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The day he became a doctor he swore an oath to do no harm and he took it seriously.
The day he became a sorcerer protector of reality he swore an oath to always protect the earth whatever means necessary…

Well he should’ve known that he wouldn’t be able to keep his first oath with his new line of work forever.

Ironstrange october thingy? 2023 day 9 - Oath


English is not my first language and no beta.

fair warning the theme i chose for my october prompts are completly randome so I have nothing planned for any of them.

NOTE for anyone who wants to see the promts go here -->

I Couldn't figure out how to put image in AO3..

Oh and the pic in the list are not mine, I just found the pics from pinterest

Ironstrange october thingy? 2023 day 9 - Oath


For the glitchy words, in case y’all don’t understand, there’s a complete form of the text at the end note.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

It was another world threatening event, though they have a very simple solution to it. That is : To kill the teen causing before it got out of hand.


The problem? Nothing could get close enough to the teen before they got burned from inside out.


So when they found out that theoretically Stephen could get close enough? They tested it of course. The sorcerer was able to get all the way to the center of it all where an unconscious teen lay.


“I-I can see him…” He said to the communication device in his ear.


Everything as far as the eye can see was burned to ashes till nothing is left and the death zone is quickly expanding. The only salvation they have is from the fact that the town is (was) located in the middle of nowhere.


‘Yo- -eed to k-l -m’ the com returned in a terrible static voice, barely understandable.


Kill? He- he couldn’t- the teen- the child isn’t even consciously doing it and he swore an oath that he wouldn’t- he wouldn’t-


‘You ne- -o do it -ow’ the voice urgently called out to him.


‘-he -eath zon- is e-panding, quickly!’ and Stephen knew how dangerous it was but he just- couldn’t. At this point he was starting to hyperventilate without even realizing.


‘Step-y it- okay.’ A very familiar voice came through.


‘The -een- -he child isn- -oing -o surv-ve wit- the guilt -ven if he -oes live. -ease step-. I -now we’- ask- - lot -f you -ut you need t- -o it.’


And he did.


It was a blur after that. He distantly feels his knees collapsing to the ground with the child’s blood. He could hear the distant hum of a repulsor.


“Stephen!” He could feel very familiar strong arms hugging around him but he couldn’t muster the strength to react.


The next thing he knew he was back at their penthouse with a fresh change of clothes and being cuddled on their bed with the same strong arms as before.


A strong callus hand rubbed a circle on his back. With comforting words spewing from his mouth. It felt so comforting and Stephen just wanted to fall back to it all. Forget everything.


“I-” He spoke for the first time since he took the child’s life “I took an oath to do no harm and I just killed a child-


“Oh Stephen… It wasn’t your fault it's going to be okay. Let it out.” and as if it were a damn, he did.


He cried and sobbed and mourned to his heart content and still, it hurts.


Through it all, The older man kept the younger one close still whispering words of encouragement.


Night turned to day and the younger one had finally settled down still in the older one’s arm.


In case the choppy words weren't clear :
1 ‘You need to kill him’
2 ‘You need to do it now’
3 ‘The Death zone is expanding, quickly!’
4 ‘Stephy it’s okay.’
5 ‘The teen- The child isn’t going to survive with the guilt even if he does live. Please steph. I know we’re asking a lot of you but you need to do it.’

I’m starting to think that I have a liking for cuddles since a lot of this ended with cuddling.