whispered softly and began to laugh. "You had it the whole time," he said, and she threw her head back and laughed herself.

Following their laughter, Snow sat beside him against the tree and looked down at the ring still in her hand. "I can not believe that this is what you have been looking for," she murmured softly.

He let out a snort and shook his head. "I can not believe I got shot when all we had to do was talk to one another."

"The bloody rat merchant had not wanted it in the first place, no matter how much I had tried to get more coins." She looked over at him and shrugged. "To him, it was just a poorly made metal bind with a rock."


David scowled, then winced as he tried to cross his arms. He let out a sigh and then smiled. "That ring is far more valuable than any coin, so it matters not what that pig-headed fool thought," he assured.

She grinned beside him, slowly slipping the ring on her finger, throwing it up, and observing it. His breathing slowed as the ring seemed to sparkle. She moved her hand to gaze at it. His eyes trailed to her, and slowly, hers met his.

"You know," she said in a hushed whisper, "I think I can see how valuable it is."

There was a moment when David felt his heart beating faster. For some reason, a part of him wanted to lean in and... He dared not finish that thought because he was a promised man, and the woman before him was in the makings of becoming a rebellion leader. However, his hand moved independently, but she flinched before it could reach for her.

She coughed awkwardly, then shook her head and moved to take off the ring. She pressed it in his hand and smiled softly. "Now you have your ring, and when you get me my gold, we will never see one another again."

He hesitated but nodded and watched as she slowly brought herself up and turned to look around the wood. "You are quite lucky I know my way out of here. Now let us go so that our lives may never interlock again."

"Yes," he murmured softly, "Let's," then slowly got up and began to trail behind her.




Well, it was a gorgeous place to meet with someone, even if it was someone who was obviously the biggest jerk in this town, well, maybe after Regina. Emma let out a sigh and shook her head. Either way, just because it was beautiful out here didn't hide the fact that it was also incredibly vast.

There were too many places to look, and she couldn't help but feel dread as Henry kept calling out for Mary Margret. It also didn't help that James couldn't keep himself from making horrible remarks about Mary Margaret.

"If she's hurt, I dare say she deserves it," he murmured to Graham, who looked appalled. "I mean, c'mon believing a note of a child, how foolish."
Graham scoffed and rolled his eyes, but Emma had finally had enough.

Mary Margaret had shown nothing but kindness to her, and she was a complete stranger, yet here was this utter douch being utterly callous over whether she was okay or not. It seemed she had finally had enough when she shoved him roughly into the river.

Graham pulled her away, and she fought to get closer to James.
"Why did you come with us if you're just being a cruel bastard?" she hissed and glowered at her as he struggled to get up.

"I am only here at the fault of your spawn," he spat out as he stood up to face her. "Perhaps if you had not abandoned him, none of this would have happened."

It took all of her force to keep herself from punching him straight in the face. "No," she spat, "We wouldn't be here if the kid didn't think you were an asshole to Mary Margret."

He stepped toward them and crossed his arms as his eyes narrowed on her. "That child of yours is as ludicrous as she is."

She scoffed, "Seriously? You're going to act like it was so outlandish that he didn't want someone he cared about to be pushed about by some work bully."

The darkness in his eyes seemed full of pain as he shook his head. "You comprehend nothing of who I or Mary Margaret are, so back off." He stepped closer, and she stepped up, keeping her head high.

"Are you serious? I think I know well enough if Henry thinks you are cold and if you just wished harm over someone who has been nothing but kind".

"Kind?" he snapped and shook his head. "That foul woman is nothing but kind."
Emma glared at him, but it didn't do anything to stop his spiel. "She grabs you and hooks her claws in you, and you may think she's kind at first, but then she'll show you she's a monster."

She couldn't even speak as she scanned his face. He honestly did believe that, but she also, for some reason, believed that there was so much more to this story.

"Then why are you here?" a voice came beside them, and Henry glared at him. Before James could even speak, Henry stepped closer to him. "You're here because you love her, and even with all the darkness and the curse, you know that."

Oh, Henry, she groaned and shook her head, but before she could speak, she saw James flinch and scoff.

"I'm not in love with her," he snarled and shook his head. "I don't know what stories you have overheard from Regina, but Mary Mary Margaret's evolvement ended when she ruined my life."

"Then let me ask again." Henry remained stubborn, and Emma truly wished he wasn't, but she couldn't speak up as she saw how much fire he had as he spoke, "Why did you agree to come to help?"

James scowled and then looked away from them. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he started to walk away.
"Hey!" Henry yelled out and crossed his arms.

Emma followed James, and the pit in her stomach churned harder than before. She began to dash just as soon as she noticed James was running toward what they saw.

Her body lay on the edge of fallen rocks, and half her body was in the river, splashing her face as she faced upward.

James was knelt by Mary Margaret instantly, and he quickly gathered her in his arms. "We need to get to the hospital now," he shouted, and Emma felt everything she thought of him fade.

His eyes were no longer filled with darkness, but the pain was still there but only looked as if it had multiplied tenfold.

He bolted toward Graham's car before the other two could see her body. She motioned at them to hurry and began to run after him. Maybe she had been wrong about James.




It was nightfall when the two had finally reached his future father-in-law's castle, and he had just escaped from the probing questions and the yelling from King George for getting injured. Now, they were not allowing him to leave the castle grounds except when he was with them or Princess Abigail.

It had been a long while before the rest of the castle fell asleep except for a few guards, but David was getting rather good and alluding them. He carefully made his way and gripped the large pouch he had filled with gold for Snow tightly as he made for the planned meeting spot.

In the gardens, he saw her taking some flowers in her arms as she walked about.
"You could be beheaded by some if you were to take their flowers."

She scoffed and turned to face him with a grin. "Sadly, you are far too charming to behead me, and besides, you owe me my gold before you can try to execute me."

"Perhaps," he murmured, then smiled when he handed her the pouch. "Then let us consider my debt paid."

Her smile faltered momentarily, but she grabbed it slowly and nodded. "Thank you, James," she said softly, and David cringed at the name.

"David," he murmured, and her eyes widened in confusion.

"Excuse me," she asked softly, and he found himself walking closer to her and letting out a soft sigh.

"You said before that I am not the James you remember, and that is true." he paused and rubbed the back of his leg nervously. "I am David. That is who I am."

She shook her head and blinked with evident confusion, then furrowed her brow. "Why are you telling me this?"

The soft winds were all he could hear, and he felt himself shrug and sigh after a while. "Like you said," he paused, "Our lives shall never interlock, and I want at least one person to remember me as David."

They stood silent in the moonlight before she nodded and ran her hand across his arm. He looked into her gaze, and slowly, she stepped closer, and he felt his breath halter.

"David," she murmured slowly, and he nodded. "I will remember you as David." her hand fell from him, and the warmth disappeared from his arm.
"I promise."

He nodded, and for a millisecond, David felt as if he was going to stop her from leaving, but he could not. She had turned on her heel, and this was his final act as David. In no time at all, he would be Prince James married to Princess Abigail, and there would be no tales of the renegade Snow White and the charming David. He shook his head and headed back toward the castle.




He kicked the hospital doors open as he pressed Mary Margaret's frigid body closer to himself.
"Get me, Whale!" he screamed, and the nurses seemed to drop everything as he roughly moved past them.

The damned doctor walked through the hall, and the woman and the sheriff finally made their way behind. Just as he set Mary Margaret down on the stretcher, they brought for her. He watched her get wheeled away, and by instinct, he made his way to follow her.

The slam of Whale's hand on his chest brought him back to reality, and he scowled down at the man.
"Let me see her," he snapped, and Whale flinched back just as he should, yet still shook his head.

"There are too many variables. We need to stabilize her first and see if she's going to be okay," he murmured, and James scowled and pushed him off to turn around and scoff.

"The moment I am allowed to visit her, you will let me," he snapped, pressing his finger in his chest.

The doctor hesitated for a moment and then sighed. "Fine," he snapped back. "Now let me go check on my patient." He pivoted on his heel and rushed down the corridor.

James watched as he disappeared behind the doors and felt his shoulders tense, and the sense of nausea hit him like a truck. He hadn't realized his legs had become unsteady till he turned to move but wobbled onto the wall beside him.

"Hey, it's okay," the voice murmured beside him, and he saw Miss Swan standing beside him, trying to assist him. Before he could stop himself, he shoved her off, pushed himself off the wall, and sat himself in the waiting room.

With his head in his hand, James felt himself growing sicker at the moment. Her limp body's presence still weighed heavy in his empty arms. Her breath barely escaped from her mouth. A sigh left his mouth as he struggled to keep his composure.

Why couldn't she have died in that fire?




This entire day almost seemed like it had been fruitless. Then she shook the bag, the coins clattered and sighed. Even with a pouch full of gold, it almost felt meaningless. Snow slumped against the door to the cottage and tightened her grasp on it, clutching it tight to her chest.

Her eyes shot open as she felt the door move, and she was on the cottage floor.

"I told you she would be alright, grumpy. You are such a fusspot over her," Happy said, then lent his hand toward her.

Grunpy made a sound and then rolled his eyes as he moved away from the door. "So, where have you been?" he said, feigning disinterest. However, Snow knew him better now. She knew he had worried about her.

She smiled, then bit her lip and cringed slightly. "I may have gotten caught by a prince," she mumbled softly and watched as the man's eyes widened.

"I told you so," Grumpy said instantly, pointing at his brothers.

She laughed and shook her head as she picked herself up. She dusted herself off and crossed her arms. "I'm fine," she chuckled, "Unless you have yet to realize that I have made my way home."

"Perhaps she is a clone," Sneezy said before sneezing into his arm and shaking his shoulders.

Snow rolled her eyes and shook her head as she listened to some agree with him. Grumpy scoffed and turned to her, tapping his foot.

"I told you it was not wise to go out and hunt for your food when we have a garden." she rolled her eyes and sighed. Perhaps it was not wise to leave, but honestly, she had wanted some form of food not plucked from her friend's garden.

"I mean, it was not a total waste," she mumbled, and he raised an eyebrow at her skeptically.
She opened the pouch and showed it off to him, and he made a hum of approval and then looked up at her.

"I like the looks of that gold, but a ring and a note?" he grumbled. "You have the strangest of adventures, Snow." he shook his head and slammed his hands on his brother's heads as they continued to theorize if she was a clone.

Her brows furrowed, and she turned the pouch to her face. Her mouth fell open as she saw a nicely folded paper with a ribbon, and it was Charmings, no Davids's ring tied to it. She carefully took out the note and the ring in tow and shoved the bag back into one of her pockets.

Carefully, she undid the ribbon, caught the ring with her hand, and gripped it tight as her other slowly unfolded the note.

'I know we said that our paths were to never cross again, but I write this on the off chance that you, too, wish that not be the case. In a few moons, I will come into a multitude of gold. I shall be able to assist in your rebellion.
In secret, of course, I would be beheaded not just by your Queen but by my presumed father (That is another story I hope that one day I may tell you).
Never the matter, I wish to supply you with your heart's desire, Snow white. I wish to help you succeed in building your rebellion. Most of all, I wish to s̶t̶a̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶e̶...
I suppose I should make a rather lengthy letter short by saying that I hope you allow me to be your benefactor, and when you ultimately win, I may congratulate you in person. Signed Prince Charming'

Snow felt the wind blow out of her as she stabilized against the wall. She let out a breathless laugh and ran a hand through her hair. Snow looked down at the ring in her hand and tightened her hold. Perhaps it was not time for her to give up hope, yet possibly all she needed was a reminder.




