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Operation: Matchmaker

Chapter 5: Epilogue

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Emma and Regina had walked back into town hand in hand. They kept glancing at one another and smiling, they knew by time they got to Granny's that someone would mention something so they strolled slowly enough to soak it all in.

The ring Emma had was the engagement ring Daniel had given to Regina, after the Mad Hatter, she found a way to get it back. It was a little destroyed but she worked tirelessly to restore it to how it looked before.

It was worth it to see Emma's smile looking down at the ring as it shined in the moonlight.

"It's beautiful, where did you get it?" Emma looked at her now fiancé. Eyes shining with wonder.

"I hope you don't mind, but it's the ring Daniel gave to me, as a sign of our true love. But I feel it is fitting to give to you as a sentiment of our true love. Daniel strongly believed in soulmates and finding your other half as if we were split lockets trying to piece each other back together. Now I have found my missing piece"

Emma blushed, she was about to say something but was interrupted by her mother squealing.

"You did it! Oh gosh, you're true loves as well. It is amazing!" Snow hugged her daughter first then Regina.

The couple blushed.

"Yeah, I couldn't think of a perfect Christmas Eve if I'm honest"

"I could... We could get married" Emma smirked. They had only been engaged for half an hour, why not have the wedding the same day?

Regina turned to Emma with a gasp.

"Are you sure? We can do anything you want, you want a big wedding? We will, you want a small intimate wedding on the docks? We will"

"I want to marry you, in front our friends and family, under your apple tree where you just proposed to me. On Christmas Eve"

And that's what they did.

Taking their loved ones back to the tree, Archie stood in front with the couple, reciting the words for them to repeat as vows. They sealed their union with a kiss.

Two months went by, Emma was complaining of feeling ill and only liking certain foods. Regina called her an idiot and threw a pregnancy test at her claiming she should of realised as she's been pregnant before.

It was positive.

A little Swan-Mills baby to join them.

The pregnancy was pretty easy, no scares or surprises.

A little baby girl, with hair as dark as her mother's and her eyes would turn green as time passed just like her Mamas. She would be so spoilt with love by her mothers, her brother, her grandparents and their friends.

Regina and Emma finally had their happy beginning to their story, maybe it would end with them having more kids, maybe it would end with them adopting a few puppies. Who knows, all we know is they'd be together, forever.

The End.