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How to keep your god entertained


Mobius doesn't want Loki to be bored when he's away.


Loki turns into an iPad god (Mobius gets him a Switch and a Wii)

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Loki sighs happily as his tempad beeps with an incoming message.


Almost done here. What for dinner?


I'm tempted to say you, but also pork sounds delicious. But also you.


Relationships are weird outside of time. Their routine felt like a 9-5, where Loki was the housewife who stayed home and Mobius went to work and returned home at the end of the “day”. But since they both existed outside of time, it was easier to measure time by missions. Mobius went on missions the same as if he was at the TVA permanently, but between them he'd stay with Loki at the end of time. Sometimes OB and B-15 and Casey came back with him to visit, but not as often as he'd like.


Mobius often dips into other timelines to pick up dinner, which means it's hard to surprise Loki with dinner since he sees it as soon as Mobius sets foot into the other timelines. But he loves to pretend to be surprised by it because he wants Mobius to know how much he appreciates him.


It's soon he feels the familiar flicker of Mobius crossing into a timeline, Japan 2007, but then 2022, and even sooner that the timedoor appears in front of him, the grey-haired analyst right in front of him.


“Hi, sweetheart. I picked up a few extra things, sorry that took a bit longer- sooner?”, he says, holding two bags in his arms.


Loki just chuckles and stands to greet his husband with a kiss as he takes the bags. “All the same to me, love. Literal god of time.”


Mobius chuckles and cups the back of his head to pull him into a longer kiss. “This took a lot longer than I was hoping. OB is wiped out right now, I saw Casey telling him to sleep right before I left.”


Loki snickers at the thought as he conjures their usual loveseat and coffee table and places their food on it. He grins at the soft noise of relief Mobius lets out as he sits, and takes his place at his side. 


He's tried to make his throne large enough for two, but for some reason it didn't work. No matter, if it means he gets Mobius to sit on his lap sometimes.


They eat, and Mobius excitedly tells Loki about seeing a variant comically fail at outsmarting the TVA. “I know you'd be much more clever than them, sweetheart.”


Loki laughs at Mobius's words, aching slightly that he couldn't be with his friends as much as he wanted. But the new TVA was actually thriving with their arrangement, Mobius bringing intel from Loki back in preparation for some large events. 


“I have something for you.”, Mobius says, turning to the second bag. Loki raises an eyebrow as Mobius pulls a red and blue device out. “This is a little gaming device they call a “switch”. Decided you didn't need to be bored here while you wait for me. I also got you some games that you can take your pick of.”


Loki rotates the device in his hands, feeling the weight of it. A flash of magic and the screen lights up.


Mobius pulls some games out of the bag and places them on the table. He also pulls out a white box that instantly captures Loki's attention.


“What are these?”


“Well they're entertainment systems from Earth. That one you can play just in your hands, this one you play with your whole body. We just have to connect it to a TV…”


Loki hums and conjures one with a flick of his wrist and Mobius grins at him with that awed little grin that gets his heart fluttering. 


He watches Mobius set it up as he looks through the games on the table. One about a village of small animal creatures, one of sports, one of a realm of fantasy creatures in small balls… Midgard would always confuse him a bit.


“There we go.”, Mobius says confidently as he turns the TV on. He picks up the game about sports. “The games that are on disks go to this.”


He points to the white box as he opens the game, sliding the disk into the slot. Loki carefully takes a remote that Mobius hands to him as well. He points it at the TV, and hits the button.


Mobius walks him through all of the games on the disk. They have an eventful, cut-throat game of baseball, which ends with Loki cursing out the animated character “Matt” and Mobius has to kiss him to cut off his rants about erasing him from every timeline.


“Sweetheart, he's not even real, so you can't even intimidate him. I know how much you love intimidating people, but you can't here.”


“I'll just play until I beat this Matthew at his own game-”


A training round of golf calms him down pretty quickly. Mobius sits on the couch and watches him, making little quips here and there and cheering whenever Loki scores.


Loki kisses him hard the first time he gets a strike in bowling, and the game is long forgotten from there.




Mobius sighs as he opens the timedoor. He rubs his head, weary from the chase a variant gave. OB and Casey were coming with him tonight, so he fired off a quick notice to Loki.


When he steps through the time door, the sight that greets him is the TV is much larger and a makeshift living space has been set up, with plenty of seating. There are beer bottles scattered around, and a large blond Asgardian on the table playing boxing.


Loki glances at him as he cheers as Thor virtually knocks out the other character. Mobius chuckles as he walks over and kisses Loki softly. “You didn't tell me he would be here, I would have brought more beer.


Loki snorts and waves a hand. “Please, he drank almost all of these bottles. He's fine.”


Thor takes a break from his victory to almost crush OB and Casey into a hug, going on about meeting his brother's friends, and Mobius laughs. This is what Loki truly deserves, and he whispers as much to the god himself.


Loki just stares at him with those big eyes before pulling him into the couch to kiss him, while Thor demands a match of bowling between himself, OB, and Casey.