He had yet to leave the hospital room since the worthless doctor had finally allowed for her to be checked in on. Perhaps had he not been the city administrator, he would not been allowed to be in her room. Yet here he was, watching her and fighting his urges to push her strands of hair away from her face or to grab her hand and kiss it gently.

He shook his head and groaned softly. How could he have these thoughts after everything she did to him. What she had done to him was the worst event in his life, and now here he was whipped back to her side.

A scowl grew on his face, and he instantly stormed out of the room. As he tried to leave, he was frozen due to a grip on his arm. He turned and saw Miss Swan, and his anger seemed to bubble more toward the surface.

"Let. Go." he snapped and pulled away roughly. However, her grasp was firm as Miss Swan pulled him down to face her.

"That's it?" she scoffed. "How is she? Can't you at least say that?"

His eyes narrowed at her, and then he scanned her and noticed the young boy holding himself in the chair, looking down at the floor. His anger wavered, and he sighed.

"They had to suture up her head wound, and she luckily escaped any chances of hypothermia. However, Whale says he has no clue when or" he looked over at the boy staring at him. Deep hazel eyes that shimmered with fear. "When she'll wake up. However, Whale is the best there is."
Who in the hell was he fooling?
"I am certain she'll be fine."

"She better be after this inane stunt," snapped a voice that caused all heads to turn.

Graham stood beside Regina like the lap dog he was, and her scowl screamed the hundreds of words she likely wanted to say.

"Oh, there you are, James," she snarled. "I see that following this huge stunt is far more important than your job."

He couldn't even speak up because she pushed him aside and gently grabbed Henry's face.

"And you, young man," she shook her head. "Leaving home without telling me? Crafting this," she paused. "Plan. Then endangering someone, yes, it was only Mary Margaret, but still."

His heart burst at the wording, and even though he may have said the same thing just an hour prior, every part of him screamed to berate her for voicing his earlier opinion.
However, he didn't. He merely stood there like a worm.

"I just wanted to help," the young boy said softly and brokenly. James actually felt terrible for him.

"Yes, well," she brushed his hair out of his face. "Sometimes it is best to leave things as they are, Mi Vida." She turned to face Miss Swan, and all forms of softness were left. "Now go with Graham, and he'll take you home and watch you,"

"What?! But mama, I need to make sure Mary Margaret wakes up," he pleaded, and she scoffed.

"Now, Henry," she said simply, and the boy struggled to move, but he ultimately followed the sheriff, and they slipped out of the building.

"How dare you take my son out on this dangerous venture?" she snapped instantly and glared at Miss Swan.

"Hey, I was just-"

"I don't fucking care," she snarled and stepped closer to her. "My son saw a woman who was unconscious and bleeding because you took him out there."

"I was just trying to help-" Regina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You probably traumatized my son, Miss Swan. That's all you managed to do."

"We saved her." he stepped in and moved between the two, and Regina looked at him aghast. "Had Miss Swan done nothing when young Henry called for her help, Mary Margaret might have been worse than when we found her."

"James Nolan," she laughed bitterly. "Do you actually care about that baby killer in there?"
His heart stopped.
His lungs stopped pouring in the air.
Everything stopped for him, and the world became a blur.

He hadn't even heard Emma tell her to leave. He hadn't seen Regina smile at either of them before taking her departure. He felt himself being brought to a chair and crumbling down.

His mind swirled in turmoil, mirroring the frenzy of the flames upon his return to the apartment. Mary Margaret, her arms stained with blood, desperately pounded on the firefighters attempting to escort her to safety. Her blood-curdling screams echoed, insisting that She was still trapped. The fire raged relentlessly, a relentless inferno, as the anguished cries gradually faded into the crackling of the voracious flames.
Her wails diminishing.
The little infant he held.

"Hey!" his eyes locked back on Miss Swan.

"She," he stammered and shook his head. "We," he looked over at the open door that held Mary Margaret.

"We had a daughter," he rasped and shook his head. "And she killed her," he murmured.

Emma's hand on his shoulder fell, and she turned to look at Mary Margaret. She shook her head and looked back at him. "I-" she licked her lips and paused. "That doesn't-"

"She doesn't seem the type," he laughed humorlessly and scoffed. "I left her with our daughter, and she fell asleep cooking, and I came home to find her arms bloodied and scared while my daughter burnt in flames."

Emma looked at him, took a long breath, and rubbed her neck.
He shook his head.
Regina was right.
Why care for that monster?

He stood up and moved past Miss Swan. He paused and turned to look at her. "I hope you now know just what kind of terror she is."

He made a few steps before she grabbed his arm once more. "I think you were hurt," she paused, and he glared back at her. "But I think you didn't realize that with all your pain, she was probably dealing with the same."

There was a moment where he allowed what she said to sink in, but he scoffed.
Mary Margaret felt the same as he did?
Highly unlikely.
"Doubtful," he snapped, pulling away before turning on his heel and storming off.

No, he no longer felt guilty.
No, he only had his hatred, and what was wrong with that?
So what if he was a resentful man?
She put him here.



Emma rested against the chair in the room where Mary Margaret slept, watching as the woman looked serene. She honestly looked at peace for once instead of stressed.

"Oh." she turned and saw Dr Whale at the entrance looking over her chart. "Sorry, I was expecting Mr. Nolan."

Emma cringed and shook her head. "Yeah," she sucked in a breath, "He left a while ago, but I'm here and well," she looked over at Mary Margaret. "I'm not leaving."

He made a soft humming noise and then looked back at her chart. "She should hopefully wake soon, but I'm more worried about how she will be when unattended. I worry she may have a side effect from her head injury, and she is alone in her apartment, so I doubt I can release her when she awakes since she lives isolated."

"Actually," she turned to him, "I'm going to be staying with her."

He cocked an eyebrow at her and studied her, and Emma felt uneasy as he observed her. "Perhaps when she is awake, we can discuss this more, but until then, I suppose all we can do is wait and hope. I'm sorry it's not more good news."

She shrugged and looked back at Mary Margret. "When she's awake, it'll be great news," she murmured, and he nodded, slowly walking out of the room.

Now she couldn't leave Storybrooke, she concluded as she watched the woman. Even if this hadn't happened, Emma felt like, in some way or another, this town would have kept her here. It seemed good at doing that, first with Henry and now with Mary Margaret.

As her thoughts circled in her head, she didn't notice the fluttering under Mary Margaret's eyelids until suddenly, the woman sat up and looked around.

"Mary Margaret," she whispered, jolting to her feet with an abruptness that matched the urgency in her voice. The woman blinked up at her, an expression of confusion etched on her face.



OMG, THIS IS CERTAINLY ONE OF MY FAVS!! I'm so sorry this was late, but this is the one that has been the most off from the original show. Remember that this is not one of the only changes, so please know this is a rewrite with a lot, and I mean a lot of changes! I still hope you enjoy what I have written so far!! I'm excited to write more, and I promise this is my baby, and I will not be giving this up ever!!!!!!!!!!

Comments and kudos are appreciated. Comment if you have any questions !!

Chapter 4: Something Precious


As Emma struggles with planting roots she ends up with a case of a pregnant teen on the run in her lap. Will she help the poor girl or end up ruining it all?

In the past we see Cinderella making a deal that she doesn't yet fully understand and lose something precious.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The bushels of greenery called to her as her tears streamed down her face, and she ran through the forest, pushing herself to the brink of exhaustion. Ella felt the searing ache in her lungs, not just from the physical exertion but also from the desperate sobs that accompanied each gasp for breath. She had yet to allow herself to crumble because she had not reached where her sorrows would be heard.

Her eyes widened, and her lip quivered as she saw her mother's grave come into view. She and her father had buried her under a willow sapling that seemed to have grown tenfold since that fateful day. Ella always claimed she watered it with her tears, and that's why it had grown so large. However, its beauty was all its own as she collapsed atop her mother's headstone and admired the branches, cascading like waterfalls frozen in time, granting her a tranquil escape.

"Oh, Mother," she wept, her shoulders convulsing with the weight of grief, "I wish I had died alongside you and Father."

"Oh, but my dear," echoed words above her that caused her head to snap up. "You have so much life to live."

The woman speaking seemed to sparkle gold as she smiled down at her from the tree's top branch. Ella slipped back in fear as she stared at the woman dressed in what seemed like shimmering dust.

"Who are you?" she gasped and tried to hide behind her mother's headstone.

The woman only laughed softly, then wings sprouted out her back out of nowhere, and Ella gasped. The woman lept from the tree and glided down, and Ella stood up to face her.

"Why, I am your fairy godmother, my child," she said serenely, raising her hand toward her.

Ella scanned her, then slowly brought her hand towards hers, and the woman clasped it tight and beamed.

"I want to get you out of here and to that ball of yours, my dearest."

Ella shook her head as the tears welled in her eyes. "My stepmother has prohibited me from attending, and she-" Ella sniffled, and her shoulders sank. "And she had my step sisters ruin my dress." She picked at her tattered threads and bit her lip to hold back her sob.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she stared at the woman, who was slowly drawing a wand from her side and smiling down at her.

"Yes, but she does not have this." She shook her wand, and Ella's tear-stained face became dry. Her hand reached upward, and she smiled softly.

The woman or her fairy godmother brought her hand to Ella's face and softly pushed her hair back. "I promise you, my dear Ella, I will get you to that ball, and then you shall-"

The violent gurgling noise erupted from her mouth, surprising Ella as the woman spat blood into her face. Ella pushed away, and her eyes shot down, witnessing a blade piercing through the woman's stomach. Slowly, it ascended before being violently pulled out.

As the lifeless form fell, Ella retreated until she crumpled to the ground, consumed by sobs. A scaly hand with blackened claws instantly snatched the golden wand from the air. The air echoed with sinister laughter as overwhelmed Ella closed her eyes and curled into a protective ball.

"Well, that was messy," she heard the creature sneer, and at last, she peered up to behold what appeared more like a beast than anything else. Covered in scales and wearing Gold and black flowing garb, the thing stared at her with a toothy grin. Some of its teeth resembled daggers, and its skin seemed to sparkle, much like her fairy godmother's dress. Its hair sprawled over its face, but through the tangled strands, she could still discern its fangs and luminous gold eyes observing her.

"What are you?" she whispered in fear as she trembled against herself.

There was a long moment of silence before a high-pitched chortle escaped from the depths of the creature's throat.
"What? Well, no wonder you needed help from that varmint. You are completely innocent," it mocked, then shook its head.

"Have you never had your parents tell you the stories of what happened to naughty children?" it stepped closer, and she tried to shuffle away in fear. "Have they never told you about the dark creature that gives you what your heart desires?" it said softly and bent down toward her.

Her heart felt like it would abruptly stop, and then the words processed in her head.
"Anything my heart desires?" she murmured unsteadily.

"Of course." It clapped its claw-like hands and smirked at her before its crazed eyes looked away. "For a price."

She hesitated, her gaze flickering nervously. "I do not believe I have anything you would desire," she stammered, her voice trembling as her eyes darted back to the demon before her.

The creature fixed its gaze upon her, its enigmatic eyes scrutinizing her with an unsettling intensity. Slowly, it pressed a long, gnarled finger against its lips as if deep in contemplation. Then it sneered and shook its head. "I did indeed doubt you would be willing to change your life."

Her mind raced with a life without any chance of escaping from her stepmother, and she grabbed its hand roughly as if begging for the beast to give her a chance.

"Okay, please, please," she implored, then bowed her head as tears welled in her eyes. "I will give anything."

"Even something." It paused and looked over her. "Precious?"

"Yes, anything I could care less. Just please let me go," she pleaded, wrapping her hands together.

