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Wei Ying never really gave much thought to his birthday. He knows when it is, of course. And he's sure his parents would have marked the occasion, he just doesn't remember it.
When he went to live with the Jiang's, after his parents death, his birthday that year went unmarked. He didn't mind, he didn't feel much like celebrating anyway. And his new adoptive mother had made it clear that being allowed into her home and family was already a huge gift.
As the years passed by, Wei Ying watched on as his sister and brother had parties and gifts lavished upon them each year. He wasn't the least bit envious. He loved them both dearly, they deserved all they received without a doubt in his mind.
Wei Ying never questioned why he didn't receive the same. He had a roof over his head and food in his belly, after all. There was nothing more to ask for from this family who had given up so much to take him in. His brother and sister would try and spoil him with little treats, small things their mother wouldn't notice.
When Wei Ying left the Jiang home to continue his education, he fell in love with Halloween. The parties, the costumes, the celebration of it all. That it happened to be on his birthday made it even better. He could pretend it was for him, even though he knew it wasn't. But for the first time he was able to experience what his siblings and friends felt each year on their special day. And Nie Huaisang threw the absolute best parties.
Then Wei Ying met Lan Zhan, and he knew he would never want anything more than to have this wonderful man in his life. Finding out his feelings were reciprocated was the best gift he could ever be given. To love and be loved in return so fully, it was far more than Wei Ying had ever believed he would be given.
When Lan Zhan's birthday came around, Wei Ying wanted to thoroughly spoil the love of his life. Knowing Lan Zhan's preferences, Wei Ying planned out a whole day for just the two of them, just to bring a soft smile to Lan Zhan's beautiful face.
He avoided the gentle probing questions about his own birthday. It wasn't a special day. He had learned that a long time ago. There really wasn't any need for Lan Zhan to go to any trouble on his account. Didn't he already have the greatest gift of all in Lan Zhan himself?
Then, one year, Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying not to go to Huaisang's Halloween party. Parties really weren't Lan Zhan's thing, and Lan Zhan's happiness was Wei Ying's top priority. It was easy to agree. He loved spending time with his boyfriend.
He returned to their shared home to discover everything was lit by candlelight, rose petals scattered throughout the hall and into the kitchen, where all his favourite dishes and wine were waiting for him along with his gorgeous boyfriend, down on one knee.
"Wei Ying. You are so special to me, and this day is special too, because it's the day you came into this world. My life would be incomplete without you. I want you to always celebrate this day.
Wei Ying, light of my life, my love, will you marry me?"
With tears glistening in his starlight eyes, Wei Ying could only nod, before surging towards Lan Zhan. Who caught him easily. Because he always did and always would.
Now Wei Ying loves his birthday, and his husband ensures he is spoiled rotten and knows just how loved and treasured he is. Of course, Lan Zhan does that every day, but he makes sure to always go the extra mile on his husband's birthday.
Happy birthday Wei Ying! ๐
ereinion Tue 31 Oct 2023 03:48PM UTC
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ConinaUK Wed 01 Nov 2023 03:53PM UTC
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Mari_goodvibesonly Tue 31 Oct 2023 09:33PM UTC
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ConinaUK Wed 01 Nov 2023 03:53PM UTC
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steveandbuckybarnesrogers Wed 01 Nov 2023 09:40AM UTC
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Jingshii Wed 01 Nov 2023 03:09PM UTC
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ConinaUK Wed 01 Nov 2023 03:53PM UTC
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arwenxs Mon 06 Nov 2023 03:50AM UTC
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