The creature licked its lips, smiled down at her, and nodded. "Oh, I do love it when they say that."

With a raise of its hand, a contract almost twice as long as her appeared in its grip. Ella briefly scanned the multitude of words before it caused her eyes to see double, and she shook her head.

"Well? Do we have a deal?" it reached out a pen, and she wavered momentarily.

"I will get to go to the ball...Each day?" she asked softly, and it merely nodded.

"Then yes," she quickly signed her name, and the moment she finished, the contract disappeared into Gold and seemed to cling to her. She yelped in fear and quivered, but gradually, the gold dust transformed into a blue hue, swirling around her rags and conjuring a magnificent ballgown. Her head tilted back, and her hair braided into an intricate updo. Gradually, she felt herself becoming as light as air, taking a moment to examine her transformed self.

"My gods," she whispered, and it snorted.

"No gods here, dearie," it leaned into her ear. "Only me," it hissed, and the hairs on her neck stood up.

"However, before you go," it snapped its fingers, and she felt something on her feet. She pulled up her dress and saw beautiful heels; however, as she stared, she realized what they were.

"Glass?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow at the being before her.

"Every story needs a remarkable detail," it smirked at her, pivoted on its heel, and paused. It snapped its claws once more, and suddenly, a golden carriage and horses appeared before her, and she stumbled back.

"Now go enjoy your three nights." It made a shooing motion with its hands, and she slowly made her way to the carriage before hearing the creature call out once more.

"Watch the clock, dearie, not just at the ball but when it is my time to collect what is due."

She turned her head to face it again, but all she saw was a poof of black smoke and small flakes of Gold swirling in the air. Then her eyes fell, and she saw her godmother sprawled over her mother's grave. She sucked in a breath and shook her head.
Her fairy godmother would be delighted that Ella was going to escape.


"Emma, I'm not an invalid. I can make food in my own kitchen," Mary Marget scoffed and tapped her foot as Emma took over the cooking.
For the third time this week, they were barely on Tuesday.

"Hey, I'm just trying to make settling in easier," Emma retorted and shrugged. "Besides, you can rest on the couch and watch TV while I finish. Doesn't that sound better than being on your feet and cooking?"

"No, not really," she sighed and rolled her eyes. It was nice having a roommate now, but ever since...
The incident, as she and Emma had been calling it, Mary Margaret had not known any moment without hovering. It was lovely of Emma, but it made her feel like a child most of the time. However, as she saw Emma's face, she knew she would not be winning this one.

"Fine," she threw her hands up, exasperated. She went to the couch and crossed her arms as she watched Emma cook in the kitchen.

"Okay, you don't have to watch me. Just put on one of those sappy soap operas or something," she motioned with her hand, and Mary Margret scoffed.

"They're better than your repetitive action movies," she grumbled as she turned on the TV and surfed the channels for something that caught her eye. However, just as she was getting comfortable, a knock at the door caused them to turn to one another.

"You expecting someone?" She asked, and Emma raised an eyebrow.

"I barely know anyone in town. Who would I invite?"

Mary Margaret shrugged. "Maybe you made another friend. A woman can dream, can't she?" She saw Emma scowl, and she laughed as she got up to open the door.

As she did, she saw Henry holding a large bouquet.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Blanchard, and I'm even more sorry that This apology is so late. Mama had me grounded again because of what I did, and again, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to help, and I thought that if you two talked to each other, you'd realize you were true love, but I guess the curse is still too strong, so I'm so sorry."

She blinked briefly before turning to Emma, whose mouth was open, and her eyes were wide.

She turned back to Henry and sighed softly as she bent down to caress his face. "Oh, Henry, there's nothing to apologize for. What you were trying to do was admirable. It's my own fault I slipped, sweetie."

"It's still my fault you were out there in the first place, and now you can't work until next week, and..." He looked up at her, and his eyes started to water. "How are you going to pay rent?" he asked softly.

"Oh, Henry," she said gently and brushed his hair out his face. "You shouldn't worry about stuff like that."

"Yeah, kid, and besides, she has a roommate who is going to pick up the slack," Emma said as she walked over to them, grinning.

"You're staying with Mary Margaret?" he asked, awestruck, and Mary Marget felt her heart melt at just how excited he looked.

"Well, someone has to make sure she doesn't slip on rocks again," she said smugly, and Mary Margaret turned to glare at her.
Henry brought his own hand to his mouth, whether to stop himself from laughing or being in shock either way, Mary Margret didn't know.

"Anyways," she pushed Emma to the side and turned down at Henry. "If you're grounded, how'd your mom let you come over here, hun?"

Henry bit his lip, cringed, and looked down at his shoes. "I finished early at Mr. Golds, so he said I could go home already, but I chose to come here instead." he looked back up with a tense smile.

The two women shared a glance before turning back to Henry. Mary Margaret struggled with what to say to him as he looked up at the two with big eyes.

"Kid, you don't want to get in trouble more. How about as soon as you are ungrounded, we all go for ice cream or something?" Emma said gently as she bent down to smile at him.

"Realy," he gasped, "You're not scared my mom will get mad at you?"

Yes, Mary Margaret thought and bit her lip as she watched Emma scoff and roll her eyes at the statement. "No way, kid. Besides, she can try her best. She doesn't scare me."

"It's good you're brave. We need to be as brave as we can be for Operation Cobra," he said excitedly.

Mary Margaret cocked her head at Henry and then looked at Emma, who was slightly cringing.

"Anyways, I should leave before Mama finds out I'm here. Bye, Mary Margaret. Bye, Emma," he beamed at them, pressed the bouquet in her hands, and then ran off.

Mary Margaret smiled softly at the flowers, then looked over at Emma, slowly getting up. "He's such a sweet kid," she murmured, and Emma nodded.

"A little delusional, but yeah, he's sweet." She smiled, then turned back to the kitchen and froze. Mary Margaret then saw what made her freeze, and she let out a sigh. For the third time this week, Emma burnt the food.

"It wasn't my fault this time," she muttered, and Mary Margaret shook her head.

"Let's just go to Granny's," she sighed and laughed before turning off the flame and dumping the burnt remains in the trash.


"Lacey!" Mary Margaret waved to a brunette who smiled and waved back. "I'll be right back." She grinned at Emma, then walked off and sat at the counter with someone she supposed was Lacey.

Emma watched them for a while before turning to the menu and reviewing what she may want today.

"Ah, Emma, I see you're here again," a voice said, and she looked up to see Graham leaning by her booth with a grin.

"Yeah, well," she sighed in defeat, "I don't think I'm the best cook." he laughed softly and slid into the seat in front of her.

"It's good you aren't because I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh no, is Regina having me arrested?" she joked, then thought momentarily. "Wait, is she really?"

He let out a laugh and then shook his head. "Nah, Gina is too busy with Mary Margaret on sick leave. But it does concern Mary Margaret. You see, I wanted to say thanks. You did a great job helping find her, and I wanted to offer you something."

"I highly doubt Regina would give me a key to the city, Graham." She rolled her eyes and snorted as he smiled and chuckled.

"No, it's something more substantial. I wanted to offer you a position as deputy."

Emma's smile faltered, and she raised an eyebrow at him. "I..." she shook her head. "I already have a job," she shrugged. "I'm alright, just doing what I do."

"Yeah, but well, are you really doing your job here? There's not a lot of opportunities for a bail bonds person here."

Emma looked down at the table and sighed as her shoulders fell. She rubbed her neck and shook her head. "Look, I just... I'll think about it, but I make no promises."

"That's all I wanted to hear," he smiled, then stood up. "Just think about it, Emma. We could really use someone like you."

He waved his goodbye and then walked out of the diner, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts. The words seemed to echo in her head as she sat alone in the booth. She shook her head off the thoughts and returned the menu to her gaze.

"Do you want your coca like usual?" Ruby said with a grin, and Emma looked up at her and nodded slowly.

"Alright," she grinned. "Do you have anything else you wanna order?"

"Uhm," she bit her lip and shrugged, "I'll wait for Mary Margret to order."

Ruby raised an eyebrow and turned to Mary Margaret, who was still laughing and talking to Lacey. "Oh, she ordered at the counter."

"oh," she murmured softly, then looked down. "Just give me a bit more time then I guess."

"Of course, hun," she said sweetly, then turned on her heel as she headed to the kitchen.

She momentarily gazed at Mary Margaret and Lacey and watched the two laugh and smile. Emma debated walking over there and sitting down but decided against it. She didn't want to interrupt their conversation. Besides, she had been annoying Mary Margret all week. She needed time with her real friends.

She barely noticed Ruby giving her her cocca till she poked Emma on the shoulder.

"Huh?" she looked up at her, and her eyes fluttered.

"I asked if you thought about your order?" she said with a soft laugh.

"I uh," she looked down at the menu, then quickly spoke, "A grilled cheese and some onion rings, please."

Ruby smiled gently and nodded, accepting the menus from Emma's hands. Emma buried her face in her palms and let out a soft groan. The jingling of the diner doorbell, accompanied by approaching footsteps, reached her ears.
Please, let it not be for me, she silently begged.

"Did Miss Blanchard enjoy the flowers Henry brought over?"

She peered up from her palms and saw Regina sitting in front of her, her face completely unreadable. She sat back up, crossed her arms, and narrowed her eyes at Regina.

"It's a bit messed up to not allow your kid out and about," she raised a brow at her. Regina only scoffed and shook her head.

"He is grounded, Miss Swan. I'm sorry, I'm not as careless as you are with children," she snapped, and Emma rolled her eyes.

"But," Emma turned her gaze back to her, "I now understand there's nothing to worry about with you being here."

"Huh? Well, I'm glad you're finally becoming sane." She smiled insincerely, then leaned back. Regina sneered, then shook her head.

"I suppose it's because I know you'll eventually leave," she responded tersely.

"Excuse me?" She narrowed her eyes, and her mouth fell open in shock.

"Well," she turned to Mary Margaret, who was staring at the two of them along with Lacey. Then Regina grinned and turned back to Emma. "As soon as Mary Margaret gets back to work and is stable, I'm sure your stay with us will end."

"That's not true," she whispered.

Regina scoffed, her eyes rolling dismissively as a smirk played on her lips. "Oh, but it is." Leaning in, her amber gaze bore into Emma's soul. "I have the proof to back it up as well, Miss Swan," she purred, sending shivers down Emma's spine.

Emma stayed silent as she gazed away, then scoffed, "You don't know anything about me, Miss Mills."

Regina snorted and shook her head. "Oh, of course, you'd think that," she let out a sigh and leaned her head on her hands. "But I looked you up, Miss Swan, and I've seen your track record."

"I-" Regina placed a finger up to pause her.

"You can't place roots down." She interrupted and snickered, "Miss Swan, you're like a vagabond, always searching for a home but never allowing yourself the time to make one. It's sad, actually, and I'd feel bad for you if you hadn't decided to try and hurt Henry in your quest for self-discovery."

"I'm staying in Storybrooke," Emma hissed, then leaned closer to Regina. "Nothing you say will stop me."

Regina looked her up and down and chuckled softly. "I suppose we will see." Slowly, her hand pushed herself up, and she started to walk off. Emma flung herself up and knocked over her cup all over herself.

"Fuck" she muttered, frustration etched across her face. She ran a hand through her hair, the echoes of Regina's cold laughter lingering in the air as she strolled out of the diner.

"Here." she reached out a hand, and Emma looked to see the brunette Mary Margaret was talking to handing her a paper towel.

Lacey then cringed as she looked at the spill all over Emma. "Oh shit, that's probably not going to help."

"There's a laundry room in the back," Ruby said as she leaned against Lacey's shoulder.

"Oh Yeah! And there's a bunch of lost and found clothes in there." Lacey smiled.

"Thanks," she muttered and shuffled to the backroom.

She roughly threw her dirty shirt off, slamming it into the washer, scowling in irritation. She licked her lips and let out a sigh as she looked around the room for a shirt. She saw a box filled with old clothes and rummaged till she found a button-up. She swiftly put it on and let her shoulders fall.

"Damn it! No, No, please," she heard a girl plead behind her, and she rolled her eyes to see what looked like a teenager on her knees, holding a pink sheet.

"They're pink," she whimpered, pushing her face into them.

Emma scoffed, then turned to see the belly on her, and it clicked. "Oh," she murmured softly, then cringed and sighed as she bent down and patted her back.

"I can't even wash clothes. No wonder no one expects me to take care of a kid." She shook her head and wiped her face.

"How old are you?" she murmured, then brushed a hair from her face.

She sighed and shook her head. "Nineteen," she sniffled and wiped at her face.

"I was eighteen." the girl's eyes locked onto her, and Emma sighed.

"You have a kid?" she murmured.

Then Emma shook her head. "No, and yes," she shrugged. "I put him up for adoption, and now he's back in my life."

The girl bit her lip, looked down at her stomach, and rubbed it gently.

"But that was just my decision. You can't base yours on anyone else," she said and gripped her shoulder gently.

"But no one thinks I can do this," she whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

"Fuck what they think," she scoffed and shook her head.

The girl looked at her in shock and gasped, "What?"

"Fuck them and what they think. They're not in charge of your life. Only you are." Emma shook her head and licked her lips. "I'm not telling you to keep your kid or telling you to give them up. I'm telling you to choose your path and fight for it because no one else will fight for you as fiercely as you'll fight for yourself."

She looked away and bit her lip. "I don't think I can fight for myself," she whispered.

Emma sighed, shook her head, and grasped her hand delicately in hers. "Look, if you decide not to fight, that's your call, but you have to decide what you want for yourself. Don't let anyone else dictate your path because it's yours to walk, and no one else will experience what you're going through or lend you a hand." Emma chuckled. "Let's be real, kid, there's no fairy godmother or wishing star to magically solve our problems."

The girl laughed softly, then smiled at her. "Thanks," she mumbled.

Emma shrugged, helped her stand up, and smiled back at her. "It's no problem. I'm Emma, by the way."

"Ashley," she murmured.


Her eyes narrowed as she watched Mr. Gold in his shop talking on the phone. The damned bastard was laughing, and here she was, gripping onto herself, quivering in fear, and he was just laughing? She blinked free of her thoughts and let out a breath. She could do this. She was strong enough to fight for herself.

She watched him hang up his phone and smile softly at the cell in his palm. Her stomach churned in disgust, watching that monster be so soft after what he wanted to take from her. Finally, he began turning the lights off and locking everything up. She shuffled closer as he locked up his front door, and he froze. His head snapped, and his gaze was locked on her. He seemed to squint, then looked down at his pocket, pulled his phone out, and laughed again. He shrugged, walked away, and pushed his phone into his pocket.

She released her breath and panted as she felt herself suffocating from the fear that was his gaze. She rubbed her face roughly, then slowly approached the door. She scanned any way to enter, saw he had left his keys in the lock, and laughed softly. She quickly unlocked the door and grabbed the keys before looking around the shop for a place where he may have hidden it.

Then her eyes glanced toward the painting that seemed to be a bit more forward than expected, and she walked toward it. She grabbed the canvas and pulled it, which swung forward like a door. Her eyes caught sight of a safe, and she smiled.

"Ashley?" his voice interrupted her joy, and she turned to see him slowly walking toward her. "What are you doing?" he muttered, then narrowed her eyes at her.

"I-" she stammered, reaching into her pocket and feeling the pepper spray. She tightened her grip and held her resolve. "I am fighting for my life," she hissed, then brought up the mace and sprayed it into his eyes.

He let out a guttural scream and threw his hands up to his eyes, causing his cane to slip from his hold. His legs wavered, then he fell backward, and his head slammed against the corner of the counter. He sprawled against the floor, and she felt her knees go weak. She stumbled to the wall, hitting the safe with her back.

Her head turned, and she found herself gasping for breath, but she pressed on, guiding her hands to the safe. Despite the nausea creeping in, she stayed resolute. After carefully sorting through the keys, she finally found the right one and opened the safe. Her gaze focused on a chipped cup, but she shook off the distraction, scanning until she spotted the contract. Clutching it tightly, she pivoted on her heel to face the doorway.

"I'm not sorry," she murmured, then stepped over him and ran out the door, tears welling up in her eyes, but she had never felt freer.

Lost in her excitement, his phone ringing went unheard as she sped forward.


When Lacey had been invited to drinks last night so Roman could finally pay her back for ignoring her the other night, she hadn't expected another repeat of her drinking alone and paying her own tab.

Lacey scoffed as she redialed his number and walked toward his shop. "Can't believe this," she muttered as she stepped onto the sidewalk before his shop.

"Huh?" she let out as she heard ringing from the shop, then saw that the door was swung open. She slowly made her way in, and her eyes widened as she saw him groaning and slowly raising a hand to his forehead.

"Roman," she gasped and ran to him, fell to his side, and brought her hands to his face. "What happened?" she whispered.

He blinked in confusion, then winced and looked around where he was. She swore he muttered a name, but it had been so low that she barely understood.

"Roman?" she asked, pulling his face to look at her. He seemed to stare at her, his eyes widening, and his lip quivered.

He shut his eyes and let out a soft laugh, and she furrowed her brow and stared at him with utter confusion. "Roman?"

He ceased his laughter, offered her a smile, and extended his hand toward her face. She involuntarily froze as his hand approached, but he gently closed it and withdrew, shifting his gaze to his cane just inches away. She pulled her hands from his face, and he emitted a subdued sound as she reached for his cane.

She handed it over to him, watched as his mouth twitched in a smile, and slowly grabbed it.

"Did you fall?" she questioned gently, and he licked his lips and shook his head.

"Then what happened?"

He emitted a soft hum, then struggled to get up, and she quickly went to help him. She expected him to pull back or push her off, but he simply let her aid him up.

"Thank you," he finally murmured, and she caught his gaze and nodded.

"Of course," she said instantly, but as she did, he started making his way out of the shop. Quickly, she threw her hand and clamped it onto his wrist. He turned to face her, and his mouth fell open.

"Roman? What happened?" she asked with a breathy, humorless laugh.

He looked at her momentarily before sighing and stepping closer to her. "I need to find someone."
Her eyes narrowed, and her brows furrowed deeply. She shook her head, attempting to speak.

"You'll understand soon," he muttered ominously, then turned on his heel and walked off.

Alone in the shop, she ran her hand through her hair and scoffed. Her mind raced as she turned to scan the shop, and her eyes fell upon his safe, wide open, with a cup in the center. She waved her hand dismissively, then turned around, closing his shop door for him with a soft sigh.


He watched as Mama slumped on the couch and immediately fell asleep sprawled. He bit his lip and slowly walked down the stairs carefully, not making a sound as he stepped. He slowly brought the blanket from the ottoman and threw it over her.

It was unusual that she was barely coming home, but since Mary Margaret's injury, she had been focusing a lot on her job. She seemed just as tired as Mary Margret when she was working under her. He slowly pushed the hair from his Mama's face and sighed softly.

He looked at the door and pushed himself from the couch carefully. As he made his way out of the house, he turned to his Mama, sleeping peacefully. He wavered a moment before slowly shutting the door behind him.


Slowly, Emma opened up her box and grinned. "I'm so glad all my stuff is here." She sighed wistfully.

"I'll go help you with the rest if you'd like," Mary Margret offered, and Emma cocked her head and guffawed at her.

"What do you mean?" she raised a brow, and Mary Margret's eyes widened. "This is all my stuff," she said as she looked back into the box.

"I don't get attached to things," she shrugged.

"Oh," she whispered softly, then returned to sipping her tea.

"What?" her gaze snapped to her, and she narrowed her eyes at Mary Margaret, who looked away immediately. "What does that mean?"

"Well," she cringed, then looked back into her tea, "Yknow, I mean, it's good for when you need to move."

Emma scoffed and opened her mouth to speak, but the knock at the door made them both stop.

"I guess Henry's back," she murmured, and Mary Margaret nodded as she walked to the door.

"Henr-" her mouth gaped. "Mr. Gold, I'm so sorry." he blinked at her and laughed a bit.

"I hadn't realized any similarities between the young lad and me," he chuckled, then shook his head. "But hello, Ms. Blanchard." he then peered over Mary Margret's shoulder and looked at her. "And hello, Miss Swan, just who I was looking for."

"Me?" she muttered in confusion and quirked her head at him before looking at Mary Margret, who seemed just as confused.

"Oh, look, my bedroom where my shower is. I'll let you two be." She shuffled away and then shut her door. Emma glared before her attention snapped back to Mr. Gold standing in the doorway, leaning on his cane.

He laughed softly, then bent his head and looked back at her. "I'm Mr gold. We met briefly at the inn,"

"Uh," she paused, then nodded. "Yeah, I remember, uhm." She looked over at him and struggled to speak. "Why did you need me?"

"Straight to the point," he smiled and nodded. "I like that in a person." he stepped in, and Emma watched as he leaned closer to the table. "I heard about your skills in finding people, and I need that right now."

"Who?" she asked as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ashley Boyd. I have a picture if you'd like?" he slowly ran his hand through his pocket, and Emma felt her stomach plummet.

"Is she pregnant?" she whispered. He froze and looked back at her.

"Actually, yes." he narrowed his eyes as he licked his lips. "Do you know her?"

"Yeah- Well, no, actually." she shook her head. "We just talked yesterday. Why do you want to find her?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

He smiled softly, then nodded before leaning closer to her and brushing his hair to the side, revealing an open gash on his forehead. "She assaulted me, then proceeded to steal from me."

Emma felt like everything froze as she stared at the wound of the man before her. She remembered the girl and how small she seemed. It just seemed insane.

"Why come to me? Why not the police?" she whispered and tried to focus on the subject at the hand.

He paused and sighed, looking dejected. "She's scared and pregnant, and she's far too young to have something on her permanent record."

Emma nodded and sighed, knowing the wounds of a permanent record far too well.

"Also, she didn't seem herself ranting about her needing to fight for her life," Emma cringed and shut her eyes as she nodded along. "Besides, if I involved the police, that poor child would be born in prison, and I doubt anyone would want that."

She cringed, then looked up at him and bit her lip before allowing a sigh to escape her lips and nodding along. "Yeah, no one wants that."

"Is that you saying you'll help me?" he quirked an eyebrow.

"Well, I'll be helping her," she muttered, shoving her hands in her pocket and narrowing her eyes at him.

"Great, that's exactly what I want," he confirmed, and as Emma scanned him, she already knew he hadn't lied.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Gold," she heard and saw Henry at the doorway smiling softly up at them.

"Ah, hello, Henry. I suppose I should tell you I'll be closed today, so there's no need to come in this afternoon."

"Oh," he murmured and nodded. "Okay, Mr. Gold," he smiled. Then Mr. Gold smiled back, patted his head gently, and looked back at her.

"I suppose I shall see you when you have found her. Good luck, Miss Swan," he said softly, then walked out the door.

Emma hummed and watched as he walked off, then swiftly closed the door and sighed as she shut it.

"I still don't know who he is yet," Henry said as he sat down in the chair and kicked his feet.

"What?" she looked back at him with a baffled look. "Don't you have to work for him?"

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I mean, back in the enchanted forest, there's no one that really looks like him in my book." he pursed his lip and shook his head.

"Oh, I thought you meant in reality," she said sarcastically, and he crossed his arms.

"ha, hah," he retorted, then looked over at the box on the table. "That's all you have?"

"Uh," she paused, "what are you even doing here? Aren't you grounded?"

He shrugged. "Semantics," he waved a hand dismissively, and she raised a brow in judgment.

"Uh-huh," she crossed her arms and leaned onto the table.

"Okay, okay, my mama passed out because of work, so I snuck out, but can you really blame me? I just want to hang out with you." he looked up at her with his hazel eyes, and she knew she was done for.

"Kid, I really wish I could, but I have something to do first," she muttered, rubbing her neck as he looked up at her with an upset look.


"That is so cool. It's like you're a spy on a mission," he shouted as he trailed after Emma, who seemed to be desperately walking away from him.

"It's not a spy mission. It's a pregnant woman who needs help, and she attacked your uh boss." She shook her head. "That shouldn't be cool."

He thought for a moment before shrugging. "Obviously, he was fine. That's why he hired you to stop her."

Emma sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, and Henry merely shrugged it off. He wasn't wrong. Mr. Gold was fine, and besides, Henry doubted that a pregnant teen could take him down.

"Look, it's still dangerous, and after letting you 'lead'," She quoted with her hands, "the last search, don't you think your mother would never let you leave home again?"

He narrowed his eyes at her, then grinned. "I can just go look for her alone," he shrugged. "I mean, if that's what you want," he raised an eyebrow and watched Emma's resolve crumble.

"Fine, I'll just look for you and take you home," she replied, glaring back.

"Well then, I'll leave again, and you lose any chances of helping the pregnant lady" he cocked his head and smiled sweetly.

"Ugh," she ran her hand over her face and groaned, and he watched as she released a sigh. "Kid, I'm trying not to get you in more trouble, or me for that matter," she hissed.

"Well, I'm just trying to spend time with you." he looked up at her and shuffled his feet.

"Oh, Henry, I-" As she stammered, he knew he'd won, so he walked to her car and slipped into the passenger's side. "Wait, what are you-"

"Hurry up, we need to find the pregnant lady," he called out before shutting the door.

She flung the driver's side door open and glared at him. "Y'know, I'm starting to think you might not be just a sweet, innocent kid."

"Well," he shrugged, "That's on you for thinking that in the first place. Now let's go, and on the way to find clues, maybe you can tell me what you know about her so I can see who she used to be."

Emma sighed, slid in, and turned the car on as she gave a judging glance before pulling out and driving away.


She leaned over the balcony, rested her arms on the base, and watched as the stars twinkled and how the fireworks burst through the sky seemed to outshine them. A faint smile spread as she thought of her mother holding her hand as they walked through their home at night, watching the royals burst their display.

"My stars?" whispered behind her, and she peered to see Thomas standing at the entryway. "Is there something the matter?"

Her smile widened as she leaned her head against his, intertwining her fingers with his. "No, my love, I was just savoring the spectacle and reminiscing about my mother. We used to watch the castle's fireworks and make an event of the night."

"And now we shall have a night of it, for it is our decree of love," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on her lips and tenderly brushing his hand against her cheek.

Slowly, her husband pulled back and smiled at her before leading her back to the party held in her name. Her heart felt like it would burst with joy as she watched everyone celebrating her, of all people. She bit her lower lip and allowed herself a burst of soft laughter to escape her lips as she walked through the crowd clutching her husband's hand.

"Thomas" waved at a woman dressed in what seemed like a suit with a long flowing back, and as she became less blurry in Ella's view, she gasped as she realized it was the revolutionary queen Snow White.

"Snow," he laughed, then hugged her and smiled to show Ella off. "This is my beautiful wife, Ella." she flushed and bowed to the woman, who only chuckled.

"No need for formalities, dear. You are family now that you are married to my baby cousin," Thomas scoffed beside her and rolled his eyes.

"I am only three years younger, Your Majesty." he laughed and shook his head. "Speaking of younger, where is that Young king of yours?"

Snow punched his shoulder and laughed. "My husband is off at the buffet table as usual. Now allow me to steal your wife, whom I am barely getting to properly meet,"

Ella felt herself being twirled into the dance floor and found herself dancing with a Queen. Not just any queen, but a queen who started a revolution. "I must say it is rather strange to find myself dancing with a queen when, a few months prior, I was my stepmother's servant."

Snow snorted and shook her head. "Stepmothers seem to be another breed entirely, dear Ella." She smiled and then spun Ella around. "You know I find you such an inspiration," she marveled, and Ella flushed.

"All I did was sneak into a ball. I mean, I am nothing special." She bowed her head and laughed softly.

"Oh, but do you not see? You fought for your own path in life, and it led you here," she smiled warmly. "Which makes you an utter inspiration. Now go have fun." She spun her away, and Ella laughed, throwing her head back as she landed in another person's arms.

"I agree with her entirely. You truly are an inspiration." The air in her lungs seemed to evaporate as her brain recognized the voice echoing in her ear. The person spun her, and she caught sight of the creature.

It did not appear as animalistic as when they first met; its dark locks were braided, and it wore golden jewels that highlighted its scales as well as its dark gold eyes. The outfit. she noticed, looked exactly like the dress her fairy godmother had worn many moons ago. No. It was the exact same dress, for she could see the stain of blood.

"You," she whispered as she continued to be led in dance by the creature who was only smiling at her.

"Me," it said mockingly and chuckled. "It seems that you definitely got your end of the bargain. I mean, you even got yourself a little prince. How quaint."

"Yes," she held her head high even though she felt she was about to topple over. "Now, I suppose you are here for your price?"

It looked away and smirked as it shrugged. "Well, we did have a deal...Cinderella," it whispered, and she cringed at the horrible nickname.

"You can have any precious jewels or riches. Thomas could care less. We are rich in treasure," she hissed as the creature chuckled softly.

"Jewels? You think jewels precious?" it whispered, then scoffed. "I even let you read the contract, but I suppose you were far too distracted with the ball," it mocked, and she felt a pit spread in her stomach.

Her heart felt like it was about to shatter with how hard it beat in her chest. "Then what do you desire from me?" she uttered softly, trying to free herself from its grasp.

"You do not have it yet, dear Cinderella, but you will." It pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "I want your firstborn." It hissed, threw her to the side, and snapped its claws, causing it to become a puff of smoke.

She felt herself being guided by other royals, but her mind was everywhere but the ball. The noise became muffled, and all she could feel was bile rising in her throat as her body danced alongside others by instinct.


Her breath was ragged as she shoved her clothing into the satchel along with the jewels on the dresser. Tears streamed down her face, and she could barely see, but she remained determined.
She would not lose this child, not because she had been foolish. She shook her head and threw the satchel over her shoulder.

As she spun on her heel, the heavy door to her chambers creaked open slowly. Thomas's confident smile, displayed upon entering, faltered as his eyes traced her from head to toe. A furrow appeared on his brow, and a subtle shift in his expression hinted at a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I thought you were off hunting with your father," she whispered as her eyes met his.

His eyes darted at the storm out the window, and he cracked a grin before facing her once more. "Well, the weather shot us down before our hunting could even begin." He then looked at the satchel on her shoulder and the clothes torn from the closet.

"Are we going somewhere?" he chuckled, and Ella looked down, bit her lip, and muffled a sob.

He paused and approached her cautiously. "Are you perhaps going somewhere?"

"I-" she struggled to speak, then wept and shook her head before sitting on the bed and obscuring her face in her palms.

"I've made a terrible mistake," she managed to rasp out, watching Thomas's face fall.

He reached a hand to gently brush away the tears from her face. "Whatever it may be, my stars, I shall fix it for you," he whispered gently, pressed his forehead against hers, and she flinched back.

She shook her head and sobbed as she hugged herself. "No, you can not," she gagged out. "Because I have done something that can not be fixed."

"My stars?" he murmured. "What could it be that I can not fix."

"I am with child," she breathed out, then looked up to see his concern fall from his face and a smile form as he grabbed her face.

He tenderly kissed her, and in that brief moment, it felt like the world ceased to exist, and she relaxed into it. However, the demonic giggles echoed, abruptly jolting her back to reality. Her fear caused her to roughly push him off.

"No," she shook her head and abruptly pushed to get off the bed. "No, it is no momentous occasion. We dare not celebrate when I have already ruined it all."

"Ella?" He raised an eyebrow, his gaze slowly sweeping over her form.

She took a deep breath and turned to no longer face him as her shoulders fell. "Those months ago at the ball," she licked her lip, and her fists clenched. "My fairy godmother died before sending me," she whispered.

"But then how?" he questioned, then furrowed his brow.

"A demon killed her." She shut her eyes, and the memories of that night swirled in her head. "Then it offered me a deal," she whispered.

"Ella, please tell me you did not do what I fear you did," he murmured, and she bit her lip to hold in a sob.

She turned to him and gave him a pleading look before throwing her hands over her face. "it did not tell me the cost. It only said it would be something precious."

"Ella, I have so many jewels and gold. Please tell me that is all it wants." he gripped her wrist gently, and she looked down at him and shook her head slowly.

"Ella, what does it want?" he whispered, and she shut her eyes and sobbed as she gently placed a hand on her stomach.

He reached his hand toward her, then lowered it to her stomach. "Our baby? You sold our baby," he hissed, pulling back his hand and covering his mouth.

"No, No," she shook and lowered her head. "I did not know, I swear," she sobbed.

Warmth enveloped her as he wrapped his arms around her, gently caressing her head. She sobbed into the crook of his neck, murmuring apologies as tears streamed down her face.

"I will fix it, my stars," he whispered, kissing the top of her head. "I do not care what this demon is. I promise I will find a way to fix it."

She shook her head against his chest. "No, It's far too powerful, and I made a deal-"

"My stars, as long as I live, I will take your burdens." he gently cupped her face and pressed his lips gently on her forehead. "I shall call for my cousin, and we shall make a plan to save you and our baby."


Emma walked toward Ruby when she noticed that she and Lacey were whispering something while they watched a man who was pulling up with what she assumed was Ruby's car since she had seen it before in front of Granny's. The two women then turned to her and smiled.

"Hi guys," Henry waved and ran up to them. "We're here on a mystery case," he said smugly.

Lacey chuckled and cocked her head. "Oh really? What's the case?"

"We're looking for Ashley Boyd," Emma interrupted and crossed her arms as she nodded her head at them. She noticed the glance the two shared, but other than that, they seemed unreadable.

"Why?" Ruby asked, then raised a brow as she leaned against the wall and narrowed her eyes at Emma.

"Well, let's just say I want to help her," she said slowly. Which wasn't a lie at all. She just wanted to help this poor girl.

"With what?" Ruby murmured, and Emma debated telling her. It wouldn't be best to dish out all the dirty laundry of the poor girl even if she knows them.

"Oh, it's cause she attacked Mr. Gold last night and stole something from him," Henry said nonchalantly and shrugged. She scowled down at him and then looked back at the women who were sharing another glance. She truly felt out of the loop here.

"Oh," Ruby whispered, then shrugged. "Well, it could've been worse." Lacey rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else, even though her eyes seemed to have a million things to say.

"Yes, that's why I'm looking for her, but I could care less about Gold. I just want to make sure she's okay." she shook her head and sighed. "Her and the baby deserve the best chance, and I just want to help with that."

Ruby hummed, then nodded. "Yeah, that's what we want, too," she murmured. A clanging behind them caused them to turn, and Ruby threw her hands on her waist. "Billy, watch my car!"

"Sorry, Rubes!" Billy shouted back and waved at them. Ruby pouted, then nodded and looked back at Emma.

"Anyways, I'll help if I can. What do you need?" Ruby asked.

"I just want to know anyone she'd go to or family she'd contact?" She asked, sighed, and rubbed her neck.

"I guess we're her friends." She looked at Lacey and shrugged. "Well, she has a stepmom and two stepsisters? But, well, they are not family to her. They have completely disowned one another," she said, then shook her head. "So I don't know where else you could go?"

Henry gasped beside them. "Step-family that hates her, you say?" he hummed and shot Emma a glance. Ruby and Lacey laughed softly and covered their mouths in shock.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she gasped softly. "Henry," she snapped, and he darted his eyes away."

She shook her head and looked back at Ruby. "That's it?" she sighed, rubbed her temple, and shook her head. "That's not much help."

"Well, have you talked to the baby's dad?" Lacey asked, and Emma quickly snapped her attention to her. "If Ashley was going anywhere, she would probably try to reach him before leaving," she said, then sighed. "Even after Sean broke her heart, she still loves him, so she'd probably want to talk to him."

Emma smiled softly at her and nodded. "Alright, where can I find him?"

Ruby snorted, shook her head, and crossed her arm. "Oh, that loser still lives with his dad."


"Dang, that's a big house," Henry said as he pressed his face against the window and gaped. "Not as big as mine, though." he turned and smiled at her.

She sighed and let out a laugh before looking out the window. "Alright, stay here."

"What? Why?" he crossed his arms and looked up at her with a frown.

"Cause blabber mouth, I need to talk to him one-on-one without you selling me out." She flicked his head, and he grumbled.

"Fine," he turned his head toward the window and sighed, "Just be fast." She scoffed and laughed softly as she got out of the car.

Emma strolled down the driveway, the gravel crunching beneath her boots. She tucked her hands into the warmth of her red jacket, a sigh escaping her lips as she pondered the unfortunate situation the girl was in. It felt unsettling, a gnawing sensation in her gut signaling that things weren't quite right. Pushing those thoughts aside, she reached the door, raised her hand, and firmly knocked.

A young guy opened the door and looked down at her with a confused look. "Hello?" he said slowly and quirked his head.

"Hi, my name is Emma. I'm here because I wanted to talk to you about Ashley," she said calmly and watched as fear etched on his face.

His eyes widened. "Is she okay?" he gasped softly. "Is it the baby?" he whispered.

Before Emma could speak, an older man walked toward them. "My son has nothing to do with that blasted girl," he hissed, and Emma winced.

"You're why he isn't with her anymore." She sighed and shook her head as she glared at him.

"I did what I had to to keep my son safe," he hissed, then turned to Sean angrily and shoved him inside. The boy looked at Emma for a moment.

"Hey, if you want to see her, you shouldn't let this ass stop you," she snapped, and the man gasped in anger. Sean watched her and looked to his father as if to ask him for permission.

"Get to your room, Sean!" he shouted, and the boy's eyes darted away as he rushed off. "And you!" he jabbed her shoulder. "My son doesn't need to be involved with her and that mistake."

"I just want to help her," she hissed, and he scoffed.

"I already helped her," he retorted. "I got that mistake of hers handled." he cracked a grin that made Emma nauseous.

She scowled and narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you mean?" she whispered.

He raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. "She already decided to give up the baby, so I set her up for a deal that would get her some money out of it."
She restrained the anger fuming below the surface in the following hushed stillness. Instead, she inhaled slowly and closed her eyes briefly, then lifted her gaze, narrowing her eyes at him.

"You got her to sell her baby," she whispered, and the man rolled his eyes as if she was the absurd one.

"You make it sound so medieval," he laughed. "I just found a way to make her life far easier by ridding her of a mistake."

"That baby isn't a mistake," She hissed. "Besides, she is fighting so hard for that baby right now, and she is changing her life for the both of them."

"Then she better give up because I doubt Mr. Gold will take kindly to her running out on the deal." Her eyes widened, and she felt her mouth drop. She looked away from him and raised a hand to her forehead.

"She sold the baby to Mr. Gold," she whispered and looked away from him.

He scoffed and walked backward. "Well, it seems you didn't know the full story before trying to help her." he chuckled, then closed the door. She stood at the door briefly before glowering, then turned and rushed to the car.

She slid into the car, forcefully shut the door, and clutched the steering wheel with white-knuckled intensity. Her breaths turned ragged as a wave of rage surged over her, overpowering every other emotion.

"Emma?" Henry murmured, then rested his hand on her arm, causing her to turn to him. "What happened?"


His eyes widened as he gripped the seat and watched Emma speed along the road. "Look, Emma, I get that you're fearless against my mom, but Mr. Gold is someone you can't face. He is really intense, trust me."

She let out a laugh and shook her head. "I could care less about him, Henry, and he started this when he thought he could hire me to hunt down a poor mother for her baby," she hissed, and Henry sighed.

"If she wants to be a damned mother, she'll get to be one because I don't care who is in the way. I'm going to help her." he looked up at her and smiled softly before wincing as she almost hit the curb.


She stormed out of the car and up the steps as she slammed into the diner to see Ruby serving someone a plate of food. Ruby immediately turned to her and sighed softly before crossing her arms and looking down before walking toward her.

"Where is she?" Emma sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"No one understands what that girl is going through, and I just gave her the best chance out of her situation," Ruby said calmly as she glared back at her. Emma scoffed and shook her head.

"You just put her in more danger," she snapped, throwing her hands up. "I'm the one who's trying to give her a chance at what's best for her."

"You're working with him," she hissed and shook her head. "That is not good for her."

"I was never doing this for Gold! I was doing this for Ashley," she retorted and stepped closer. "I know what she's going through, and I just want to help, but I can't do that if he handles it personally or, worse, gets the police."

Ruby's eyes softened, and she looked down and sighed. Then her eyes caught sight of Henry walking in and stepping beside her. Emma watched as Ruby's eyes hardened and filled with suspicion.

"I still can't trust you as long as the kids here," she murmured, looking away.

"What?" he furrowed his brow and scoffed Hey, I'm just trying to help here."

"He's just a kid, Ruby," she sighed, and Ruby rolled her eyes and laughed softly.

"A kid who works for the guy Ashley is trying to get away from," Henry winced and looked down, and Emma sighed. She was right to be suspicious, which meant Emma couldn't help if Henry stayed by.

She kneeled down to him and pushed a strand of hair back. "Hey, kid, I need you to go home now, okay."

His eyes widened, and his lip trembled. "But I just want to help."

"The best way you can help is going home so that I can handle this with another adult." he scanned her face and then looked up at Ruby, who seemed to at least have the decency to look guilty.

"Fine," he spat out before turning on his heel and walking out in a huff. She sighed as she stood up. He may have been mad, but at the least she wouldn't have to worry about him.

"She's leaving town."
Her head spun to Ruby, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed and her head bowed down.
"She just wants to leave and raise her baby in peace. She deserves peace," she stressed out.

"I agree with you, but being on the lamb with an infant is not very peaceful, and both their lives will be filled with running, and that is not a life that is torture." Ruby nodded and bit her lip before meeting her gaze.

"You'll make sure she keeps her baby," she whispered, and Emma smiled and nodded.

"I promise."

"Then you better head out now." Ruby's shoulder slumped. "She left half an hour ago."


He watched as the buildings slowly dissipated and more trees were around, and he quirked an eyebrow. He shot up in the backseat and saw Emma gripping tightly onto the steering wheel as she drove forward.

"Where are we going?" he asked, leaning closer to her.

"What the fuck" she shouted, and the car seemed to swerve a bit. He gripped the seat, and his eyes widened in shock as his heart raced in his chest. "Kid! What the hell are you doing here?"

He blinked for a moment, then shrugged. "You really shouldn't curse in front of a kid," she scoffed, glaring at him through the mirror. "Okay, I snuck into the car to help find Cinderella."

She rolled her eyes and huffed. "I'm going to drop you off with your mom." he grinned and leaned back.

"If you do that, you won't be able to catch her wherever she's headed." he pursed his lips. "Which is where exactly?

She opened her mouth to speak while glaring at him, then her shoulders fell, and she looked back to the road. "We're headed to Boston," she finally murmured, and his heart stopped.

"What?! You can't go to Boston." he leaned closer, gripped the seat, and looked into the rearview mirror with terror.

"I just need to get Ashley from there so we can find a solution to her deal with Gold," she sighed.

His breathing seemed to halter, and he leaned back in his seat. "We need to save her," he whispered. "She can't leave town! Something bad is going to happen," he hissed.

"I know, kid," she sighed, "But I'll get her back here and fix everything, okay."

He wavered for a moment but then nodded slowly. He saw the determination in Emma's eyes, and he kept quiet. She was the savior, and he trusted in that.
He trusted in her.


Ella followed Thomas and Snow White along with another man who seemed to be referred to as Grumpy, which he had been the entire time of their meeting. She, however, held her tongue as he was now leading them into a dark tunnel system.

"You know, Snow, I've trusted you my entire life, but why in the god's name are you leading me through this damp cave?" Thomas abruptly broke the silence, and her gaze snapped to the queen walking down the path.

Her shoulders fell, and she turned to face him. Her face seemed incredibly different from when they had first met. She seemed far less bubbly than when they had met at the wedding. She had not even dared spare a glance at Ella since she had found out about the deal.

"If you trust me, Thomas, you will continue to follow me without question," she snapped, and Thomas's head fell. His look of despair seemed to soften her, and she sighed. "I apologize. You and your." Finally, she looked at Ella, but her gaze was filled with disappointment. "Family," she finally spat out before turning to Thomas. "Are worried and trying to be free of this deal, but trust me, I have found a solution."

They finally reached the deep part of the cave, and Ella's eyes widened as she saw the bars coated in what seemed to be black ink. As Ella walked toward it, Snow's hand instantly gripped her wrist and pulled her back.

"It is coated in an ink that blocks magic and fairy dust. If someone without magic touched it, they could wipe it off, so stand back," she hissed, and Ella's lip quivered as she nodded slowly and rushed back to Thomas's side.

Thomas narrowed his eyes at Snow as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. She did not seem to care as she turned her head back to the cell.
"This is where we will keep him and make sure that he does not harm the baby," she simply said as she crossed her arms.

"But how will we even get him here" Thomas murmured, furrowing his brow deep in confusion. She, too, was curious but far too afraid to speak her mind, not when she was with those who seemed to judge her every move.

Snow turned to face them, a slight smirk on her face as she released a breathy laugh. "Why with the same thing that trapped dear Ella and the baby" Ella's heart pounded in her chest as she tensed against Thomas. "She shall make another deal."

"Excuse me," she finally said and trembled in Thomas' grasp. She shook her head. "I can not. The entire reason I am here is because of a deal, and now he is taking my baby. I can not do this."

Grumpy scoffed. "Are you going to allow her to explain, or do you just want to allow your baby to be taken by the dark one" he hissed as Snow hit his shoulder softly and rolled his eyes.

Thomas took a step forward and glared. "Do not speak to my wife that way, dwarf."

Before Grumpy could retort, Snow narrowed her eyes and stepped toward Thomas. "Your wife made a deal she did not comprehend, and my friends and I are trying to help her out of it, so do not speak down to him," she snapped.

Ella looked down and bit her lip as tears formed in her eyes. "I promise you both that this is entirely safe, and I'll show you why." she softened before turning to Grumpy and nodding. He stepped toward them, took a box from his coat, and slowly opened it.

"A quill?" Thomas questioned, then quirked his head at her. "I am sorry, Snow, but how will a quill trap the darkest of creatures?"

"Remember how she mentioned the ink that coated the bars? It's also embedded in the quill," he snapped, shutting the box roughly as he pulled it back into his coat.

"So when he signs his end of the deal, we get him trapped," Thomas murmured.

"Glad to see you ain't stupid," Grumpy grumbled, earning him a sharper thump on the back of his head from Snow. He winced and narrowed his eyes at her, then rolled them in resignation.

"That is if you are brave enough to face him again." Snow turned to her, and Ella looked down. She bit her lip and then nodded.

"I am," she whispered, and Snow beamed as Thomas turned to her, fear dancing in his eyes.


Emma's stomach churned with dread as she caught sight of smoke billowing from the direction of the town line. Her eyes narrowed, scanning the scene for the source of the struggle to find its source. That is until she saw Ruby's car crash against a tree and Ashley leaning against it, sobbing as she clenched her stomach.

"Oh no," Henry murmured in the backseat, his voice dripping with fear and concern. Instantly, she hit the brakes, threw the door open, and ran toward her. She fell to her knees as Ashley screamed out in agony.

"Hey, it's okay," she whispered, gently grabbing Ashley's shoulders. "It's okay,"

Ashley only shook her head and then threw it back as she hissed in agony. "No," she sobbed out. "No, the baby." Emma's eyes widened, and she looked down at her stomach and tightened her grip.

"My baby's coming," she sobbed out, and her shoulders shook as the tears fell down her face.

Emma hesitated momentarily, her body tense with shock, before she shook herself out of it and gently lifted Ashley into her arms. Ashley winced in agony as Emma carefully cradled her, her face twisted with pain. With urgency in her movements, Emma carried Ashley to the car and gently laid her in the passenger seat. Henry watched in terror as Ashley threw her head back, emitting a low groan of pain that echoed through the car.

Emma rushed to the driver's side, her movements frantic as she didn't even spare a moment to put on her seatbelt. With trembling hands, she turned on the ignition, reversed the car, and started speeding toward Storybrooke Hospital. Ashley seemed to know where she was headed and gripped Emma's arm tightly, her fingers digging into her skin as she sobbed.

"Please, we can't go there. He's going to take my baby," Ashley pleaded, her voice trembling with dread and desperation. Emma's heart clenched at the sight of Ashley's distress, and she shook her head, determination flickering in her eyes.

Emma focused on the road and then bit her tongue. "Listen, I will stand by you through all this as long as I know you will be, too."

Ashley cocked her head and then winced in pain. "What do you mean" She managed out, and Emma sighed as her grip on the steering wheel tightened and her heart beat faster.

"Listen, if you really want this kid, you have to be ready because," she paused as she turned, then nodded her head, "I wasn't, so that's why I gave mine up." She looked at the rearview mirror, and luckily, Henry was too enthralled by Ashley's screams to have paid close attention to that.

"I don’t want to give up my baby," she whispered so softly that it almost broke Emma's heart.

"Yeah, I didn’t either, but," she paused and dug her nails into the wheel. "I did it because it was my kid's best chance, and I need you to decide your kid's best chance. Because running away from your problems is not going to cut it." Ashley seemed to let her words sink in, and she nodded.

"Me," she whispered, her voice gaining strength with each word. "Me. My baby's best chance is with me." Emma felt a weight lift off her chest and couldn't help but smile in relief.


Ella perched at the garden's edge, her gaze fixed on the night sky. Anticipation mingled with fear, causing her to shudder involuntarily. Above, the heavens stretched out like an inky black ocean, devoid of the comforting twinkle of stars. It felt as though she didn't deserve their light—not after striking such a sinister bargain. Perhaps the demon had not just claimed her baby. Perhaps it had seized her soul as well.

"I do love a dark night. It makes for such pleasant backgrounds," whispered a familiar eerie voice behind her, and she shut her eyes in terror. She sucked in a breath, however, because she had to do this. She rested her hand on her stomach gently.
For her child.

She stood up slowly to face the creature and held her head high as it hid under a black cloak. No longer was it dressed in its golden garb. Instead, it was adorned with black that matched its unkempt hair. Its eyes still seemed to pierce into her very being, and she quickly cast her gaze downward.

"You got my letter, I see," she said without wavering and remained with her facade of impasse.

"And the delectable treat you sent along with it," it rasped, its words dripping with malice. A wave of nausea swept over her, causing her eyes to widen in terror. "I do love the taste of bluebird in the evening," it hissed, its voice dripping with malevolence. She resisted the urge to scream, her courage barely holding her together.

"I want another deal," she rasped out as she struggled to hold herself together. The demon only guffawed with its fangs barring like the beast it was.

"Now, dearie," it scoffed, its voice echoing with mockery. "Why on earth would I make another deal with you?" With a sinister grin, it crossed its arms and released another snort.

"Not even..." She shut her eyes and sucked in a breath. "Not even if I have another child to offer you."
A moment of uneasy silence seized her, causing her eyes to snap open abruptly. To her dread, the creature loomed closer, almost towering over her, but she dared not move lest she ruin the plan entirely.

"Well, color me intrigued," it said in a hushed tone as it tilted its head. "But why on earth would you part with something so precious so willingly" It licked its lips and chuckled. "Well, again, I mean."

Her hands trembled as he spoke, and she bit her lip, shaking her head. "The children mean nothing if the kingdom is destitute," she whispered. "They would merely be corpses." She shook her head again. "What I need is a way to support my kingdom, not a burden on it." She bowed her head and clenched her hands as she struggled to hide the tears in her eyes.

A low humming noise emanated from its throat as it circled around her like a snake coiling around its prey. "So you would trade your children for," it clicked its tongue, "Riches galore," It raised its claws and shook them, then let out a sinister laugh.

"Children are easy to make," she paused. "Earning funds, however, is far less effortless." She shrugged and then held her head high. "I thought you getting both the children would make a fair deal. However, if that's not what you wish for," she drawled, then its hand raised and shook.

"Yes, yes, yes, it is quite amicable of you." then it quirked its head and shrugged. "If the tale you spin me is true."

It only took her a moment to snap from the fear. "Of course it is. I figured I could make a second since you and I made the first deal."

It smiled, then nodded as it clapped its hand. "Why, of course, you can, dear Cinderella." It bowed to her. "It would be an honor to make another deal with you. Just show me the contract I assume you have done."

"Of course." She pulled it out of the cloak and the quill. The quill that would save her baby. As she handed it over to the beast, it smirked knowingly, which caused her fingers to tremble.

"What a unique." Its gaze flew to her own. "Quill," it licked its lips and then laughed as it looked over the contract.

"It's just an old thing from the castle," she dismissed, shaking her head in frustration. "Just sign the contract so you can claim the children," she hissed out, her anxiety taking over.

"My, my, testy," it chuckled, then grabbed the contract roughly from her hand, leaving the only thing to stop it in her grasp. "You are unable to stop magic, dearie," it murmured, then looked over at the quill, then at her. "So even if you somehow," it paused and chuckled, "managed to find a way to trap me," its playful gaze darkened as its grin fell. "You would need powerful magic and that," its hand leaned to grab the quill and gripped it tight. "Costs a hefty price."

Its grip on the quill frightened her. Everything about this monster seemed to instill fear in her as she watched it snarl at her. "Just sign the contract," she whispered, her facade finally breaking as her voice seemed to shatter.

Its smile returned as it began to press the quill along the parchment. "You chose this," it whispered, and for the first time since she had met the demon, it sounded human. Then, a flash of black ink covered it, and it laughed maniacally, ridding her of her thought.

"Thomas" she shouted in fear and relief as the guards and soldiers ran out alongside Snow and her beloved husband. She instantly ran to his arms.

"Your debt to me is still pending, Cinderella," it cackled as the guards hoisted it. "Your baby is my price, and I will come to collect it in this world or the next," it hollered as they carried it off, but Ella could only press her face into Thomas's chest as she felt the dread and fear swirl inside her.


Henry observed Emma pacing the waiting room, her steps echoing in the tense silence. He idly kicked his feet back and forth, his gaze fixed on her as she grappled with the situation.

"You're not stuck here," he managed out, and she paused and turned to look at him with a raised brow. He gulped and then looked down at his feet.

"Excuse me?" she asked and sat down beside him slowly as he focused on the floor. It hadn't phased him when she said she wasn't ready. Maybe the prophecy was wrong. Maybe she wasn't ready to be the savior or his...
"Henry?" her voice snapped him out, and he faced her.

"I just mean that everyone else is cursed here, but you can go," he whispered. "You know, 'cause you are the savior and escaped the curse already." Her gaze on him softened, and she seemed to struggle to speak as he looked away.

"You left," she murmured, and he could only shrug that off.

"Yeah, but I'm not in the book. I'm not part of the curse, and besides, I'm just different," he sighed. It was true, though. He wasn't anyone special. He wasn't even in the prophecy, so he was no one from the book. He was just Henry.

Emma extended her hand toward Henry's, the unspoken words lingering on the tip of her tongue. However, the entrance of Doctor Whale interrupted the moment. A warm smile graced his face as he delivered the news, "Miss Swan, and oh, hello, Henry." Henry offered a friendly wave in return. The doctor continued, "Well, I came to say the baby has been born. She's a beautiful, healthy baby girl, and the mother is recovering wonderfully."

As the doctor left, he shared a big smile with Emma, and she let out a sigh of relief as she threw her head back and smiled. He knew everything would end up alright, and he knew he was right to trust in her.

"Now, isn't that wonderful news," echoed a voice that made Herny snap his head to face the source. Mr. Gold's warm smile only planted a seed of dread as he remembered just why Emma was sent to find Ashley in the first place. "Glad to hear the mother and her," he paused and laughed softly. "My baby, I suppose, is safe."

Henry turned to see Emma, who was now glowering and clenching her jaw, and he could only keep his mouth shut as his gaze shifted from both adults.


As she followed Thomas deeper into the garden, a sense of relief washed over her like a gentle breeze. Glancing back, she saw the demon safely caged up where it belonged. She hugged Thomas's arm tighter, a soft laugh escaping her lips, infused with a newfound sense of freedom.

"We did it," she whispered, gazing up at him and catching his warm smile. Slowly, his hand reached her, caressed her face, then leaned in to kiss her softly.

He slowly pulled back and nodded. "You did it, my stars," she shook her head.

"No, I only was able to do this because of you." She grabbed his hand slowly and tightened her grasp. "Everything I have managed to do this past year is because of you," she murmured.

"My stars, you did it because you possess strength and bravery beyond measure," he remarked, casting a glance back at the caged demon before smiling. "I mean, you did that," he gestured with his hands. "You trapped the darkest beast of Misthaven, my stars. You are stronger than you think."

She began to tear up and shook her head. "I only did it for our baby," she whispered, rubbing her belly gently with a soft smile.

"Ah yes, my dear Alexandria," he smirked and leaned his hand on hers. She glanced up at him and furrowed her brow as she guffawed.

"Excuse me, is that a death sentence or a name?" she teased with a grin, shaking her head as he feigned offense and placed his hand on his chest.

"My mother was named Alexandra. I just want to honor her," he smiled, then leaned on her. "I thought it would benefit my lovely daughter as well." She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Well, I'm fine with the name Alexandra, but how do you even know it's a girl?" she hummed, and he smiled and shrugged.

"A father knows these things, my stars, and I know you will have a girl." She rolled her eyes and laughed as she shook her head.

"You know nothing of..." Before she could finish her sentence, a searing pain shot through her body, causing her to crumple against his side and let out a scream of pure agony.

"Ella," he shouted, gripping her shoulders before slowly moving her to a bench in the garden. "Ella, breathe. What is the matter" she tried to speak, but she could not seem to. Her mouth opened, but a scream was all that fell out from her lips.

"I shall get some water from the well, Ella." he stood abruptly and rushed toward the middle of the garden where the well stood. However, as Ella turned her head to see him running to gather water, she saw a dark blue light engulf Thomas just as the pain dissipated.

"Thomas!" she screeched, rushing to the well and peering into the depths, seeing only still water below. Sobbing, she slumped against it, struggling to remain standing as her shoulders heaved with emotion. Out of nowhere, the creature's laughter echoed in her head, and she glowered as she rushed to where it was caged.

"You sick bastard, what have you done" she gritted out and banged on the cage where it sat, looking irritated.

"Oh well, I have been sitting here, you know, encaged," it giggled, then slumped against the bars and crossed its legs.

"No, you did something to Thomas. What did you do to him" she hissed out and gripped the bars. "What did you do to my Thomas" Suddenly, she was pulled back by Snow, and she looked at her as tears streamed down her face.

"He has not moved an inch," she whispered, and Ella felt like she was about to shatter.

"I did warn you powerful magic enacts a powerful price," it taunted, and Ella snapped to see it laughing at her. Snow tightened her grip gently on Ella and moved her head so she would face her.

"Do not let him fill your head with anything. We will find Thomas," she whispered, and the creature cackled louder.

"No," it clapped. "No, you won't. not until my debt is paid and your child is in my arms." Snow started guiding her away as the tears became too much to overcome. Its laughter echoed around her. "Your baby will be mine whether here or somewhere else," it taunted, and she could only sob.


He looked down at the missed calls and the messages that flooded his phone, all from the same woman, of course, because who else in town had his number. He sighed as he scrolled through the angry texts. She would've probably understood in another life, but here, well, she was just as clouded as the rest of them. He shoved the phone roughly into his pocket and sighed as he made his way to the vending machine.

He looked down and smirked. Some poor soul had forgotten their change. He quickly used the coins, and water began to push out. He noticed the woman scowl as he picked up the water in his hands and turned to face her.
"Today really is my lucky day, is it not Miss Swan?"

"A baby," she hissed, and he rolled his eyes as he drank a sip of his water. "You sent me after her because your stolen property was a fucking baby." she gritted out, and he only shrugged.

"Miss Boyd knew what she was doing when she signed that contract, Miss Swan," he cooly retorted, watching her anger grow. Just like her mother, she was.

"You didn't even tell me why you sent me after her," she scoffed. "Because you knew I wouldn't do it." She crossed her arms, and he couldn't suppress the laugh from his throat.

"No, I'd say that would have probably driven you to find her faster." he shrugged. "I mean, you both have a similar background regarding your children. I just didn't tell you because I didn't have to." he looked away with a smirk. "It's not like you're law enforcement. You're just someone who finds people, right?"

That was the perfect way to set her off, he supposed, as he watched her jaw clench. She stepped closer, and he lifted his head with a smile. "You're not taking her baby," she hissed, and he rolled his eyes.

"My baby, legally speaking," he mused. "Either way, she made an agreement with me, and if she doesn't uphold her end, then fear I'll have to contact the police, and that innocent babe will be lost in the system," he feigned concern as he placed his hand on his chest and sighed "I mean do we really want that? Did you enjoy your time in the system?"

She narrowed her eyes and seemed to struggle to hold back a punch to his face. Not that he'd blame her, but it would be poor luck for both of them. "That baby won't be placed in the system as long as I'm here."

"How" he paused. "Charming. But a few words can't stop the legal system, Miss Swan," he waved her off.

"No, but no jury would take away a baby from her mother." She held her head high.

"Even when that mother has tendencies of violence," he lifted his hair and revealed his still throbbing scar. "I mean, she also stole, and I doubt they'd want that sort of instability for a child."

"She only did that because she was trying to take back the claim of her baby," she hissed and threw her hands out in anger.

"Yes, well, who's to say either way they'll still see a violent woman."

"And what will they see of you" she smirked. "I mean, you will be up in those stands alongside her because of that contract, which I bet isn't all that legal." He remained impasse as he smiled back at her. "Now imagine what else they find because if this is just one of the many deals people have made with you."

He let a moment of silence engulf them. Had he been too fast, he'd show his cards. Had he shown his excitement, he would have shown his cards. No, he remained calm and kept his smile before letting out a soft laugh.
"You're a rather likable person, Miss Swan." He hummed, then quirked his head. "I do like it when I don't have to deal with someone scared of me, and Miss Swan, you are definitely not scared."

She nodded and smiled. "So you'll let her keep her baby then." he chuckled, then shook his head. There was the Charming and Snow White hope.

"I can't go back on my deals. It's not what I do," he shrugged. "I do apologize," he paused and watched her frown.

"You can just let it slide and break the deal," she said, and he sneered. As if it were that simple.

"That's not how it works, Miss Swan. Without my deals or rather these contracts, well, there would be no balance. I mean, there's no price to pay, and I have a debt to collect, if you understand." She scoffed and shook her head.

"So what you're looking for is something else in exchange." She narrowed his eyes, and he grinned and shrugged.

"Well, yes," he murmured, leaning onto his cane as he watched. "I'm a deal maker, Miss Swan, and if someone were to say," he tossed his hand in the air and twirled it around, "Make another deal with me in Ashley's steed, then her baby would be hers."

He watched as she quickly understood what he implied, and she began to nod. "So you want to make a deal, fine," he smirked, tilting his head back. "What do you want" she gritted out.

"Well, I don't have anything in mind yet, but you could just owe me a favor for now if you'd like." he leaned into her and watched as she glowered but only nodded.

"Deal," she murmured and held out her hand, and he clasped it with him as they shook on it.


Emma rubbed her hand on her shirt as she watched Gold walk out of the hospital. Henry quickly ran up and looked at her, filled with concern.

"What happened" he murmured, and she shook her head and grabbed his hand.

"Don't worry," she smiled. "Now, let's go see the baby." she ruffled his hair and laughed softly as the two walked toward Ashley's room.

As she walked to the doorway, she saw Ashley cradling the baby girl, smiling as tears trickled down her face. She slowly looked up to face her, and she beamed at her.

"Meet Alexandra," she whispered softly, and Emma hesitantly walked closer as Henry rushed by Ashley's side to peer at her.

"She's beautiful," she whispered as she glanced down at the baby girl nestled in her arms.

"Thank you and not just for the kind words," she said as she looked down at her. "But you saved us. You brought me here. Without you, I don't know what would have happened."

Emma gently placed her hand on her shoulder and smiled. "But I was there, and it was okay, so there is no need to thank me for that when you should be thanking me for getting you out of your deal." she tilted her head back and watched as Ashley's smile seemed to grow as she snapped her attention onto her.

"What? How?" she started to tear up. "Thank you so much. I don't even know how to show you how thankful I am," she managed as tears fell from her face.

"Just," she looked at Henry, who was beaming up at her. "Just take care of your kid and give her the best life possible." She looked back at her and smiled softly, and Ashley nodded.

"Oh no, my mama," Henry shouted, completely interrupting the moment, then the pit in her stomach reformed.

"Crap, let's get you home before you get grounded again" She rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand. "Bye, Ashley. I'll see you and Alexandra later,"


Henry gripped onto the seat as Emma continued her streak of speeding along the road. Was she trying to get arrested again, or was she just as worried about his Mama as he was? Either way, the brakes screeched as she parked in front of the house, and he quickly made his way out of the car when a grip on his wrist halted his movement.

"Earlier, you said I could leave." he froze, then turned his head to see Emma staring at him. he could only nod as he watched her gaze lay heavy into him. There was a moment of silence between them before he peered over his shoulder and then back at Emma, who was looking down now. "see you tomorrow, kid," she murmured as she released his wrist.

He stepped back, shut the door, and watched as she drove off. He smiled a bit before he turned to rush inside. he carefully slid into the door and winced when he heard a creak as he shut it behind him. His eyes closed when he heard a rustling in the living room and his Mama yawning.

"Mi Amor?" she called out, and he slowly slipped behind her on the couch.

"Yes, Mama?" he softly spoke and watched as she stretched, then turned to face him with a warm smile. Sometimes, she seemed happier when she wasn't focused on the town or anyone else. She slowly grew closer to him, pressed her lips on the top of his head, and hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry I slept all day. Let me make it up to you, and we can go to Granny's after I shower," she said, chuckling. "And I'll even get you some pie." she pressed her finger on his nose and he chuckled as he nodded.

"That sounds great, Mama," he exclaimed, then wrapped his arms tightly around her.
Sometimes, it was nice to pretend everyone wasn't cursed. That they weren't forced into agony.
Most importantly, it was nice to forget that his own Mama had done it in the first place.


He didn't know what brought him here, and he hadn't known what compelled him to buy these baby girl booties when he didn't even know the gender, but something made his hands choose these specifically. Now, he was here outside her door. Tentatively, he reached and opened the door, and she looked up at him, and her mouth hung open a little.

"Sean?" she finally uttered, and he nodded as he stepped closer and peered to see a beautiful baby wrapped in a pink blanket snug against Ashley's chest.

"Is that" he began as he quirked his head toward the baby, and she smiled and nodded.

"Yeah," she looked down and smiled as she brushed the baby's face. "Yeah, this is Alexandra," she murmured, and his heart fluttered as he knelt beside her.

"I," he paused, then shut his eyes. "I am so sorry that I just left you and that I sent my father to you with that deal. I never should’ve done that to you," he stammered out as he clenched against the bed frame. Slowly, her hand slipped on top of his, and he looked up to see her smiling softly at him.

"It's okay," she whispered, and he began to tear up as she slowly passed the baby to him. His baby. Their baby. Alexandra.
He carefully held her close and bit his lip to hold back a sob as the baby nestled closely against him.

"She's perfect," he managed out as his lip quivered and his baby's warmth spread along his arms.


Emma ascended the steps of the sheriff's station, her hands shoved deep into her pockets as she paused before the door. Henry's broken gaze flashed in her mind. With a sigh, she pushed open the door and entered the station.

"Graham?" she called out as she stepped into the office, and then she turned and caught sight of him sitting at a desk looking through the computer. He swirled in his chair and faced her with a goofy smile.

"So, you've got an answer for me, I presume?" he teased, prompting an eye roll from her as she crossed her arms and sighed.

"Yeah," she paused and nodded. "I'll take the job if it's still available," he beamed at her and leaned back in his chair.

"Of course it is. I'm the one in charge," he said smugly, then she raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

"What about Gina" she teased, and he chuckled and shrugged.

"Gina may run the town, but I run the sheriff's department, and I say you got the job." he crossed his legs, and she smirked. "And I also say you start Monday, so be prepared, Deputy Swan."

She groaned and shook her head, but a smile slowly formed across her face as she turned to leave. Planting roots near Henry felt right, and this seemed like the best way to do it.


My goodness. Could i write even more? Either way keep an eye out for another one-off fic for the skin deep anniversary. I will say there's even more changes incoming and I'm very excited for it!!!



Ehem, I have been working on this story for the past few months and am excited to share it. My Once Upon A Time rewrite!! Just to let you know, I will be uploading a master list that will hold much information people may want to learn to understand the story better!!

Comments and kudos are appreciated. Comment if you have any questions !!

Series this work belongs to: